Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 118: Gangster Empire (16)


The car pulled up in a hideout outside Fick's Old and New Ports.

This seaport used to be an important port of Fick New City, but since the completion of the new port, it has been abandoned and has become an important port for gangsters to smuggle foreign alcohol.

Based on the principle of keeping a low profile, Qi Leren and Ning Zhou had no intention of alarming the gangsters here.

Walking in the old port, there are shrubs that have not been pruned for a long time. Most of the street lights have even been destroyed. A few street lights that are still working here and there bring faint light to this moonlit harbor.

The Qi Le people and Ning Zhou walked very carefully, keeping their guns in their hands. Their enemies may have already arrived at this harbor, and a deadly conflict may break out between them at any time.

"Please note that the police have infiltrated the harbor. Please note that the police have infiltrated the harbor. Please note that the police have infiltrated the harbor." The broadcast suddenly sounded in the silent harbor, and the two people who were moving slowly in the shadows exchanged a look.

"It's the woman who called me. She's trying to make the smugglers think we're the police." Qi Leren said, touching his injured right arm, choked his words, and went around three times before he hesitated. Spit out hesitantly, "If we meet Club K later, and the situation is critical, I, I will attract the other party's attention, and you will be responsible for killing him, anyway... Anyway, it's good that one of us survives."

Ning Zhou stopped in his tracks and suddenly turned his head to look at him.

In the moonlight, his blue eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of black veil.

Qi Leren let out a "gudong" and swallowed his saliva in vain.

The "child" with a maturity that is not commensurate with his age turned his face back, looked at the road ahead, and said in a low voice: "When someone is about to sacrifice, I hope it will not be you."

For a moment, Qi Leren's heart seemed to be held tenderly.

"I… "

A few glaring lights shone over, and the two of them were startled. They immediately rolled into the bushes and looked for a cover. Almost at the same time as they hid in the cover, machine guns fired "chug chug" like a torrential rain. .

"Get out of here!" Ning Zhou said.

Qi Leren nodded, and the two quickly rushed out towards the gap in the firepower.


Moonlight shot in from the round window of the cabin, casting a bright cold light on the damaged floor.

Dr. Lu was sitting on a wooden chair, his hands were tied behind the back of the chair, and his feet were also firmly tied with ropes. Although he was not physically tortured, he looked "tired and unloved" and suspected Have you exhausted the European energy that has dominated your life

Or maybe he was cursed with "100% kidnapped", otherwise how could he be tied up in a sack to participate in the mission a few hours before the mission started? Otherwise, how could he be kidnapped and thrown into this cabin again during the mission

With a "creak" sound, Dr. Lu raised his head in response.

The wooden door of the cabin was pushed open, and she showed her slender figure against the moonlight, but Dr. Lu still recognized that the person in front of him was not the woman who kidnapped him just now.

"Are you okay? Do you want some water?" The strange woman asked gently, as if she felt guilty about what happened to him now, and dared not look him in the eyes.

"Okay, thank you, beautiful sister." In a crisis situation, Dr. Lu's mouth is quite sweet, not as sloppy as he was in front of Qi Le people.

The woman poured him water, gave him a drink, and sat down in front of him.

"Are you..." Doctor Lu asked.

"Willow," the woman said.

Doctor Lu suddenly realized: "Oh, hello, hello. May I ask why I was tied up here?"

Willow forced a smile: "Sorry, I don't know either."

"The person who brought me here is... Tequila?" Doctor Lu guessed another woman's name the moment he knew Willow's name. Qi Leren once mentioned the NPC of this suspected couple to him, and he was very impressed.

Willow nodded.

Dr. Lu couldn't figure it out even more. Why did an NPC in Tequila kidnap him? She also wants to lead the other three players here? What does she want to do? Revenge on society

"Willow, are you there?" The door opened again, and a slender woman walked in.

Also her back was facing the moonlight, in that icy backlight, she was like a burning flame rose, but her voice was as cold as the polar wind.

"Ah, Jessica, I'm here." Willow stood up and asked awkwardly, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, I couldn't find you anywhere just now." Tequila said blankly, "Don't run around, someone may find you here, it will be very dangerous."

"Okay." Willow nodded obediently, "I won't run around."

Tequila left, and Willow looked melancholy at the closed hatch, and sat down again.

"Aren't you going to find her?" Doctor Lu asked curiously.

Willow stared blankly at the moonlight outside the round window, and murmured for a long time, "I don't know."

Dr. Lu felt more and more weird. Their conversation and expressions didn't look like a couple reunited after a long absence. There was a strange feeling everywhere.

"I don't know, she is still my Jessica." Willow said quietly.

"… What's the meaning?"

"What do you think is love?" Willow suddenly asked a philosophical question.

Dr. Lu was stunned, and opened his mouth to come: "Uh, scientifically speaking, this is an emotion produced by the chemical substances secreted by the brain, which makes people attract each other and fall in love."

Willow was stunned: "I don't quite understand... But you also said that this is controlled by the brain."

"Yes." Dr. Lu said naturally.

"Then what if a person's brain is broken." Willow asked.

Doctor Lu was silent. He remembered what happened to Tequila mentioned by Qi Le people - frontal lobotomy surgery. There are many sequelae of this kind of operation. Most of the patients who undergo the operation do not get the expected results. Judging from Tequila's current situation, she belongs to the "lucky" category, at least her action ability and logical thinking are not wrong, but...

"One rainy night that year, she came to my bedroom covered in blood and asked me if I wanted to go with her... I didn't. I don't know whether the person in front of me is my lover or a puppet exactly like her. She left, alone, I looked at her leaving figure, full of remorse, at that time, I didn't know her What happened... Ever since then, I have been waiting for the day when I will meet her again. We have been communicating through letters through the middleman all these years, and I know the reason why she left, and the misfortune that happened to her. I love her, she said She also loves me as before. But do you know? I only see a lover who no longer loves me from letters filled with love words." Willow said slowly and with difficulty, her eyes moistened.

"I felt her efforts, she was desperately trying to get back the feeling of love, but she had lost that power. She kept, kept, kept repeating the words of loving me, as if telling me and telling me Herself, she loves me. But ah, her brain doesn't love me anymore."

She covered her mouth and sobbed brokenly: "Those doctors smashed her love! I hate them, my father, those doctors, those who hurt her, I hate them! I will never let go pass them!"

"But she still came to look for you." Dr. Lu said dryly.

Willow smiled while crying: "Yes, she came to me. She told me..."

—I'm coming back to see you, before the end of the world.