Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 127: Promise at dusk (7)


The basement where this group of fanatics gather is in the deepest part of the house. When you open an old wooden door, you will be greeted with a strong and pungent smell of blood, as well as the smell of burnt meat. The mix of disparate smells makes one's stomach cramp.

Ning Zhou led them down. The original stairs were broken during the earthquake and battle just now. They jumped down, blood splashing wet trousers, sticky and cold.

Qi Leren almost stepped on two amputated fingers, and there was a beautiful wedding ring on his finger, he couldn't bear to look more, and forced himself to look away.

"It's too dark, let's turn on the light." Fu Yue's eyesight was not that good, so he turned on the light that came with him.

Everyone turned on the lights one after another, and finally there was light in the huge basement. But these lights not only failed to dispel the horror here, but intensified the penetrating chill—there were scattered corpses everywhere, as if they had been torn apart by some monster, scattered throughout the basement. In the depths of the basement, the altar that was originally built with stones had been destroyed during the battle, soaked in blood.

Once again standing in this inhuman bloody place, the people of Qi Le no longer felt the nausea when they saw it for the first time, and they could even calmly analyze the situation here: a few fanatics launched a sacrifice in advance in this basement. The projection power of the summoned monsters is far inferior to those seen before, and the number of victims should be more than ten.

Fu Yue assigned tasks to everyone, some to deal with the dismembered corpses, and some to deal with the relics of the victims.

Qi Leren remembered the two fingers he almost stepped on just now, put on his gloves and picked it up, it should be a woman's hand, and the ring was a diamond ring.

There were also discarded cloth bags nearby. Qi Le squatted on the ground and opened them. There were three lunch boxes, and the top one contained half a cold roast duck.

He suddenly froze, staring at them blankly, but a figure of a woman appeared in his mind.

"What's wrong?" Ning Zhou noticed his strangeness and came over to ask.

"Remember this?" Qi Leren asked in a low voice.

Ning Zhou looked at the cloth bag and nodded.

"It's really her? I didn't expect..." Qi Le seemed to have swallowed a large stone, and it was heavy in his stomach.

He had met the owner of this cloth bag just the evening before yesterday. He went home with Ning Zhou and ran into this woman on the way. He helped her pick up the lunch box, smelled the smell of roast duck inside, and bought a copy with Ning Zhou.

This moment of encounter turned out to be the last time he had with a stranger.

"What did you find?" Fu Yue noticed the two whispering at the side, and came over and asked.

At this moment, Miao Li, who was dealing with the corpse, suddenly let out a scream. Qi Leren turned to look at Miao Li, but Fu Yue stood there blankly, looking at the things in his hands in horror.

Miao Li sat down in the pool of blood and cried bitterly as she watched the woman's head in the pool of blood.



"How are you thinking?"

Si Lin's voice woke up Qi Leren and brought back his thoughts immersed in memories.

In that dark and terrifying basement, Fu Yue, who was kneeling in a pool of blood and crying loudly while hugging his wife's head, was etched in Qi Leren's mind for a long time. He never knew that people could cry like that The sound was like tearing his own soul alive, and his grief reached the extreme.

Because of the deepest love, it hurts so much.

Qi Leren looked at his shoes and said hesitantly: "This is a bit sudden. I don't know much about this kind of work, so I'm afraid I'm not competent."

Today, Si Lin suddenly came to him and asked him if he would like to work in the court for a long time. His position is the acting vice president of the Heresy Tribunal, mainly taking over Fu Yue's work.

"You already have half the field, it is impossible for you to do the work of an ordinary executive, just get started, and Miaoli can introduce you to the specific affairs." Si Lin said.

Qi Leren thought for a while, but still couldn't just nod in agreement.

"I have to think again." Qi Leren said.

"You can think about it again, I will take you to see the prophet later, he said he wants to see you." Si Lin said.

After leaving Si Lin's office, Qi Leren walked all the way thinking about this question: Do you want to join the court

Speaking of which, he and the Trial Office are considered to be very destined. At the beginning, he was an undercover agent of the Trial House to get rid of the parasitic killing seeds. After the incident, the Trial House also fulfilled the agreement. Oh, under Ning Zhou's interference, the court still owed him a favor. Now because of Chen Baiqi's relationship, he was recommended to the court to help...

In fact, there are many advantages to joining the Tribunal. All the executive officers of the court have a "salary", yes, it is the survival time.

A certain percentage of time will be drawn from the transaction time contracts handled by the court, just like paying taxes. These hours were rewarded to the staff of the Inquisition.

Moreover, the training course of the court is very complete, and the development direction can be customized according to the individual's ability. Some skill cards and props can even be rented or purchased at a low price.

On the balcony at the end of the corridor, Fu Yue stood there smoking a cigarette, took out a match but found that it was used up.

Qi Leren hesitated for a moment, and stepped forward to light a cigarette for him.

Fu Yue didn't say anything, and threw him a cigarette as a thank you gift.

His beloved wife and unborn child left him in such a tragic way, this man collapsed in an instant, and now standing here, his eyes are bloodshot, his face is haggard, and he has the capable spirit of the past God disappeared without a trace in him.

"I took a long vacation with Si Lin, and I won't be back for a while," he said.

"… I am sorry for your loss."

Fu Yue took a deep breath, the power of nicotine relieved him a little from the pain he was suffering from Ling Chi. The cigarette quickly turned to ashes in the wind, and he dropped the cigarette butt, letting it mix with the pile of cigarette butts and matchsticks under his feet.

He took a deep breath and said to himself, "I will never be asked to quit smoking again."

Qi Leren's nose was sour, and this extremely calm tone made him even more sad than Fu Yue's bitter cry at that time.

"She likes to cook. I praise her for doing well. I love to eat. When she works overtime, she brings me dinner, saying that she is afraid that I will get tired of eating in the cafeteria. In fact, the dishes she cooks are much worse than those in the cafeteria. They are too salty for me. One bite of food requires two bites of rice. If I had told her earlier, maybe she would not have delivered the food to me." Tears welled up in Fu Yue's eyes, he rubbed his nose, suppressed the trembling in his voice with his breath, "We made an agreement before we got married that two people must not quarrel for more than three days, and we must reconcile on the fourth day. Even if we had a cold war, she would bring me meals every day. She wanted to have a good talk with me, but I But never came home once... On the fourth day, she didn't come, and she will never come again."

Fu Yue wiped his face and patted Qi Leren on the shoulder: "In this world, eternity is too luxurious, so cherish every day."

Fu Yue left, his back was lonely and desolate, he looked like a hunched old man in the dim sunset.

On the founding day of this year, he and his lover could no longer watch the fireworks together. The previous agreement could not be fulfilled in the end.

In this dusk, he wanted to walk the rest of the road alone, but he didn't know where the road was.