Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 126: Promise at dusk (6)


"It's here." Fu Yue said softly, motioning everyone to lower their voices.

A group of eleven people quietly stuck behind the wall, staring at the door not far ahead.

This is a private residence located in the land part of Twilight Land, where most of the aborigines of the nightmare world live. It's four o'clock in the afternoon, and the surrounding area is a bit unusually quiet.

"Shall I sneak in and take a look first?" Qi Leren suggested. Although he is often forced to be an output, in fact he is very suitable for stealth work, and has a strong self-protection ability.

"No, wait, Miao Li, check it out first." Fu Yue said.

Miao Li nodded, snapped her fingers with her right hand, a gecko-like creature jumped out of her cuff, and quickly crawled towards the cabin in front. Miao Li closed her eyes, and softly described the scene she "saw" to them: "The window was not closed, I let it sneak in, it was a living room, the curtains were all drawn and it was dark. There were bloodstains near the inner corridor ... There are footsteps!"

Qi Leren's heart suddenly rose, and he listened intently.

"Three people, two men and one woman, came to the living room and started to eat. They started talking... They were saying that almost all the sacrifices in the basement have been disposed of, hurry up and finish eating, and then two other people will come out Eat." Miao Li opened her eyes, showing disgust, "The smell of blood on their bodies is very strong, and there are blood stains on their clothes."

Fu Yue stared at the room with closed curtains in front of him for a long time: "There are at least five people inside now, three in the living room, two in the basement, and there may be survivors. We need to get rid of the above without disturbing the people in the basement." The three of them, so as not to massacre the survivors in the basement, or start the ceremony early. Ning Zhou, is it okay for you to be in charge of one? The fanatics inside may have the strength to break the shell, and it is best to keep them alive."

Ning Zhou nodded: "Leave it to me, the three together."

"Will it be..." Fu Yue hesitated.

Miao Li smiled: "Don't worry, Ning Zhou has a lot of experience in dealing with this kind of thing."

"That's good." Fu Yue said solemnly, "Please."

"I'll go too. I have an advantage over Ning Zhou when I need to sneak in, and I can help if there are any unexpected situations." Qi Leren also stood up.

So the two took over this temporary task and quietly approached the hut.

"You go up, I'll go in from the back through the window." Qi Leren said.

Ning Zhou nodded, and silently climbed up to the roof, ready to enter through the skylight. Qi Le went around to the back of the house, checked the closed window panes, and felt a little proud that it was a piece of cake.

Using professional props to cut a neat gap in the glass, Qi Le reached in, easily opened the window and turned into the room.

The house was quiet, and Qi Leren activated [Secret Observation] and [Rain Clothes Collection]. Considering that he wanted to be silent, he only took a dagger and tiptoed towards the living room in front of him.

The corridor is narrow, so dark that you can hardly see your feet clearly. Qi Le walked silently, but the floor under his feet did not cooperate. When he was about to walk into the living room, an old floor betrayed him, and there was a harsh sound. The creaking sound stopped the three people who were eating and chatting in the living room.

"Did you hear anything?" one of the men asked.

"Is there anyone?" The woman stood up and looked in the direction of the corridor.

The other man didn't speak, he pushed his chair away, stood up and walked over.

Qi Leren clung tightly to the wall, not daring to move.

Don't move, just don't move, the skill card of spying will ensure that he will not be found.

The man passed him by, looked around the room where the basement was located, and made sure that it wasn't his companion who came up.

"Nobody, it's probably a rat. Damn rat, I'm so fed up with this place, there must have been dozens of rats running past me last night, can't they eat the damn corpse?" The man complained loudly While walking back.

Qi Leren quietly stuck to the wall, praying that he would walk back quickly, just like when he passed by him just now.

However, just like every accident, the word "smoothness" never appears in Qi Leren's life dictionary.

Just as the man passed him, his feet landed on the old floor, and the floor creaked harshly again.

The man stopped. Qi Leren's heart twitched suddenly.

He looked at his feet hesitantly, stepped on them tentatively a few times, the movement of his feet moved his upper body, his arm swung left and right twice, and suddenly poked Qi Leren's chest.


The moment the body touched, Qi Leren's [Secret Observation] lost its effect. The man was awakened by the touch and looked at him suddenly.

Without even thinking about it, Qi Leren twisted his body, and the semi-realm in the sea of consciousness instantly involved the unsuspecting fanatic, and he only had time to let out a short exclamation.

Oops, he made a sound! The other two will notice here!

He must be fast!

