Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 143: Promise at dusk (twenty-three)


On the coast of Twilight Land, the power demon king blocked by the dragon finally ended her temptation.

The half domain in front of me is almost a domain, but it is only a domain and a half after all, no matter how powerful the source of destruction is, the descendant of the Destruction Demon King has not merged with his father's domain after all, otherwise, the one who should be defeated now is her Alright. The demon king of power thought calmly, she would not let him achieve this terrible transformation, the domain of the old demon king, she was going to decide.

As long as, as long as you can get the scepter of hell, and the one-third of the demon crystals that the old devil's whereabouts are unknown.

"It's time to end." The demon king of power walks from the sea of bones to the dragon. The world behind him has been swallowed by her ideal country. The sea has turned into a lot of bones. Countless flying bones butterflies greedily ingest the negative emotions of the creatures in this field. , to provide a steady stream of power for this demon king.

"Back then, the holy nun took away one-third of the demon crystal of the old demon king. This part has been missing since then. I have always wondered where it was hidden. Now I understand." The power demon king looked up at the huge demon. Long, her figure is smaller than ordinary women. When standing in front of the dragon, this human body is pitifully small, but in such a body that has nothing to do with strength, it contains a A powerful and terrifying soul.

The undead army composed of white bones climbed up continuously from the sea of bones, forming a terrifying army of undead. Under the guidance of the huge red eyeball above their heads, they charged towards the dragon tirelessly!

The dragon roared, and the magnificent dragon's breath poured down like a waterfall, vaporizing the undead rushing up along the way, but this still couldn't stop more undead from getting up and rushing towards it!

The Demon King of Power watched all of this, and in her eyes that were no longer human, she saw a truth: the terrifying power from the Old Demon King was hidden in the beating heart behind its reversed scales—one-third of the old Demon King One's demon crystallization turned out to be there.

The magic dragon, the source of terrifying power far beyond the ordinary half domain, finally has an answer.

The holy nun took away one-third of the demon crystal, most likely sealing it in her body, but she did not expect that this demon crystal was swallowed by the child conceived in her womb. Fate was connected with his father, forming a fateful reincarnation.

Seeing the demon dragon who was clearly on the verge of destruction but still resisting the primitive impulse to fight against instinct with all his strength, the power demon king smiled: "I heard that you used to be a saint of the Holy See. Those who fight eventually become devils. The one who caused the tragedy of your life is actually that holy nun, your mother."

The demon dragon let out an angry roar, and spewed out a terrifying breath towards the power demon king.

Facing this tsunami-like huge wave of dragon's breath, the white bone butterfly in mid-air instantly formed a net in front of her, firmly blocking this destructive force.

The bone butterflies destroyed by the dragon's breath fell one after another, like a grand white funeral.

The demon king of power standing in the pure white looked at it with pity in his eyes: "She conceived you and gave birth to you, even if she already knew your ultimate fate. If she had pity on you, she should let you be silent She died peacefully in her womb, letting the tragedy end here. But for her own love, for her own selfish desires, and to make up for the regret of killing her beloved, she chose to give birth to you, so the tragedy continued on you. You, when she was still in her womb, you relied on plundering the mother's nutrients, endlessly squeezing your poor mother to obtain the possibility of survival. You transformed your mother's brain, made her love you like crazy, and sacrificed everything Is this love great that conceived you? Why do I only feel terrible?"

The demon king of power closed his eyes, seemingly intoxicated and compassionate: "I don't see the sublime and great love between mothers and children, but only selfishness and cruelty. I see mothers bringing their children to this terrible place. In the world, it is said that it is because of love, seeing the souls of children living by unscrupulous means, in the name of love. Why do human beings use romantic language and great praise to pretend to be a naked relationship? Don’t you think it is ridiculous? ?”

"Let me do what the holy nuns failed to accomplish back then." The power demon king raised his hands, and in the slender hands of a girl, he held a terrifying power that would destroy the world.

Accompanied by this force, the entire Twilight Land is trembling!

Countless bone spears pierced through the ground, and the dragon took off in a hurry, but those countless bone spears shot at it like sharp arrows! For a while, the sky was full of the countercurrent white meteors, and the crimson dragon's blood falling from the sky!

A bone spear pierced the dragon's wings, and then more and more bone spears pierced its body. The dragon screamed and fell to the ground. This heavy fall set off huge waves on the sea of bones. The undead army that kept charging was blown away by this huge force, and the formation collapsed in an instant.

