Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 125: Promise at dusk (5)


"You really have to go home early today. Seeing that your wife didn't bring you food, you must be very angry."

"Yes, yes, I promise to go home on time today."

When Qi Leren and Ning Zhou returned after lunch, they saw Mr. Wang and Fu Yue entering the cafeteria chatting and laughing. The two of them had no airs, so they found an empty table and sat down to eat.

"What are your arrangements for the afternoon?" Qi Le asked Ning Zhou in a low voice.

"It may be necessary to go out to investigate a few suspicious places." Ning Zhou said.

"Well... we don't know, we should probably continue to interrogate the group of fanatics. Everyone is talking about it, it's difficult to deal with." Qi Le frowned, he had reason to doubt the mental state of this group of people.

It will be the establishment day of Twilight Village soon, and we must ensure a good security situation, otherwise, on the establishment day, everyone will gather outdoors, and it is easy to cause trouble. On the side of the day celebration, additional manpower must be sent to deal with this group of rampant fanatics.

There was an hour before the lunch break, and Ning Zhou took Qi Leren around the open area of the court, and met many old acquaintances of Ning Zhou.

"It seems that your popularity in the trial office is quite high." Qi Leren said with a smile.

"...No, I don't come here very much." Ning Zhou said.

In the past, Ning Zhou was nominally the special envoy sent by the Holy See at the Judgment Office, and usually came to the Twilight Village when the Pope had special instructions. Most of the time, Ning Zhou was still in Neverland. The Holy See and the Inquisition are not affiliation, but more like a cooperation.

The masters who hold the domain each have their own personality, and the domain is more like their private domain. The clear subordination relationship between the Dragon Ant Queen and the Destroyer Demon King is rare. But it's also true, since you have worked so hard to reach the domain level and have the ability to protect yourself, it is a kind of self-deprecation to be another person's subordinate.

A large reason for the cooperation between the Tribunal and the Holy See is because the two have a common enemy, and the power of the prophet himself is biased towards the divine power, and the other is the influence of the Holy Nun Mary. The Prophet was deeply influenced by Mary, so he even had a better impression of the Holy See.

"Let's not talk about that, the establishment day will be in a few days, are you free that day?" Qi Leren pretended to be casual and asked, but his heartbeat that quietly accelerated revealed his nervousness at the moment.

"… Um."

"I heard that on the day of the establishment, the sunset in Twilight Township will turn into a starry sky. The fireworks that night are very beautiful. Let's go and see together."


"Speaking of which, your birthday is that day."

Ning Zhou didn't answer for a long time, and Qi Leren asked again: "What's wrong?"

"... nothing. That day was very special." Ning Zhou said.

"Of course, it's your birthday." Qi Leren said with a smile.

He had already planned that the day after that would be their anniversary of the proposal. There was a celebration the day before the founding day, and Ning Zhou would be 22 years old after zero o'clock. In the real world, he would have reached the legal age of marriage, which is perfect! Then they held their wedding a week later, and Chen Baiqi said that she was ready and just waited for his proposal to be successful.

The anticipation of that day made Qi Le people wake up every day full of energy, day by day, drawing the calendar and waiting for the day, secretly hating the time passing too slowly, and wishing that tomorrow would be the establishment day.

After the lunch break, Qi Leren reluctantly bid farewell to Ning Zhou, and went back to the basement to find Miaoli.

Before entering the door, the door was suddenly pushed open, so frightened that Qi Leren reflexively took a few steps back, and the dagger was in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Miao Li looked at the guarded Qi Leren inexplicably.

"It's okay, it's a conditioned reflex." Qi Leren put the dagger back with a smile, stood up straight and asked, "What's wrong? Is there any clue?"

"A fanatic confessed just now, and found a secret base. There may be survivors." Miao Li said as she walked.

"Great! Then are we going to report to Judge Fu?" Qi Leren asked.

"Well, apply for immediate rescue. There may not be enough manpower today. If you have nothing to do this afternoon, go together. Be careful and protect your own safety." Miao Li said.

"No problem." Qi Leren replied, feeling a little strange. Does Miao Li not know his current level of strength

Fu Yue was in the office. After listening to Miao Li's report, he immediately went to deploy manpower, and a group of twenty people set off for the destination.

