Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 99: Killing Secret (1)


[Player Qi Leren, complete the castle horror mission. Mission completion is 95%.]

[Basic survival days are awarded for 20 days, and additional survival days are awarded for 30 days. The task completion rate is more than 90%, and a random lottery chance will be awarded.]

[Data synchronization countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, synchronization is completed.]

Qi Leren returned to his home in the Land of Twilight, and the palpitations at the last moment of the mission still lingered in his mind, making people shudder. He couldn't help thinking a lot. In the quest, there will be Isabel, an NPC who serves the Demon King of Deception. She or other demons must have interfered with the plot during the time when the quest was generated. Although the time span of the plot is very large, the generated plot should only be a single story. An instant thing, so there is no time conflict. But why exactly do they do this

The more he thought about it, the more powerless he became. He was just an ordinary player, vulnerable like an ant in the face of this huge conspiracy.

Qi Leren sighed and clicked on this random reward.

[Sand of Reverse Flow] You can reset the cooldown of a skill card at will, so that it can be re-used after the cooldown is completed in an instant. Remaining number of uses: 1/1.

Qi Leren's eyes lit up, and the originally depressed mood suddenly became happy. This one-time item can come in handy at critical moments. Even if his SL skill is still cooling down, as long as he uses this hourglass-shaped item, he can instantly reset it and use it again!

It almost cost him an extra life.

Plus the Easter eggs and the devil's etiquette... His mission this time was really rewarding. Could it be that it's time to turn around and it's not a must

It's a pity that the laptop still didn't follow him to the Land of Dusk. Qi Leren has already made up his mind. He will go to Chen Baiqi in two days to inquire about the transformer. He intends to bring things to the mission. He has a feeling that the same thing will happen again sooner or later. Come, and this time, he will come prepared.

The quest of the Castle Horror brought rich rewards to Qi Le people. The 50-day survival days plus the remaining 50 days and 3 hours before now have an astonishing 100 days and 3 hours in total. In addition to the necessary food expenses, he has nearly three months, and Qi Leren is ready to improve himself and is not in a hurry to take up the task - in half a month, he will start his first compulsory task.

Every player will have a mandatory task every month, and the difficulty of the task will become more and more difficult as time goes by, but for a newcomer, the difficulty of mandatory tasks is simpler than that of Novice Village. Of course, it is not what Qi Le people have experienced. Kind of a novice village, it's going to kill people.

Two or three months is not long or short. If you train properly, the skill card of the primary martial arts can be eliminated completely, and you can save a card slot. Su He gave it away a long time ago. He has a dagger that needs to be inserted into the card slot, but it has been useless because the card slot is not enough, which is a huge waste.

Before the end of the mission, the three agreed to have a meal together tomorrow. Qi Leren glanced at the time. Although his mental state was not bad, after all, he had tossed around in the old castle all night, so it would be better to rest first.

After washing up, Qi Leren got into the bed. The sunshine conditions in Dusk Township make it impossible to dry quilts. Last time, Qi Le people collapsed after washing a room of quilts and watched helplessly as the wet quilt sheets were slowly drying in the setting sun. Feeling cold, even people like Qi Le who don't pay much attention to clothing, food, housing and transportation feel uncomfortable. Dissatisfied with the quilt, Qi Leren turned over and fell asleep.

In the dream, Qi Leren stood in a sea of stars, and in the vast and boundless universe, he was humbled and small, like a mustard.

Not far away, a seat was floating in the vacuum, and Miu Li was sitting on the chair, flipping through the book on her lap. As if sensing his arrival, Miao Li raised her head and pushed her glasses: "Good evening. Although I didn't intend to let you start the mission so soon, it is a rare opportunity, so we decided to act in advance."

Qi Leren glanced at him calmly, pulled out the chair and sat down: "Is the matter of the killing secret meeting settled?"

"Bingo." Miao Li snapped her fingers, "Tell me briefly about the cause of the incident. We caught the ring-bearer of the Killing Secret Society's branch in Dusk. This is really a big fish."

"You have all caught the key people, what else do you need me to do?" An unpleasant feeling of impending disaster flooded into Qi Leren's heart, and he felt that he was about to make a big deal!

