Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 145: Promise at dusk (25)


The Prophet stood in front of the statue of the Holy Nun and looked up at her, at the woman who changed his life.

"On this day more than 20 years ago, when Maria handed over the future to me, what was she thinking? At that time, I was still a naive young man, naive, reckless, cynical, and bold. Why would she Do you believe I can do it?"

This question touched Qi Leren's heart, because at this moment, he also had the same confusion in his heart.

The Prophet smiled and looked at the three of them, Qi Leren looked bewildered, Si Lin showed sadness on his quiet face, and the illusionist turned livid and didn't want to say a word.

"I leave that question to you," said the Prophet. "It's time to start, or she should have come. Are you ready?"

"I'll never be ready!" The mesmer suddenly exploded. He grabbed the Prophet's wrist and yelled at him in a gaffe, "Can't you fucking think about yourself? Those people and you What does it matter? It’s none of your business whether they live or die! Why do you have to sacrifice everything for them! If you devoted half of your energy to studying the original power, you would already be detached by now!”

The Prophet quietly listened to him venting, and asked softly: "Do you know why this field was born?"

The illusionist froze.

"At that time, we had been in exile in the human world for half a year. During these half a year, I saw too much cruelty and horror that I could not imagine before. I wanted to build a shelter for human beings to protect them from surviving. It was this kind of mood that made this field born at the most dangerous time. At that moment, I suddenly realized the meaning I had been looking for all my life. After that, I forgot many things, and only this obsession accompanied me. I spent a long time under the frozen lake. In fact, I don’t remember many details of that day. Watching an opera once a year is like reading someone else’s story, but that feeling seems to be imprinted in my soul forever. It cannot be erased."

The illusionist buried his face in the teacher's shoulder, trembling silently. He knew it would come sooner or later, but always naively hoped it never would.

"There will always be this day, and there will always be a farewell. Besides, this time, it is not a life or death." The prophet said.

"Why not?" the illusionist questioned, resting on his shoulder.

"There are many forms of being alive."

"I don't accept this form!"

The Prophet smiled, and he patted the illusionist's head to signal him to stand up straight. The illusionist rubbed against his clothes, and then raised his face that wiped away the tears, but the moment he met the Prophet's eyes, His eye sockets were still moist.

"Then as compensation, give you a farewell kiss?" The Prophet asked with a sly smile.

The illusionist pointed to his right cheek.

"Are you serious?" The Prophet was shocked.

"Xiaozhi kisses me every day, he said he likes me the most!" said the illusionist.

"... Are you three years old?"

"Shut up!" the mesmer yelled at the Prophet.

The Prophet smiled helplessly, put his arm around the illusionist's head, and left a kiss on his right cheek. Following this kiss, the illusionist's body was surrounded by gentle white light, and countless phantoms of him flashed behind him, from small to large, lined up in a long line, each of his faces stared at the prophet, each of them Full of reluctance.

The Prophet walked in front of Si Lin again: "You have always been my most reassuring student, but to you, I am not a reassuring teacher. I have worked hard for you these years."

Si Lin's inorganic snake pupils reflected the appearance of a prophet, and he suddenly wanted to be childish again.

So he pointed to his cheek.

The prophet was surprised and helpless at first, but in the end he still couldn't bear to refuse.

A farewell kiss landed on Si Lin's left cheek. Similarly, a snowstorm suddenly floated in the world behind him, and it fell one after another, covering Si Lin's shoulders. He seemed to be frozen in the snow. In this heavy snow, quietly bid farewell to a person who is about to go away.

The last one was Qi Leren. He looked at the prophet walking towards him, and said nervously: "... I just... don't need it?"

The godlike boy who was walking towards him in the snow suddenly laughed like a naughty boy. He cheerfully put his arms around Qi Leren's shoulders and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

"More than 20 years ago, I peeked at Ning Zhou's future. He will live in the pain of destruction all his life, but it is no longer the case now, Le Ren. In fact, you have changed his destiny." The prophet said.

He once told Maria that her child would have a bright future and he would live a pious and happy life.

That was a lie. At that time, he only saw the endless misfortune and pain in this child, and saw a soul that would eventually be destroyed after suffering. But fate is so wonderful that it turns a lie into reality.

After a long period of chaos and darkness, he unexpectedly saw a new dawn, slowly rising with the young man in front of him.

