Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 142: Promise at dusk (twenty-two)


Leviathan rushed to Sunset Island. Its body after being destroyed by the dragon and revived was still huge and huge, pressing down on the ground like a mountain. Countless disgusting tentacles were rampaging, pulling its body towards the direction of the shelter. climb up.

No, Doctor Lu and the others are still there!

The Qi Le people hurriedly placed Chen Baiqi's body in the garden of the Holy Sepulcher, and ran towards the refuge—he had to stop this monster!

The fanatics along the way have fallen into complete madness. Under the illumination of Utopia's eyeballs, they seem to have infinite power, extending their butcher knives to every innocent passer-by. A sacrifice to the Demon King of Power.

The people of Qi Le couldn't remember how many bullets he shot along the way, and after the ammunition was exhausted, how many fanatics blocked the way with a dagger. By the time he arrived at the scene, Leviathan had already killed the guards in the refuge. The executive officers of the nearby trial house, even the barrier of that layer of refuge is crumbling!

Finally, that layer of enchantment was shattered under Leviathan's crazy attack.

Qi Leren's heart sank. He had seen the tragic battle between Leviathan and Ning Zhou with his own eyes. He knew how powerful this monster was. When it broke through the refuge, the people in this huge church would become its victims. Gluttonous Feast, this monster has no human emotions, only knows how to kill and eat, it will not show the slightest mercy to food.

At this moment, another layer of enchantment appeared, barely blocking Leviathan's progress. It was so perfect and so strong, just like the shelter God bestowed on His people.

Is it a prophet

The people of Qi Le subconsciously attributed this credit to the guardian of Twilight Land. If they were prophets, they should be able to stop this monster.

Leviathan slapped the barrier angrily, but couldn't shake it. This powerful force made the ground tremble continuously, raising a large cloud of dust. Amidst the smoke, a figure came out of the shelter and walked towards the The people from Qi Le came.

Qi Leren narrowed his eyes and stared at the visitor.

The dust was blown away by the strong wind, revealing the face of the visitor, a familiar face.

"Hey, it's not what I thought." Qi Leren smiled wryly, "For the sake of sharing weal and woe, at least tell me the reason."

Xue Yingying looked at him silently, as if she didn't want to answer.

Qi Leren also looked at the girl he met in Xinshou Village. The memories of that time are still vivid in his memory. It was not so long ago, but thinking about it now, it seems like a lifetime away.

"Is it because of... Su He?" Qi Leren still said the name.

Xue Yingying nodded: "You violated the agreement with His Majesty."

Qi Le was bitter in his heart. In the copy of the star death reality show, he made an agreement with Su He, or in other words, Su He unilaterally forced him to sign an agreement, and he would help him condense the half-field, but after that , he must hand over his laptop. But in fact, Qi Leren had no intention of fulfilling this agreement from the very beginning—he used a skill card when signing the contract, which made the contract invalid.

"I don't have one. I haven't encountered the performance obligation in the contract so far." Qi Leren defended himself. He was telling the truth. He hadn't seen the laptop in the latest dungeon, so naturally he couldn't fulfill the contract, and he didn't know how Su He found out about it.

Xue Yingying sneered slightly, but remained silent.

Qi Leren's heart was hanging high, he was made suspicious by Su He's previous convictions, and even suspected that Su He had planned this from the beginning.

Impossible, if Su He knew at that time that he had lied to him, why didn't he expose it on the spot? What good does it do him

Unless... unless he's showing it to someone, or, he's warning... warning whom

Did the laptop that never appeared again give him the answer

No, it should have known that Su He would do this, so it gave him the [Sophistical Lawyer] to deceive Su He.

Qi Leren took a deep breath, and the air with the smell of fire and gunpowder was rushing through the trachea, which made him sober and painful. He knew that he shouldn't think about this kind of problem. The situation makes no sense. Because he couldn't figure out what Su He's purpose was, whether he wanted to get the laptop computer, or just to prevent it from appearing.

Qi Leren couldn't help thinking that if that laptop computer appeared, maybe it would tell him about the upheaval of this day, just like it revealed to him the news that Ning Zhou would die in the lake of fire, and let him changed the ending.

From this point of view, no matter whether the contract is established or not, Su He has already succeeded.

"Why did you deliberately get close to Du Yue?" Qi Leren asked.

"I have no obligation to report to you." Xue Yingying said coldly.

The people of Qi Le still wanted to ask something, the barrier in front of which was being attacked by Leviathan frantically, dimmed again.

not good!

The people of Qi Le didn't dare to waste any more time, equipped with skill cards, gathered half of the domain, and rushed towards Xue Yingying!


[Lucky Revolver] Remaining usage times (3/6).

Doctor Lu on the tower was fidgeting. The sound of monsters slapping the barrier frantically came from outside the refuge, so he didn't even dare to go to the window to take a second look.

Three minutes had passed, and a full three minutes had passed. The monster outside the shelter was still attacking unscrupulously, and no one came to stop it.

What's next? Dr. Lu became more and more frightened, and the risk of being shot increased. The lucky revolver could only be used twice at most. The third time, the bullet would go through his brain...

