Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 14: Resurrection Overture (XIV)


Qi Leren tossed and turned that night. Several times I wondered if the letter he wrote to Ning Zhou was too simple, just telling him about the resurrection, maybe he should write more about how much he misses him? But when he picked up the pen, a shy mood made it difficult for him to write. He only dared to write a sentence in response to him at the end of the letter: "I like that straw ring very much, and I want to give it to you in return."

These words alone consumed all his courage, and he had no choice but to run away from Chen Baiqi's half-smile eyes, and then he could not sleep on the bed all night.

In the dark, Qi Leren listened to the ticking sound of the mechanical wall clock, and opened his eyes several times to look at the life crystal on the bedside.

It glows faintly in the dark, spinning slowly, becoming more crystal clear and dreamlike after losing all light sources. The gold and silver two-color light spot surrounding a drop of blood is like many satellites of a large planet, constantly revolving around it.

Looking at it, Qi Leren finally felt tired. His physical strength had already been exhausted in the whole day's training, and the ups and downs a few hours ago had consumed too much energy. His brain was no longer in control , but stubbornly refused to order him to close his eyes.

He thought he was afraid, afraid of dreaming about the scene before his death, and also afraid of dreaming about Ning Zhou, he always felt that he owed too much.

But if he dreamed it, that dream should be the same as Ning Zhou, a beautiful dream, right

Drowsiness hit, and the exhausted Qi Leren finally fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, Qi Leren was woken up by Dr. Lu's slamming on the door. When he woke up, the alarm clock was still buzzing beside the bed, but he didn't hear it!

Qi Leren quickly crawled out of the bed. He was fully armed and looked like he was about to go to the battlefield, but in fact he was just going out for a morning run. Dr. Lu had his hips akimbo. Because he was wearing too much clothes, he looked like a chubby teapot: "I'm going to prepare everything." Go out for a run, and you still don't get up? Run quickly, or you'll be late!"

With a bitter face, Qi Leren didn't bother to wash his face and brush his teeth, and rushed out of Dr. Lu's clinic without looking back.

Because of the speed of the 100-meter sprint, Qi Leren was lucky not to be late when he ran to Chen Baiqi's house. Chen Baiqi, who was waiting at the door, sighed regretfully, and the hell three-headed dog squatting at Chen Baiqi's feet With a whimper of disappointment, Qi Leren finally returned to its original position with one heart.

After buying breakfast as usual, Chen Baiqi took Qi Leren to continue training diving.

Today's training venue is near Undead Island. Qi Le people remembered that the Prophet of the Trial Office told him that he had time to find a blind man who lived in the back mountain of Undead Island. Qi Le people asked Chen Bai seven.

Chen Baiqi asked suspiciously: "How do you know him?"

"Uh... the prophet told me." Qi Leren replied.

"I happen to know him, so how about it, I'll take you to meet him after today's training." Chen Baiqi readily agreed.

It was another painful day, and after three consecutive dives, Qi Leren was lying on the side of the boat dying: "I won't get diving sickness if I do it again a few times?"

Chen Baiqi sneered: "Don't worry, you are more patient than you imagined."

People in Qi Le didn't know whether to be depressed or relieved.

"You keep saying that you want to break through the limits of your body, but is this really feasible? Can you condense a half-field after breaking through the limits of your body?" Qi Leren asked.

"No, the half-domain is another level. The nightmare world is not exactly the same as the real world, especially in terms of limits. The highest level known so far is the domain level, the lower level is the half-domain level, and then down..." Chen Baiqi stroked Wrestling his wrists, he seemed to be thinking about how to describe it.

"Ordinary level?" Qi Leren interjected.

Chen Baiqi squinted at him: "That's the lowest level, just like you now, no different from a rookie."

Qi Leren received a heavy blow.

"However, most players stay at this level until they die, and very few people can 'break the shell'."

"Broken shell?"