Miao Li sighed: "Then he died, of the Seed of Killing outbreak."

"So?" Qi Leren asked.

"Let's start from the beginning, starting with the secret association of the Killing Secret Society. The Village of Dusk is under the control of the Tribunal, so in the Village of Dusk, the branch of the Killing Secret Society is very low-key and hidden. They have no fixed base, all Members communicate under pseudonyms and identities, secretly develop players, and perform some special tasks on a regular basis. Their interiors are even chaotic and ununited, just like raising gu. Only the best ones will be favored by the Slaughter Demon King and become it. , while the rest are just tragic victims," Miao Li said.

"Did no one betray? Didn't you buy some informants?" Qi Leren asked.

Miao Li glanced at him admiringly: "We also want to do this, but there is one biggest problem. The inheritance of the Slaughter Seed is similar to that of the blood race, and those who hold the Slaughter Seed spread the Slaughter Seed through rituals. Give it to the newcomer and become his 'leader'. During the inheritance ceremony, the party who is implanted with the Seed of Slaughter will swear allegiance to the Slaughter Demon King. This loyalty is a contract that cannot be betrayed. Once the betrayal begins, the slaughter will The species will explode rapidly, killing the parasitoid."

Qi Leren resisted the urge to touch the Seed of Slaughter, and said coldly, "That's why you chose me? Because I was accidentally infected, not through this ritual to get the Seed of Slaughter?"

"This is a very important reason." Miao Li smiled, "Continue talking. The believers in each branch will choose a ring bearer and wear a token ring, and this ring is attached with the gift from the Slaughter Demon King. field…”

"Domain?!" Qi Leren couldn't help calling out.

Miao Li raised her eyebrows: "It seems that you don't know anything about the field."

Qi Leren did not speak.

"But it's just a semi-finished product, you can understand it as a portable space, because this field is attached to the token of the Slaughter Demon King rather than the holder itself, so it is just a semi-finished product, not as good as the general semi-field, Because it has no hope of completely condensing at all. But the ring bearer can use it to summon the believers who belong to this branch to execute the order of killing the Demon King and become their leader." Mioli changed her sitting position, holding her cheeks and watching Qi Leren, "You seem to have something to say?"

Qi Leren shook his head and said calmly: "I heard people talk about the domain before... Since you have caught the host of the Slaughter Secret Club branch, then he should have a token ring from that domain, right?"

"It's a pity, with his death, this ring returned to the hands of the acting ring bearer. Now, they are ready to elect a new ring bearer. Every believer of the Slaughter Demon King is eligible to participate in the selection. Yes." Miao Li's smile became subtle, she looked at Qi Leren deeply, as if to examine what step he could achieve.

"So you want me to infiltrate them, and then find a way to become the ring bearer of this branch?" Qi Leren suddenly felt absurd, "Do you think I can?"

"You can. Because we have an excellent identity to offer you." Miu Li grinned.

Qi Leren's eyelids twitched, and he had a very bad premonition.

"We'll train you for ten days... all kinds of training, do it well, and good luck."


In the village of dusk, which is shrouded in the setting sun all year round, a torrential rain has fallen.

The bean-sized raindrops hit the hidden alleys paved with stone bricks, splashing rainwater, and the noisy falling rain enveloped people's five senses in the water vapor, making all other sounds become Slow and distant, even the roar of machines that does not stop day and night is covered by the dense rain curtain in the sound of the torrential rain.

It was as dark as midnight, and the street lights at the entrance of the alley could not illuminate the distance of seven or eight meters, and in this dark corner, there were bursts of fighting and crashing sounds, and I was scared to hide from the rain under the eaves. bird. The breath belonging to the devil has invaded this hidden corner, and the raging slaughter seed died out with the host's exhaustion after a burst.

The battle quickly subsided, and in the sound of the rain, it was as if nothing had happened.

"Report, we have caught a follower of the Slaughter Demon King." The executive officer of the trial stepped on the back of the knocked-down boy and reported to the walkie-talkie.

On the other end of the walkie-talkie came Al's indifferent and lazy voice: "Bring the person back to live."

"Yes!" The executive turned off the walkie-talkie, and kicked the boy who seemed to have fainted. The people on the ground were motionless, and after the Seed of Slaughter broke out, he was already weak and nearly fainted.