"Why are you here too?" After getting on the aircraft, Qi Leren asked Ning Zhou who was sitting next to him in a low voice.

"Our team is the only one left in the executive office who hasn't been out on the field." Ning Zhou said.

Qi Leren smiled, gently squeezed his hand, and rested on his shoulder.

Miao Li in the front row was talking to Fu Yue: "It seems that Chief Judge Fu is going to work overtime again tonight."

Fu Yue smiled wryly: "I'm used to it. I thought that if I had nothing to do today, I'd go home early. I haven't seen my wife for three or four days. If I don't want to coax her, don't you want me on the establishment day?" Do you want to watch the fireworks alone?"

Miao Li smiled: "You go to see it together every year."

"A Xue and I have made an appointment, and we will go to see it together every year, only once a year, if you miss it, you won't miss it." Fu Yue said.

Miao Li pondered a few times, then said slowly: "Sister Axue...has it been three months?"

Fu Yue sighed: "It's too late for surgery now."

"It's better to be born." Myuari said.

Fu Yue shook his head: "No, is it possible to let Axue do the mission with her stomach upright? We have been in this world for four years, and it is too difficult for her to pass the compulsory mission as a pregnant woman."

"There have been such precedents before..."

"I know that Axue asked you to be a lobbyist, but I can't let her take this risk." Fu Yue squeezed his palm hard, and then slowly let go, leaving a few deep crescent marks, " Axue likes children, so why don't I. We have been married for more than ten years and have not been pregnant. In the real world, the doctor saw it, took the medicine, and did the test tube. If I can't conceive, I can't. Accepting to spend the rest of my life with her like this, who knows that God will trick people, but after coming to this world, there will be."

Fu Yue's voice was choked with sobs: "If I had a choice, I would also like to let this child come into this world. But I can't protect them. Even if the child is born safely, how long can we stay with him? Three to five years ? At most six or seven years. Even if I die, I won’t be able to close my eyes.”

Miriam was silent.

"How can I have the heart to let my child grow up alone in this world... Even if he is lucky, like Sissi, and meets a protector like Chen Baiqi, how long can he protect him?" Fu Yue murmured road.

"Sissy's parents..." Miao Li asked uncertainly, "I haven't heard of it, but I only know that she brought the child back from the underground ant city."

"She is the child of a couple of gamers. Her parents died when she was three or four years old. She lived in the lower part of the underground ant city and was later sold. At that time, Chen Baiqi happened to be tracking a case. She went undercover there, rescued many poor women, and brought back this child. When she came back, she was disemboweled and dying, lost a leg, and still had a bright future... Her half of the domain was broken at that time. More details I don't know, she never talks about her own affairs." Fu Yue said.

Qi Leren was startled, and asked Ning Zhou in a low voice: "Chen Baiqi's leg?"

Ning Zhou asked back: "You don't know?"

Qi Leren was stunned for a while, he was trained by Chen Baiqi himself, but he really didn't notice... no, he did.

After being resurrected, he returned to Twilight Township. When he saw Chen Baiqi again, she just jumped from a high place, but landed on one foot. At that time, he guessed that it might be some kind of skill card. Although she walks like a normal person, when she needs to move fast, she doesn't use running much, but uses skill cards to summon flying unicorns to ride. During training, he discovered that Chen Baiqi's left foot was not flexible when jumping continuously. He wanted to use this weakness to win once, but was severely taught by Chen Baiqi...

After turning over all the details in his mind, Qi Leren suddenly realized that this was the case.

Chen Baiqi, who was always in trousers, had a prosthetic left leg.

"I never knew..." Qi Leren murmured, with mixed feelings in his heart.

She was so strong that she concealed it so well that even a close student like him didn't know.

How many stories are there on this leg, and even the regeneration of severed limbs can't heal her leg.

"She doesn't like to talk about these meaningless pasts." Ning Zhou said.

Whether it is glorious, despicable, happy, miserable... that is already a thing of the past, the blood in her heart gradually cooled down, and condensed into her current appearance in the mold of the world.

But never mediocre.