"There is no fixed name for this realm. Some people call it 'Breakthrough', others call it 'Innate', 'Out of Body', 'Super Body', and some even call it 'Gene Lock'—this is probably from "Infinite Horror" "I've seen too much."

""Infinite Horror"? What is this? A movie?" People in Qi Le heard an unfamiliar term.

"A novel that was popular when I was young." Chen Baiqi said lightly, "But no matter what the name is, the meaning it contains is the same. This realm means that you have broken through the limits of the human body. For example, if You ran the record of 100 meters and 10 seconds under the chase of my pet dog, which means that you have broken the shell. Once the shell is broken, your upper limit of abilities in all aspects will be greatly improved. But this does not mean that you It must be able to reach the semi-domain level, let alone the distant domain level. Once it reaches the domain level, using the domain to deal with non-domain-level enemies is simply a crushing victory. The domain level is scary enough. What is the next level? , no one knows anymore, maybe he became a god.”

Qi Leren was a little frustrated, and now he understands how far the realm between himself and Su He is. This makes it more and more obvious that his behavior of wanting to blew himself up to die with him was so naive as to be ridiculous. Su He wants to deal with him. dimension blow.

During the afternoon training, Qi Leren was always a bit sluggish, but he still tried his best to complete Chen Baiqi's task.

The day's training was over, Chen Baiqi's boat stopped on the shore of Undead Island, and Qi Leren's legs were trembling and his whole body was weak.

Chen Baiqi jokingly asked him if he wanted to help? Qi Leren used up all his manly self-esteem to not agree, and walked forward with difficulty dragging his legs filled with lead.

Chen Baiqi laughed wickedly: "Oh, climbing the mountain is not easy, but climb and persevere."

The next mountain climbing road was really a test of blood and tears. Qi Leren rested several times in the middle. Chen Baiqi didn't urge him, but he didn't help him either, and occasionally laughed and taunted him. When he really climbed to the top of the back mountain, Qi Leren's legs gave way and he knelt down on the stone steps, dying.

The island of the undead has left the range of the twilight town, so naturally it will not be shrouded in the sunset all day long. The afternoon sun shines warmly on Qi Le people. This warm light seems to have an indescribable power, which penetrates with the breath. After entering Qi Leren's body, it didn't take long for him to feel himself recovering.

"Can we go?" Chen Baiqi asked.

Qi Leren nodded silently and got up from the ground.

The afternoon wind is warm and warm, shining on the hills. This is already the highest ridge of the back mountain. There are no tall trees, only green grass and low bushes. The winding path trampled by people and animals has led them to a bare rock in front. There is a small dilapidated church there. There was a crisp bell ringing in the wind, and the two of them looked in response. At the bottom of the hillside, there was a group of white sheep grazing on the grass. The ringer was an old man, and a little boy stood beside him.

"So you are here." Chen Baiqi led Qi Le people down the hillside, and greeted them with a smile, "Long time no see, Xiaozhi, and teacher."

The boy named Xiaozhi raised his head, and the people of Qi Le were startled—this little boy looks so much like a prophet! Almost carved out of a mold!

The child looked to be only five or six years old, looked at Chen Baiqi helplessly for a while, and said in a muffled voice, "I don't remember you."

Chen Baiqi smiled and said, "Then do you still remember Sissy? She misses you."

The little boy with pink makeup frowned and thought hard for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't really remember..."

Chen Baiqi smiled helplessly: "Sissi is going to be sad again. But it's okay, bring her to see you next time, and you will become good friends again."

The little boy smiled happily: "Yeah!"

"I haven't introduced you yet. This is my teacher, who is the person you are looking for." Chen Baiqi introduced the blind old shepherd to Qi Le people, and said to him, "Teacher, This is from Qi Le, my student."

The blind old shepherd was very old, and his skin was like mossy bark. His eyes were closed, and instead of eyeballs, they were sunken. It was a bit scary to look at suddenly.

"Hello." Qi Leren said.

The shepherd nodded: "Since you are already teaching him, you don't need to bring him to me anymore."

