Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 75: Castle Cry (2)


With a light click, the electric light was turned on, and the entire hall showed a magnificent side under the light. The magnificent chandelier hanging on the dome emitted dazzling light, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

The stale smell just now dissipated with the sound of the bell, and the traces of the surrounding eroded by the fire also disappeared, leaving behind a gorgeous old castle, the bright marble floor reflects the lights, and the corners are covered with thick carpets. There are also exquisite patterns on it, and the entire hall is brand new, which makes people's eyes shine.

"It seems that this place is no longer the old castle that was destroyed by fire. At least it is powered on." Qi Leren said to Dr. Lu with his hand on the switch on the wall.

Dr. Lu stroked his chin: "Well, it's interesting. The old castle was burnt down when we entered here just now. Now it looks brand new as soon as the bell chimes. It seems that we have entered the old castle before it was burnt down."

"What's the use of talking about this now? Hurry up and find a way to get out! The door is gone, and there are windows!" Luo Xueyi woke up after a brief exclamation, realizing that they were now in strange danger.

Dr. Lu gave her a pitying look: "According to the nature of horror movies, I don't think we can go out through the window."

The light above made the fear dissipated a lot. Luo Xueyi stomped her foot and took her boyfriend Miao Bo's hand: "I don't believe it, I'm going to look for it! Can you love me!"

Dr. Lu's mouth twitched, and he stopped Qi Leren who wanted to stop Luo Xueyi: "You can't stop people from wanting to die. Let her go, maybe you can find something." Of course, the biggest possibility is that They later found two bodies.

"Or we..." Xiao Hong hesitated, wanting to follow Luo Xueyi and the others, but Nan Lu grabbed him and said viciously, "Don't go!"

Xiao Hong, who was forcibly held by his girlfriend, reluctantly glanced at the two who had left, and stayed silent.

"What should I do now?" Nan Lu asked with a gloomy face.

Qi Leren glanced at Dr. Lu, and seeing that he did not mean to answer, he said, "I don't think we can get out of the window. If we want to leave the castle, we have to solve the mystery of the fire in the castle. If you know What is the legend of this castle, you might as well say it, maybe it is a clue."

Nan Lu thought for a while: "The only thing I've heard of is the legend that the hostess of the castle killed everyone because of her husband's infidelity, and then set the castle on fire. Xiao Hong, have you heard anything?"

Xiao Hong was a little uneasy, but only when he heard his name did he react: "I... I heard from my elders when I was a child that a servant stole a large amount of money with outsiders. The people in the castle were stunned and killed, then set fire to destroy the evidence, pretending it was an accident."

"What do you think?" Qi Leren asked Dr. Lu.

"I'm not Yuanfang..." Dr. Lu muttered resentfully, "Well, if I insist, I think the second one is more reliable."

"Why?" Nan Lu asked in disapproval.

"It's very simple, there are at least a dozen people in an ancient castle, including servants. An adult woman can kill so many people casually? Killing is very tiring, okay? Seriously, if it is an ordinary person, I will give it to you now. A knife can let you kill ten people who are standing still and you can get tired. Besides, the only person she wants to take revenge on is her husband, so why kill everyone together? This is revenge on society. , is completely illogical. So I think the second one is more likely. The owner of the castle came from Germany to do business. He didn't live in the concession but built such a castle. He must be very rich. Someone colluded with his servants to make money. The fate is logically possible, but..." Dr. Lu said, spreading his hands.

"But what?" Nan Lu asked.

Qi Leren recalled it a bit: "But the theme of murder is not suitable for solving puzzles."

"Correct answer, in terms of subject matter, the first story is quite suitable. The lady who is crazy about love is like a bottom-level boss in a horror game." Dr. Lu rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look on his face.

"It's pointless to just think about it now. Everyone, please walk around carefully and see where the bell came from first." Qi Leren said.

The other three had no objection, so they walked up the curved staircase and walked in the direction from which the bell sounded just now.

This time, the paintings on the walls were intact and not destroyed by the fire. Several people finally got to see these paintings.

