Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 104: Gangster Empire (2)


[Block Q is out.]

[The square K is out.]

The system prompts that were not more than five minutes apart made Qi Leren heave a sigh of relief. He looked around, did not go in to clean up the scene, but turned down from the balcony outside before the security arrived, and left the murder case in a hurry. on site.

There are four enemies left.

And a lover.

Leaning against the wall of the dark alley, Qi Leren took out the Q of Spades in his pocket. His current body is called Alan, code-named Whiskey, the secret killer of the Irish gangster, responsible for some murders and arson for the gang.

As soon as he entered the dungeon, he was in his own home. According to the system prompt, the Qile people quickly targeted the underground winery where Billy died, and immediately went to Bonn to find clues—after all, there was a 30-day reward— By the way, sit back and wait. During the conversation with Bonn, Qi Leren quickly discovered that the male prostitute in front of him was full of flaws. He deliberately approached him to flirt, and the other party's horrible reaction told Qi Leren that he was a fake.

When the door was kicked open and Qi Leren was pointed at with a gun, he pretended to be frightened and ran away, but actually covered the door and listened to the corner.

Although the use of props and skill cards is prohibited in this dungeon, and even the use of domains and semi-domains is prohibited, but Qi Leren is not the rookie who was unable to move without skill cards.

He got a little "surprise" by taking down two opponents in less than two hours.

Maybe, this dungeon won't be as difficult as he imagined, Qi Le thought with relief.

After all, the prophet also said that this time there was no danger.

Of course, that's not what he said.

"This mission is interesting." When the Qi Le people went to look for the Prophet, he was lazily lying on the sofa and taking a nap. He was not surprised to see the Qi Le people, as if he had known that he would come, "In the Twilight Village From time to time, there will be such missions, since there is a 'mission station' here."

The people of Qi Le certainly knew where the quest was. The "Castle of Horror" quest was received there. Its existence made the nightmare world more like a game than a real world.

"How did the mission appear?" Qi Le asked, "Could it be possible to add buildings with special functions at will like playing games like "Sim City" after the domain reaches a certain level?"

"Well, I made a deal with it." The Prophet blinked and said vaguely, "After all, doing more tasks will allow you to level up faster."

"Who is that?"

The Prophet showed a mysterious smile: "A goldfish."

Qi Leren was about to have a psychological shadow on the goldfish. He deeply remembered that the Lust Witch said that Su He took care of a goldfish.

This goldfish is naturally not an ordinary goldfish, this seems to be just a synonym for it.

"What the hell is a goldfish?" Qi Leren asked.

"It's not a thing, let alone a creature. Don't measure it with human eyes and logic. It doesn't have human motives, emotions, or even thoughts. The world it sees is the same as the world we see with our naked eyes. So different, we'll never understand each other. If I must describe it, it's the will of the world."

Qi Le people vaguely guessed what a goldfish is.

Of course it is not a goldfish, nor is it a person. It seems to be a key to control the world. It seems to be indestructible and omnipotent, but it is extremely fragile. It must have certain restrictions, so it will be deceived by the devil and others People are imprisoned in "goldfish bowls".

"Do you want to rescue it?" Qi Leren finally asked.

The Prophet smiled: "No one wants to save it, me, them, you, all saints, thugs, careerists, saviors, the roads lead to only one end..."

Qi Leren stared blankly at the prophet, and three earth-shattering words were brewed from his thin lips:

"Replace it."

These words moved Qi Leren a lot. He had already stepped onto the stage from the auditorium full of unknown audiences, and saw a corner behind the curtain, but he never expected that the protagonists on the stage, who were focused by the lights, had already ambitiously planned for the stars and the sea.

After the Prophet personally confirmed that the domain or half of the domain could not be opened in this dungeon, Qi Le finally let go of his hanging heart. Even if Su He appeared, he was not afraid anymore. He did not believe that he and Ning Zhou could not deal with it. A Su He who can't open the domain.

