Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 138: Promise at Dusk (18)


Qi Leren, who was in the precarious half-field, was dizzy. He vaguely felt a soft force coming from the pendant on his chest, and the gentle white light wrapped him up. He didn't do anything in the severe pain. Any resistance, let this force bring him into a world of ice and snow.

"Qile people!" Aya's voice came, and she squatted down nervously in front of him to check his situation.

"It's okay, the half domain is not shattered, and it will be fine after a while of cultivation." The prophet's voice sounded in the distance, echoing ethereally in the ice and snow.

The power from the semi-domain is constantly repairing Qi Leren's wounds, but this is not a quick thing after all. He couldn't say a word, so he could only be supported by Aya and sat on the chair, looking at the prophet dying. .

The prophet was sitting on the chair opposite him, and the blindfolded fortune teller was making tea for him. The Qile people looked away in confusion, and found that there was another person not far away—a blind shepherd. I met him in the back mountain. He is Chen Baiqi's teacher.

"How is it? The Demon King of Power is scary, right?" the Prophet asked in a relaxed tone.

Qi Leren recalled the terrifying power just now, and couldn't help being afraid for a while. Fortunately, the demon king of power didn't target him at that time, otherwise he would have broken half of the domain at the moment, or died on the spot at the worst.

Aya snatched the teapot from the fortune-teller and made a cup for Qi Leren. Qi Leren, who was full of blood in his mouth, drank it down in one gulp, only then did he feel that the surging blood was suppressed.

"How is Ning Zhou? Will he be okay?" Qi Leren asked eagerly.

"Facing the power demon king, no one dares to say that nothing will happen." The prophet said calmly, as if stating an undoubted fact.

Aya jumped up from the seat: "I'll help His Majesty!"

"Your domain is still in the underground ant city. This incarnation is only half domain level. Are you sure you want to give the head to the power demon king?" asked the prophet.

Aya was fidgeting, and Qi Leren was even more restless than her. He finally couldn't help asking: "What about you? Is there anything you can do?"

This is the twilight hometown of the Prophet, and he is the most powerful person, but from the time of the accident until now, he has been hiding in the underground ice palace of the Judgment House, and has not stepped out of here. It's not that he doesn't know everything outside. Those humans who were slaughtered by demons and fanatics are all people who accepted his protection, but why didn't he do anything

"What do you want me to do?" the prophet asked.

"Stop them!"

The Prophet smiled: "I once told you that many years ago, I made a mistake... I pinned my hopes on one person, and in the end my ideals were not realized. It can be said that I was a complete failure. For this, I paid Painful, along with the field. Now, I'm going to make up for that mistake."

Qi Leren stared at him blankly, not quite understanding.

The Prophet sighed deeply: "The Land of Dawn was once really a land of hope."

The Land of Dawn... Isn't that Su He's domain? Why did the prophet bring it up

"A guest you haven't seen for a long time is here, you go back first." The prophet nodded gently to Qi Leren, and the white light once again covered his head. Qi Leren wanted to say something more, but the surroundings had lost all voices .

Aya looked at him worriedly, but the Prophet quietly watched the entrance of the underground ice palace, waiting.

There, a long-lost old friend was walking towards him calmly.

The prophet can even guess what kind of look and what kind of tone he will use to say the last sentence to him:

"Teacher, stay safe."


"After so many years, you are still as naive as before." The witch with hair as bright as a flame smiled and blocked Chen Baiqi's attack.

After a short hand-to-hand encounter, the two separated for a while. In the torrential rain, the fire made by the fanatics also fell together. The buildings in all directions were burning, illuminating the two women who were facing each other in a fighting posture.

The Lustful Witch shed her youthful and weak disguise and restored her original appearance. She was wearing a black long dress of asceticism, like a nun devoutly serving God in a monastery, but the corners of her slightly raised mouth, and her pair of Gu Pansheng's bright eyes are not at all the expression of a nun who is ascetic in heart, like a flower quietly blooming in the dark night, under the moon, every petal soaked in fragrance is written with vivid color and fragrance .

This is her real appearance, a mocking voice echoed in Chen Baiqi's heart, she once saw that pitiful girl, but it was just a game on her whim.

Chen Baiqi replied: "Don't you just like this kind of innocence? Otherwise, at that time, why would the dignified lustful witch pretend to be a young prostitute?"

An innocent, pitiful and helpless young prostitute touched a passionate brave man with her tears pretending to be strong, but returned her an unforgettable betrayal.

The Lust Witch stood in the overwhelming rain of fire, like a fallen nun from hell, exuding a temptation that made it impossible to look away.

"Your Majesty's interest has given me a little inspiration." The glamorous witch showed a mysterious smile.

"Fraud Demon King?" Chen Baiqi was stunned for a moment.

