Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 7: The First People's Hospital of X City (7)


Yet another victim.

When Qi Leren came back to his senses, he was already standing in the corridor near the obstetrics and gynecology department, covered in cold sweat.

"People from Qi Le?" A figure stuck out his head, looking a little surprised to see that he was still alive, "Are you still alive?"

"Is there anyone who curses people like that?" Seeing that Dr. Lu was safe and sound, Qi Leren finally felt a sense of returning to reality.

Dr. Lu ran out of the room and looked him up and down: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay..." Qi Leren lowered his head to check his condition. There was no blood on his clothes. The clothes on his right arm, which was cut off by a chainsaw before reading the file, were also intact. This SL skill perfectly restored him to the state he was in the archive. , without any evidence that he suffered a horrific nightmare.

Although only a few minutes have passed, it feels like a lifetime.

Dr. Lu looked at him suspiciously: "What about the murderer? Did you kill him?"

"...No, luckily I escaped." Qi Leren held his forehead, hesitated, and said about the skill card, "Actually, I have a skill card that can read files, which comes in handy at critical moments."

"Let's go in, it's not safe to stand in the corridor." Dr. Lu pulled Qi Leren into the room. Xue Yingying was sitting on the bed, looking weak but in good spirits. Liang: "Brother Qi, are you alright? Doctor Lu said you've encountered a murderer, but you're worried."

Qi Leren smiled bitterly, and told all about the experience just now and his own skill card. After escaping from death in an ups and downs, he suddenly looked away and felt that trusting others a little more might not be a bad thing. Now there are only three of them. , they are all ordinary people, and I am afraid that they have to use some special methods to fight against a murderous lunatic.

Xue Yingying pondered after listening: "Actually, I also got a skill card just now."

Dr. Lu glanced at her and said a little guilty, "Actually, I too..."

"..." Dare to love this is everyone's right? ! Qi Leren roared in his heart.

Xue Yingying generously took out her skill card and showed it to the two of them:

[Blood-stained Youth] (Binding Skill Card): The owner will explode with extraordinary power while losing blood and pain, and fight like a berserker! After all, youth is just so unreasonable!

"I got an achievement after I had a miscarriage. This is a reward for the achievement. I have regained some strength now because of this suit." Xue Yingying put the skill card back into the card slot of her belt.

Qi Leren thinks that this skill seems to be mocking the literature on the pain of youth that continues to have miscarriages and abortions... But it is quite practical to put it here, as long as you sell blood, it can explode. times.

But is it really good to let a girl who just had a miscarriage become an MT...

"My skills are pretty average, but I'll be lucky if I equip it... Maybe it's because I've been lucky since I was a kid, so I got this reward." Dr. Lu said.

Qi Leren complained to him resentfully: "Do you often win lottery tickets when you buy a lottery ticket, play a mobile game and you can get super rare cards, and you can still pick up money when you walk with your head down?"

"... That's not true. I still believe in the conservation of character, so I don't buy lottery tickets frequently." Dr. Lu said, "But the mobile game draw card is very pale, and has always been in the European camp."

The people of Qi Le, who had always been black-faced and had to laugh at themselves as African tribal chiefs, were silent.

The three discussed and discussed, and finally decided to take a risk. It will be dark in another hour. If they can't find food and a way to deal with ghosts, their situation will be more dangerous after dark.

"No matter what, there is only one murderer. It's not easy to meet him in such two large buildings, right?" Xue Yingying said optimistically. This girl looks quite sturdy and courageous. Qi Leren's impression of her has changed from a broken-hearted young woman who threatened her ex-boyfriend on the bus to a female man who dares to stay in a haunted room after seeing a ghost with her own eyes. .

But these words clearly hit Qi Leren's sore spot.

"It shouldn't be a problem... I turned on the skill after Qi Leren hit the murderer. With the lucky booster, we shouldn't easily bump into him in a short period of time. Now the skill has 75 minutes left, and it will cool down for 3 hours after that." Lu The doctor said.

Hearing this, Qi Le and Xue Yingying were both relieved, and the three of them left the crowd room with confidence.

Xue Yingying was still a little weak, but it was no longer a problem to walk normally. She suggested to find something to eat first. Qi Le and Dr. Lu were a little ashamed here. They originally planned to find some food after finding a weapon. Who knows what happened? Such a big accident, I immediately forgot about it.

"Tell me, what is the fog outside the window?" Xue Yingying murmured.

"This kind of fog is very common in horror films. First, it enhances the atmosphere, and second, there are monsters in it, or it is very common to use fog to distinguish the real world from the inner world." Dr. Lu said eloquently .

The three of them swept the nearby office like locusts, and really found a lot of snacks. Xue Yingying also drank some brown sugar water, and her face finally looked better. The outpatient building is too big, and everywhere is empty and dead, there is an alternative strange feeling, as if you will see something dirty if you are not careful.

"This road is not good, I feel very bad, come this way." At a fork in the road, Dr. Lu felt a chill behind him, a feeling of white sweat bursting up, and he immediately lowered his voice. As the two of them detoured, almost as soon as the three of them walked around the corner, there were dull footsteps on the fork in the road.

Qi Le people are too familiar with the footsteps, it is the murderer!

The three of them didn't dare to go out and held their breath, and waited until the murderer was far away before they got out of the hiding place.

There are still a few drops of blood that are not easy to find on the ground, and it is unknown which victim belongs.

"Too perverted, this is simply the ultimate boss that appears randomly." Dr. Lu complained in a low voice.

Qi Leren nodded wildly, this boss is not an NPC, but a player! Simply inhuman.

"Let's go, he has passed, it should be safe here." Xue Yingying pointed to the road when the murderer came.

The three walked into the aisle, and not long after they saw a tragically dead body with a number six written in blood next to it—this was the sixth victim.

Xue Yingying turned her face away in disgust and couldn't bear to look at it. Dr. Lu endured the bloody nose and stepped forward to inspect the body. She frowned and said, "Sex female, age should be around 30 years old, and the cause of death was the aorta in the neck. The blood loss caused by the rupture was extremely cruel. The body was still warm, and the time of death was within a few minutes. There were also digital markers written by the murderer on the wall, typical of a serial murder case."

"Are you a forensic doctor?" Xue Yingying asked with disgust.

"I'm just a physician who loves watching horror movies." Dr. Lu corrected seriously.

After checking the body, no more information was found. The group walked to the upper floor of Building B, and finally came to the rooftop along the blood.

At first, Qi Le people were worried that the rooftop was also full of fog. After all, this should be considered an outdoor area, but after opening the top floor passage, they were surprised to find that the fog on the rooftop was very thin, as if there was an invisible barrier to dilute the dense fog. .

Not far away, there was a corpse lying on the ground. A figure squatted in front of the corpse with his back to them. After hearing the sound, he stood up vigilantly, revealing a face that would surprise even the same sex.

Qi Leren clearly heard Xue Yingying's uncontrollable wow, and then swallowed.

PS: Explain SL Dafa, which is usually used in RPG games to avoid unfavorable options and dangers by saving and reading files; but the current situation of Qi Leren is that this is not a stand-alone game, but an "online game" 233 , the plot will not be reversed, otherwise this power to distort the world and reverse time is simply terrifying. Therefore, his SL play is not so much about saving and reading files as it is to say that he dies within ten seconds after saving, and automatically resurrects with full health at the position ten seconds ago.

Is it easier for you to understand this way? :-D