Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 92: Castle Cry (19)


Qi Leren pondered and guessed who Su He was talking about. He also suspected this person, but he was more regarded as a "witness" rather than a behind-the-scenes hand: "Doctor?"

Dr. Lu snorted: "Did you call me?"

"... I mean Dr. Fleischer." Qi Leren said speechlessly.

Dr. Lu scratched his head: "Oh, when I was in the hospital, I was called by doctors and doctors every day. When I heard this name, I was more sensitive than the name."

Su He smiled to show his understanding, and added: "The dungeon quests in the game are very logical - in contrast, the quests in the nightmare world sometimes 'God unfolds', probably because the nightmare world is relatively real, sometimes The illogical is the real. But in the dungeon world, 'illogical' is rare, the game may give you a useless clue to confuse you, but it will never happen that the mastermind behind the scenes is never mentioned past NPCs."

Dr. Lu pondered: "I understand what you mean a little bit, you are saying that the task of the copy world is like a novel, a movie, a game, it is logical, just like in a mystery novel, the prisoner must appear. You can’t reveal at the last minute that the prisoner is a twin or something without a foreshadowing, because it violates the logic of a story.”

"Yes, the current dungeon mission should be coming to an end, the plot is beginning to end, and there should be no new characters. We can analyze the characters that have appeared so far: four plot NPCs, two players, Mad Lady Sarah , the master John, the maid Nina, the doctor Fleischer, the late Adeline, and maybe the will of the devil. The plot of the simple ending should be that the mad lady went mad and killed all the people in the castle, as long as you kill The dead mad lady can be over, but we are now going on the route of the true ending, so we must also solve the mad lady who has left the ghost in the world, and investigate the truth of the year as much as possible, the plot will be It's going to be a lot more complicated, and a lot of things may not be what we see."

Su He said slowly: "Nina's problem needs to go to her for further investigation later, let's talk about Dr. Fleischer first. I asked him to come to the castle to treat the Mad Lady from John's correspondence with him-and More than once - it can be seen that he was also in China at the time. Considering that there were indeed many foreign doctors who came to Huawei employers to provide medical services in that era, his presence in China cannot be used as evidence to question him, but it can be used as a condition for him to commit a crime. The key point is that the letter also mentioned contraceptives. What are the ingredients of this medicine? Is his wife’s abortion related to him?”

"We can push it backwards. Let's assume that Dr. Fleischer is the real culprit who caused the mad lady to miscarry and go mad. Is there any way he can do it? Yes, he is a doctor, and he is a doctor that the couple knows and trusts. , he has the conditions and the ability to do such a thing, especially the point of making the Mad Lady crazy. He should be aware of her family's inherited mental illness. Just a little hallucinogen can easily make her mentally unstable. , plus the blow of the miscarriage, it's only a matter of time before she goes crazy. Besides, does he have a motive? I think he has."

Qi Leren listened intently to Su He's analysis, and followed his train of thought a little: "Is it because of Adeline?"

Su He nodded and glanced at Qi Leren with admiration: "Yes, do you remember John's diary that he and Sarah visited Adeline's grave? He said that on the way back from the cemetery visit, they met On to Dr. Fleischer. This clue is not without reason, and Dr. Fleischer probably went to visit Adeline's grave."

"Hey, it seems that Dr. Fleischer and Adeline have a good relationship, so does he know that Adeline's death is strange? Then why didn't he tell Madam Madam?" asked Dr. Lu.

Qi Leren said: "Don't forget Mrs. Sarah's identity. Her family should be a powerful noble."

"Oh, that makes sense. Mrs. Sarah murdered Adeline, and Dr. Fleischer, who was close to Adeline, saw that something was wrong, but he couldn't get Mrs. Sarah to justice. , so he decided to use lynching to make a revenge drama." Doctor Lu snorted.

"But this is all speculation, and there is no substantive evidence. Maybe negative evidence will be found in the future." Su He smiled, "If we change our thinking, maybe Nina is the mastermind behind the poisoning of Mad Lady, or maybe John is the real murderer, who knows."

There are too many possibilities. From another angle, maybe the truth is that John and Nina hooked up. John was greedy for his wife's wealth and got all kinds of potions from Dr. Fleischer. Madam Sarah makes people think she is Hereditary disease attacked, and then waited for the opportunity to let her "accidentally die" in order to get her inheritance.

What role does Nina play in it? Although hooked up with the male host, but still sympathize with the crazy lady? Or did she secretly let the Mad Lady go just to further irritate her or even murder her

"It's four forty-three now, we have to go to Nina's place quickly, or we will enter the inner world." Su He said after looking at the time.

On the way to the first floor, the surroundings were silent, the crunching of shoes on the floor and the non-stop thunderstorm outside the window were disturbing. Qi Le people feel that this kind of ancient castle building is too gloomy, and people who stay here for a long time are prone to mental problems, and they are suspicious of everything.

"It's right in front." When he entered the corridor on the first floor again, Qi Leren pointed to the room in front of him and said.

