Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 120: Gangster Empire (18)


"How on earth do you know this?" Qi Leren asked.

What he couldn't figure out the most was here, how did an NPC start thinking about this problem "from a long time ago"? How could she hear the system's voice

Tequila smiled again, still with that stiff and terrifying smile.

"While lying on the operating table, they stabbed a spike into my brain, like stirring coffee, stirring in the brain, the spike is so cold, so cold that it can kill the soul It sucks the heat away. It took a lot of things out of me, and it gave me one more thing, the voice."

"'Dungeon world is being created... Story loading is complete... City is being generated... Characters are being generated... Total number of players confirmed: 8... Players are being screened...', the voice kept ringing until finally, it said, 'Copy world Created, please name'. There is a person, a man, he replied, 'random'. So my world has a name, called 'Gangster Empire'."

The shock caused Qi Leren to stare straight at the woman in front of her. Behind her expressionless face, the soul was crying out incessantly.

- Is this world real


With a crazy conjecture that cannot be verified, she woke up from the operation, struggled to climb off the operating table, killed the doctor who destroyed part of her brain, killed her enemy, and then fled far away.

She has no way of knowing whether these voices are hallucinations in her collapsed spiritual world, or the truth of the world.

until that sound...

[Block Q is out.]

She knew that the group of chosen people came to this world, and their story began.

"What does your world look like?" Tequila asked.

"The original world was peaceful, like a hundred years after the world you were in. Then one day, I was drawn into another world, which was a nightmare world, but it also had good places... After that I I've been to many worlds, such as here." Qi Leren didn't know why he said this, but just looking at Tequila's appearance, he suddenly wanted to tell her.

"Which world is the real one?" Tequila asked stubbornly.

"I have no idea."

"Aren't you terrified by this uncertainty?" Agave asked.

Qi Leren thought for a while and said, "It doesn't matter anymore, now I just want to be with my lover, no matter what kind of world it is in."

Live in the moment, that's all.

"Love..." Tequila murmured the words and stroked her forehead, "I can't feel it, the memories are still there, but I can no longer gain strength from them, they are as cold as corpses."

"Then why did you ask Gavin to send me a letter? Tell me to keep a distance from Willow? You clearly know that I am not whiskey, but you finally confirmed it to me." Qi Le asked back, "Why did you come back? , just because you want to get the truth? If it’s just for the truth, why did you take Willow away? Why have you been in constant contact with her for so many years?"

Tequila didn't answer.

"Love isn't just in your head, it's in your soul."

Just like the demon king who forgot everything in the origin of destruction, crossed the gap between the two worlds, and saw his true love at a glance in the vast crowd. Is it memory that controls him? Is it hormones? Or the soul that once bathed in love

"Soul... Can a person like me also have a soul?" Tequila asked back.

She is just an NPC.

"Ellen, Jessica! What are you doing?!"

Willow's voice froze both of them.

"Alan, don't shoot!" Willow rushed in and stood in front of Tequila, her eyes full of vigilance and vigilance.

Tequila grabbed Willow and pushed her behind her, but her eyes passed through Qi Leren's shoulders and fell behind him.

That premonition reappeared, and Qi Leren squatted down suddenly, only to hear a "bang", the bullet flew over his head, he turned the gun to fight back, but was slow when he saw the person outside the door One shot.

"Bang!" There was another gunshot, and this time the bullet shot into Qi Leren's heart from the back.

[The Q of Spades is out.]

[Club Q wins. Data synchronization countdown...]

Looking at the body lying on the ground, Tequila put the gun back into the pocket of the windbreaker. Willow covered her face and sucked in the cold air, unable to accept that her lover killed her childhood friend.

"You did a good job." Tequila said to the people outside the door, "You did a good job with this time, as well as with the monitoring and sending letters before."

"...my reward." Gavin, the whiskey courier to his neighbor, eyed his shoes uneasily, proposing what was most important to him.

"There's a box in the locker in the first cabin, and it's full of cash," Tequila said.

"Thank you." Gavin pressed the brim of his newspaper cap, glanced complicatedly at Whiskey's body, and left without looking back.

There were only three corpses left in the cabin, as well as the living Tequila and Willow.

"Get out." Tequila led Willow, who was in tears, to the deck.

The moonlight at midnight is bright, and the distant New City of Fick is overlooked from the old port. This brightly lit world is breathtakingly beautiful.

Tequila stood on the deck, watching from a distance, watching, watching, she was waiting for an ending.

"Willow, do you think that the moment a writer finishes writing his story, the world will come to an end?" Tequila asked.

Willow was still sobbing, she shook her head: "I don't know."

"Actually, I don't know. But maybe, it's really coming to an end." Tequila said.

"I don't understand, why did you kill Alan." Willow, who was immersed in grief, cried, not understanding the loneliness and despair of her lover at the moment.

"That's not your Allen." Tequila turned back.

Willow looked at her in bewilderment.

She doesn't understand anything.

"Willow, look, Fick is so beautiful. The place where we grew up, where we fell in love, is also the place where everything ends." Tequila put her arms around Willow's waist, and took her to see Fick in the distance. new city.

She didn't know how to share the final moments with her lover—the moment when Fick's new lights were fading out.

Yes, the lights are going out.

The light that was as bright as a starry sky was gradually disappearing.

When she witnessed this moment with her own eyes, the pain of falling into the abyss made her soul cry out in sorrow.

"Willow, do you still remember my name?" Tequila asked.

Willow looked at her in confusion: "Jessica, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the darkness getting closer, Tequila asked again: "Do you remember the place where we first met?"

Willow forced a smile: "I remember, my father's flower shop. You were only seven years old at that time, like a boy, and you asked me the flower language of white roses. Let me tell you, that means..."

The light in the distance has been swallowed up, and the darkness is coming here, like a black tide, submerging her and making her silent.

"Do you remember your name?" Tequila asked.

Willow looked at her quietly, the brilliance in her beautiful and lively eyes was gone.

She was like a puppet, standing quietly in the moonlight, but even this bright moonlight was gradually eroded by the darkness.

Tequila looked towards the distant Fick New City for the last time, and put his right hand on the gun in his pocket.

There is no more light, and the lights of all the houses have been extinguished, along with the countless interesting, boring, happy, and unfortunate souls.

"Willow?" Tequila called to her lover.

But her lover will no longer answer her. She is as beautiful as a puppet, but also as dull as a puppet. Her clever, cunning, passionate and decisive soul is no longer in her body.

This pain should have tormented her heart. But she can't feel it.

"What kind of monster am I?" Tequila murmured to herself, calm as before.

But this terrifying tranquility couldn't stop the tears from flowing from her eyes, like a prisoner who escaped from the strictest prison.

She cocked the pistol's safety, her finger on the trigger.

"It's time to go. When our souls get rid of this false body, we will meet again in another world, I believe so." Tequila said.

If they really have souls.

Two gunshots sounded in the darkness one after another.

The bustling New City of Fick is like a grand dance scene. After the guests are gone, the lights are gradually extinguished.

The fireworks dissipated in an instant, and the world entered eternal darkness and silence.

[Twilight Promise]