Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 8: The First People's Hospital of X City (8)


Qi Leren has long known that this is a face-seeing world, but he doesn't know that this is such a face-seeing world.

Xue Yingying betrayed in a second. Not long ago, she warmly called Qi Leren "handsome guy", but now, she has changed the object of her enthusiasm and shouted at the beautiful man named Su He in front of her. "handsome guy".

Dr. Lu didn't feel "same-sex repelling" at all, and chatted with Su He... the corpse on the ground.

This topic made Xue Yingying a little disgusted, but she still held back because of her beauty.

Qi Leren was thinking, how did this Su He escape the murderer on the rooftop? From the time point of view, either he has been on the rooftop, but just avoided the killer's sight by using an obstacle; or, like them, he came up after the killer left the rooftop.

"I just came to the hospital to see people, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing." Su He frowned slightly.

"Me too! I've worked in the hospital for three years, and I've never encountered such a terrifying thing!" Dr. Lu beat his chest and paused, "I knew I would be killed today and not be a doctor! Who the hell am I provoking?"

"..." Xue Yingying, who just wanted to come to the hospital to have an abortion, who knew that she had lost her life in a bus accident, didn't speak, and she felt that she was unlucky enough.

"..." Qi Leren, who just wanted to repair the computer, who knew that the bus accident was sent to the hospital (the computer was also lost) didn't say anything. He felt that he was the most unlucky, but things like the Bimiseng Conference were not involved.

"Did you see that murderer just now?" Qi Leren asked.

Su He shook his head: "When I came, there was this corpse on the ground, and there was a five written in blood next to it. You said it was a murderer, so I'm afraid he killed more than one person? At least four more a victim."

Xue Yingying nodded at the side: "Yes, that's right, handsome guy, you don't know, there is a pervert murderer here, Dr. Lu said that he was a prisoner who was sent to the hospital for self-harm, and he was sent to prison for serial murder before. of."

"That's too bad..." Su He murmured.

It was probably because the handsome guy was thinking too charmingly, Xue Yingying couldn't help but peeked a few times, and then tried to comfort him in a serious manner, saying that they are more powerful than others, so don't be afraid!

Qi Leren, who has been chased twice and almost lost his life, but also because of the hatred of "beating the egg", has firmly held back the murderer's hatred. If he encounters a murderer, he will definitely...

I feel tired thinking about it.

The foggy sky made the light dim, and night fell earlier than expected, and it seemed that it was about to fall into darkness. It was probably due to the dense fog. Several people on the rooftop felt very depressed. The fog was everywhere as far as they could see.

Dr. Lu shuddered suddenly, and his sense of crisis increased, and said, "Let's go quickly, I have a very bad premonition..."

Except for Su He, who was unknown, Qi Le and Xue Yingying were both nervous. They had already experienced how accurate Dr. Lu's hunch was when he activated his skills. Xue Yingying walked quickly to the stairs. Seeing that Su He hadn't followed up, she turned to call him, but when she turned around, her eyes widened in horror: "Hand... ghost..."

Qi Leren was standing beside Su He, and after hearing Xue Yingying's terrified voice, he looked down subconsciously - a pale and thin hand stretched out from the railing on the edge of the rooftop, grabbed Su He's wrist, and dragged him. Get off the roof!

Qi Leren instinctively stretched out his hand and grabbed Su He's other hand, but even he was dragged to the edge of the roof by that amazing force, and he barely grabbed the railing so he didn't rush down, but Su He was already half of him. Turning over the railing, one hand was pulled by Qi Leren, and the other was held by the ghost crawling outside the wall!

Su He struggled in midair, Qi Leren struggled to support him so that he was not dragged down, Doctor Lu also rushed up and helped Qi Leren pull Su He, Xue Yingying screamed: "Go away, I will pull! "

Dr. Lu was easily dragged to the side by Xue Yingying, and Xue Yingying, who had activated the power booster with her continuous blood loss, pulled Su He's arm with both hands and dragged him up.

"Put some blood, Su and you! It's afraid of this!" Dr. Lu shouted aside.

Seeing that Su He didn't react, Qi Leren simply bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on Su He's body. Xue Yingying with the wrist pulled the person back, and the two fell on the rooftop, while Qi Leren held the railing with one hand, steadied his body and looked down.

There are no ghosts on the outer wall, only the mist is left.

No, there seems to be something

Qi Leren's eyes flashed, and a shadowy arrow sprang out of the fog like a sharp arrow. His body was twisted into a human shape, like a spider, but his speed was extremely fast. He had already climbed to Qi Leren in a few seconds. in front of!

Seeing that Xue Yingying and Su He were all right, Dr. Lu turned around to call Qi Leren. When he turned around, the sight in front of him scared him to pieces!

Qi Leren was hugged by a white shadow, dragged into the mist instantly, and fell down from a tall building!

SL Dafa has cooled down.

When Qi Leren was holding Su He tightly, a reminder popped out in his mind, and before he knew it, the one-hour cooldown of SL Dafa had passed.

Just when Su He was rescued, when Qi Leren stood by the railing and looked down at the black shadow that was rushing up, an indescribable premonition came to his mind, which made him save successfully at this critical moment. In the next second, a gloomy and cold breath shot straight into his nose, and the shadow of that savage climb almost fell on his face, causing him to drag him down the building.

The world became silent at this moment, and the dizzy and weightless body passed through the thick fog in the fall, so fast, so urgent, but within a few seconds, he should have fallen to pieces before he could see anything clearly. But he did see it!

Through the translucent body of the ghost that hugged him, the fog in front of him finally no longer obscured his vision, and he saw an endless crowd standing on the ground, men and women, old and young, all looking up in the same posture. Staring at him, ripped lips into a contorted grin, as if to say... welcome to join us.

And so they looked up at him, and watched him fall from the roof into them!

His head fell to the ground, his head was bleeding, and Qi Leren didn't even have time to feel suffocation and fear because of this scene.

After reading the file successfully, he lost consciousness.

The next second, he returned to the roof out of thin air, and fell to the ground with a plop in the shocked eyes of the three.

Chilling, creepy.