Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 113: Gangster Empire (11)


"Our friendship has broken down." Sitting in Qi Leren's car, Dr. Lu had a look of death.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I really didn't know that you were also in this dungeon. I didn't tell you not to get involved, so I asked Ning Zhou to come with me?" Qi Leren apologized sincerely, and almost killed his friend The Sao operation repented endlessly.

Dr. Lu looked at him faintly, and complained bitterly: "Obviously you despise me for being too useless, and want to bring your boyfriend over for your honeymoon."

This expression on Dr. Lu's original lovely face really makes people feel guilty, but now his body is a muscular tough guy, like Governor Schwarzenegger, causing Qi Le people to look at it and can't help but roll their eyes twitch.

"Forget it, anyway, with your luck, you can't kill me." Dr. Lu snorted softly, and despised Qi Leren's eternal pain point.

Now the Qi Le people don't recognize it: "You should review yourself first, how can you be so unlucky and enter this dungeon?"

Dr. Lu clasped his head and went mad: "Ah, I don't want to either! I was so unlucky! I was going to buy a cake that day, but I ran into a psychopath! The neuropathy was reading the invitation letter, and I saw this card It looks familiar! I leaned over to take a look, and then I was sacked!!!”

Qi Le people recalled that in the tavern where several players met, the mysterious passer-by of Meihua came with his teammates in sacks. Given his impatience, fortunately, this dungeon would change the identity and appearance of the players. Change, otherwise Doctor Lu might have been killed by his teammates long ago.

Dr. Lu was still talking about his rare unlucky experience, and finally said solemnly: "I think my unlucky has something to do with you."

"Blame me?" Qi Leren gave him a sideways look, refusing to admit the scapegoat.

"Of course it's your fault. If I hadn't seen the card you received the mission from, I wouldn't have leaned over to look at other people's cards. If I didn't look, I wouldn't have been sacked away. So you must be blamed." Doctor Lu spoke eloquently.

It seems quite reasonable. Qi Leren thought so in his heart, but he didn't admit it: "I can't blame me for this, you only went out to buy small cakes to eat, if you were quietly at home to see a doctor, you wouldn't be covered in a sack!"

Dr. Lu pouted for a long time, complained about his unlucky experience, and finally said in frustration: "... I want to die early, this dungeon is so boring, I can't beat you, die early Eighty days will be deducted, and I have plenty of days to live!"

Qi Leren had a headache. Only one team can win this mission, and the losers will have their survival days deducted, so someone has to lose.

Qi Leren comforted Dr. Lu, thinking about the next move.

The mission to assassinate the new mayor can be said to have failed, but even if the Qi Le people stop, David will not let Dr. Lu go, he will definitely appoint other killers to deal with his thorn in the side.

"I suggest you go underground. Next, the Irish gang will have other killers to deal with you. If you fail once and twice, what happened today will repeat itself countless times. You can't always be so lucky." Qi Leren explain.

Dr. Lu slumped on the car seat in frustration: "Then where should I go?"

"You go to our place first and let Ning Zhou take care of you." Qi Leren said.

Dr. Lu nodded depressedly.

half an hour later.

Dr. Lu: "Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... yes, no... ha ha ha ha ha... sorry, I, I, I ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

Ning Zhou turned his head and looked at the ground without saying a word.

Qi Leren didn't know how he could see the grievance and depression from this expressionless little face, which aroused his compassion, and he put his arms around the golden-haired lady and scolded Dr. Lu: "If you keep laughing, Ning Zhou doesn't care about you."

Dr. Lu suppressed a smile, but looked up and saw Xiao Ningzhou who was hugged by Qi Leren like a big doll, and fell to the ground laughing again, the room was full of the happy smile of Kong Wu's powerful muscular man Voice.


Early this morning, Qi Leren was going to go out to find Ning Zhou and Dr. Lu, who was temporarily staying there, when he opened the door, there was a letter under the door.

It's this routine again.

Qi Leren muttered in his heart, and picked up the letter. As soon as he got it, he felt that this letter was a little different from the last time, and the sealing seal on the envelope was different. He opened the envelope, and there was only one sentence in it:

— keep her distance.

Signature: Agave.

The Qi Le people squinted their eyes, Tequila, this code name should be one of the underground assassins of the Irish gang, but in his memory these days, there was no person with the code name Tequila.

The train of thought stopped here, and Qi Leren changed the angle, starting from this "her".

"Keep a distance from her", this "she" must be someone close to him, and there is only one such person—Willow, the eldest lady of the Irish gangster.

The man was warning him to keep his distance from Willow.

Why? What is the point of this warning? What is the purpose

The train of thought stopped here again, and without more clues, Qi Leren could no longer reason, and he had to switch angles again.

How about starting from Willow

Does Willow have any unusual behavior

have. The time she took Qi Leren to buy birthday presents.

A light flashed in Qi Leren's mind. At that time, Willow said that he was buying a birthday present for his girlfriend, but she took that gift away and gave Qi Leren the money for the gift!

That is to say, that gift was only bought by Willow in his name, and the purpose was definitely not for his fictional girlfriend, but for...

Instead, it was given to someone who couldn't speak—Willow's own girlfriend.

In this era, the existence of homosexuality is almost a taboo, so Willow avoided it subconsciously. Instead, she bought a gift in front of the clerk with the reason of "helping Qi Leren to buy a gift for his girlfriend". The nostalgic attitude is puzzling.

The people of Qi Le remembered what Willow said that day—for a long time, I have deeply missed the memories of us growing up together. I've never been brave enough, if I had...

Let's get in touch with Willow's description of "Qi Leren's girlfriend", tall, long hair, sexy, and very fashionable.

Qi Leren roughly sketched out the image of Miss Tequila in his mind, and vaguely guessed the entanglement of the same-sex couple: Tequila, Whiskey and Willow grew up together, and Tequila and Willow fell in love , but due to various reasons, the couple did not get together. Tequila should have left, but she has been paying attention to the situation here. Willow is about to marry Billy, the boss of the Italian gangster, but Billy is killed and killed...

The murderer... Could it be Tequila

Not impossible.

And David, David had asked him casually if she had come to him. This she is probably referring to Miss Tequila. At that time, David told him to keep an eye on Willow, not to let her escape, which meant that Willow might escape, and she always wanted to stay and fly with her lover.

Qi Leren figured out some things, and his mood immediately improved. He also knocked on Gavin's room, holding the letter and asking with a half-smile: "Who told you to put it under my door?"

Gavin swallowed nervously: "Someone sent me a letter. I don't know who it is. There is money in the letter. Let me give you this letter."

Qi Leren didn't say anything, and after making sure that the little messenger had nothing to hide, he left.

It seems necessary to see Willow, Qi Leren thought.

However, it was this side that almost cost Qi Leren his life.