Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 129: Promise at dusk (9)


"Is anyone here?" Qi Leren paced anxiously.

"What's the hurry, didn't you just come back from the underground ant city?" The illusionist folded his arms, gave him a sideways glance, and said angrily.

"How can I just come back. I have done a dungeon mission and a compulsory mission. I have also worked in the court for several days. Next week is the establishment day!" Qi Leren said.

"Oh." The illusionist responded and continued to look at the sky.

Qi Leren had no choice but to continue walking up and down the huge square outside the court, waiting for the distinguished guest from the underground ant city.

The owner of the underground ant city domain, Dragon Ant Queen Aya.

"Here we come." The illusionist looked to the west, and an aircraft appeared in the sky, passing through the border of the Twilight Land and entering the airspace. In the dim sunset, it looked like a picture that only appeared in a film.

Qi Leren looked at the building of the trial office, wondering why Ning Zhou hadn't come out yet, what was Si Lin talking about while pulling him.

The aircraft with a strange shape landed slowly in the center of the square. The staff of the court quickly laid out the red carpet, installed the stairs, and then opened the hatch.

A seven or eight-year-old girl came out of the cabin, followed by the head maid of the Dragon Ant Queen.

wait, this little girl...

Qi Leren looked at the familiar ring pattern around her eyes almost in horror, and her lower body shell that belonged to the dragon ant, which was covered by the huge skirt.

Aya looked at Qi Leren with unconcealable excitement on her face. If it wasn't for social etiquette, she would have already lifted her skirt and ran towards him.

The illusionist stepped forward to greet the foreign guests, Qi Le people are full of question marks now, Aya, why did you shrink suddenly

The illusionist exchanged formulaic greetings with Aya, and then led them to the Tribunal, where they could meet the acting chief executive of the Tribunal, or the Prophet himself.

"Qileren, long time no see." Taking advantage of no one's attention, Aya secretly pulled up the pants of Raqileren, and greeted him excitedly.

"Long time no see, Aya." Qi Le replied with a smile, and asked again, "You look...younger."

Aya laughed happily: "This is not my body. My body cannot leave the underground ant city casually. This is just an incarnation of me."

Qi Leren suddenly realized that it was so.

The Dragon Ant Queen came this time to participate in the celebration of the 22nd anniversary of Twilight Township. From a macro point of view, this is even a major event that can be recorded in the history of the nightmare world, which marks the possibility of establishing formal diplomatic relations between these two fields. Although there were some secret agreements between the two parties before—for example, the Prophet would send his emissary to attend the succession ceremony of the Dragon Ant Queen—these were not too close connections.

But this time, the Prophet has apparently reached some new consensus with the Dragon Ant Queen, and the two parties may carry out deeper cooperation.

A doubt flashed in Qi Leren's mind. It has only been a month since the Dragon Ant Queen succeeded to the throne. Has she already decided on the foreign policy of the entire domain? After all, from the point of view of the faction, she belongs to the demon camp. She can maintain an ambiguous neutral position, but she has established diplomatic relations with Twilight Town...

"Here we are." The illusionist stopped in his tracks and made a gesture to welcome in.

Aya nodded and smiled at him, walked into the conference hall ahead with her head held high.

Looking at her back, Qi Leren felt that this girl had indeed grown up. She was more confident than ever before, and this confidence made her radiant.

Si Lin and Ning Zhou were waiting for her in the conference hall, and the next interaction was like a news broadcast. The Qi Le people also saw a staff member carrying an old-fashioned camera like the 19th century that required curtains and brackets, and took a group photo for them.

During the whole process, Aya behaved very decently, she didn't look flustered at all, and she looked calm and composed like a natural queen. It seems that this girl has experienced a lot during the month of parting.

The meeting was over, and the dinner was next. There was still half an hour before the dinner. Aya finally got rid of the crowd and came to Qi Leren. Tongue, Qi Leren complained: "It's really terrible. When I was talking to the CEO just now, I was full of thoughts about whether I said something that shouldn't be said."

Without the camera and the crowd, Aya suddenly broke free from the "shell" of the Dragon Ant Queen, revealing her original girlish nature, and her current incarnation, which looks only seven or eight years old, highlights her childish side even more .

Qi Leren said with relief: "No, you spoke very well, unexpectedly well."

"Really? Really? Hahaha, come on, come on, I can do it." Aya clenched her fists and cheered herself up, "By the way, Qi Leren, you and your majesty..."