"Really? Will Ning Zhou be okay? Will we all be fine in the future?" Qi Le people excitedly tightened the prophet's hand, eager to get an affirmative answer from him.

The prophet smiled: "Okay, go and save him, his life is still very long, he has gone through so many thorns and darkness, he will always see the dawn of dawn. Bring my blessing to Ning Zhou , I wish you a happy wedding."

As soon as the words fell, Qi Leren's constantly aching soul was suddenly healed gently, and the half-field that had been broken into countless pieces was infused with new power, and a huge source of time came to him from all directions outside, stopping The clock began to turn backwards crazily, and the shattered half-field began to flow backwards unbelievably.

"Fortunately, it just shattered, and your original strength is just right. I'll do something good in the end." The prophet's voice came from afar, but Qi Leren's consciousness could no longer be controlled by himself. Surrounded by white light, he can see the blue sky above his head without looking up, and he can see the green fields and gardens under his feet without looking down.

He seemed to fly up, looking down at Twilight Land from the sky, and couldn't help but be shocked by the scene.

He, Si Lin, and the illusionist each had their own semi-realms blooming behind them. Countless visions were born at this moment, and at their feet, the prophet standing in front of the statue of the holy nun folded his hands on his chest and raised his head. , Through the night and clouds, he seemed to see something.

"Just wait for you to send the Land of Dawn, this time it will be indispensable." The Prophet said.

Su He, who was far away in the underground ice palace, seemed helpless and said with a helpless smile: "So that's it... It's worthwhile to be able to help the teacher."

The Prophet raised his arm, and a powerful energy surged between the sky and the earth. The night was torn apart, and in the infinitely high sky, a huge domain was being quickly pulled towards the ground—the Land of Dawn began to fall!

Relying on the innate attraction between the two realms, the Prophet can still use the power of the Twilight Land to draw the Dawn Land over even without a pocket watch, as long as they are close enough. Accompanied by this traction, the Land of Dawn in the sky began to tilt and sink unavoidably like a cruise ship flooded with water. Countless forces condensed in the Land of Dawn descended from the sky, and a terrifyingly powerful energy swept across the entire dusk in an instant. Town of!

Floating islands, white towers, flying birds, all the living and dead things in the Land of Dawn are dumped by this force, and the Land of Dusk frantically absorbs the power from the Land of Dawn. The people of Qi Le strongly felt the magnitude and terror of this power, so much so that he could squander it as he wished, repairing the dilapidated Twilight Township.

That was the painstaking effort that the Prophet had given to the Land of Dawn, and now he wants to take it all back.

He had a panoramic view of the entire Twilight Land, whether it was the buildings burned by fanatics, the streets destroyed by Leviathan, or the piles of bones in the sea, and the giant dragon sunk under the ocean, he suddenly saw everything .

Qi Leren didn't think at all, he immediately poured this power into his important people.

The demon dragon whose scales were pierced by the bone spear was covered with scars all over its body. In the intense corrosion, part of the flesh had been eroded, revealing a pale skeleton. The people of Qi Le didn't even dare to examine its wound carefully, for fear that they would lose their minds.

The grown-up source of rebirth covered the dragon's body, and the dragon suddenly trembled and raised its head abruptly.

Half of the dragon scales have been corroded, exposing thick white bones, but the eyes inlaid in the eye sockets have lost their madness and turned back to azure blue.

It struggled to get up from the bottom of the sea, bit the bone spears on its body, and pulled them out one by one, tearing out a lot of flesh and blood every time, dyeing this piece of sea scarlet.

Under the protection of the surging rebirth power, the dragon seemed to be healed, at least it stopped bleeding, but the corroded dragon scales still couldn't grow back quickly. But that's enough, it's ready for a new battle!

A high-pitched dragon chant came from the sea area of Twilight Land. On the entire sea covered by the Utopia's sea of bones, a huge dragon broke through the layer of bones and soared into the sky from under the sea! Countless white bones were blown away by the strong wind and force, and the sky was filled with this white storm. The magic dragon flapped its wings and flew towards the huge eyeball of Utopia.

"Go back to God."

The prophet's voice brought Qi Le people's sanity back to this world from the distant sea of bones.

