Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 68: Seeds of Killing (7)


The Qi Le people came out of the court in good condition, alone.

The pendant hanging on his chest was heavy. It was hidden in his clothes and stuck to the skin on his chest, giving it a slight chill. The ring face of the pendant and Mioli's ring has the same shape and function. Once the black mist that symbolizes the power of the devil fills the entire ring face, it also means that his death date has come.

Will come out with this pendant, which means that he has agreed to the conditions of the court.

"We need a new person, and the time to enter the nightmare world is as short as possible. Interpersonal relationships should be simple, and his own strength should be acceptable. The most important thing is that he must be able to handle things, and he will not be like a waste from time to time. Just give up on yourself." Miao Li's words echoed in his mind, "You don't have much to do, and it won't be too difficult in the beginning. If you're lucky, you can even get rid of this identity very quickly and return to the track of an ordinary player. Go on. Although the Seed of Slaughter on you is a bit troublesome, we can also use the secret technique of the Holy See to remove it for you. If you do it well, maybe you can enter the Tribunal and get more abundant resources."

"We won't contact you very often, please don't contact the Inquisition, don't tell anyone about the Seed of Slaughter and the Inquisition's secrets, keep a low profile, keep a secret, and be a normal person until we come to you. Someone will be sent to train you, maybe tonight. Well, you can leave."

So Qi Leren returned home with a bit of a dreamlike trance. In just half a day, he walked around the edge of life and death, and was sent to the mysterious trial court, and now he has become an undercover agent! Although Miao Li didn't tell him what he needed to do, he could still guess something. I am afraid that the Tribunal needs a new person with a clean identity to enter the camp of the followers of the Slaughter Demon King, and then follow the vines to catch them all.

The Seed of Slaughter in the back of his neck was still aching, and Qi Leren touched the painful place, where it would soon sprout, and the Seed of Slaughter would gradually eat away at his sanity, especially when fighting, the surge of adrenal glands. The hormones stimulate its growth, and it's only a matter of time before it goes completely crazy if left unchecked. The first way to control the growth of the Seed of Slaughter is to avoid too many battles as much as possible, and the second is to use external force to suppress its growth. The Holy See’s holy water and other items can suppress the Seed of Slaughter to a certain extent. More contact with items such as demon crystals, otherwise the Seed of Slaughter will accelerate growth due to the stimulation of demon power.

After washing, Qi Leren lay exhausted on the bed and glanced at the number of days to live: 54 days and 23 hours.

Outside the window, the gentle sunset fell on the room, Qi Leren covered his eyes with the back of his hand, and the golden red light stubbornly struggled from the gap to his eyes, like a sea of bright red fire. The weightless feeling of falling from the airship once again swept through, and Qi Leren kicked his legs like a cramp, and then he woke up from the illusion of falling.

He gasped for breath, picked up the ice-cold water at the head of the bed and drank it, quenching the memory of death.

But it's still too clear. Every time he uses SL skills, he is accompanied by the pain of death. Those memories are hidden in the depths of his mind, and they are firmly suppressed with willpower, but when he is tired, they disappear. It will quietly break free from the shackles and return to his consciousness, making him fearful.

Qi Leren changed his posture and curled up. The quilt left by the previous owner in this room exuded an old smell. He covered his face with the quilt and blocked the sunset. In the darkness, he felt a little more at ease. Holding a pendant warmed by body temperature. There is a dark breath in the silver-white gem, and one day it will be overflowing with gems. Maybe one day he will die silently in a mission like Lu Youxin, like many people who died here.

He suddenly remembered Ning Zhou's pendant. During the decisive battle in the underground palace, he picked up Ning Zhou's pendant and held it in his hand. After that, he passed out. After waking up, the pendant disappeared. It must have been picked up by Ning Zhou. Go back.

On that pendant, a woman with a holy aura and blue eyes like Ning Zhou...

The drowsiness came like a tide, and Qi Leren fell into a deep sleep, thinking that he should forget about Ning Zhou sooner.


"You came?"

Qi Leren found himself floating in a starry sky. He looked at the owner of the voice. Miao Li, whom he had seen in the trial not long ago, was sitting on a chair. She was floating in the cosmic starry sky like him, with a book on her lap. open book.

"Where is this place?" Qi Leren dared not act rashly, for fear that he would fall down if he moved a little.

"This is your dream. As I said, we will send someone to train you tonight. For the sake of secrecy, this is the safest method. The best thing is that this kind of awareness training will not touch the Seed of Killing, the greatest To a certain extent, it can be prevented from growing rapidly because it is too active." Miao Li closed the book, snapped her fingers, a chair appeared behind Qi Leren, and she motioned him to sit down.

Qi Leren sat down and asked directly, "Where to start?"

"What an impatient newcomer." Miao Li sighed, "I also want to talk to you about the situation in the nightmare world."

This area is a field that Qi Leren does not understand at all. He was silent for a while, and politely said: "Please say."

"Simply put, the Land of Dusk is the main settlement for players now, and basically it can be said to be the only settlement." Miao Li turned the ring on her finger and said slowly.

"Isn't there still the Land of Dawn?" Qi Leren couldn't help interrupting.

"Oh, the Land of Dawn." Miao Li's smile was a little subtle, "There are not many players there, and those who can go there are not considered players to some extent."

Qi Leren looked at her in amazement, he thought of Su He.

"Basically, the players who can complete the tasks of the Land of Dawn and enter there are not simple characters. It can be said that they are half a GM. If you want to count the Land of Dawn as a settlement for players, then there are also Many places can also be considered, such as the base camp of the Holy See—Never Township. After the Holy City was captured by demons, the Holy See moved to Never Township. Although most of the places are NPCs, there are also some players who have triggered related events in the nightmare world. Mission, entered the Holy See camp, and some chose to live in Neverland." Miao Li said.

"... Is it the same for Ning Zhou?" Qi Leren couldn't help but ask.

"Huh? Do you know Ning Zhou?" Miao Li asked curiously.

Qi Le people nodded.

"Yes, he is a member of the Holy See. Most of the time, he is in Neverland. It is said that the Pope values him very much. He occasionally conveys some instructions as an emissary of the Holy See. After all, the Tribunal is also an extension department of the Holy See."

Qi Leren replied dully, and did not ask Ning Zhou any more, but listened to Miao Li continue: "You should know about the three devil kings, in fact, they do not only exist in the system story, many The tasks of the nightmare world are inseparable from them. The Demon King of Fraud is relatively low-key, and there is very little information about it, and power and killing are very troublesome, especially power. It used the Utopia to confuse countless players. In my opinion, this Completely cult theory."

"What is an ideal country?" Qi Leren had never heard of it.

"Simply put, it creates a place similar to the Pure Land of Bliss. As long as the player signs a contract with it, from now on, they can no longer suffer for survival, live in an ideal country forever, and enjoy all the bliss they want to enjoy. , This is an irresistible temptation for many gullible and weak guys." Miao Li smiled mockingly.

"Believe in a demon's promise, really..." Qi Leren frowned in disapproval.

"Stupid, right." Miao Li shrugged, "The other one is more closely related to you. Players who believe in killing demons have a secret society called the Killing Secret Society. All members are players parasitized by the Seed of Killing. , maybe there are some NPCs, they have another system inside them, and they are secretly developing players. In the future, we will arrange an identity for you to help you join the secret killing meeting. If you don't want to be seen too quickly, you will die Land, you have to learn something."

"What to study?" Qi Leren was shocked.

Miao Li pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose and said solemnly, "Learn to lie first."