"It seems that you don't know. But His Majesty is much smarter than me. He sealed his memory, even temporarily cut off the original power, disguised himself as an ordinary newcomer, and came to the village of Twilight. Because he wants to deceive A wise man, for which he tricked himself... What a fun, ambitious game, and the prizes are huge."

The witch raised her head, looked at the bright sky on the coast, smiled, and whispered: "Look, that's the land of dawn."


In the midst of the chaos, Dr. Lu was pushed into the refuge by the crowd. The huge church building was already overcrowded, and he was quickly pushed aside. If he was not lucky enough, he would have been trampled into a sheet carpet.

"Sissy! Du Yue! Xue Yingying!" Dr. Lu called out to his companion, but there was no response. The crowd in all directions was full of fear, some were crying, some were shouting, and some were in pain. Moan... All kinds of voices played the melody of doom in the huge church sanctuary.

Dr. Lu had no choice but to hide in a place with few people. His uneasiness continued to spread. He looked around, expecting to find his friends. However, in the crowded environment, he found no one. Instead, he found a deserted corridor.

Dr. Lu squeezed out of the crowded hall and walked aimlessly in the corridor. The sound of his footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, and his eyes were full of tragedy: a helpless mother was holding her child, sitting in the corner of the corridor, The child was crying in fear, the mother hugged her, and prayed to the gods; the injured player silently bandaged his wound, and nervously tried to test the companion lying beside him, even though he was already sure that he was not breathing; Two old people huddled together on a recliner, staring numbly at the wall in front of them, which painted a group of angels conveying God's gospel to suffering human beings.

Dr. Lu stopped in front of the mural and stared blankly for a long time.

He didn't see the gospel sent by the angels, but only the hell on earth.

There was a disturbing loud sound outside the window, as if countless huge snakes were crawling across the ground. Dr. Lu turned his head and looked out through the glass window. There was a palpitating darkness outside the window without emergency lights, and there were meteors from time to time. General flames fell from the sky and fell on a battlefield - the executives of the Inquisition and the rioting fanatics fought fiercely, and people fell every minute and every second.

The sound is getting closer, accompanied by the sound of countless houses collapsing, as well as the sound of screams and fighting, rushing here all the way!

Dr. Lu took a step back, staring out of the window in fear, not daring to blink.

Appeared! A huge tentacle pierced the building in front of him, like a sharp needle piercing his eyes, piercing here!

Screams of fear erupted throughout the shelter, and Dr. Lu yelled, fell to the ground, and crawled backwards desperately until his back hit a cold wall.

The tentacle was blocked by a silver-white light curtain, it curled up angrily, and slapped the light curtain vigorously, but it was still unable to break through.

Dr. Lu tremblingly got up from the ground, and ran towards the depths of the corridor without looking back. He didn't know where he was going to flee, but he just instinctively wanted to escape from the fear that was right in front of him.

Run, run, run, Dr. Lu couldn't remember how many doors he opened, how many stairs he ran, and when he came to his senses, there was no one around, and he stood blankly in this tower building. I don't know where else I can escape to. There is chaos outside, and there is a terrifying giant monster. His friend who has been protecting him is not around, and he doesn't know what to do.

He sat down exhausted, and unexpectedly, there was another loud noise outside.

Dr. Lu sprang up like a frightened rabbit, staring at the window.

The silver-white light curtain outside the window has dimmed a lot, and there are more and more giant tentacles, which show its full form—a huge monster composed of countless disgusting tentacles, it is so huge , even at such a distance, it still looks like it is going to crush Sunset Island.

This small refuge seems to be contained in a crystal ball, but this terrifying monster is like a huge octopus crawling on the crystal ball, trying to crush it.

As if feeling the aura of living beings in the shelter, it beat the barrier of the shelter more and more crazily, like a naughty child, holding up the carefully crafted toy house, shaking it desperately, giggling, While frantically destroying.

The ground kept shaking, more and more frequently, and more and more intensely, but the barrier protecting the refuge had already begun to crack.

Dr. Lu's eyes widened, and the scream was stuck in his throat. He could only stare outside the window, letting his heart be overwhelmed by the indescribable fear.

Darkened, darkened, darkened... Broken.

The world outside the window turned into a blinding white light, and the barrier with countless cracks shattered like a piece of glass, and the countless fragments reflected the rain of flames, rendering the world a scarlet of death.

Doomsday-like screams sounded from the shelter, swallowing up the thin, dull sound of the trigger being pulled.

[Lucky Revolver]: There are a total of six vacancies in the magazine of this gun, one of which is filled with bullets. Shooting at one's own temple can give the area within a radius of 500 meters centered on the locked target an absolute defense for one minute. Time, but absolute defense is ineffective against this bullet. Even if you are lucky, God only gives you five minutes. If you are brave enough to die, you can continue for another minute. Target: Twilight Village Shelter. Remaining uses (5/6).