The giant dragon whose whole body was pierced by the bone spear fell into the sea of bones, and the vitality was gradually flowing from its red eyes, together with the dragon blood seeping into the bones.

The demon king of power walks towards it, like a pious girl walking towards a miracle. Along with her footsteps, there are red nerve threads like veins in the sky, weaving a red network in the sky. Flying in the sea, singing an elegy for the tragic scene of the death of the dragon.

The bone spear that pierced the giant dragon's reverse scale was held by the powerful demon king. She moved slightly, and the dragon twitched and trembled. It struggled to bite her, but was pierced by more bone spears.

"It's right here." The power demon king smiled, and stretched out his hand towards the demon dragon's Nilin.

Behind the pierced reverse scale, something burned as if it was burning, as if the heart had been pulled out with bare hands. The dying dragon trembled, and the emotions of tyranny and despair continued to spread in the soul.

But that doesn't stop a demon king.

The Demon King of Power stretched out his hand, holding in his palm the demon crystal that flew out from behind the reverse scale.

The demon crystal stained with dragon blood was shining in her slender white hands. She held the crystal and laughed wildly at the vast and boundless world. That crazy laughter was full of her desire for power. And powerful and powerful.

Along with the laughter, there was the sound of bones wriggling. The scarred and dying dragon sank in the sea of bones, and the endless white flooded its body, slowly swallowing it into the ground.

Sunk, sunk, this huge dragon island sank, falling into the eternal dark sleep.


After forcibly energizing the half-field, a bright holy light fell from the sky. The people of Qi Le, who were bathed in the holy light, stood in a beautiful garden, feeling the continuous power coming from the depths of their souls.

One minute! enough!

Qi Leren opened his eyes and rushed towards Xue Yingying like lightning. Xue Yingying took half a step back and responded hastily. The surrounding buildings collapsed, and even the ground was cracked one after another.

Behind the two, the green field and the purple flame lake are also constantly intertwined, tearing and devouring each other, and the two are constantly alternating in the surrounding sky, forming a fierce battle situation.

Dr. Lu, who was standing on the tower of the shelter, watched anxiously. There was still thirty seconds left. Is it too late

The lucky revolver in his hand was heavy. Looking at the furious giant monster, he suddenly lost the courage to count the time. He never, never fired the last shot!

With a "click", he threw the revolver into the corner of the wall, and Dr. Lu curled up in the shadow under the window sill, sobbing softly.

twenty seconds.

The sky outside the window lit up a dazzling purple, and Dr. Lu knelt in front of the window sill in horror, looking out the window uneasily. There were purple flames everywhere on the ground, and Qi Leren fell heavily on the ground, narrowly dodging Xue Yingying's attack, but couldn't find a chance to fight back.

Come on! Qile people! Only ten seconds left!

Dr. Lu was almost desperate, and the barrier in front of him dimmed again. He could imagine what would happen next. After the barrier formed by the lucky revolver disappeared, the trolls would rush into this refuge and gather together Here humans will be reduced to food in its mouth.

Maybe he can escape, and with his luck, he will definitely survive!


Qi Leren seized the opportunity to turn over and stand up, with a loud roar, bearing Xue Yingying's heavy blow, and sent the dagger in her hand into her heart.

Terrible power was brewing in this knife, a huge blood hole exploded on Xue Yingying's back, and the purple flames around her instantly faded away.

Xue Yingying looked at the person in front of her in disbelief. His chest was also pierced and bleeding, but he didn't seem to feel it.

The lake burning with purple flames was engulfed by the green field, and the expanding field was pushed to the entire street in an instant, and blooming flowers were everywhere, as well as blue and white petals floating in the air. Xue Yingying stared blankly, the chest that exploded after being pierced was empty, a tiny petal passed through the chest cavity, stained with a trace of blood, and flew to a distant place.

She quietly watched the petals fly farther and farther away, and suddenly, the anger surging in her soul gradually subsided, and she slowly fell down on the green grassland, as if she had returned to her mother's arms , she smiled, her smile gradually stiffened and cooled in death, and she fell asleep.

Qi Leren fell to his knees on the ground. There should be severe pain from the pierced wound on his chest, but he couldn't feel it at all, because the tearing pain in his soul was happening ten times and a hundred times at this moment. He hugged head, trying to contain this inhuman pain, but the crumbling half-field will only drive him into madness, the half-field that is already on the verge of collapse cannot withstand any torture, as long as it moves a little, it will It was completely shattered like glass full of cracks.

