Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 139: Promise at dusk (19)


"This guy is really fucking big." The illusionist sitting on the lamppost and looking at the giant monster Leviathan on the coast couldn't help cursing, and his long skirt was blown to pieces by the violent wind. rustle.

The barrier of Twilight Land was completely unable to prevent the violent breakthrough of the two domain lords. The Prophet seemed to be worried about something, and he never tried his best to resist. He also knew that such resistance was futile.

The Land of Dawn, which was once created by him, has not become the new country he had imagined, but has become a knife swung at him by the person he trusts the most.

To this day, the illusionist can still clearly recall the Prophet's expression at that time. It was deeply shocked and unbelievable. The hope in his eyes dimmed little by little, turning into expressionless loneliness. This scene was like a thorn growing in his heart, causing him a dull pain to this day.

The angel in the underground ice palace collapsed, and his teacher lived in the icy lake, staying with the extreme cold all year round, in order to prolong the little time he had left—he didn't have much time. It's not the number of days remaining, but the limit that a player can achieve. He has persisted for twenty-two years, but that's all.

The illusionist lit a cigarette, leaned against the lamp post, and took a deep drag.

He recalled that silent underground ice palace, where his teacher fell asleep on the recliner, and the photo album on his lap was opened, illuminated by warm lights. Si Lin, him, and that person, the three of them surrounded the prophet and left this photo together. In the photo, Si Lin still kept his expressionless face. He rolled his eyes irritably, full of impatience for taking pictures, and that person, he was wearing a simple shirt and trousers, with his coat on his back. On the arm, squatting halfway beside the prophet sitting on the chair, smiling softly, like a student who respects his teacher.

A cigarette was almost burned out, and the giant monster in the sea was approaching the refuge. The illusionist dropped the cigarette butt, ready to stop it. If it was allowed to break the barrier and rush into the refuge, it would definitely cause irreparable damage. casualties.

But a slight sigh stopped him. The hairs all over the illusionist's body exploded, and he looked towards the direction of the sound with a murderous intent.

The instigator of all this chaos stood under the lamppost, bent over to pick up his discarded cigarette butts, and threw them into the trash can.

"After all, it is the teacher's place, brother, please pay attention to the environmental hygiene." The man seemed to be really distressed by his behavior of littering, and persuaded him earnestly.

The illusionist couldn't restrain the anger that erupted at this moment, and he smiled angrily: "You still remember whose domain this is, but do you care?"

The man looked at him calmly and said, "I always care about things related to the teacher."

"Su Yu! You have to show some face!" Accompanied by the extremely angry power of the illusionist, the streets around the two of them began to twist continuously, and the world seemed to be packed into a room full of distorting mirrors, whether it was people, buildings, or the sky. The earth, everything is twisting and changing.

The figure of the illusionist disappeared in this distorted world, like a stealthy assassin, looking for an opportunity to attack.

Su Yu, no, he should be called Su He. He just smiled and didn't make any excuses. Instead, he lifted his feet and walked towards the court.

The ground was torn apart suddenly, and a huge fault appeared at Su He's feet. As long as he took one step forward, he would fall into an endless abyss.

"You really are..." Su He sighed helplessly, "Why bother?"

From the abyss came the voice of the illusionist gnashing his teeth: "As long as I live, you will never want to step over here! I will not give you a chance to meet the teacher!"

Su He stared into the abyss, as if he had realized the source of deceit for the first time.

Such pure and vast darkness, like the star abyss in the depths of the universe, engulfed all light. But there is endless power hidden in the extreme darkness, which is fascinating.

"I respect him as always, but I never agree with him. There is only one path to the highest. Unfortunately, the teacher took the wrong path. With so many burdens on his back, he is destined to not be able to go further."

Following Su He's regretful words, an exquisite city in the sky gradually emerged in the collapsed illusion, and the holy light of dawn illuminated the abyss, and also shattered all the unpredictable ghosts and monsters together. The world constructed by the illusion was completely destroyed under the absolute power, and it only took an instant. The glass inlaid with the illusion world shattered into scattered pieces, devouring the owner of this illusion.

Returning to the empty street, the body seemed to have been dropped on the dirty ground by countless bladed illusionists, and the blood flowed from the wound quickly, staining the ground red. Su He didn't look back at his former seniors, but looked up at the courthouse not far ahead, and walked there again, like a devout pilgrim.


"Teacher, stay safe." Su He's gentle and polite voice sounded in the empty underground ice palace.

The prophet sitting on the armchair calmly put down the teacup in his hand, and said with emotion: "It's really like entering the land of no one."

