Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 122: Promise at dusk (2)


"Okay, today's meditation time is over, it's time for battle training." With the sound of Chen Baiqi's clapping, Qi Leren woke up from his semi-realm.

The tree tomb covered with grass and petals is so comfortable. For Qi Leren, every meditation training is a struggle against his drowsiness. Many times he pinches his thigh to force himself to concentrate on meditation and not to sleep.

It's not that he has a high level of thought and doesn't want to be lazy, but that Chen Baiqi has the authorization to enter and exit half of his domain, so he can come in for a surprise inspection at any time. If she caught her being lazy, she would end up walking her dog—the one with three heads.

"How long do I have to meditate like this every day?" Qi Le wearily crawled out of the tree tomb.

"At least one hour a day, until you die, or you are lucky enough to break through to the domain level." Chen Baiqi said.

Qi Le was even more listless. Originally, he was full of unrealistic delusions about the half-field, thinking that with this, he could advance by leaps and bounds and reach the pinnacle of life, but from the current point of view, in addition to his physical fitness has been greatly improved, and he has a necessary " Outside of the "portable space", there are no breakthroughs.

The origin of "rebirth" is undoubtedly powerful. Even if Qi Leren is injured, as long as the injury is not too serious, he can return to the tree tomb to heal himself and slowly restore his body. But this "looks beautiful" function is not unconditional. Right now, he can't frequently use half-domain power, including mobilizing his own half-domain power to explode his potential in a short period of time.

So up to now, the half-field is still just a thing with more symbolic meaning than actual meaning. Although after this period of meditation, the radius of his half-field has doubled, and it is a little stronger than before, but Chen Baiqi ridiculed him as "Soap Bubbles".

"Then when can I take advantage of people's unpreparedness and forcibly pull the opponent into the half-field and beat them up?" Qi Leren asked again, he was more interested in this function.

"People who can be pulled in by you casually, you can also beat him up outside." Chen Baiqi said bluntly, "When you meet the prophet Su He, don't talk about pulling him in, you didn't do it on the spot It’s good to be pulled in.”

"What about the battle between me and people of the same level? Melee?" Qi Leren asked depressedly.

"You can compare who is bigger and tougher." Chen Baiqi said with a half smile.

"..." Qi Leren was terrified when he heard a dirty joke.

"If you don't want to use the half-field to play 'egg hit the egg', you should use the conventional method. My idea of using your half-field is not for you to engage in suicide attacks. Forcibly stimulate the half-field to stimulate the potential in a short time." This method of drinking poison to quench thirst must never be used." Chen Baiqi said.

Qi Leren nodded obediently. This is similar to the outbreak of the Seed of Slaughter. Although it can obtain extremely strong power, it will seriously damage the half-field.

Chen Baiqi had carefully analyzed his situation for him, and the most suitable route for Qi Leren was still an agile assassin. Because according to the results of the comprehensive ability test, Qi Le people's strength is not good, and their endurance is also average, but they are superior in their keen intuition, quick movements, and the guarantee of SL Dafa. convenient.

The only problem is that the Qi Le people are often dragged down by luck and forced to transform from a nimble assassin to a violent DPS, fighting the enemy head-on.

So Chen Baiqi didn't lose his frontal combat ability, the method was simple and rude - sparring.

Qi Leren, who was overturned for the nth time, lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. Just now he accidentally discovered a weakness of Chen Baiqi. When she jumped continuously, her left leg was not very flexible. Knowing this, Qi Leren wanted to fight back, but was knocked to the ground by the experienced Chen Baiqi.

Seeing that success was about to be overturned to the ground again, Qi Leren beat the ground bitterly, turned over and looked at Chen Baiqi depressedly.

Chen Baiqi gave him a mocking smile, and Qi Leren rolled his eyes in anger, lying on the ground thinking about life.

This is not over yet, during the next battle training, Chen Baiqi suddenly became serious and beat Qi Leren for a long time. Every time Qi Leren was knocked to the ground, he wondered if he had offended her somewhere.

Chen Baiqi was really ruthless when he struck. Qi Leren's limbs were bruised and bleeding extensively and had to be bandaged, and a large bruise had already appeared on his back and abdomen. He vomited once in the middle, because he hadn't digested his lunch yet, but he was hit in the stomach by an elbow from Chen Baiqi during the battle, and all his lunch was returned to the earth.

After the training, Qi Leren slumped on the ground and asked helplessly, "Did you come to see your aunt today?"

Chen Baiqi looked back at him and smiled, laughing so hard that Qi Le was sweating coldly.

"Then why is the teacher so irritable?" Qi Leren asked jokingly.

Chen Baiqi re-tied his hair, sat on the floor, looked at Qi Leren who was lying on the ground and refused to get up, angrily and funny: "Irritable? Where are you irritable?"

"Look, my hands, my stomach, it couldn't be more miserable." Qi Leren showed his miserable state.