The executive smacked his lips and roughly picked up the back of his neck... The blood flowed down from the boy's abdomen and was quickly washed away by the rain. The boy's slightly childish face showed a pained expression as he looked at him pleadingly. executive officer.

"Name?" the executive asked him.

"..." The boy did not speak, he had already decided that he could not escape, and the sense of despair had broken his nerves.

"Speak!" The executive raised his foot and slammed his knee on his wound, and the boy screamed, whimpering and crying.

"Useless stuff." The executive spat, tied his hands and dragged him to the spaceship of the inquisition.

In the darkness, the torrential rain became more and more raging. The sound of the rain made the executive officer's hearing worse, and his ears were filled with the cry of the young man. He was upset when he heard it. He glared at the young man and scolded: "Cry, cry Cry, cry! Are you a bitch?!"

The young man was frightened and murmured, "But I hurt..."

The executive was about to say something, but his lips suddenly stopped.

His expression was so stunned, even dazed, he turned his head in disbelief in the heavy rain, but this action accelerated his death. After a dull crash, he was kicked out like a kite with a broken string, and collapsed in the rain. Splashes like bloody spring water.

The teenager sitting on the ground was stunned, and even forgot to cry, staring blankly at the man wearing a cloak and a hood, and the blood dripping dagger in front of him. He has no idea when this person appeared here. The executive who was so powerful just now seemed impossible to defeat, and was killed by a dagger just like that...

"Useless thing." The man hiding under the cloak sarcastically repeated what the executive said before he died, and he didn't know whether he was laughing at the boy on the ground or at the dead executive.

It's amazing, although the voice and tone are a bit girly, but it's still cool!

The young man looked at this mysterious master who seemed to be a visitor from the night with admiration, and for a moment even forgot the pain in his body.

"Let's go, if you don't go to the court, the lackeys will come." The mysterious master said coldly.

"Oh... oh! Thank you, senior! Thank you!" The young man felt the aura of the same kind in the person in front of him, and said excitedly.

Qi Leren pressed down the hood of his cloak and looked at the young man in front of him calmly.

Everything is going well, next…

[Clothes are collected in the rain] The remaining number of inductions is 2/3.


Qi Leren's scalp was about to explode. At the critical moment, he instinctively completed a save. Almost at the same moment, a silver arrow shot through Qi Leren's back.

The save point was at his feet, and Qi Leren, who had read the file and resurrected, heard a crisp sound in his ear. The arrow that lost its target fell to the ground, and he was lucky to escape.

Qi Leren hurriedly turned around, and the rushing rain swirled and flew out. Under the distant and dimly lit street lamp, a figure swung at him with a short knife, as fast as a wind and lightning, the moment the blade was about to pierce him, The man suddenly realized something, and suddenly pulled back his force, abruptly reversed the swung short knife in one direction, and the sharp blade turned a silver-gray arc in the rainy night, dazzling like a shooting star.

The knife gas swept past the tip of Qi Leren's nose, cut down the cloak vertically, and Qi Leren sat back on the ground, water splashing everywhere. He was like a survivor who jumped off the rails at the last second before the train came, staring up at the person who was coming - he saw the blue eyes he would never forget.

In the forest, in the underground palace, in the cemetery, in the castle, in the dream... Qi Le people recalled these eyes countless times, but they never thought that they would meet unexpectedly in this way.

The same emotion called astonishment suddenly appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

The buckle of the cloak was torn by the knife wind, the hood fell off, and the rain-soaked cloak slid down heavily along the arc of the shoulders, revealing the Adam's apple and collarbone that belonged to men, and the collar under the cloak was opened to an almost indecent depth. , a large area of skin was exposed, and the hem of the clothes was so short that the navel was exposed... Ning Zhou's eyes were burned to the point that he moved away and fell back to his face.

It was a young face, obviously so familiar, but the raised eyeliner, the bewitching eye shadow, and the erotic tattoos made the face in my memory so unfamiliar.

Ning Zhou stared at him blankly, the short knife in his hand still stuck in his throat. One of them stood and the other sat, staring at each other silently, stagnant under the dim streetlights into an oil painting in which light and shadow are opposed, and reality and reality coexist.

