Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 114: Gangster Empire (12)


There was a torrential rain in Fick New City.

David's heart is also raining like this, ever since BOI (The Bureau of Investigation) sent investigators to pay special attention to the new city of Fick.

The assassination of the new mayor a few days ago caused a sensation in the city. Although the police confirmed that the mayor James was not in the car at the time, he mysteriously disappeared afterwards. Many citizens feared that he had been killed.

The fact that the Irish gangsters were at the forefront certainly bothered David, and although he should have expected it when he ordered the removal of the thorn in his side, the involvement of the BOI still gave him sleepless nights.

This is undoubtedly a dangerous signal, indicating that the state forces are beginning to pay attention to this group of unscrupulous gangsters.

But Qi Le people don't care about these, his goal is to kill several other players to win, so compared to David who is full of worries, at this moment he is more concerned about the mysterious "Tequila".

On this day, the people of Qi Le braved the heavy rain to go to Willow's house. Although Willow was a little surprised at his arrival, she still welcomed him into the house.

"Why did you come here today?" Willow asked.

Qi Le sat on the sofa, holding the hot tea that Willow handed over, and quietly observed the young lady's room, but there was no unexpected gain.

"Nothing." Qi Leren took a sip of black tea and asked casually, "Have you sent out the watch?"

Willow's expression froze for a while, before she lowered her head and nodded slightly.

It seems that he guessed right, Qi Leren is keenly aware that he is on the right path, and now all he has to do is to confirm whether Tequila is the murderer who killed Billy - it is a matter of 30 days of survival Reward, he doesn't want to let go of this truth that is close to the answer.

"How is she?" Qi Leren asked again.

Willow looked out the window, the torrential rain hit the glass window uninterruptedly, venting the power accumulated in the rain cloud. The young woman was full of thoughts and worries, as if she was anxious about something.

"I..." Willow just wanted to say that she didn't know, but the man sitting opposite was leaning on the back of the sofa, stretched all over his body, but his eyes were sharp, her heart trembled suddenly, and silent fear choked her throat.

"She's coming back." Willow murmured dreamily, "She's coming back soon!"

Qi Leren sat up slightly, as if listening carefully: "And then?"

Willow bit her lips, and raised the teacup to her lips, as if fighting against something: "I want to go with her, I'm sorry, Alan, I must go with her! I must go with her! Thank you, But I..."

Willow's strange expression and narration at this moment made the string in Qi Leren's mind plucked, and he suddenly realized a problem.

He, no, it should be said that there is a problem with the relationship between the original owner of his body and Willow.

They are not childhood sweethearts at all! He, Alan, has been secretly in love with the eldest lady of the Irish gangster for a long time, and Willow knows it well. Even after witnessing the lily love between Tequila and Willow, he still insists on being America's backup tire wholeheartedly.

However, seeing that he is almost unable to be a spare tire now, his "goddess" is about to run away with Qingmei who has returned to China!

This was very embarrassing, Qi Leren instinctively sympathized with the original owner of this body, and then remembered that he was still on a mission, so he had to pay attention to brewing good emotions when playing the role.

How will Allen react at this time? Unacceptable rage? Ashamed indifference? Or…

"When love gradually dies, the human heart is just a living grave." Qi Leren, who really couldn't think of an appropriate way to deal with it, chose to recite a poem.

The advantage of doing this is that because the amount of information is not enough, the other party will instinctively guess the deep meaning of this sentence according to his original personality.

Willow covered her mouth, and suddenly cried out of control.

Now it was Qi Leren's turn to be confused. He just read a poem, why does it seem like she is the one who lost love? !

"Can love die? No, even if I smash it with an awl, it still lives in my heart." Willow cried while tearing her hair, torturing herself crazily.

What the hell does this mean? Qi Le people couldn't understand the direction at all, so they had to keep silent.

"I'm sorry, Ellen, I'm really sorry... you've done so much for me, but... love can't be controlled. I love Jessica, I love her, no matter what she becomes, whether she still loves or not Love me, I love her." Willow burst into tears, her red eyes burning with a trembling determination.

It turns out that Tequila's name is Jessica, and Qi Le people know another point of information, and there seems to be something wrong with their relationship.

"David won't let you go." Qi Leren said.

He still remembered that David once asked him to keep an eye on Willow, apparently because he didn't want Louis's only daughter to elope with a woman.