"Everything is thanks to the teacher's 'parting gift'." Su He replied with a smile.

The Prophet smiled at himself, and pointed to the seat opposite: "We haven't seen each other for many years, come and have a thought report with the teacher, and sit down."

Su He actually came over, opened the chair and sat down. There was only a small tea table between the former master and student, but such a close distance still could not erase the familiar strangeness at this moment.

"This is your original appearance? You are also a handsome boy, but not as good as you were back then. You looked so good in skirts back then." The prophet raised the corners of his mouth and smiled maliciously.

"When you come to learn art from a teacher, you naturally have to satisfy the teacher." Su He replied with a smile. This kind of expression without negative emotions at all made this person even more terrifying.

"You didn't come here to learn art, why are you still wearing the uniform of the court?" the prophet asked.

Su He has a very good figure, and he looks very handsome in the uniform of the court. It's just that the strong sense of irony in the clothes makes the prophet feel stinging.

"Aren't you here to give a thought report to the teacher? Of course I have to wear it." Su He replied with a smile.

The Prophet's smile faded away, and after the smile disappeared, only a hollow coldness remained on his face: "Okay, then tell me, I'm listening. Fortune teller, pour a glass of white water for Mr. Su to moisten his throat. "

Divination with a complicated expression lowered his face and silently served the pair of master and apprentice.

"I heard that the real source of rebirth has appeared? It's still an acquaintance." Su He said unhurriedly.

The Prophet hooked the corner of his mouth: "The news is very well-informed. He is different from you, a counterfeit. The real source of rebirth has unlimited potential."

Back then, Su He temporarily cut off his connection with the source of deceit, and pretended to be a newcomer, and the original power of this newcomer's "breakthrough" was rebirth. But that is not the real original power, but a conspiracy carefully planned by the deceitful devil.

"Really? It's a pity that the plan of Dawn Township can no longer be carried out again, so now, does the teacher have any plans?" Su He really seemed to be having a heart-to-heart conversation.

The prophet smiled angrily: "Why don't you talk about your plan first?"

"There are a lot of things, roughly breaking the Twilight Township, capturing the Scepter of Hell, and other small things. If you have a chance, let's do it." Su He smiled.

"I'm afraid you missed one thing."


The prophet looked at him fixedly, and said word by word: "Take this opportunity to severely damage the power demon king."

The smile on Su He's face remained unchanged: "The teacher may have misunderstood me."

The Prophet smiled slightly: "No, I didn't misunderstand you any more, but that super-talented Demon King of Power, I'm afraid I misunderstood you."

"Oh? How do you know that?" Su He asked back.

The prophet's lips moved, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the thick layer of ice above his head, frowning: "The woman put her mad dog in."

Su He nodded slightly: "You don't have much time left, teacher."

"It seems that the talk show is over." The prophet said lightly.

Following his words, the air in the underground ice palace suddenly became stagnant, and the movement of the fortune teller beside him who was pouring tea became extremely slow, as if the slow speed button was suddenly pressed, and time met frost, becoming infinitely slow.

The power of the source of time erupted unreservedly, enough to instantly freeze a demon king trapped in the center of the field into a statue.

Except Su He.

There was a light click, as if someone suddenly pressed the metal button of the pocket watch, and the frozen time around suddenly broke the ice, and the slow movements of the fortune-teller returned to normal. She looked at the two in a daze, not knowing what happened just now.

"Teacher, you know this is of no use to me." Su He said, holding an old pocket watch in his hand, "After all these years, I have grown a lot, but you are still standing still."

There was a trace of astonishment and disbelief in the prophet's eyes, as if surprised by his own miss.

"Teacher, the light of the naive idealistic martyr in you once attracted me deeply. But I can't agree with your dream in the end. Saving the world is not the way to the highest, you are lost in the vain praise and In Glory, take up responsibilities that don’t belong to you, and become a ridiculous night watchman.” Following Su He’s regretful words, the world around him kept changing, for a while it was the city in the sky at dawn, and for a while it was the city in the sky at dawn. In the bloody hell full of bones, illusory and real scenes appear alternately, and countless of the most painful memories come in turn. The deceitful demon king showed his best attack method-psychic illusion.

Cold sweat slipped from the prophet's forehead. He closed his eyes tightly, but his eyelashes were trembling. In countless forgotten memories, those pasts that had hurt him and made him miserable resurfaced again. Looking at the former comrades who fought side by side They died one after another during that long flight...

In the illusion, there is a bloody sunset, falling into the night, as if falling into hell.