Qi Leren immediately rushed out of the corridor, rushed towards the two fanatics in the living room, and heaved a sigh of relief the moment he saw it clearly.

Ning Zhou was standing by the dining table, and the two fanatics who were eating had disappeared, and it seemed that he had also been imprisoned in the semi-realm.

"I was scared to death. I thought I was going to fail." Qi Leren let out a long breath, and his violent heartbeat finally calmed down.

"It's okay, I'm here too." Ning Zhou said.

Qi Leren stared at him fixedly, stepped forward and buried him in the crook of his neck for a few seconds, even the indulging was very short.

"Thanks," he said.

Having a reliable teammate is really a rare experience for him, and he cherishes it very much.

Ning Zhou patted him on the back, Qi Leren also stood up straight: "Shall I call them?"

The door opened, and Fu Yue walked in with the rest of the team members. Everyone's footsteps were very soft.

Miao Li glanced at the two of them quietly, did the two forget that she could see what was going on inside

"The next step is to make a quick decision." Fu Yue said, "Let me reassign the tasks..."

"What's the matter?" Qi Leren noticed that Ning Zhou suddenly turned his head to look into the depths of the room, and asked in a low voice.

"It's late." Ning Zhou frowned and rushed to the back room.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground under his feet suddenly trembled, everyone staggered, and the sound of explosions sounded one after another. The whole house seemed to be in an earthquake, and a powerful force came from all directions, rubbing and messing with the house.

The ground under his feet was suddenly torn apart, and a thick tentacle stretched out from the ground.

Qi Leren's pupils shrank, and he shouted loudly: "Back! Everyone back out! Quick!"

More disgusting tentacles sprang out from the ground, and the thick black mist also came from hell to the world, even swallowing the rays of the setting sun.

In the mist, the monster from chaos and evil let out a roar of returning to the world. This mixed with countless kinds of malicious negative energy is like countless sharp arrows shooting at the soul of people. Any person whose mind is not firm enough will be killed by it Bewitched by power, several executive officers of the Tribunal, who were not capable enough, had already become delirious, and stood there blankly, letting the tentacles rush towards them.

That's too late! The people of Qi Le realized that it was too late to let them run away, so they simply forced themselves to open half of the field, and the power from the soul expanded instantly, wrapping up those who were too late to escape in the future, preventing them from becoming monsters for offering nutrients. Several delirious executive officers did not resist at all, and were successfully involved in his half-field. But Fu Yue and Miao Li's willpower is stronger, they have not been bewitched by the monster, nor have they been swallowed by his half domain.

"Leave it to Ning Zhou! Judge Fu, Miao Li, let's go out first!" Qi Leren said loudly.

"No! Ning Zhou can't handle it alone!" Fu Yue disagreed.

Qi Leren froze for a moment, unable to react for a while.

What is he saying

Ning Zhou can't handle it

The Qi Le people took a silent look at the shrinking tentacles. Judging from the size of the tentacles, they were far from the two encountered in the underground ant city. The difference from the ritual is that the level of the summoned monsters varies greatly. Today, this one has just entered the semi-domain level at most.

People in Qi Le estimated that Ning Zhou didn't even have to create a prototype in order to liberate his original power.

Sure enough, the monster screamed in pain continuously, and in less than half a minute, all the tentacles on the ground curled up, and the vibration of the ground stopped, leaving only three people looking at each other in the collapsed room.

"... Well, it should be over." Qi Leren said, secretly looking at Fu Yue's expression.

Fu Yue asked Miao Li in shock: "Isn't his half domain broken?"

Miao Li said blankly, "Yes..."

Qi Leren snickered at the side: "Oh, it's fixed again."

Both of them had doubtful expressions of "can it still be like this" on their faces.

Miao Li hesitated for a moment, then asked Qi Leren: "Are you also..."

Just now the teammates were suddenly involved in a force and disappeared. Although Miao Li was not involved, she couldn't forget it.

"I've also condensed half of the domain." Qi Leren said.

"Chen Baiqi never told me about this." Fu Yue said quietly, his old boss is not kind.

Miao Li was also very speechless: "You two and a half people in the field have a bit of a master's consciousness. If you knew it earlier, you would have been charged in just now, and what are you sneaking in for?"

"You didn't ask either." Qi Leren defended in a low voice.

He can't catch someone and tell them that he owns half of the domain.

After a few words, Ning Zhou had already returned, frowning, with a serious expression on his face, but he was not at all embarrassed after a battle.

"What's next?" Fu Yue asked hastily.

"The monster is gone." Ning Zhou said, with a gloomy expression on his face, "... There are no survivors."