The rainstorm continued.

PS: Straight men's GAY went out to hook up with Xiao Xianrou and was shot to death by the ex-boyfriend (?) who passed by with a knife.

One hundred, killing secret meeting (2)

The boy who fell to the ground was stunned.

A few meters away from him, the stern man with blue eyes was standing in the rain curtain, the short knife in his hand pointed directly at the mysterious master who had just assassinated the executive officer. Born to be opposed.

However, their eyes were full of similar surprise.

Do they know each other? The skeptical teenager even forgot his dangerous situation and the pain from his wound, and just stared at the two of them blankly.

There was a loud bang, and a cloud of black smoke enveloped the two of them. Before the smoke could dissipate, the boy felt a tightness on his waist and was pulled from the ground. The person who rescued him seemed to throw a hook. Something like that, led him over the wall of the alley, and stumbled a bit due to the weight of the two when he landed.

This mysterious master is very familiar with the nearby terrain, and he can skillfully use the terrain to avoid chasing soldiers even with a wounded person.

Qi Leren took a sigh of relief while holding the unconscious target in his arms.

The destination is already in sight, and Qi Leren is too tired to carry a living person who weighs more than 100 pounds. If the court lent him a few skill cards, he would not be able to carry it, even the individual. I can't even mention it, and it would be too unusual to pretend to be a mysterious master.

Entering the hut, Qi Leren threw the person on the sofa, found the medicine box and simply and rudely sewed and bandaged him. After confirming that the person would not die, he was relieved, and sat on the sofa despite being soaked wet. Start sorting out the process of this operation.

Kuangshan (pseudonym), male, 32 years old, died quickly after being captured by the Trial Chamber of the Seed of Killing outbreak. He is the ring-bearer of the Twilight Township branch of the Secret Society of Killing, and the... lover of the character played by Qi Leren this time.

That's right, Crazy Mountain is gay, and a gay man with a very chaotic private life, and it's quite normal to have a couple of lovers unknown to the members of the Killing Club.

In order to fit the character setting of Kuangshan's lover, he was made into such a ghost! Low cut crop top! Leather pants that are so low that their groin is exposed! Ghostly (and waterproof) eyeliner and eyeshadow! At first glance, it is not the weird tattoo of a good family man! In order to make him look like a GAY, the court also taught him how to change his voice! How to walk the catwalk!

Qi Leren covered his forehead depressedly. He originally thought that the gay vest would be abolished immediately after finishing the vote secretly. Even if he was killed, no one would know this kind of black history. Ning Zhou saw this inhuman appearance.

Thinking of Ning Zhou's shocked expression when he saw him, Qi Leren only felt that the pores all over his body were about to explode.

What will Ning Zhou think? Do you think he's a pervert

Qi Le stared at the ceiling above his head as if he was ashes, and was so irritable. When he used the smoke bomb to escape just now, he clearly felt that Ning Zhou was deliberately releasing the water, otherwise the smoke bomb and rain would not be able to stop Ning Zhou's pursuit... At the beginning, the arrow almost killed him. Ning Zhou probably thought that the guy who attacked the judge of the trial was a demon believer who was willing to fall. But when the arrow that hit him fell to the ground because of his reading file, Ning Zhou quickly recognized who he was, so he pulled back and let him go...

The assassination of the trial executive officer to save people was originally a good show played by Qi Le and the trial. Everything went smoothly. After the execution officer of the trial court died, he escaped with the target mission. Who knew that he would meet someone passing by? Ning Zhou, I can only say that this is an embarrassing coincidence.

Qi Leren stood up, walked to the window and looked out.

The torrential rain was like a note, and the patter of rainwater flowed down the window sill, and the bead chain was usually hung outside the window. In the quiet twilight village, the lights are like fishing fires on the sea. Qi Leren's sight suddenly froze, he stared blankly at the street lamp emitting dim yellow light in the rain in the distance, and the black figure under the street lamp.

Qi Leren suspected that he was wrong, so he blinked his eyes hard, and when he looked there again, the figure was gone.

Qi Leren rubbed his eyes again, but no matter how he looked, no one was there under that lamppost.

Is it an illusion? Qi Leren just pondered for a moment, and immediately denied this judgment.

