Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 71: Seeds of Killing (10)


Early the next morning, Qi Leren woke up in the sunset in the room. In a dream not long ago, he repeatedly dreamed of killing and being killed. Time and time again, the sticky and bloody death tormented him in the half-dreams and half-awakes. The knock on the door woke him.

The land of twilight is shrouded in the setting sun all year round. As time goes by, people's concept of time becomes weak. Even if they look at the clock, they can't determine whether it is "day" or "night". up.

The knock on the door still sounded rhythmically, and Qi Leren put on his clothes and dragged his slippers to open the door.

The door opened, and Chen Baiqi stood outside the door with his arms in his arms, sizing him up from head to toe. Qi Leren pressed his upturned hair, his voice hoarse as if he had just climbed out of the grave: "What's wrong?"

"Get dressed and come with me." Chen Baiqi said.

"Where to?" Qi Leren was inexplicable.

"Go and see Lu Youxin."

Qi Leren was startled: "Isn't she dead?"

Chen Baiqi leaned against the door and said lightly, "Yeah, so I'm going to visit the tomb, are you going?"

"...Go, wait for me." Qi Leren hurriedly went back to wash up, put on his clothes, and followed Chen Baiqi to the coast.

"I thought you didn't know Lu Youxin very well." On the way, Qi Leren said. Chen Baiqi knew that Lu Youxin was dead when he heard about the mission of sacrificing witches. At that time, she was only a little surprised, but she didn't show any sadness. He thought they should just nodded. Unexpectedly, Chen Baiqi would go to visit her grave.

Chen Baiqi put his hands in the pockets of his coat and walked in a hurry: "We did missions together before and exchanged some information, so it's not too familiar. Ning Zhou and her are familiar with each other, so they should be regarded as friends."

Qi Leren lowered her eyes and didn't ask any more questions, but she vaguely understood why Lu Youxin would kindly send them a reminder before she died. After all, she was friends with Ning Zhou, otherwise why would she bother.

On the coast, a boat the size of a small yacht has docked on the shore. The two of them got on the boat. Chen Baiqi took the helm. This old-looking boat made a roar of mechanical startup, and it was covered with rusty iron chimneys. White steam came out of it, and a long white mist was drawn behind the fast-moving ships.

Qi Leren was a little curious about where they were going, but he didn't ask, anyway, he would know soon.

"The air at sea is finally better. I really can't stand the smell of engine oil." Chen Baiqi said with a cigarette in his mouth. The cigarette butt burned quickly in the strong wind. Steer the direction.

"I don't like it very much either... Speaking of which, I don't really understand the energy in the nightmare world. I heard that it is neither coal nor oil, but demon crystals?" Qi Leren remembered that he heard NPC talking about it in the game. This question is just not too deep.

"Thank goodness it's not coal, otherwise there will be smog everywhere." Chen Baiqi curled his lips and continued, "The technology tree in Nightmare World is very strange. It has developed to the pinnacle in terms of steam, and there is no problem with electricity application. But other energy use still stays at the stage of coal and firewood, ha, thanks to the invasion of the nightmare world more than 20 years ago by the devil, although it has brought huge damage, it has also enabled mankind to discover a new energy source - the devil crystallization."

Qi Leren pricked up their ears and listened to Chen Baiqi telling the story of the demon crystal.

"Devil crystals come from the corpses of demons. After the demons are hunted, they can obtain such crystals from their bodies. It can be said that they are highly condensed demon power. If you deal with demon crystals for a long time, humans may even be in danger of demonization. Become a low-level irrational monster. However, someone soon discovered that this crystal has a kind of magical power."

"What power?" Qi Leren asked.

Chen Baiqi threw the cigarette butt, the sea breeze blowing her hair back, goggles made it difficult to see her eyes, but she could still be seen smiling: "The power to make water boil. Guess what. Look, how long can the water in a 50-meter-long swimming pool boil when a demon crystal the size of a fingernail is thrown into it?"

Is it like putting sodium in water? Qi Leren thought for a while and guessed as boldly as possible: "An hour?"

"Hahaha, what a conservative answer." Chen Baiqi laughed loudly, his voice scattered in the sea breeze, "For three days and three nights, the water was steadily boiling. Now do you understand why the steam engine is the king of this world? ?"

"If you throw enough demon crystals into the sea, maybe the sea will boil too. It's such an incredible power." Chen Baiqi said loudly.