There is no Miao Bo's body in the outer world. The old room has an unpleasant musty smell. The wall near the window and the ground nearby are rotten. The small fan in the inner world is locked from the outside. The door is still in the same position and doesn't look inconspicuous at all.

"It's the lock. Once it's locked, the door can't be opened from the inside. Obviously, the lock was added later." Qi Leren, who was inspired by Su He, pointed to the door lock and said.

"I don't need a key," Su He said.

"Then I'll open the door?" Qi Leren suggested.

Dr. Lu cowardly ducked behind Su He, and said sternly, "Go ahead."

Qi Leren gave him a contemptuous look, snatched Dr. Lu's flashlight, unlocked the outer lock, and turned the doorknob - the dusty wooden door was pushed open, and the pungent smell made people's eyes go black, and the flashlight's The light shone in the dark room, and on the wall facing the door was a corpse hanged under a goat head!

"!!!" Qi Leren took a small step back and looked nervously at the hanged corpse. After a long time of washing, the corpse had turned into a skeleton, wearing a maid's clothes, it was obvious that she could be seen. identity of.

Qi Leren immediately understood who she was.

But why did Nina hang here

Su He also walked into this room, his eyes stayed at Nina's feet, and he said in a cold voice, "She didn't commit suicide, she was hanged here."

"Huh?" Dr. Lu also walked in and snorted strangely.

Su He pointed to the coffee table at the skeleton's feet with his stick - Qi Leren remembered that he also picked up this coffee table in the inner world to deal with the armor that broke into the door - the coffee table was properly placed a few meters away from the skeleton's feet, It didn't look like someone who had hanged herself kicked it away, but it looked like someone had taken it from her feet and opened it up.

Qi Leren frowned and looked at the skeleton. The room was also filled with demonic power, and the smoky smell made the slaughter seed in his body eager to move.

"There should be a demon sacrifice here." Qi Leren said with certainty.

"Indeed, look at the wall." Su He pointed to the wall.

Qi Leren looked in the direction he pointed, and there were faint traces on the mottled wall... He stepped forward and scratched the wall with his fingers. The moldy wallpaper looked like eggshells. It peeled off, and some kind of strange totem could be vaguely seen on a few relatively clean walls nearby...

[Discovering the Devil's Sacrifice 5/6]

"Is there no tin box this time?" Qi Leren looked around and asked softly.

"I'm afraid this room is the 'iron box', and the sacrificed item is probably Miss Nina." Su He sighed.

"It's time for the Phantom to come, switch to the theater mode." Dr. Lu smacked his lips, waiting for the show.

Sure enough, with the discovery of the demon offering, the phantom appeared again.

"Are you afraid, dear?" asked the Mad Lady softly.

Her phantom appeared in the center of the room, her face blurred, but it was clear that one of her eyes had been gouged out and was still bleeding.

Standing under the head of the goat, Nina held the sling for hanging herself in both hands and stepped on the coffee table under her feet. She sobbed and shook her head. She tried her best to suppress her cry, but she couldn't hide her deep fear when she faced death.

"Didn't you say you'd do anything for me? Why should you be afraid?" The Mad Lady stood in front of her, looking up at the terrified and helpless Nina, giggling.

"I-I'm willing to help you escape... I... but I..." Nina couldn't help crying, "I don't want to die, ma'am, I don't want to die!"

Madame Madame's expression changed and she glared at her fiercely. Nina's crying stopped abruptly, and she didn't dare to let out the air. She trembled while holding the rope with her hands.

"Good boy." Madam Madame stretched out her bloody hand and stroked her cheek, "Yes, that's it, stick your head in, I just need a little help, and you're willing to help me, you're a good boy..."

Nina's face was covered in blood. She looked at Madame Madam in horror, trembling and sobbing, but she stuck her head into the rope under Mad Madame's bewitchment.

A distorted smile appeared on Madame Madame's bloody face, she bent down suddenly, and took away the coffee table under her feet!

Nina's body fell, and the rope around her neck tightened immediately. She struggled in pain, kicking the wall hard, scratching the rope around her neck, but it was useless, the pain of suffocation made her eyes She stared out, her face was hideous, and the sound of hooting and drinking overflowed from her throat, and she would die at any time.

Madam Madam watched her struggle with the coffee table, her expression was indifferent and cruel, without guilt or fear, she just watched silently until Nina gradually stopped moving and hanged herself in front of her eyes.

Madame Madame took a step back, admiring the head of the taxidermy goat above her head, and exhaling in admiration. She put the coffee table back in place, and hummed a song while inserting her fingers into the eye sockets without eyeballs. The stirring sound of the viscous liquid sounded sour, and she dug out a pool of fresh blood from the sockets and poured it on the wall. Write and draw.

Her tone is so eerie that the usual lyrics become creepy: "Will you love me? I love you. Even if you change your heart, that's okay, I've prayed to the devil to be together forever. Don't run away from me, my lovebird, dear John, you will love me as one."