Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 123: Promise at dusk (3)


Early the next morning, Qi Leren followed Chen Baiqi to the courthouse to attend a meeting.

The nature of this meeting was like a mobilization meeting, and it was the first time Qi Leren had seen so many executive officers in the court, hundreds of them. Si Lin gave a speech on stage, summarizing the recent cases of fanatic riots in Twilight Township, citing a few targeted examples, and then expressing his request for further improvement of the security situation.

Afterwards, the person in charge of the executive department went up to speak and divided the tasks. Then, the heads of internal institutions such as the Inquisition, the Commandery, the Intelligence Department, and the Supervision Office took turns to speak, and there was someone beside him carrying an old-fashioned camera that looked like the 19th century to take pictures of the meeting.

"What kind of bureaucratic style is this?" Qi Le asked Chen Baiqi in a low voice, speechless.

"Just get used to it." Chen Baiqi calmly applauded along with the crowd.

"To be honest, it's a waste of time." Qi Leren muttered.

"Sometimes it has to be like this. To maintain order in a place as large as Twilight Township, this organization must have its own way of operating. Even if it sacrifices efficiency, it must ensure its normal operation."

People in Qi Le didn't quite understand this routine, but they still accepted the explanation: "What are we going to do next?"

"Look where there is a lack of people." Chen Baiqi said.

After the meeting, a blindfolded woman with long hair came to the two of them. She smiled at Chen Baiqi and said, "Long time no see, Chen."

"Long time no see, fortune teller," Chen Baiqi said.

Qi Leren restrained his curious eyes and looked at this woman secretly. Judging from her appearance, she should be an aborigine from the nightmare world. She spoke on stage just now, and Qi Leren remembered that she was the head of the Intelligence Department.

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and the fortune-teller was called away by her subordinates, who said that Si Lin was calling the heads of various departments for a small meeting. She nodded apologetically to Chen Baiqi, turned and left.

"Her name is Fortune Teller? The name is as strange as illusionist." Qi Leren said.

"The name is just a code name. Most people in the court don't use their real names." Chen Baiqi said.

"Is she a native of the nightmare world?" Qi Leren asked again.

Chen Baiqi pondered for a moment, then hesitated and said, "Maybe. Her origin... is a bit unusual."

Qi Leren asked curiously: "Why is it different?"

"She was brought back by the Prophet."

"Isn't this normal?"

"From the copy world."


Qi Leren looked at Chen Baiqi in shock: "Didn't you say that the NPCs in the dungeon are not life?"

Chen Baiqi smiled: "That depends on whether she has awakened."

Qi Leren opened his mouth: "Awakening?"

"The fortune teller originally lived in an ancient dungeon world. As a priest of the temple, she was responsible for observing the astrology and divination of fate. Then one day, she saw the real fate, about the dungeon world she was in, and about the truth of the world. Later she He was brought into the world of nightmares, and now he is a master of half the field." Chen Baiqi said, "Not many people know about this matter, and I happened to be rotating in the intelligence department at the time, so I know a little bit."

Qi Leren couldn't help but think of Tequila in the last dungeon world. She also sensed the truth of that world. Is it possible that she can also come to the nightmare world

There are also those who created a copy world in Tequila's mouth...

"Who created this dungeon world?" Qi Leren asked.

"The only ones who can do this kind of thing are 'devils' and people who make deals with 'devils'." Chen Baiqi said meaningfully.

Qi Leren thought a lot in a flash, especially about Su He. He can interfere with the progress of the dungeon mission, so... will it be...

"I met a strange NPC in the last dungeon. I don't know if she is still an NPC." Qi Leren was afraid that Chen Baiqi would train him if the task was not done well, so he concealed the situation in the gang empire dungeon mission. He stopped, but now he couldn't help telling the story.

"... She is in almost the same situation as the fortune-teller. She sensed the generation of the dungeon and wiped us all out because of the layout. Do you think it is possible for her..." Qi Leren's mood was very complicated. If Tequila really came to the nightmare world, he didn't know how to treat her.