Time is up.

The weak enchantment completely disappeared, and the giant monster who felt all this waved its huge tentacles and rushed towards the refuge.

"Qile people! Stand up! There's no time!" Dr. Lu held onto the window sill, weeping and trembling, shouting hoarsely.

The Qi Le people seemed to hear it, but they didn't seem to hear it. There was still a voice in their soul, which was screaming continuously.

The image of the dragon sinking into the sea of bones kept reappearing in his mind, and the scene of a whale falling made his pain at this moment multiply.

The troll has approached the sanctuary, and the shadow of death hangs over everyone's head.

In the shelter, Fu Yue, who was paying attention to all this, took off his cloak, and shouted to the crying crowd: "Who else? As long as the shell is broken! Come with me to stop that giant monster!"

After the tragic death of his wife, he originally planned to leave Twilight Town, just to make an agreement with his wife, so he decided to stay and watch the fireworks on the founding day for the last time, but he did not expect such an accident to happen.

"What's the use, we're dead!" The wailing of the weak came from the crowd.

"A second is a second. I'd rather stand in front of it and die than hide here and kneel to die!" Fu Yue said loudly.

The crowd squirmed, and some people came out from the inside, gathered around him in twos and threes, and some people said: "The back door has been opened, everyone who can run, let's try to buy time, there are fanatics outside, and an army of undead , it’s not easy to live, so be careful.”

The door of the refuge opened, and Fu Yue walked out with people. The monster in front of him was huge, its body covering the sky and the sun, and the eyeballs hanging above their heads were still turning, and red rays fell from the sky from time to time. Destroy the buildings in Twilight Land.

In front of this terrifying vision and huge monsters, their small bodies seem to be fighting against the whole world, they are overwhelmed.

They will not win, everyone knows it, and Dr. Lu knows it too.

Standing by the window sill, he shouted to the crowd rushing to die: "Don't go! You can't win!"

It was all over, his friend was down, and there were more to fall here, for a victory that would never come.

What's the point? They all knew that they were going to die. How can human power fight against this invincible everything? Is it not good to live

Sure, but... but...

Dr. Lu picked up the lucky revolver he had thrown into the corner, and a voice in his head said to him: Don't shoot, as long as you don't shoot this shot, you will always survive if you are lucky, and maybe you can go home to see parents. If you fired this shot, from now on, the life and death of this world will have nothing to do with you - you are already dead. Maybe someone will remember you at first, and will go to see your tombstone, but after many years, they will always forget your departure, or they will leave with them. No one will know everything you do. Why not accept your own weakness? Selfishness is inherently inscribed in human genes.

He has a thousand and ten thousand reasons not to shoot, for survival, for the long-lost parents, for the little cakes that have not been eaten enough, there are too many beautiful things in this world that are worthy of nostalgia... But in this world, more people are worthy of nostalgia .

Dr. Lu was crying, and his hands were shaking so much that he could hardly hold the gun, but he still slowly aimed the gun at his temple.

He suddenly remembered the first time he saw the introduction of Lucky Revolver, which said "Even if you are lucky, God will only give you five minutes. If you are brave enough to die, you can continue for another minute." At that time, he happily said Qi Leren said this is very good, it can be an absolute defense for five minutes. At that time, he never thought that he would use this last minute.

What can change in a minute? Maybe nothing will change.

But, but.

Looking at the people crying and praying in the refuge, the people rushing to the giant monster to die, and seeing his best friend who fell on the ground and struggling to get up, he suddenly felt that maybe all of this had meaning.

He was brave only once in his life.

But for a timid hero, one time is enough.

"Come on, Leren." Dr. Lu looked at his best friend who stumbled and got up, and whispered to him in his heart.

As if hearing his voice, Qi Le raised his head. They were so far apart, but he seemed to know what he was going to do, shaking his head desperately in horror.

Dr. Lu's entire face was buried in the shadows, as if he was crying.

"Bang—" the gunshot rang out.

The disappearing barrier lit up again, and the giant monster whose tentacles had been swung in front of the crowd was pushed away by an incredible force, and was thrown hundreds of meters away in an instant. The food is powerless.

Lady Luck looked at the lucky boy who had been tenderly cared for all her life, and shed tears helplessly.