He trusted his eyes.

Maybe it was the man in charge of the Inquisition to oversee him, or maybe...

Qi Leren's hand was on the window sill, and an unspeakable melancholy lingered in his heart. He vaguely felt that the figure should be Ning Zhou. He really followed behind them, but in the end he did not come out to stop him .

Maybe the people in the courthouse have already contacted him. They should have told him that this was a special operation, and the misunderstanding would naturally be resolved. Thinking of this, Qi Leren felt a sense of relief. Although he still has to act with this embarrassing fake identity for a while, he finally doesn't have to be regarded as a pervert by Ning Zhou, which is really good...

Under the street lamp at the alley, Ning Zhou, who had been hidden in the darkness, was leaning against the wall. The rain poured down and soaked his coat, but he seemed ignorant. The black bird parked under the eaves not far away chirped, and Ning Zhou raised his head and looked towards the alley.

The executive officer Al in casual clothes walked towards him on the rain, stopped in front of him, glanced at the lit window, and his usual sloppy tone was rarely solemn: "Fortunately, you didn't break in. Go, it almost broke a big deal."

"What's going on?" Ning Zhou frowned. The scene in the rainstorm just now had too much impact on him - not only because of Qi Leren's dress. When he recalled that he almost killed Qi Leren by mistake just now, he became uneasy. If Qi Leren's reaction was a bit slower at that time... Ning Zhou didn't even dare to think about it.

"I can't say, you can go back and ask the BOSS." Al said.

Ning Zhou stood up straight, glanced back at the window, and whistled, the big black bird passed under the eaves, landed on his shoulder, and disappeared into the night with him.

inside the house.

There was a pained groan from the sofa, Qi Leren took a few deep breaths, made mental preparations, and began to enter the state of performance. He lit a cigarette—one of the skills he had learned in the past ten days—and walked unhurriedly to the sofa, leaning down and puffing a puff of smoke on the injured teenager.

The half-conscious teenager took a breath of smoke and choked up with a cough. The pain from the wound that had just been sewn up made him wake up with tears in his eyes, moaning and twitching, so painful that he could only faint. it is good.

The teenager who woke up saw a flirtatious and sexy young man sitting on the sofa opposite, smoking a cigarette casually, and squinting at him, a voice that was too feminine for a man sounded, indifferent and provocative. "I really didn't expect that the followers of the Slaughter Demon King had fallen into this state after not returning to the Twilight Land for a while."

The boy's face was pale, and he didn't dare to look at him. He murmured, "Thank you, senior... Thank you for saving me..."

The man sitting on the sofa changed his position, put his feet on the armrest of his sofa, and smoked a cigarette lazily: "What's your name? Who is the leader?"

The young man glanced at him secretly, and was caught by the man's half-smiling eyes, and immediately lowered his eyes and said obediently, "My name is Asi, and I am a descendant of Lady Catherine."

"Huh? Kathleen? NPC or player?" the mysterious man asked leisurely.

"Madam is an NPC." Asi seemed to be in awe of her, with a very respectful tone, even with a hint of panic.

"Who is the acting ring bearer here now?" the mysterious man asked again.

"Yes... it's Mr. Lieyang. Since Mr. Kuangshan... died, he has been in charge of acting. The succession selection ceremony will start in a few days, and Mr. Lieyang should be able to get the position of ring bearer." Assi truthfully explain.

The mysterious man chuckled: "That's not necessarily true."

Asi looked at him blankly, a little unclear.

"Because there are always uninvited people to spoil other people's good things, such as... this lady who came late at night?" The mysterious man raised his face and glanced at the closed door from the corner of his eyes.

A woman's light laughter came from outside the door, the door was pushed open, and a young woman dressed up put away the dripping umbrella in her hand, and looked at the two people in the house with a smile: "I didn't expect that I would come to meet in the rain. It's such a young and handsome gentleman, it's a pity we haven't met before, so what should I call you?"

Assie looked at Lady Catherine, and then peeked at the mysterious man on the sofa.

He slowly put out the cigarette butt, and his slender fingers stroked the red tattoo on the corner of his eye, as if he was remembering something. The corner of his slightly pursed mouth outlined a seductive arc: "My name is Hong. Bloody red."