Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 83: Castle Cry (10)


As a little expert at finding things, Dr. Lu found a key in the dark compartment of the desk drawer, which was probably the one needed to open the basement, so the three hurried downstairs and headed to the first floor. It was already three in the morning. It's 40:00, and they will return to the Watch World in 20 minutes. They must solve the problem within 20 minutes, otherwise they will have to wait another hour. Who knows if there will be any changes in the Watch World.

Qi Le and Doctor Lu discussed the mission in a low voice, and he had to be careful not to let Nan Lu hear about the skills - he didn't know how the NPC would react to this.

"Although Nina's body is full of flaws, let's just listen to her for now, otherwise it's easy to get into trouble." Dr. Lu gave a serious warning to Qi Leren, who was eager to die, "Don't mess around, Quickly kill the crazy lady and let's go home."

"Oh... My induction skill has entered a cooldown, the cooldown time is too long, I can't count on this mission, the SL skill has been cooled down, but it can be a fight." Qi Leren said.

"My lucky skill was used up at 1:30, and it has expired after 90 minutes, and the cooldown time is three hours, which means that the next time I use it after 6:00, I can't count on it... You take care of yourself, as long as you Climb out of the cellar alive, and I will give you treatment, including cure." Dr. Lu's tone was filled with a faint sense of pity, as if he had already determined that Qi Le's people were going to suffer misfortune.

"...What if I die inside?" Qi Leren asked sullenly.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you brat! Hit the boss! What's the flag!" Dr. Lu slapped Qi Leren on the back of the head, giving full play to the majesty of a doctor.

"...Oh." Qi Leren responded dumbly, remembered something again, and reminded Dr. Lu in a low voice, "Be careful of Nan Lu."

Doctor Lu nodded.

The deepest part of the corridor is a large kitchen. There are cabinets everywhere in the area of more than ten square meters. The ceiling above the large square table used for processing ingredients is covered with all kinds of unnamed kitchen utensils. There are many pots and pans and some ingredients that are not packed.

"Pay attention to the corner, there is a hidden space on the ground," Dr. Lu reminded.

Qi Leren checked around the kitchen along the wall. The floor was covered with a layer of tiles with a white background, and his own figure was vaguely reflected in the light. He squatted down and tapped the floor with his fingers, but he didn't feel anything. The tile is empty under it. Where is the secret box hiding

"I can't find it... I wish I had asked more clearly just now." Dr. Lu mumbled, "Or should we go and ask Nina again? Time is running out."

Qi Leren also stood up from the ground. After squatting for too long, the blood supply to his brain was insufficient. He was briefly dizzy, and the picture in front of him was covered with a dark shadow. Suddenly froze.

The cupboard door in front of him was made of glass, and the transparent glass reflected the picture behind him—a well-dressed blond woman sitting on a wooden chair not far from Nan Lu, holding a swaddle in her arms, she lowered her head. Head, looking at the baby in his arms tenderly, seems to be humming a soft lullaby. And at her feet, the ground was full of bloody corpses, the chef wearing a hat had his head chopped in two, and the maid holding the kitchen utensils was unrecognizable... A sea of blood was rolling like a boil, and he was hugging The baby woman turned a blind eye to this bloody scene, and was eerily serene.

Qi Leren turned around suddenly, and there was no one on the wooden chair against the wall behind him.

Is it a hallucination? still…

"What's wrong?" Dr. Lu couldn't help asking as he watched Qi Leren strode towards the chair behind him.

Qi Leren didn't care to answer him, he dragged the wooden chair away and tapped the tile under the chair with his fingers, which was empty.

"It's here." Qi Leren used a dagger to get into the gap between the tiles and pry it open. The tiles next to it were loose. After they were removed, there was a square iron door underneath, like a The entrance to the cellar is normal.

"How did you find out?" Doctor Lu asked strangely.

"I saw her." Qi Leren whispered, staring at the slightly rusted iron door underground, and the heavy iron lock firmly locked it, along with all the evil.

"What did you see?" Nan Lu's sharp voice sounded.

Qi Leren didn't answer, he said coldly: "You guys back up, I'll open the basement. If something goes wrong later, leave here quickly..." He didn't expect Nan Lu and Dr. Lu to be of any help at all. The Seed of Killing parasitized on him might accidentally injure his teammates, and he would rather face Mad Lady alone.

The heavy iron lock was opened by the key, Qi Leren's heartbeat accelerated, and the cellar door in the basement was pulled open with a dull sound, revealing the vertical iron ladder and the deep darkness below. There was a stale smell in the darkness, as if it had been covered in dust for a long time.

