Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 147: Promise at dusk (twenty-seven)


[Protagonist Halo] (Bound Skill Card): When you use this skill card, you will instantly become the focus of the crowd, the protagonist of the story, and the brave and fearless savior! You exude a frightening aura of domineering, you can easily move people's hearts with your words, you can always hold your last breath when you are beaten by a powerful enemy, because the enemy can't help explaining their motives to you and modus operandi (though I'm afraid not enough time). The duration of this skill is 1 minute once, and the cooling time is 3 hours. During the skill activation, the persuasion will increase by 20%, and the IQ of everyone present will decrease by 20%. You will not die if you are attacked. After all, you are the protagonist of this 1 minute.

Qi Le people only now understand the true horror of this "Du Yue" skill card.

If it wasn't for the influence of this skill card, he wouldn't have believed in Du Yue so easily just now, and he wouldn't have easily used up his biggest bargaining chip - the resonance with Twilight Township - and he wouldn't have thought it looked like Dr. Lu's corpse Put things into your own half domain!

The people of Qi Le had already realized the horror of the situation. He looked inside his semi-realm. In the garden of the Holy Sepulcher, "Doctor Lu's body" had disappeared. Black mist and mud appeared in the garden, and they continued to erode and infect people. His half domain, this ominous power is like a gangrene, bringing the most dangerous signal, within a few tens of seconds, it will completely pollute his half domain!

Su He has already removed his disguise and returned to his real appearance.

"From the beginning, Du Yue was your incarnation? But why..." Qi Leren had just finished asking, and he had a clear understanding.

After discovering that the Qi Le people were not dead, Su He let his avatar come to Twilight Township as a newcomer, lived in his residence, approached him again, and unexpectedly learned the secret he hid at home—— Diary on laptop.

No wonder, no wonder! During the star death reality show, Su He knew so much about laptops, but he didn't know much about them when he was in the holy city.

Qi Leren suddenly realized that he was filled with remorse. In order to prevent this secret from being known after his death, he specially left his own diary and recorded everything about "Nightmare Game". The most crucial one. He even signed a non-disclosure agreement with "Du Yue" to keep this secret. "Du Yue" never violated the agreement and told "others" this secret, and he didn't need to tell others the secret! He is the person Qi Le people least want to reveal their secrets to!

"I've been researching its existence for a long time. It 'breaks out' once, and part of it has been trying to frustrate me. I'm tired of this game of hide and seek... It chose you, why?" Su He looked seriously at Qi Leren who couldn't move. The infection from the half-field had surfaced on his body surface. Black blood flowed from Qi Leren's eyes, and countless black branches appeared on his body. On the skin, it looked like a death vine wrapped around him.

SL Dafa is still cooling down, he has no way to recover, the terrible pollution from the semi-realm crazily erodes his world, and countless negative emotions explode in his soul: fear, resentment, despair...

"Later I understood that it chose you not because you changed the world, you just changed the fate of a person, but that person will change the future." Su He turned around and looked towards the coast.

The dragon's instinct is still fighting against its own rationality, and it is trying its best not to let itself fall into the abyss of destruction.

How long can a person's will last? In the face of endless power, the will is too weak to withstand a single blow.

All it takes is a little prodding, and the string that has been taut for too long snaps, and the great saint falls from the altar to hell.

All he has to do is to give him that little stimulus.

"But what if you die? Will he turn back into that saint for you, or will he go crazy and destroy the world completely?" Su He showed a hint of curiosity just right, and his gentle eyes stared at the man kneeling in the black with concern. Dying prey in the mud.

The people of Qi Le were already suffocated, and the polluted half-field nearly collapsed his soul. Su He's voice passed through his eardrums, but his brain could no longer think. Scenes of the past flashed through his dying brain like a fleeting image.

"A long time ago, I was thinking that the way you die slowly must be beautiful, just like when you naively yearned for love. It's a pity that you left too hastily last time, so I didn't have time to appreciate it. I'm afraid it will be this time..." Su Feeling the sudden change of situation on the coast, he smiled contentedly.

Qi Leren could no longer hear his words clearly, and the countless beating images in his mind were frozen in that scene, he rode a gentle giant dragon, walking through the fireworks. The fireworks all over the sky are like stars that have been blown down. They roam together and enjoy the beauty that only belongs to each other at this moment. All the disasters have not yet happened, and they still have endless futures to look forward to.

Memories slowly faded in the suffocation, darkness came from all directions, Qi Leren fell into the black mud and stopped breathing.


The dragon, which was struggling with the original power, suddenly froze.

The connection in the depths of the soul was suddenly severed, and in just a few seconds, the great pain from the other side instantly drove it into madness.

The entire Twilight Land reverberated with its mournful wail, the dragon who had lost his partner wandered in the sky, and the huge dragon wings set off huge waves on the sea of bones. The power of destruction began to run wild, and this terrifying source of power broke through the blockade. The dragon's blue eyes were once again replaced by scarlet. It looked at the slowly falling hell scepter, and flapped its wings to fly towards it.

The ideal country that was devouring the land of dusk retreated with all its strength, and the devil in charge of the ideal country finally rushed back to the coast. She overlooked the sea of bones from a high altitude and jumped off her throne.