On the platform where the two curved staircases on the left and right lead together, facing the gate is a huge portrait. The painting is a young couple. The man is wearing a suit and looks handsome and elegant. He looks at him tenderly. His wife, the woman was in a dress, with long curly golden hair draped over her shoulders, which made her beautiful face even more beautiful and refined. She was holding a big dog, with a happy smile on her face.

Below the portrait is the grandfather clock that chimed just now, and the hour and minute hands move at their own pace.

Is the person in the portrait the owner of this castle? Qi Leren fell into thought towards the portrait.

"Is this supposed to be the host and hostess of the castle? It looks very loving." Nan Lu looked envious.

Xiao Hong also agreed: "Yes, she looks so beautiful."

Nan Lu immediately pinched him and said angrily, "You know how to look at beautiful women!"

"Don't watch it, don't watch it, you are the most beautiful!" Xiao Hong quickly coaxed his girlfriend

The flirtation between the couple made Qi Leren uncomfortable for a while. Seeing Dr. Lu, it was hard to say anything. The two exchanged helpless glances and were about to continue walking upstairs when a heavy object fell to the ground suddenly. , and then the scream of Luo Xueyi, who had dragged Miao Bo to look for the window: "Ahhhh!"

The shrill scream pierced into the heart of the person like a sharp blade, and the heartbeat that was still calm suddenly became fierce, and Qi Leren rushed down without thinking.

Passing through the brightly lit hall, the corridor was still dark, Qi Leren turned on the flashlight and walked forward step by step.

It was dark and dead, with human-shaped sculptures and potted plants in the corridor lit by flashlights. Shadows moved with Qi Leren's footsteps, making people wonder what was lurking in that twisted shadow.

Passing through the long corridor, the space in front suddenly opens up.

There was a crescent moon hanging in the sky outside, and a large piece of moonlight poured into the room from the window nailed by iron bars, casting shadows criss-crossing the light, and in the bright moonlight, you could vaguely see floating dust scattered. , The trance makes people think that they see plankton floating in a deep sea.

Qi Leren has already smelled the smell of blood, which has been with him since the day he entered the game, and he is already too familiar with it.

The yellowish flashlight light dispelled the cold darkness, but it couldn't erase the bloody scene.

A metal armor of the same height as an adult male stood in the corner, the blood rolled down from the long sword in its hand, and a small pool of blood accumulated on the ground. And the one who collapsed beside the armor with a twisted posture was Luo Xueyi's boyfriend Miao Bo!

Dr. Lu's trembling voice came from behind him: "Qi Leren, are you okay ahead?"

Qi Leren took a deep breath: "It's okay, come and see, can he still be saved?"

Only then did Dr. Lu tiptoe up, and when he saw the corpse and the weird armor, he gasped again: "Oh my god, it won't move!"

"I don't feel any danger." Qi Leren touched the card slot on his waist. SL skills, collecting clothes in the rain and elementary fighting skills are all inserted in the card slot. In order to cope with this task, he went to Chen Baiqi to buy three miniature bombs, and also bought a special charm that can be embedded on the weapon. Wen, it can also have an attack effect on ghosts and other spiritual bodies, so as to prevent him from bleeding frequently.

Dr. Lu was a little relieved, and walked carefully to Miao Bo's side. He fell to the ground in a strange posture, as if he was stabbed and fell to the ground, and then fell to the ground, forming a very twisted posture. Dr. Lu checked his pulse, checked the wound again, and immediately retreated after finishing the incident: "It's no help, a sword pierced the heart, even lying in the ICU can't be saved, let alone this kind of hell. "

Nan Lu asked in a panic, "How could it be stabbed by the sword? Could the armor still move?"

"Where's Luo Xueyi? Will she be okay?" Xiao Hong also asked.

Qi Leren took another look at the armor, it stood firmly in the corner, like a special decoration, if it wasn't for the blood on its sword... But only on that sword, if not If the armor got up and killed himself, could it be that Luo Xueyi killed Miao Bo with a sword and then escaped? There is no problem in terms of time, but what motive does she have

knock knock knock.

When a light knock came on the door, the four were startled and looked in the direction from which the knock came.

There is a hidden door deep in the room that you won't notice unless you look closely.

knock knock knock.

The knock on the door rang again, and a soft and unfamiliar voice came from the door: "Is anyone outside? Can you open the door for me?"