The three different original powers are constantly rising, growing rapidly under the pouring of the power of time, and gradually merging with the Twilight Township to form a new field.

"From now on, it is indispensable for the three of you to control this new Twilight Township together. Once someone condenses into a new field, he can be the master and integrate the Twilight Township into it. The new source of power will become stronger and stronger." The more you have, the more solidified this area will be. But before that, you must protect yourself and never leave here for a long time, otherwise the Twilight Village will fall into chaos due to the imbalance of power."

The Prophet looked at the three people who slowly returned to the ground, and there was a vast white light around them. Most of the power was drawn to maintain this inheritance. The light of Dawn Town was dim, as if it would fall from the sky at any time.

"It's one last step away." The Prophet stared at them, followed by a call from the Twilight Land.

Find the right three new original powers, seize the power of Dawn Township to carry out the inheritance ceremony, and finally integrate all your original powers into this Twilight Township to become the most unbreakable maintenance. It took him too much effort to achieve these conditions, especially the seal of the underground ice palace. If Su He didn't come, then he wouldn't be able to take advantage of the time gap when Su He couldn't escape, and complete the inheritance with the power of the Land of Dawn.

The white light became brighter and brighter, almost engulfing the entire night.

In this light, an unimaginably huge goldfish slowly swims through the sky. No one knows what it is. Just take a look at it, and you will be shocked by its incredible size.

Its size is so huge that it is doubtful that the night is just its projection on the ground, and this new light that illuminates the twilight land may just be the reflection on one of its fish scales.

The goldfish that seemed to come from a different dimension was swimming in the clouds and mist, and disappeared into the void in a blink of an eye.

The wind was fierce, the Prophet stood in the wind, and the figure of the goldfish touched those long-forgotten memories, and some remaining pictures appeared in the fragmented memories. It should be an evening, the sun was setting, and the magnificent sunset covered the entire beach.

The entire sea area is full of demon corpses. A damaged ship docked on the coast. They got off the ship and survived the catastrophe.

"This child, he... will have a bright future." The prophet who picked up the baby tried to smile, and told a white lie to the expectant Maria.

Maria sat in a wheelchair, looked at the child in the arms of the prophet, and said softly, "That's great..."

"Have you decided what name you want to name him? If you want to call him St. John, St. George, or St. Paul, I will vote against it." The prophet returned the child to Maria and said with a forced smile.

"His father's surname is Ning. This child followed me all the way into exile and was born on such a bumpy boat. Fortunately, he experienced such a storm. When he came to this world, the boat finally came to the shore. I think, let’s call him Ning Zhou, I hope he will enjoy peace and happiness in this life.” Maria pulled herself together and named the child of destiny.

The Prophet said yes again and again, and quickly changed the subject. He chattered on and on about his new vision for this field to Maria. Maria, holding the baby in her arms, braced herself to listen to him, and finally said : "Why don't you just stay here and tell everyone what you think."

"Now? But I haven't fully figured it out yet." The prophet, who was just beginning in the field, hesitated.

"It's right here, right now, it couldn't be more appropriate." Maria said with a smile, lowering her head and looking at her child tenderly, her soul filled with infinite pain was filled with tender love.

So the Prophet stood on a rock and called out to everyone: "Everyone, we have been in exile for too long. Now I have a realm, I think, right here, we build a new city, and I will provide you with place. In my domain, we can no longer be afraid of the arrival of demons, we want to rebuild our former homeland, so that more human beings can have a stable place to live... "

In fact, he didn't speak well at all. Even though he tried his best to look reliable, his too young appearance and clumsy expression were still flawed. But no one cared about this. They surrounded the prophet, listening patiently and reverently to his speech, which was not considered a speech. They have longed for this day for so long that every ounce of hope is extremely precious.

Time was fixed at this moment, and in the setting sun, the Prophet placed his domain on the coast. At that time, he was high-spirited and full of pride in his heart, always thinking that all disasters would end, the dusk of this moment would be forever, and everyone could start a happy life.

Twenty-three years in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the Prophet recalled this lost and recovered memory, and was finally able to clearly recall the scene at that time. He suddenly felt that he had no regrets.

"It's almost dawn. From now on, the sun will rise and the moon will set, and there will be no eternal dusk. Isn't that good?"

After the prophet finished speaking, he smiled slightly at the three of them, turned around and walked into eternal time.