Qi Le people saw Ning Zhou walking towards here, and immediately waved to him.

Aya's words stopped abruptly, and she seemed to become nervous again, standing awkwardly between the two of them, looking left and right.

"It's over on your side too?" Qi Leren asked him.

Ning Zhou nodded.

"Is Aya going to see the Prophet later?" Qi Leren asked.

"Tomorrow." Ning Zhou said.

Aya secretly looked at Ning Zhou, and then at Qi Leren. When they were watching at the same time, she smiled shyly and did not speak.

"By the way, Aya, can you stay here for a few days?" Qi Le asked her, "When the business is over, I will take you to visit the Twilight Township."

"That's really great!" Aya showed a look of surprise, "I will stay until after the establishment day is over... But, will this bother you..."

As she spoke, she secretly glanced at Ning Zhou again.

"Cough, no, it's okay. We're glad you can come. It would be the best if you can stay for a while." Qi Leren had a small calculation in his heart. He planned to propose to Ning Zhou on the day of the establishment, according to the nightmare According to the customs of the world, the time between proposal and marriage is not very long, usually between seven days and three months.

Of course he chose to hold the wedding seven days after the proposal.

After Chen Baiqi learned of his proposal plan, she said that she would take full responsibility for the wedding, but Qi Le people always felt that her eyes were a little strange at that time, as if they were full of good-natured ridicule and teasing.

So if all goes well, he will officially become a married person in half a month.

It would be best if Aya could participate.

"I'll ask the head maid about my itinerary later." Aya happily agreed, and couldn't wait to say, "No, I'll ask now, you wait for me."

As she spoke, she hurriedly walked towards the head maid.

The dinner was a formal dinner, and Qi Le people were also invited to participate. Aya asked about her itinerary, and found that she could stay in the Twilight Town for half a month. After that, she was very emotional, and she looked at Si Lin with a formulaic and stiff smile Can eat three bowls.

After dinner, we watched a performance, an opera in the land of dusk, called "Building Day".

The actors are almost all the aboriginals of the nightmare world, and they used superb performances to show the guests from the underground ant city the history of the construction of this field.

The ship carrying the nuns and the exiles was besieged by an army of demons on the eastern coast. Maria, who was about to give birth, was unable to fight. Seeing that the boat was about to capsize in the storm that blotted out the sky, a boy came out.

He is still so young, but he has a pair of eyes that have witnessed vicissitudes during this journey of exile.

"I saw death," he sang, "coming in the twilight. It was like a storm, destroying towns and villages in its path. Mothers cradled helpless babies in their arms and fell to the claws of demons; fathers held old Loved ones, their hearts were dug out by demons; children embraced and bid farewell to the world in fear and despair. I saw unspeakable, indescribable, and unimaginable cruelty. What is the difference between the world and hell? Life is so precious and so humble .God, if there is a God in this world, how can He tolerate such a cruel tragedy? He must have died, and there is no point in praying to Him.”

"My companions have all fallen. I stand here, empty-handed, facing an unprecedented storm. The demon hovers above my head, breathing in the breath of death. Only old people, women and children are left behind me. This Has the road of exile reached its end, and is this end the embrace of Death?"

"I feel fear, despair, and helplessness. There is a coast in front of me, but it seems to be at the end of the world. Here they come. The demons spread their wings and bared their fangs. They are rushing towards here. They are like a swarm of bees. Horror like the plague. I spread my arms, roaring through the storm, and loaded the boat with half-fields with all my strength."

"Broken, it is about to be broken. Every round of attack is a destruction. My world is crumbling and on the verge of collapse."

When the actor who played the prophet sang here, the soundtrack reached its climax. He stood on the stage and waved his arms, as if he was really the boy who was fighting against the overwhelming army of demons in the rainstorm.

"'I give you power, please protect this world for me', the holy nun said to me. So Shenguang left her body, transferring the glory and responsibility together."

"I opened my eyes and saw a sunset that never sets."

Qi Leren was deeply attracted by the scenes depicted in this opera, and countless pictures rolled before his eyes:

The countless demon army receded like a tide, and the corpses left behind floated on the sea surface, stretching for several miles.

The clouds broke through the sky, and the razor-like sunset light sprinkled across the sea. On the coastline not far away, a brand new field was rising. The travelers who wandered along the way looked at the coast carrying the hope of all living beings and shed tears of joy.

It is a sunset that never falls, and it is also a hope that will never be shattered.