Qi Leren's flashlight had already landed on the watch world, so he had to use the lighting of his mobile phone to look down, and the light spread down the iron ladder, illuminating the concrete floor, but there was nothing.

There must be danger down there, Qi Leren could feel it, but he still had to take this risk. He weighed it and decided to suspend the use of SL skills until he found danger. He bit the phone with his mouth to continue lighting, holding a dagger inlaid with holy runes in one hand, and climbing the iron ladder in the other, preparing to climb down the basement.

Stepping on the rail of the iron ladder, it was very strong. Qi Leren felt as if he was walking into the mist full of monsters alone. He knew that danger lurked in the darkness of the basement, but he still forced himself to go down.

Most of his body had already got into the cellar, and only the shoulders were left outside. Qi Leren nodded to Dr. Lu, and motioned him to pay more attention to Nan Lu. Unfortunately, the tacit understanding between the two was not enough. Dr. Lu waved to him with a smile. Encouraged, Qi Leren was tired for a while, so he concentrated on climbing the ladder.

There was a cold wind blowing from the bottom to the top in the basement. The lighting range of the mobile phone was narrow, and I could only see my own shadow in the light beam. There was a large area of darkness around. After a short period of time, he fell down. Fortunately, he held the ladder tightly, so he didn't fall. This small accident made Qi Leren, who had calmed down, panic for a while. There were terrifying monsters lurking in him that made him shudder.

Before he could calm down his heartbeat, the foot that was stepping on the air in the dark was suddenly entangled by something. The thing that was pulling his ankle was so strong that it pulled him down from the ladder with a forceful force. fell to the ground.

He fell dizzy again, but this time it was much better than falling into the studio from the second floor. At least Qi Leren still had the strength to roll around a few times, holding up his disobedient arms and clenching the dagger.

The phone had fallen to the ground, illuminating a small area, and there seemed to be a gentle chant in the darkness, a faint candle lighted up, then two o'clock, and more... Two rows of lights against the wall The candlelight illuminated this dark and dead basement. At the end of the candlelight, there was a rocking chair with its back facing him. The woman sitting on the rocking chair had long golden hair that fell like a waterfall.

She hummed a lullaby softly, in this cold basement, humming softly.

Qi Leren's eyes swept around, but he didn't see what the thing that pulled him into the basement just now was too weird... He even thought of running away, but when he looked up, the open cellar door seemed to be hidden by an invisible Pushed by his hand, he was closed with a loud bang, and the light from above his head disappeared, also cutting off his retreat.

As the cellar door closed, the rocking chair slowly turned, as if it was placed on a turntable, and slowly turned around. The blonde woman in the rocking chair closed her eyes, hugged a swaddling baby, and hummed softly.

The rocking chair stopped facing him, and the mad lady on the chair slowly opened her eyes—her left eye was exactly the same as in the portrait, but her right eye had been gouged out, leaving a hole oozing blood , gurgling with blood, has been flowing from the eye socket to the neck.

This strange and ominous scene made Qi Leren take a breath and dare not spit it out. He didn't move, and his muscles were tense to the point of stiffness.

"Are you here to get revenge on me?" the lullaby stopped and the Mad Lady asked softly.

"..." Revenge? Who wants revenge? Qi Leren's brain went blank.

"You have taken my child, what else do you want to take away? His love?" Madame Madame's voice became gloomy, she looked blankly ahead, and said in a babble, "I hate you ... hate you... envy you... go back to the grave and be with the filthy maggots, that's where you belong, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe..."

Her crazy laughter became more and more crazy, and it pierced her eardrums.

She stood up and put the swaddling in her arms on the rocking chair softly. In the flickering candlelight, her intact half face was like a sympathetic Virgin, but when she was walking towards Qi Le people, the flesh and blood The blood and tears flowing in her blurry right eye made her look like an evil spirit returning from hell.

Two rows of lit candles swayed, casting criss-crossing shadows on the ground, swaying, swaying…

Something creepy slowly climbed up from under his feet, stroking his ankles and knees, climbing up inch by inch, the dagger in Qi Leren's hand slammed towards the invisible thing, the dagger in the air A sharp wind sounded, but nothing was touched. what? What exactly is it

With a strange smile on the corner of Madame's mouth, she walked towards him step by step. She walked very slowly, but every step was like a stuck video tape, jumping forward frame by frame, which is definitely not what a human being should do. look! The candlelight in all directions made her shadow tremble and twist, casting a strange chaos on the ground.

At this moment, Qi Leren suddenly realized something.

He lowered his head and looked at the shadows climbing on his trouser legs, which had no form, no mass, but really existed in…

That is shadow.