"Teacher, I dare not compare with you. I haven't even learned one-tenth of your abilities." Chen Baiqi said humbly.

"Because you have too many distracting thoughts, if you have half the obsessions of Xiaozhi, how can you become the current virtue?" The old shepherd said bitterly.

Chen Baiqi obediently bowed his head to listen to the training, his honesty was shocking. Qi Leren was secretly happy in his heart, usually he was scolded by Chen Baiqi, but now seeing someone who can scold Chen Baiqi, he quickly entered the mode of watching a play, this feeling is probably like seeing his grandmother scolding his mother, His mother, who has always been in front of the camera, was trained by his grandmother to look like a primary school student, while he happily ate the candy with melon seeds that his grandmother stuffed.

Chen Baiqi smiled wryly: "Teacher, you have to save me some face in front of the students."

The rattle in the shepherd's hand kept ringing, and he turned to Qi Leren, as if he could really see Qi Leren standing there with his sunken eyes: "Go back, wait until Chen Baiqi can't teach you anything , come find me again."

The Qile people climbed up the mountain inexplicably, saw a blind shepherd and a little boy who looked very similar to the prophet, and were driven away inexplicably.

On the way back, Qi Leren couldn't hold back his burning heart of gossip, and asked Chen Baiqi if Xiao Zhi was the son of the Prophet. Chen Baiqi nodded calmly.

The prophet actually had a son... This realization shocked Qi Leren. He subconsciously felt that with his status and personality, he was destined to be single for the rest of his life. Who knew he even had a child. And judging from the facial features, the Prophet and his son are all pure oriental faces. Considering that almost all the NPCs here have high noses and deep eyes, Xiaozhi's mother is also a player in all likelihood.

"Does he have a bad memory?" Qi Leren asked again.

"There are indeed some problems. He often has memory confusion, so people in the trial office generally don't let him run around, so they come to my teacher or me occasionally."

Although he was very curious about how the Prophet gave birth to a son, and who his mother was, Chen Baiqi didn't reveal more.

When Qi Leren returned home and told Dr. Lu about today's experience, Dr. Lu was very surprised: "Hey, since you came back from the dead, your luck seems to have improved."

"Is there?" Qi Leren asked.

"Yes, you see that you found a teacher, and the teacher took you to meet the teacher's teacher. This is almost when you were an undergraduate student, and your graduate supervisor appointed you. When you are admitted to graduate school, the doctoral supervisor will also find you. Wow, such a Do you feel that you are very lucky?" Dr. Lu envied.

Qi Leren thought for a while: "It seems so."

Could it be that the attribute of lucky E has been abandoned with that death? Qi Leren was overjoyed, and even began to think about the bright future of changing jobs and becoming Lucky EX.

But the next day he knew that the little fairy Lucky E had never left him...

PS: The power levels of Nightmare games should be from bottom to top:

LV1: Ordinary people (internal can be subdivided into rookie, general, able to fight)

LV2: Broken shell (also known as: Out of Body/Breakthrough/Innate/Super Body/Gene Lock Level 1, in other words, a player who can surpass the limits of the human body in some aspects) If it is parasitized by the Killing Seed, it will probably be at this level.

LV3: Half-field (requires a certain chance and luck to master, and is easy to break)

In terms of subdivision, there is LV2.5 between LV2 and LV3, which is a half-field broken player, such as Chen Baiqi.

LV4: Domain level (three demon kings of power, killing, and deceit, prophet, pope, Maria, and demon king of destruction)

There is actually a difference in power between domain levels (because some domain levels are not upgraded by themselves, but are piled up by inheriting domains. This kind of domain level is usually not as good as the domain level that is upgraded by itself, but for non-domain levels. 100% crushing, there is no need to seriously do it at all (see "The Dream of the Holy Nun" Su and VS the Nightmare Witch, the Nightmare Witch kneels at the first sight. Unless it is in a copy of a forbidden field, it will not be crushed, but hang You can still fight)

LV5:? ?