Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 137: Promise at dusk (seventeen)


"What is this thing?!" The people of Qi Le, who were standing on the rocky coastal reef, looked in shock at the giant monster that was far away from the sea level but still looked huge and terrifying. It seemed to be a deep-sea alien born under the ocean The huge body of the beast makes the mountains and islands look small and pitiful, let alone human beings.

"Leviathan, a monster born under the twisted vortex abyss. It is also the guardian of the domain of the power demon king." Ning Zhou said.

"Is it the summoning object of those fanatics we saw before?" Qi Le looked at Leviathan's vague shape and felt the shuddering familiarity.

"They are the projections of Leviathan, and this one is the main body." Ning Zhou understood what this meant better than Qi Le people—the uncrowned king who had been dormant in hell for many years finally acted. For a long time, in stark contrast to her fanatics who have been making trouble everywhere, is her own low-key behavior. She seems to have been waiting for something until today.

But why did she come to Twilight Land? Not hesitate to confront a senior domain lord head-on? What is her purpose? What does she want from here? Ning Zhou couldn't figure it out.

And this point, people in Qi Le understand better than Ning Zhou.

For one thing, he concealed something from Ning Zhou.

Infernal scepter.

Maria told the people of Qi Le not to let Ning Zhou touch it, and the people of Qi Le gave it to the prophet as soon as they returned to the land of dusk. Only a few people in the trial office knew about it , the people of Qi Le have kept Ning Zhou a secret until now.

"It's all here, is the Demon King of Power also..." Qi Leren asked nervously.

Ning Zhou looked at the darkness ahead. Behind the raging thunderstorm and heavy rain at the sea level, two terrifying forces were rushing towards here, as if they were two huge black holes in the universe. Wherever they passed, time and Space is distorted by it.

"It's not just her, he's here too." Ning Zhou said in a cold tone.

The rainstorm was harsh, and the people of Qi Le couldn't help shivering, and the deep-rooted fear came along with the memories.

Su He, just a name made him tremble. Even though most of the time, Su He behaved sufficiently gentle and refined, like a reliable gentleman, a trustworthy mentor and helpful friend, but the mental pressure he brought to the people of Qi Le was unmatched by anyone else.

The left hand wearing the engagement ring was wet in the torrential rain, and the rain meandered down, taking away the body temperature. Qi Leren felt anxious. The danger in front of them was so insurmountable, what would they do? Is there anything the Prophet can do? That's right, the prophet mentioned it to him, and he had a premonition about all this, so what can he do? Will there be

The back of his hand was touched lightly, Qi Leren turned his head, Ning Zhou was still looking ahead, but his right hand quietly held his left hand.

This weak temperature seems to be the dawn in a desperate situation.

Qi Leren held Ning Zhou's hand firmly, watching Leviathan approaching Sunset Island at an alarming speed, his frantic heartbeat suddenly eased.

Maybe it was because the steady heartbeat from another person soothed his anxious soul at this moment.

How bad could it be? It was just fighting to the death with those who he loved and loved him.

There will be regrets, but when life comes to an end, it is a kind of regret. Compared with Fu Yue's life and death, he thinks that living together and dying together is a good ending.

"Here it comes." Qi Leren took a deep breath of the air filled with the salty sea smell and said.

The sea beast far away in the sky is only a few miles away from the island. Its terrifying body covers the sky and the sun, and every inch of its skin is covered with disgusting things. Its astonishingly long and numerous tentacles form a giant The dike, along with its forward sprinting pace, rolled up a 100-meter-high tsunami on the sea.

When I look at it, I really can't help but feel a sense of fear. This has nothing to do with bravery, but just the instinct of human genes.

People from Qi Le wanted to escape more than once, and wanted to hide in their own semi-realm, but this is not an absolutely safe place, even if he entered the semi-realm, after landing in Dawn Land and Utopia, he would still be out of control because of These powerful original forces were smashed into half a field.

Ning Zhou let go of his hand suddenly, Qi Le was stunned, and subconsciously wanted to hold him, as if breaking free was a farewell.

Ning Zhou nimbly avoided his hand and took a step forward.

This step seems to be a solemn declaration.

The king of the demon world who once almost annexed the human world, the successor of the demon king of destruction is here!

Suddenly the pause button was pressed on the turbulent waves, a huge dragon spread its black dragon wings, and soared into the sky from the coast. The sound shook every living being, allowing mankind to once again witness the terrifying power of the King of Destruction!

Qi Leren was almost knocked down by the huge wind pressure, just took a step back, but was suddenly supported by the rock behind him, he turned his head in amazement, there was nothing there just now, but now, beside him Suddenly, half a circle of reefs rose up, as if he had expected that he would be blown down by the gust of wind.

Holding the reef with one hand, Qi Leren looked up and saw that the person who had carefully arranged everything for him was using the body of a dragon and the power of destruction to protect his homeland.

He tried his best to suppress the desire of destruction and destruction in his body, controlled his crumbling reason, stood by the abyss, and fought the devil to the death.

He still remembers who he is.

With a loud bang, the demon dragon that descended from the sky and the giant beast from the abyss collided head-on on the sea surface. The two ancient giant beast-like creatures erupted with astonishing power. Under the impact of the two powerful original forces, the sea surface formed a shape like The huge vortex like a devil's eye, and the crazy air flow dispersed the dense clouds on that piece of sea area, revealing the bright starlight.

Qi Leren, who witnessed this shocking battle, couldn't hold back his nervousness and worry. He had to help Ning Zhou, even if it was just a little bit.