He asked how the Prophet knew the restrictions of this mission, and the Prophet smiled mysteriously: "There was none originally, I added a new restriction to this mission—it is forbidden to open domains or semi-domains during the mission."

"Can people at the domain level interfere with the mission?" Qi Leren asked. He had seen Su He do similar things before and was deeply impressed.

"What kind of mess is that?" The Prophet rolled his eyes in a down-to-earth manner, "It must be someone like me who is handsome and full of the halo of the protagonist."

"... Su He is also fine." Qi Leren reminded.

The Prophet's expression froze slightly, and soon he revealed a familiar sly smile:

"Who do you think taught Su He?"

In the shock of Qi Le people, the prophet said meaningfully: "I only have three students in total, and he is the latest one. At that time, his name was not Su He."


Tuk tuk.

There was a knock on the door of this dark and cramped apartment.

Qi Leren put the newspaper aside, stood up from the sofa, and observed the people outside the door.

She was a young and beautiful woman, well-dressed and stylish, more like a socialite in a grand club than the narrow and dirty corridors in this cheap apartment.

"Alan, are you there?" The woman outside knocked on the door again, her voice crying, "It's me, Willow."

This name is too familiar, a woman whose name appears in the background of the mission, the fiancée of the unlucky Billy, the eldest lady of the Irish gangster.

How did she get to know such a desperado as Whiskey

Qi Leren opened the door, and Willow grabbed his hand, and said in a dazed way: "Alan, my father has been taken away!"

"Don't worry, come in and talk slowly." Qi Leren pulled him in and closed the door.

Although he doesn't have the original memory of this body, he can still get a lot of useful information from the details - Willow will come to Alan in such a critical moment, and the relationship between the two is definitely not bad in private.

"Who took the boss away?" Qi Leren asked.

Willow pursed her lips tightly, and said in a panic: "Uncle David said, it was the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), they caught evidence of my father's tax evasion."

Come on, it's worse than being taken away by the police.

Even a person like Qi Leren who knows little about American history has heard of Al Capone, one of the godfather leaders of the American Mafia in the last century. However, this big man's "famous name" was ruined by tax evasion, was caught by the IRS and imprisoned after being caught by the IRS, and finally died of syphilis.

In this era, in this land, there are many people who kill, set fire, smuggle, smuggle and sell drugs to live a bright life, but those who dare to evade taxes... This is very dangerous.

"What evidence did they capture?" Qi Leren asked.

Willow shook her head in distress: "I don't know, Uncle David didn't say anything."

"Don't worry, leave it to David, he has rich experience." Qi Leren comforted.

Willow covered her face, choked up and said, "I don't know what to do..."

Qi Leren didn't know how to comfort her. He wanted to choose words to coax her, but then he thought, isn't his character set up as an underground killer? Judging from the layout of the room, he is still a more literary and withdrawn young man. He doesn't seem like the kind who can coax people. If he talks too much, he might show his flaws.

So Qi Leren made up his mind to talk less, and let Willow cry for a while.

"What time is it?" Willow asked in a crying voice.


"I should go." Willow wiped her face.

"I'll take you back, it's not safe at night." Qi Leren said.

"No need, the driver is waiting for me below." Willow forced a smile and covered her face again, "Alan, I really don't know what to do... Actually, I should hate him, but he is me after all. father."

Before Qi Le could say anything, Willow had already put on her lace hat, and before going out, she looked back at him deeply.

"Thank you, really, thank you."

Willow left, and Qi Le sent her to the car. When he returned to the apartment, a letter stuck in the door caught his attention.

The envelope was very clean, with only "For Whiskey" written on it in pen, and no seal was stamped on the sealing seal.

Qi Leren looked around, there were only one closed door after another around him, and there was no sign of anyone.

He opened the envelope, and there was only a typed note inside: [Old time, old place.]

Qi Leren who has no memory: ... Fuck!