One is flying high, the other is falling. The terrifying energy brought by the two strong original forces renders this sea area into a dazzling white light, as if the sun rises here and then perishes here.

The power of the Utopia is fully released, and under the action of huge gravity, every vibration of the giant dragon's bone wings is a struggle with the terrifying power between heaven and earth. A hurricane rises here, boulders fall from the sky, and the sea of bones is pressed into an abyss and black hole by gravity.

Everyone in the Twilight Land witnessed this scene—the tornado raged wildly over the sea, a black giant dragon burst out from the eye of the wind, and flew towards the falling light with its skin and flesh ripped apart. The profuse dragon blood was like a bloody scene. torrential rain!

The light of the hell scepter merged with the giant dragon, engulfing the powerful demon king who flew into the light circle. After a moment of silence, a huge explosion rose above the sea.

It was the moment when a supernova exploded. A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the earth-shattering explosion sounded throughout the world. Within several nautical miles around, the Sea of Bones was blown into powder, the seawater was evaporated, and the sky and the earth were painted with blood-red colors. The sky was full of red, the ground was full of red, lava spewed out from the ground, and the volcanoes on the bottom of the sea erupted in unison. The entire sea area was reduced to a projection of hell. The Demon Realm far away from the gap in time and space began to vibrate violently, resonating with this newborn realm.

The entire demon world is in turmoil, and the old demon king's old men wake up from every corner, cheering for the original power that has finally risen into the domain for a moment:

"Welcome my king back!"

"Welcome my king back!"

"Welcome my king back!"

A new Demon King is born!

The King of Destruction returns!


The demon king of power at the center of the explosion was torn apart by the huge power of the newborn domain, which was like a supernova explosion. The entire Utopia fell into great turmoil, and it would start to collapse if it was not careful.

At this moment, she was sitting at the coffee table in the Land of Dawn in a daze, silently wiping away the blood from the corner of her mouth, with disbelief in her eyes.

She missed, not only the hell scepter was taken away by the new Destroyer Demon King, he even broke through to the domain level.

At the critical moment, Su He, who rescued the Demon King of Power, poured her a cup of tea and said regretfully, "I didn't expect him to break through at this moment."

The Demon King of Power smiled slightly, showing no gratitude to his "savior".

Although she is conceited, she is not stupid. She now understands how this must-win game came to this point.

She couldn't be half grateful to the culprit. Su He caught her at a critical moment, just because they were grasshoppers on the same boat now, and he wouldn't sit by and watch her really fall, otherwise the goldfish bowl That's all. After sealing the Slaughter Demon King in the lake of fire, the goldfish bowl is already in crisis of escape, if he loses another strand of original power...

Its body is about to escape.

The Utopia is still in turmoil, and the power demon king must do his best to maintain this balance in order to preserve his own domain.

This injury is too severe, and it is impossible to return to the peak state within two or three years, and this is exactly what Su He wants, and he bought time for himself.

"It seems that this year's ceremony is doomed to be missed." The Demon King of Power said lightly, holding back the unwillingness and anger at this moment.

"It's just waiting for another three years." Su He said.

"I've spent so much time, but I've only annexed one-third of the Demon Realm, but the Destroyer Demon King is born to be compatible with the Demon Realm. Three years... three years later, I'm afraid he has merged with most of the Demon Realm. It doesn't matter if it's held, he's already the uncrowned king! Who can stop him then?" the Power Demon King asked, holding back his anger.

Su He smiled and replied softly: "Love."

The power demon looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

"Love is indeed a great power, even if you don't believe it, you should admit it." Su He said.

The Demon King of Power couldn't hold back the dismissive sneer in his nasal cavity: "Your words remind me of the romance novel that my deskmate stuffed me in middle school."

"You still remember?" Su He was a little surprised.

The Demon King of Power was stunned for a moment, those memories from the past had already faded away, but when she blurted out, it seemed like she had never forgotten them.

"It's a bit strange. I never believed in the illusion that those hormones ruined the brain." Power Demon King said.

Su He smiled gently and said seriously: "I believe it."

The demon king of power rolled his eyes and splashed the tea in the cup on Su He's face: "Then you should wake up!"

After finishing speaking, the petite devil stepped out of the land of dawn aggressively.

Su He, who was splashed with water, wiped his face with a white handkerchief helplessly. He thought she would use more violent means to express her anger and dissatisfaction with this battle, but she was obviously not the irritable and full-bodied woman she was back then. A whimsical girl.

Two huge domains disappeared in this sea area, going to their respective origins.


This nightmarish battle is over.

The vision of the sea vanished, and the nascent realm merged into the dragon's tormented soul. The scarred dragon made its way through the clouds, screaming all the way.

In the Twilight Village after the catastrophe, a sad rain fell from the sky. People who survived the catastrophe came out of various shelters, bathed in this gentle rainstorm, but couldn't help but shed tears.

No one could tell why they were crying, but at this moment, they couldn't help but shed tears.

The figure of the giant dragon flying over the ruins has become the deepest memory in this old era that is about to go away.