There was a loud bang, and something seemed to have collapsed outside the shelter. Dr. Lu got up from the ground and mustered up the courage to go to the window and look behind the tentacles of the huge monster that made people tremble. , the steampunk-style buildings in Twilight Town suddenly changed—a green field full of blooming flowers, and a lake constantly burning with purple flames. Two scenes with very different styles appeared alternately, illuminating the two people who were fighting there .

It's so familiar that even just a back view won't make Dr. Lu mistaken it.

"Qi Leren?" Dr. Lu murmured as he watched this scene in shock.

And the figure who confronted him... He also has a deep memory.

Xue Yingying.

Why are they fighting? Is this scene of burning purple flames a half-field? When did Xue Yingying become so powerful? What exactly is going on

Dr. Lu had countless questions that could not be answered, but time was running out, and the barrier dimmed again.

He raised his arm almost numbly, not thinking about the result of the shot. There are still three chances, and there is only one bullet. There is a one-third chance that he will be shot.

It's only a one-third possibility. For a person who has been lucky since he was a child and has a lucky skill card, the possibility of him being shot is almost zero.

But what about next time


What about next time


It was a certain death that no amount of luck could save. Just thinking about it made him so scared that he couldn't breathe.

When the time was up, Dr. Lu closed his eyes tightly, pulled the trigger cruelly, and ushered in another lucky victory.

[Lucky Revolver] Remaining usage times (2/6).

There is one more chance, one more at most, the last bullet, he will never keep it for himself anyway, he wants to keep this life, he still has too many beautiful lives to live.

Dr. Lu pushed open the window, and the voice outside the window suddenly became clear. The earth-shattering vibration seemed to smash the world into pieces.

"Qi Le people! Come on! Only two minutes left! There is no time!" Dr. Lu shouted at Qi Le people with all his might.

Qi Leren suddenly turned his head and looked at him in surprise. Dr. Lu raised the lucky revolver in his hand and told him the truth about this enchantment. This is not the protection of the prophet, but a tool from this fate.

"One and a half more minutes!" Dr. Lu shouted hoarsely.

It's only a minute and a half.


This is not the enchantment of the prophet, but Dr. Lu's [Lucky Revolver]! The props he sold to Dr. Lu! Now there is only one and a half minutes left!

This discovery caused Qi Le people to fall into a great panic. He was caught off guard by the halberd in Xue Yingying's hand and flew out. In the mid-air, the skill of collecting clothes in the rain sent him a death warning. Qi Le People only had time to save files at that moment, and the next second he was engulfed by the purple flames shot from behind!

The SL Dafa was activated, bringing the dead Qi Le people back into the air.

This time, Qi Leren returned to the semi-realm in an instant, and when he came out again, as soon as his feet landed, he clenched the dagger in his hand and rushed towards Xue Yingying.

Although she knew that Qi Leren had this skill, she still didn't react. Under the desperate attack of the murderous Qi Leren, she only had time to deflect her body slightly, but it was still too late! There was a sharp pain in the left arm, and the powerful force contained in the dagger instantly chopped off her left hand!

The blood spurted wildly, and Xue Yingying's eyes instantly turned bright red. The side effect of this blood loss turned into another kind of power in her body, the power that made her go crazy.

"Very good, you are very good, this angry power will only make me stronger." Xue Yingying smiled, blood flowed down the corner of her mouth, and a stormy sea broke out in the lake burning with purple flames behind her.

That is the half domain of anger, her original power is anger!

Qi Leren slowly changed his position. The green fields and gardens in the semi-domain were gradually eroded by the source of the torrential anger. He was constantly analyzing the enemy in front of him. At some point, Xue Yingying had turned to the Deceitful Demon King Maybe after she came out of Novice Village, she was already bewitched by Su He. After awakening the source of anger, she became a semi-field-level master.

The original power of this extreme emotion will undoubtedly make a witch stronger, but it is also easier to lose his mind. If he wants to fight Xue Yingying, his original power will be more dominant. The original power of rebirth ensures that his endurance is better than any A semi-domain-level master, as long as he fights for a long time, he can always drag the opponent to death, especially an opponent like Xue Yingying. Although she is powerful when she erupts, continuous blood loss is an extremely terrible burden for both humans and demons, and her berserk state cannot last for too long.

The best way is to avoid her edge and wait for her to fall into the weakness after madness.


With tears in his eyes, Dr. Lu on the tower pulled the trigger again: "One minute!"

[Lucky Revolver] Remaining usage times (1/6).

Qi Leren had no choice.

He took a deep breath, endured the severe pain that tore his soul, and inspired all the power of the half domain!

The green field, which was gradually disappearing in the flames, was suddenly endowed with powerful power. In an instant, the green field spread overwhelmingly, and the flames extinguished wherever it passed, and the world was purified into a fresh field. In the center of the green field , A hundred flowers bloom in the garden of God, and each blooming flower contains a powerful rebirth force, blooming one by one, not caring about the coming decline and collapse, only blooming for this moment.

In the sky ruled by red eyeballs, a beam of holy white light pierced through the clouds and landed on Qi Leren.

Come on, let's go crazy together, fight to the death, he must not lose!