Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 141: Promise at dusk (21)


A ball of flaming meteors fell from the sky, and the landing point happened to be between the two confronting people.

Chen Baiqi and the Witch each jumped a few steps back to avoid the falling sparks. Gravel and smoke bloomed between them and were blown away by the sea breeze.

Sensing the chaos on the coast, Chen Baiqi couldn't help but glanced there, the witch rushed up like lightning, raised her hand and gave her a horizontal stab, Chen Baiqi's reaction was so fast, but it was still not as fast as the witch's knife , There was a new injury on the arm immediately, and the blood was flowing.

"Yes, just look at me like this, and don't take your eyes away for a moment." The witch looked at the woman with scars all over her body, but her eyes were like a cheetah's, and the long-lost sense of thirst struck again.

She raised her left hand and wiped lightly on the bloodstain on the blade, and her shiny fingertips were stained with blood belonging to Chen Baiqi. The witch put her finger on her lips, stretched out her tongue and licked it lightly, the tip of her red tongue brushed over the plump lips, and swallowed the blood into her throat, she let out a moan that seemed satisfied through her nose , staring at Chen Baiqi with deep eyes.

This erotic action instantly brought Chen Baiqi back to the memory full of betrayal, shaking and redemption:

"I have nothing left, whether it is family or friends, no one will love me, I am just a tool for them to have fun." The girl snuggled in her arms was crying, and the wound that had been whipped was bleeding continuously . She raised her head, stared at Chen Baiqi with teary eyes, and asked stupidly, "Will anyone still love me?"

"Yes, I will take you out, Ruth, you will have a new life, you will meet your lover, and spend this life with him." Chen Baiqi hugged the helpless girl, comforting her softly road. The faint fragrance from the girl's body kept pouring into her nostrils, like a dream that was too weak but reluctant to wake up.

The girl knelt down on the ground and raised her face to look up at her. Her astonishing beauty and graceful body wrapped in thin clothes made her misfortune ten times crueler, and also ten times more touching.

The girl smiled, it was a smile of despair: "Then he will only love the false me, no one will love the most despicable prostitute in the lower city, no one!"

"If he loves you, he will accept everything from you." Chen Baiqi said.

"What about you?" The girl suddenly asked, "Sister Baiqi, will you accept me? Will you love me?"

Chen Baiqi was stunned.

The girl stared into her eyes, stubbornly waiting for an answer. Her bright red lips were slightly open, trembling with her breathing, she waited and waited, but there was no response.

Tears flowed from her eyes, wet the young girl's cheeks, and also wet her lips. She was like a flower blooming in a storm, and it was about to wither before it bloomed. Weeping silently, she knelt in front of her, took off the single clothes she was wearing, and revealed a graceful body in the dark and narrow room. Her thin shoulders were like two white petals, trembling and trembling in the wind and rain.

She has put all her eggs in one basket, and there is no way out. This determination makes this weak girl shine with a beauty that transcends gender and sensuality. It is an unfortunate soul, desperately begging for a proof of loveā€”that is her only redemption.

The girl's trembling lips touched Chen Baiqi's lips, she tried her best to seduce another woman with her warm body, tried every means to please her, but she was so clumsy because of this obvious eagerness, as long as Chen Baiqi gently One push, and she would be pushed aside, like a flower thrown into the dust by a violent storm.

But that was cruel, cruel.

If you push her away, you will push her into hell with your own hands.

But if you don't push it away, then only you will perish.

The pity and tenderness in his heart at that moment made Chen Baiqi close his eyes.

Chen Baiqi opened her eyes, and the witch, who had lost her previous disguise, was staring at her tens of meters away.

"There is one more thing, I have been wanting to ask you for so many years." The witch said with a hoarse voice, her lips slightly parted.

Chen Baiqi remained silent.

"At that time, why did you save that girl? If it wasn't for her dragging you down, you would probably have escaped unscathed, at least you wouldn't lose this leg." The witch asked.

Why? yeah, why

You have just experienced a tragic betrayal and learned a lesson you will never forget, so why risk your life to save a stranger at the risk of being deceived again

On the way to escape, the half domain was almost collapsed, and the book of summoning could not continue. Chen Baiqi fell from the unicorn, knelt down on the ground in embarrassment, and covered the wound on his abdomen. The unicorn lost her powers and dissipated into the air.