Facing the sea, Qi Leren closed his eyes, and the power in the half domain of the Garden of the Holy Sepulcher in his soul was quickly mobilized. Relying on the connection between the two, he joined the fight between two powerful original forces.

The dragon's sharp claws tore off Leviathan's tentacles, but Leviathan's power also lifted off the dragon scales on its skin, and blood splashed everywhere. The passing blood seemed to take away its sanity. The more it fights, the more it is full of anger and violence. The original belief becomes blurred. In the bloody battle, it gradually forgets its original intention of becoming a dragon, and only remembers to fight its enemies desperately. , mobilize all forces to fight, to destroy, to destroy!

There seems to be an unhealable wound deep in the soul of the magic dragon. Like a black hole, it crazily squeezes out all the good things in its human nature, justice, mercy, justice, sacrifice... The world faded in madness, leaving only blood red and pitch black in front of it , the demon dragon exhaled terrifying dragon breath, swaying the madness in its body that was about to break free from the shackles.

Suddenly, there was a fresh wind blowing on the distant coast, not a salty sea breeze, nor a hurricane full of blood, but like the smell of flowers and grass in the garden in the afternoon. That inconceivable power descended from the sky, and broke into this dangerous battle with the power of rebirth, gently soothing the wounds on the dragon's body. Accompanied by this miraculous power, its wailing soul suddenly returned to the embrace of its lover. In a trance, it seemed to see a holy angel opening its arms to it. Behind him, the scene full of bloody killings In hell, suddenly white roses bloomed.

The rationality that was about to fall into the abyss stopped, and the dragon tore half of Leviathan's body. The disgusting bloody smell stimulated its soul, but it miraculously maintained it under the protection of the regeneration force. This moment of sobriety.

The scarred Leviathan lay limp on the surface of the sea. The dragon stepped on its body and looked up at the direction of Dusk Town. When it confirmed the person standing on the coast, its ferocious eyes slowly moved. The killing faded away, leaving only tenderness.

People in Qi Le feel that their half-field is almost reaching its limit. For a person who has just completed a half-field, the negative effects brought about by using the half-field for a long time are very dangerous, and it will cause his half-field to collapse at any time , So he took a deep breath, began to gradually withdraw from the power of rebirth, opened his eyes and looked at Ning Zhou.

A pair of lovers looked at each other from afar, separated by a calming sea.

Qi Leren smiled, and opened his arms to the mountain-like dragon, as if he wanted to give it a hug.

But at this moment, once again in the dark clouds that quietly covered, a terrifying force suddenly appeared!

A black vortex suddenly appeared in the clouds that faintly bred torrential rain and thunderstorms, and in the center of the vortex was a red eyeball! The eyeball of the Demon King of Power appeared!

Accompanied by this evil eyeball, there is an ethereal singing sound, it seems to be a kind of incomprehensible spell, and it seems to be the pious prayer of countless believers. If you listen carefully, there are only countless dying souls crying.

Qi Leren, who had just recovered half of his domain power, was struck by lightning, and severe pain landed in his brain, as if a sledgehammer had hit his brain heavily. The pain told him that there was a crack in the half-field.

Qi Leren's knees went limp, and he knelt down on Haiyan, spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, his whole body trembling in severe pain.

The world became scarlet, and the power devil's eyeballs radiated terrifying power. With this power, the fanatics in Twilight Township fell into a state of frenzy. Half of the domain was directly shattered by this tyrannical force. Although it was not completely shattered, it was already on the verge of shattering—the pendant on his chest that the prophet gave him flashed a white light, wrapping him gently. After getting up, after a flash of white light, the Qi Le people disappeared by the coast.

The pain of the lover's soul being torn apart was transmitted to the magic dragon along with the telepathy. It looked at the lover who vomited blood and fell down and then disappeared. The astonishment in his eyes quickly turned into a monstrous anger. Raising his neck high, facing the eyeballs hanging high, he sprayed out the dragon's breath that would destroy the world. This flame lit up the sky without a sunset that night, and the entire Twilight Township saw the flame that seemed to burn the entire world, as well as the dragon's chant of grief and pain.

The shackles of reason are completely broken at this moment!

The red-eyed magic dragon rushed into the sky, and the huge dragon wings set off the stormy waves in the entire sea area. Flames and rainstorms passed through the air like bullets, rushing towards the eyeballs in the clouds with furious power. This power is so terrifying that even It shocked the power demon king in Utopia.

How can someone who has not opened the field yet have such a powerful force? This has far exceeded the limit of the half domain, and is approaching the domain!

The demon king of power who originally planned to go straight into the land of dusk stood up from the throne: "You guys, follow Leviathan first, I will meet the heir of the old demon king here for a while, it is too dangerous to let him grow up .”

Under the protection of the power of the Demon King, Leviathan, whose body was torn apart and dying, healed his wounds quickly, but he still lost nearly half of his body size. Hearing the master's order, it quickly dived into the sea and swam towards the Twilight Land not far away, adding a bit of chaos to the chaos there.

At the moment when the dragon and the eyeball were fighting, the Utopia came.

The turbulent sea was gradually reduced to numerous bones, like the most tragic ancient battlefield, with corpses strewn all over the field, lifeless. Countless bone butterflies flew over the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood, awakening the dead souls sleeping here.

The Demon King of Power strode through her minions towards the Twilight Land ahead, not taking her attention away from the dragons fighting fiercely in the sky.

The land of dawn that followed was still floating in the sky, and the deceitful demon king on the high tower only took one look at the dragon, and then turned his sights to the trial house on Sunset Island.

"It's time for me to go, too," he said.