This kind of thing that does not exist in the real world has completely changed the technological structure of the Nightmare World or the Land of Twilight. The efficient and clean demon crystallization has made the steam engine destined to be eliminated firmly occupy the mainstream position. Even after electricity is discovered, humans still use steam to generate electricity. , rather than hydro and thermal power.

It is a pity that in the world outside the Land of Dusk and the Land of Dawn, human beings still live in the primitive age of the Middle Ages and are ruled by demons.

The sea became foggy, and the boat sailed all the way into the fog. Before you knew it, even the setting sun withered in the fog, and thick white fog emerged from the sea in all directions, covering the boat.

Chen Baiqi jumped off the helm and hung a light on the stern.

The misty yellow light illuminated the foggy world. Qi Leren stared at the sea water. There seemed to be something moving on the sea surface, clumps of black things... With a clatter, a blue arm emerged from the water. It stretched out and hit the rusted hull, revealing half of the swollen head of the dead soul under water.

"What is this?!" Qi Leren took a step back, his voice suddenly raised.

Chen Baiqi glanced at it: "It's just water ghosts, stand far away, they won't come up."

Following her words, the white fog gradually dispersed in the yellow light, and Moses divided the sea to reveal a passage full of moonlight. The sunset that disappeared on the horizon was replaced by the bright moonlight. The water ghosts on the sea seemed to be afraid of this pure moonlight, and they fled into the sea and hid in the depths of the fog.

The boat set sail again, along the dreamy sea road paved with moonlight, towards the looming islands ahead.


There was also a thin layer of mist on the island. Chen Baiqi threw a flashlight to the Qi Le people. After a while, I was quite interested in the technology tree of Nightmare World.

"The sun has set, we have now left the range of Duskland, and we can find this small island through the sea of the undead. A player discovered this place many years ago, and also found that the original dead players will be there A tombstone will be generated on this island, and there will be brief personal information on the tombstone. After that, players will come here to express their condolences to their friends. Passing through the large cemetery, "We are walking through the tombstones of those players more than 20 years ago, and those people should have died. After all, the monthly mandatory task gets harder and harder. Years is a watershed, to eliminate those ordinary people who don't want to make progress, two or three hundred compulsory tasks for more than 20 years... Oh, the difficulty is probably comparable to that of opening up the world."

The sense of despair in Chen Baiqi's words made Qi Leren depressed for a while. He asked: "Even if you go to the Land of Dawn, do you still have to perform a compulsory mission? Is there any way to get rid of this reincarnation?"

"I don't know, no one has proven it. Maybe it will end when someone completes the ultimate task of this world. All this is just a legend among players. After all, Nightmare World is not a game, but a real The world." Chen Baiqi said.

The desolate moonlight fell all the way, and the flowers and trees along the way were shrouded in a faint mist, like a dream. It's just that the layer after layer of tombstones lined up like theater seats made all this beautiful scenery heavy, and countless deaths were superimposed together, adding a bit of solemnity to this cold night.

The two went deeper and deeper, until they reached the depths of the island. The endlessly spreading tombstone finally came to an end. Chen Baiqi motioned to Qi Leren to illuminate the text on the tombstone with a flashlight, and the two walked forward from the end.

Unfamiliar names appeared in the light of the flashlight, and finally settled on the tombstone of the person they were looking for.

[Lu Youxin. Died by sacrificing witches. Survival days 731 days.]

It was such a simple three-line character that ended Lu Youxin's life.

"He really came." Chen Baiqi looked at the bunch of lilies in front of the tombstone and said in a low voice.

Ning Zhou? Has he been here? Qi Le people stared blankly at the lilies, and the image of Ning Zhou stepping onto the island with flowers in his hands appeared in his mind for no reason. He must be alone, perhaps in such a foggy moonlit night, alone to see a dead man. friend. How did he feel at that time

Chen Baiqi sprinkled a jar of wine in front of the tombstone, and the sake gave off a bitter aroma, which wet the lilies in front of the tomb. She didn't say anything, just stood in front of the tombstone, as if caught in her own memories.

The flashlight in Qi Leren's hand took a photo to the side, and sure enough, next to him was Xie Wanwan, who also died by sacrificing witches. Going forward is an unfamiliar name, who died in a quest called Haunted Halloween, next to a player who also died in Haunting Halloween, and further forward...

Qi Leren's footsteps stopped.

The beam of the flashlight froze on the tombstone, and along with his heartbeat, a fatal fear surged from the depths of his soul, drowning him like an icy wave.

[Qile people. Died by sacrificing witches. Survival days 13 days.]