Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 134: Promise at dusk (fourteen)


"What's going on?" Qi Leren, who had just put on the ring and had an accident, woke up from his dream and asked in fear.

Ning Zhou looked at the direction of the thick smoke, frowned and said, "It seems to be in the direction of the crystal refinery."

Twilight Village provides electricity through refining demon crystals. The importance of the crystal refinery is self-evident. Once there is a problem with the crystal refinery, the power supply system will soon be in crisis.

What should come will always come, Qi Le people who have always vaguely predicted that something big will happen, after seeing this high-hanging boot fall, it can't be said that they are relieved or even more worried.

"Let's go, let's join everyone first." Qi Leren said.

The two rushed to the bonfire quickly. Chen Baiqi glanced at their hands after seeing them, and seemed not surprised by this. Qi Leren suddenly remembered that with the relationship between Ning Zhou and Chen Baiqi, she probably knew that Ning Zhou would propose to him on this day, so she had been waiting for the scene where they took out the ring together and were relatively confused.

The heart is too dirty!

"It's still not clear what happened." Chen Baiqi said to the two of them.

"Boss said that if any unexpected incident occurs, all the staff will return to the courtroom immediately." Miao Li said, looking at Al, "Is that what he said yesterday?"

Al, who always looked sleepy and lazy, was sober at the moment: "...um."

The illusionist clicked his tongue: "I guess he knew that something would happen. I'll send Xiaozhi back to the court first."

Xiaozhi stared blankly at the people discussing fiercely, completely at a loss for everything that happened around him. Suddenly, he twitched, rolled his eyes and passed out.

Qi Leren was taken aback, and the illusionist hugged Xiaozhi: "It's okay, the prophet should have woken up."

"He is indeed the incarnation of a prophet." Qi Leren said quietly after finally confirming his guess.

The illusionist said angrily: "Otherwise? Should I bring him a son?"

Qi Le thought that you are no different from bringing him a son, and he cares about the world and the teacher's eyes when he sees couples kissing.

"The prophets are awake, it seems that things are not simple..." Chen Baiqi just said, another explosion sound came from another place in Twilight Village, she frowned, "The power plant, this is really troublesome."

As if to prove her words, the street lamps on the far side of the road were extinguished one by one, and the entire Twilight Town was plunged into an uneasy darkness. There were uneasy exclamations from the crowd in the distance, and a riot close at hand.

"You guys from the trial office, immediately escort Aya back and protect Xiaozhi. I'll send Sissy and the others to a nearby emergency shelter." Chen Baiqi said.

"Let me go with you, you may be in danger alone." Qi Leren said.

Chen Baiqi shook his head: "It's best for you..."

As she spoke, she looked at the white light on Miao Li and the others in amazement. The white light suddenly rose from under her feet, enveloping everyone in the courtroom. The illusionist, Al, Miao Li, and Xiaozhi were immediately engulfed by the white light. disappeared on the sand.

"The Prophet activated the teleportation call, and urgently recalled the people from the court." Chen Baiqi said solemnly, realizing the seriousness of this matter.

Ning Zhou and Qi Le were not teleported away. Chen Baiqi looked at them and sighed, "You send Aya back, and I will send them to the shelter."

Aya said calmly: "I'll go there by myself and see if the Prophet needs help."

As soon as the words fell, she folded her hands in front of her chest and closed her eyes. The power from her body resonated with the uncrowned king under the court, and soon a white light rose from her feet, before leaving Before she nodded to everyone, she said, "Be careful."

Du Yue said optimistically: "There should be nothing wrong."

"That's not necessarily the case. The prophets have already woken up. I'm afraid this time the matter will not be simple." Chen Baiqi said lightly.


In the silent underground ice palace, under the blue ice lake, the ice blue underwater lotus formed a vortex, removing the cover of the ice coffin. The ice surface cracked inch by inch, making a crisp breaking sound. The fortune teller sitting on the shore stood up, his eyes seemed to see everything that happened on the ice through the blindfold.

The Prophet floated out of the water, and there was no water mark on his body, and he was spotless.