She wanted to say to herself, hold on a little longer, the rescue from the court is coming soon, as long as she escapes from the lower city...

A rustling sound came from his ear, and the exhausted Chen Baiqi drew out his dagger, looking murderously in the direction of the sound.

There was only a thin little girl, curled up in the straw, looking at her blankly.

That may be an innocent poor person, just like the witch once disguised, or maybe, she is another "witch". In any case, she won't meddle in her own business anymore.

Chen Baiqi covered the wound, endured the severe pain and stuffed back the intestines that were about to slip out of her body. The inhuman pain almost made her breathless.

"Do you want cloth?" the little girl asked in a thin voice, using her thin, stunted arms to lift the clothes she was pillowed under.

Chen Baiqi shook his head, found a bandage from the equipment rack, wrapped the wound recklessly, at least it wouldn't let it bleed profusely.

The little girl looked at her quietly, like a doll that didn't exist.

"You come from the outside world, don't you?" asked the little girl.

Chen Baiqi ignored her, but she continued on her own: "Then have you seen the sun?"

After treating the wound, Chen Baiqi nodded casually.

"What about the sea?" the little girl asked again.

Chen Baiqi nodded again.

"I heard that there will be beautiful shells on the beach by the sea, shining like stars." The little girl said.

"Shells don't glow." Chen Baiqi said coldly, her mouth was full of blood, speaking was a kind of torture for her at the moment.

Chen Baiqi's response revived the girl, and she asked curiously, "Are they like stars?"

Chen Baiqi glanced at her. The little girl curled up in the corner covered with straw was as pale as a wandering spirit. She had probably lived in the dark underground ant city since she was born. She had never seen the sun, nor Cross the sea, let alone know what the stars are.

But in her hopeful eyes, Chen Baiqi seemed to see stars.

Shining stars.

There was a shout of killing in the distance, and the pursuers approached again. Chen Baiqi propped up his exhausted body, forcibly squeezed his crumbling half-field, and activated the book of summoning again.

The unicorn appeared in front of her, lowered its head docilely, and waited for her to come up.

It's time for her to go, leave this nightmare, go back to Twilight, she's hurt, but it's going to be okay, she's always going to overcome setbacks.

But maybe, she will never be able to win. The Witch planted a seed of fear in her heart, and she would cherish this betrayal for the rest of her life. How ridiculous, the girl she tried her best to save was the witch who caused all these misfortunes.

The pursuers got closer, and they quickly followed the blood trail to find an unarmed witness.

What would they do to her

Chen Baiqi turned her head and looked at the little girl curled up in the corner exuding fear. She seemed to finally understand that she was a fugitive, and her appearance would bring disaster to her.

Can she really walk away

At this moment, Chen Baiqi suddenly made a ridiculous decision. She came to the girl and hugged her to the unicorn: "What's your name?"

"Sissy." The girl said blankly.

"Cissy, you will see the sky, the sea, the sun, the beautiful shells, those beautiful things are worth seeing for everyone." Chen Baiqi covered his wound and smiled at Sissy.

The unicorns kicked the ground anxiously, and the pursuers had seen them.

Chen Baiqi patted it on the head: "Don't waste time, leave this place to me, you guys go! The respondent is at the exit!"

As she spoke, she pulled out the knife she carried with her, and rushed towards those people without looking back.

She's not saving others, she's just saving herself.

The witch is still waiting for her answer, as stubborn as the girl in the dark room back then.

Chen Baiqi smiled, and she said: "I lost this leg, but I got my soul back."

People who have been bitten by a poisonous snake will always remember that fear, so they will never reach out to the unknown rope. How brave one needs to be to forget the pain of being betrayed and try again to save an innocent person.

Ignorant bravery is not really brave, and the man who has been defeated has never been defeated.

"Now, let's settle this old account!"


Qi Leren had just parted ways with the illusionist and continued on to the coast.

At this moment, the situation in Twilight Township is extremely critical. Just half a minute ago, the clouds above the head were torn apart by a huge eyeball. That terrifying eyeball moved nimbly, as if watching the twilight in the fire Town of. There were constant crimson rays falling from the sky accompanied by meteor fire rain, the torrential rain was evaporated, and the sky was full of flames. The pure land on earth in the east of the coast was scorched by flames, as if it had sunk into the lake of fire and hell.