"I know, so please, don't tell him about it. Jessica will be back soon, and I will go to Mexico with her, where she has been operating for three years." Willow looked at Qi Le people pleadingly .

Qi Le was silent for a long time. He has been trying to figure out Alan's mood at this moment-the task of playing Maria gave him a lot of inspiration. What kind of person is Allen? He is sensitive, artistic, withdrawn, and at the same time a tyrannical killer, his way of treating enemies is unexpectedly cruel, and a terrible devil hides under his quiet appearance.

Will he just watch Willow leave? Although for Qi Leren, he is happy to let the girl elope with her lover.

He stood up, looking down at Willow condescendingly.

Willow just leaned on the back of the sofa, fear gradually began to appear in her eyes.

Yes, fear.

Qi Leren pulled out his pistol expressionlessly and pointed it at Willow's beautiful head.

The fear in Willow's eyes overflowed, she froze on her seat, and asked in a trembling voice: "Allen, you won't, you can't... you... don't do this, I beg you..."

The man who admired her stared at her, his eyes seemed to be covered with a thick layer of frost, but under the ice layer, there was a flame burning. The angel and the devil stood on both sides of him at the same time, speaking to him, persuading him, deceiving him, he could kill her or forgive her, this struggle was shown on his face and trembling hands. A killer who has killed countless people, his hand holding the gun shouldn't be trembling, but he pointed the gun at the woman he loved the most, a woman who was about to leave him and never see him again.

His pale thin lips parted slightly, and he spit out hoarse words: "Goodbye, Willow."

Willow closed her eyes in despair, tears flowed silently from her eyes, leaving two new wet marks on her tear-stained face.

But the expected gunshot didn't ring out, and she hesitated to open a slit. In the blurred light, the man stood in front of her, but the gun in his hand had already been put down.

"I wanted to give you a kiss." The man could still vaguely see the decisive tenderness in his eyes, "But you don't deserve it, and neither do I."

He turned and walked towards the door without saying another word to her.

When the door closed, Willow's beating heart suddenly became silent. She ran to the window and looked out the window, watching the small car that belonged to him leave her field of vision.

She suddenly cried uncontrollably, biting her lips and weeping uncontrollably. This pain seemed to have a sharp awl piercing her eye sockets, turning back and forth in her brain, sucking her love away and destroying it.


After the car drove away from Willow's house, Qi Leren relaxed his nerves and let out a long sigh of relief.

If he wanted to pursue acting skills, he should have kissed Willow at that time, but he couldn't say it, so he had to pretend to be forced and run away, doing all his bad things as the second male lead who is crazy about love but finally let go of love.

The conversation with Willow also gave him a new guess.

It wasn't Jessica who killed Willow's fiancé, Billy—she was far away in Mexico. From the point of view of motivation and means, people who want to do this, can do it, and do it without anyone noticing...

Only himself.

Willow probably knew about it, and she even hinted at it, so she thanked him again and again.

Just imagine, the beloved goddess came to look for the spare tire crying, saying that she didn't want to marry the fiancé appointed by her father, how could the skilled spare tire stand, of course she chose to kill him. However, doing things for the goddess does not mean that she can marry the goddess. The goddess wants to elope with her childhood sweetheart, and the spare tire can't stop her. Of course, she chooses to forgive them.

Hey, it's not easy.

When Qi Leren drove the car downstairs to David's office, the rain stopped.

"Is David there?" Qi Leren asked the bodyguard at the door.

The bodyguard nodded and knocked on the door for him.

David's familiar voice did not come, and it was quiet inside.

"Maybe the boss is asleep." The bodyguard said with a smile, knocked again, and opened the door for him.

The office was dim, and David didn't like places that were too bright. All the curtains in this huge suite were drawn.

In the darkness, a beam of light came in from the gap in the curtains and fell on the old floor. David, who was sitting on a chair, was buried in the darkness without turning on the light.

There is a light on in the bathroom directly opposite the door, and a figure can be vaguely seen behind the frosted glass. And the sound of running water came from the bathroom, as if someone was washing their hands.

Qi Leren's heart beat wildly, and the first thing he smelled was that smell.

The smell of death.

Then came the smell of blood, a strong smell of blood.

He stared at the glass door, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at David on the seat.

David, who had no head, sat quietly on his seat. The blood on the floor engulfed the original color of the carpet and was slowly spreading towards them.

The sound of running water from the bathroom stopped abruptly.