"They are here." The Prophet said calmly, feeling everything that happened in his domain.

"It's not what you expected. It's just that I didn't expect that they chose today." The fortune-teller said softly while playing with a stack of cards with his slender fingers.

"Because it's a special day," the Prophet said with a smile.

"Because today is the establishment day?" the fortune teller asked.

"Well, this day has a special meaning to me."

"Is it because you established a great realm on this day?" The fortune teller is familiar with this period of history.

The prophet shook his head: "No, I just found my true self on this day."

The fortune teller asked in bewilderment, "The real me?"

The Prophet nodded: "That's the kind... You suddenly understand that your previous life was just a mere life, your soul is just an ordinary one among all living beings, your existence is meaningless to this world, until that day, you Know what you live for."

"Why?" asked the fortune-teller.

The Prophet asked without answering: "What about you? Cassandra, on the day you realized the truth of the world, what did you understand?"

The fortune teller showed a smile, which belonged to a temple priest, and it was cold because it was flawless: "I understand, I am just a string puppet of God, a toy used for fun, He cruelly Tortured me, gave me a life of torment, I hate him."

There was obvious surprise in the Prophet's eyes: "Is there only hatred?"

"Otherwise? I was supposed to be the princess of the empire, but I was born with a prophecy. A wizard predicted that my eyes would witness the collapse of the empire, so my parents stabbed my eyes as a baby and sent me to the temple. In my childhood, I thought I was just an orphan girl, lucky enough to be chosen as a priest to serve the gods, and the noble king and queen even adopted me as an adopted daughter. I am humble and grateful. At that time, I There are only two wishes left in my life, one is to cure my eyes, and the other is to find my parents. Later, he... a witch doctor healed my eyes, followed by the invasion of the empire, my My life experience surfaced, but I didn’t get the honor I deserved. On the contrary, my biological parents, the most noble couple in the empire, sent me to the stake and stabbed me blind again with a branding iron. The fortune teller gently lifted up the hem of his skirt, revealing his legs covered with burn marks, "In that inhuman pain, I suddenly saw something beyond this world... those who came to my world are called The person who is a player, the god who created the world... At that time, I realized that the family relationship I was attached to was just a created illusion, and the fate I saw was just a lie woven at will, which was obviously false. But it has caused me a lifetime of pain. You say, shouldn’t I hate it?”

The Prophet sighed softly: "I know, when I first saw you, you hated me deeply. It's just that I didn't expect that the long time and new freedom still haven't healed your pain. "

"Free? Are you free?" asked the fortune-teller. "Beyond that world, there is this world, and beyond this world, there are other worlds. We have never been free, and we have never really controlled our own destiny. I am not free, and neither are you."

The prophet smiled: "Throughout the ages, even after 10,000 years, all living beings are prisoners dancing in shackles. No one can do whatever they want, not even God. In the peaceful world before, I thought I was free, but I was not. , I just live by the rules, but I think I am free, which is meaningless freedom. Now, I have an unprecedented weight on my shoulders, but those are not forces that bind me, they give me meaning. Kashan Della, don't let the shackles bind your soul, and don't forget what you want most."

The fortune teller's hand trembled, and a card slipped from her hand.

Reversed, the wheel of fortune.

"The shepherd is coming." The prophet looked in the direction of the gate.

An old shepherd is leaning on a wooden staff to drive sheep, a face full of years of torture, and the pair of eye sockets without eyeballs looks so terrifying. If Qi Le was here, he would definitely recognize this person immediately, because he was so impressive.

The shepherd who lived in the mountains behind the Undead Island all year round, Chen Baiqi's teacher, unexpectedly left the island at this moment and came to the underground ice palace of the trial office.

"The devil has come, just as fiercely as before. After twenty-two years, can you still fight?" the shepherd asked in an old and hoarse voice.

"It's been a long time to prepare." The Prophet smiled and replied confidently.

"Very well," said the shepherd.

"Just that, please sir," said the Prophet.

"It will definitely live up to the entrustment."