There was a huge explosion near the steel bridge, and the shock wave turned the nearby airflow into sharp blades, tearing apart the ground and flames. Qi Leren stopped and looked there. That piece of sky became extremely bright, the radiant light even overshadowed the burning of the flames, and some powerful force erupted there.

The roar of hounds, the roar of tigers, the screams of griffins... and the hooves of galloping horses. The chaotic sounds aggravated Qi Le's uneasiness. He turned his head and ran towards the steel bridge.

But when he arrived at the scene, he was shocked by the scene in front of him-the street was shrouded in the phantom of a gorgeous palace, which was the projection of a certain half-field, and Chen Baiqi was captured by a nun-like figure. Pressed down on the ground, the monsters in the countless summoning books are dissipating, like a dream about to wake up.

In desperation, Qi Leren shot the woman in the chest. The bullet passed through the chest and flew forward without hesitation.

And that nun-like woman, in the airflow caused by this gun, disappeared into nothingness together with the summoned monsters.

"I didn't expect..." The witch's unbelievable murmur came from the air.

Chen Baiqi, who was spitting out blood, was dying, but he still smiled: "Do you think I'm just waiting to die all these years? I'm the one who will take revenge."

Amid the clear and crisp sound of shattering, the phantom of the Palace of Lust was shattered into pieces, and was completely disintegrated by Chen Baiqi's self-detonation!

The witch returned to nothingness, Qi Leren rushed forward, picked up Chen Baiqi who was lying in a pool of blood, mobilized the original power from the semi-realm like crazy, and wanted to heal her wounds, but no matter how hard he tried, the reborn No power can fill the ever-flowing life force.

"Don't waste your energy, I blew up the half-field that had been broken long ago, and it was exhausted, even if I sent it to the Holy See, it won't cure me." Chen Baiqi leaned on her only student's lap, and said softly.

Qi Leren's mind was buzzing, he seemed to hear it, but he didn't seem to hear anything.

In fact, at this moment, he has not realized what happened.

"How did you get hurt so badly? Who is that person?" Qi Leren asked unwillingly.

"A witch, a bit of grievance, it's all over, but I still don't worry about Sissi." Chen Baiqi smiled, as if he was satisfied with the ending and had no regrets, but he still missed the girl who had no blood relationship with her.

"I will take good care of her, I swear!" Qi Leren choked up.

Chen Baiqi half-opened his eyes, looking at the sky above his head wearily.

That was not the dusk she was familiar with, there was no bright sunset, only the flames of war.

"Do you want to hear the last words?" Chen Baiqi asked.

Qi Leren held her hands tightly, those dry and rough hands that had been forged by years of fighting, now became cold and sticky, covered with blood.

Finally, this day came. From the moment he was taught by Chen Baiqi, Qi Le people knew that this day would come, but when this farewell was really shown in front of him, he realized that it was more than he imagined. And cruel.

He thought about how she would leave, most likely because she never came back in a certain compulsory mission, and there was a quiet tombstone for her on Undead Island. He thought he could accept this ending and treat her as his teacher It's just that she has gone far away, and one day she will come back.

However, when she fell into his arms and her breathing gradually weakened, Qi Le realized that this person had knocked him to the ground time and time again, yelled at him to stand up time and time again, and forced him to be so exhausted that he could get up. The woman who didn't move the dagger turned out to be so pale and thin.

Obviously, in his memory, she was so cold, tough, unkind, and even made him feel resentful, even though he knew he should be grateful.

"Even if you don't want to hear it, I still have to say it." Chen Baiqi's voice had already weakened, but every word seemed to hit Qi Leren's heart, breaking down the dam that blocked tears one by one, "Le Man, you're better than I thought, and I'm so proud of you."

Qi Leren couldn't hold back his tears any longer, and he didn't speak the truth until his death for this woman who never praised lightly.

At the end of her life, this tough woman finally revealed sensual tenderness in front of her only student, whom she said she was proud of.

"I'm going home, Le Ren, goodbye." Chen Baiqi murmured, his eyes that were full of energy gradually dimmed.

Qi Leren tried his best to restrain himself so that he didn't cry too embarrassingly. His throat was so trembling that he couldn't pronounce the normal syllables. He held Chen Baiqi's hand tightly and almost exhausted all his strength before he calmly said that sentence Farewell words:

"Goodbye, teacher."

Chen Baiqi seemed to be smiling, and in the smoke of the doomsday, she just smiled at the end, and walked towards a way home that no one saw.