Chen Baiqi glanced at him sideways, patted his stomach with the back of the short knife, and said with a smile: "This is also miserable? My stomach was cut open before, and the intestines spilled all over the place, and I stuffed it back by myself. Now I want to Woke up with a stomach ache."

Qi Leren felt a chill in his stomach, and couldn't help shivering: "When did it happen?"

Chen Baiqi didn't answer, she lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and said flatly, "It happened a long time ago."

"When doing the task?" Qi Leren asked.

Chen Baiqi smiled self-deprecatingly: "When kindness is struck by lightning."

Qi Leren was very curious, but Chen Baiqi didn't satisfy his curiosity, she waved her hand: "Let's go, get out of class is over."

Qi Leren stood up like a carp, turned over from the ground, and ran away in a flash: "Goodbye! See you tomorrow! I'm going home!"

Like a student who is thinking about school.

When they ran to the exit of the basement, Qi Leren looked back. Chen Baiqi was still sitting there, smoking a cigarette, and nodded to him.

In the huge basement, it was brightly lit, but she was the only one.

"Hmm... what do you and Sissy want for breakfast tomorrow?" Qi Leren couldn't help but stop and asked Chen Baiqi.

In fact, he didn't want to get an answer, but felt that at this moment, the woman who had been teaching him so carefully was really too lonely, so lonely that he couldn't turn around and leave.

Chen Baiqi slowly exhaled a mouthful of nicotine-smelling air, and smiled at him: "I suddenly remembered something."


"The judge said that there are not enough manpower recently. I'm going to help you. I don't have time to train you these days." Chen Baiqi said.

Qi Le was like an elementary school student who was suddenly notified that classes would be closed for vacation tomorrow, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"So starting tomorrow, you and I will go to the court to help. Don't worry, although it will be very hard, there will definitely be no wages." Chen Baiqi smirked and announced the bad news to him.

Qi Leren reasoned out the logical relationship and was speechless.

"If you don't want to go, just stay here and help me walk the dog." Chen Baiqi said.

"No, no, teacher, I really want to go, I really want to go, I can't wait to report to the court right now!" Qi Leren immediately expressed his loyalty.

"Okay, come to me at this time tomorrow, and we'll go there together." Chen Baiqi said.

Qi Leren left sadly, and just as he reached the door, he met Ning Zhou who came to pick him up.

"Didn't I tell you not to come pick me up?" Qi Leren said happily. He thought that Ning Zhou had been reporting to the court every day recently, so he must have no time to pick him up.

"Recently, the law and order is not very good... There have been several cases of sacrifice." Ning Zhou said, looked at Qi Leren's bandaged arm, and frowned.

"A little scratch, a small problem." Qi Leren said nonchalantly, without mentioning the hard work during training.

The two walked towards home together, chatting with all their heart, and almost bumped into someone at the corner.

Fortunately, Ning Zhou reacted quickly, grabbed Qi Leren at once, and dragged him back, but the woman who was walking towards him staggered a bit, and she didn't fall, but the bag in her hand fell to the ground and fell. A few lunch boxes came out.

Qi Leren apologized repeatedly and wanted to compensate her.

"It's okay, it's just that the lunch box I made by myself is tightly covered." The woman smiled gently, and checked the contents of her bag, "The roast duck didn't fall, it's okay."

Watching the woman leave, Qi Le was aroused by the smell of roast duck, licked his mouth and said: "Let's buy some roast duck too, the roast duck restaurant last time was delicious."

Of course Ning Zhou had no objection, and the two walked towards the roast duck restaurant.

The roast duck restaurant is on the coast, just when the tide is low, and there are few pedestrians on the coast. The two who bought dinner and extra meals are ready to go home. Qi Leren and Ning Zhou were chatting, and they talked about taking pictures before they knew it.

"This is my mobile phone. I entered the game with me. I also found someone to match it with a charger. But there is no signal here, so it can only be used for lighting and taking pictures. You have done modern dungeon missions, so it should be clear Let's go." Qi Leren still remembered that Ning Zhou said that he was at a loss when facing a mobile phone when he was doing a modern task for the first time.

Ning Zhou nodded.

"Wait, let's take a group photo." Qi Leren put his head on Ning Zhou's shoulder with a smile, and took a photo with his mobile phone.

Ning Zhou was a little at a loss, and didn't know what expression to put on when facing the camera.

"This posture." Qi Leren made a "V" with his fingers, placed it next to his cheek, and coaxed, "This posture is popular in our place."

Confused, Ning Zhou stretched out his hand blankly and made a V on his cheek.

Qi Leren slyly withdrew his hand, "clicked" and pressed the camera button, and then he was so happy that he couldn't help laughing.

Seeing his presumptuous smile, Ning Zhou couldn't help but smile too.

"Come on, let's take some more pictures."

"Pat you."

"No, you are handsome, let me shoot you."

With the click of the shutter, countless black historical photos and the dazzling sunset were frozen in the camera.