Intellectually, he thinks she is a very sad person, but emotionally, he cannot easily forgive a person who intends to kill them and succeeds.

"It doesn't matter whether she is human or not, what matters is how you think of her." Chen Baiqi said, looking behind Qi Leren, his expression changed slightly.

A man with a sloppy beard and bloodshot eyes walked up to the two of them and greeted Chen Baiqi: "Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time. The boss said you would come to help. Thank you so much. I'm already too busy." I haven't been home to see my wife for three or four days. You are familiar with this job. If you have time, please help us point out more newcomers. The current newcomers are really getting more and more outrageous."

Chen Baiqi laughed. Unlike the undisguised smile in front of Qi Leren, her smile at the moment...was a bit fake.

"I've been away for so long, and I was beaten to death on the beach by Houlang long ago. Today I brought a newcomer to help, here, it's him." Chen Baiqi pushed Qi Leren out, "Qi Leren, I student. This is Fu Yue, the vice president of the Heresy Tribunal of the Tribunal."

Qi Leren greeted Fu Yue honestly, as if he had just graduated from university and was being asked by his teacher to go to an internship in a company run by a senior.

I made an appointment with Fu Yue for the action, and tomorrow he will come to the court to report and start his "practice". Then it was all right, Chen Baiqi chatted with Si Lin after the meeting, and took Qi Leren back.

"Are you going to the court tomorrow?" Qi Le asked after walking out of the gate of the court.

"Yeah." Chen Baiqi was absent-minded.

"Is it also the Tribunal of Heresy?" Qi Leren asked again.

"No, it's impossible for me to go there." Chen Baiqi said.

The Qi Le people wondered: "Didn't you work in the Heresy Tribunal before? You know the way, why don't you go?"

Chen Baiqi glanced at him helplessly: "It's because I worked there before, so it's not easy to go. Before leaving the court, Fu Yue was an ordinary executive. Long, understand?"

Qi Leren suddenly realized: "I understand."

This kind of relationship made Chen Baiqi have to be more careful. It was a good thing for Fu Yue and her that she avoided the Inquisition Tribunal.


"Then why are you bringing me here today?" Qi Leren asked depressedly.

Chen Baiqi glanced at him bitterly: "Let you learn!"

Qi Leren was a little frightened: "Why should I learn this?"

"Maybe your future will be in the trial court." Chen Baiqi said, "The prophet is very optimistic about you, and you are on the right path. According to this progress, you will be able to take charge of your own affairs in half a year or a year. "

The people of Qi Le became even more panicked, what, in another year or so, he will be able to be alone? Are you kidding me, hasn't he been teased and beaten by Chen Baiqi all the year round

The experience of being beaten made him lack confidence in himself, so he said tremblingly: "No, I'm still far away..."

"So let you learn a little bit more, follow the missions of the Tribunal a few times, and get in touch with more people, whether they are enemies or friends, it will only benefit you and not harm you." Chen Baiqi said.

Qi Leren hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Uh... Will Ning Zhou come with me?" Qi Leren asked again, wishing to go on missions with her boyfriend.

Chen Baiqi gave him a squinting look: "It's not enough for you to love me after get off work, and you don't even let go of working hours?"

Qi Leren chuckled, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Ning Zhou, here!"

Ning Zhou had just come out of the trial office and hadn't walked down the stairs yet. They were half a square away from each other, surrounded by noisy voices, easily drowning the voices of Qi Le people in the crowd.

But Ning Zhou felt it.

Standing on the high steps, he saw Qi Leren waving at him in the distance at a glance.

At this very moment, there was a trace of warmth on his originally expressionless face. The afterglow of the sunset fell on him, the golden light was bright and tender.

Qi Leren took a deep breath intoxicated, and in the surging heart, he couldn't help showing off to Chen Baiqi beside him: "Ning Zhou is so handsome!"

Chen Baiqi: "..."