Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 148: Promise at Dusk (28)


In the Holy See stronghold closest to Neverland, the guards are on duty 24 hours a day, watching one priest after another walk into the triple barrier of Neverland.

This is the last supply station, and if you go further north, there will be only a wasteland of ice and snow. The low temperature there is not only due to the polar climate, but also the impact of the Neverland Domain, which is so harsh that semi-domain-level experts They couldn't walk freely, but had to walk hard in the wind and snow.

One day ago, an unprecedented catastrophe occurred in the Twilight Land on the eastern coast, and the entire area was almost submerged in Utopia. By the time it was all over.

Twilight Township has a new heir, Si Lin, the executive acting chief of the original court, and his junior illusionist. There is said to be another heir, but he is still recovering from an injury he sustained in a previous battle against the Republic. In addition, another important news was revealed—the legendary Land of Dawn had already fallen into the hands of demons. It was never a pure land for players, but belonged to the sphere of influence of demons.

This news caused an uproar among the players in the Nightmare World. Many players who thought that entering the Land of Dawn would be able to get rid of the endless mandatory missions almost collapsed after hearing the news. Although most of them are unlikely to have this kind of strength, and they don't even know what the domain is, but this illusory rumor has given these poor people who are struggling in the compulsory mission a slim hope, but now This last hope, too, has been shattered.

Because of this horrific attack, the Holy See imposed martial law on various strongholds. The Holy See stronghold closest to Neverland naturally bears the brunt. All the on-duty personnel canceled their rest and took turns guarding here 24 hours a day.

But strangely, they received an order from the Pope.

[Don't block that dragon.]

This order was so short that it was inexplicable. The chief guard thought for a long time, and finally conveyed the original sentence.

The guards have been discussing the meaning of this sentence all day long, even citing scriptures from the scriptures to demonstrate what kind of thing this "dragon" refers to. Some people even speculate that this refers to some kind of hidden desire in the heart .

"What's that?" Someone raised his head to the sky and exclaimed in surprise.

All the guards raised their heads and looked in the direction he was pointing.

They seemed to have seen something unbelievable, and everyone's eyes were filled with shock.

A huge black dragon flew out from the sun near the horizon. It was incredibly large and fast. In the blink of an eye, the huge dragon had already passed over their heads, and flew towards the eternal sky in the eyes of everyone. Township.

"Enemy attack!" The guard shouted subconsciously, but in the next second, everyone recalled the pope's order.

— Don't block that dragon.

Now they all understood that it was really a dragon, huge, terrifying, unstoppable, and it didn't seem like a creature that would appear in this world.

"There is a triple barrier in front! Nothing can fly over!" The guard shouted, his voice was blown away by the huge wind and snow.

In this extremely cold ice and snow, the giant dragon flying from afar is like a mirage in a heavy snow, but the creature beyond imagination seen in a glimpse is forever imprinted in the minds of this group of people , become their lifetime memories.

The giant dragon has disappeared from the sight of the guards. In a wasteland of ice and snow, it felt the power from the enchantment of Neverland, retracted its dragon wings, and transformed back into a human form in the vast ice field. He walked forward Two steps, leaving two deep footprints on the snow field.

Ning Zhou looked at this familiar ice and snow land, and the scar from the depths of his heart was still aching, even though he had no complaints or regrets.

His native land, his homeland, the place where his faith rests. He thought he would never come back here in his life, but he had to come back here, just like he had to leave here.

For his lover.

A day ago, when he recovered himself from that almost crazy state, he had already returned to the people of Qi Le.

After a brief separation, they each fought fiercely and were scarred. In that sudden battle, they risked their lives, even forgot their vows when they proposed marriage, and fought wholeheartedly for the Twilight Land.

The war will eventually pass, leaving the hero with scars or death.

Qi Le was lying in an ice coffin, as if asleep.

At that moment, the strings in his brain snapped, and his pupils instantly turned red.

"Calm down, Qi Le people are still alive!"

Si Lin, who felt that the destructive power around him was about to go berserk, quickly said these words: "I sealed him with the power of freezing to prevent the power of demons from polluting his semi-domain. Now the situation is very serious, It must be sent to the Holy See immediately, and His Majesty the Pope will personally rescue him."

The gloomy illusionist said, "I've sent someone to fly the aircraft, and I'll send you to the Holy See right away, about a two-day journey."

Qi Le people are still alive.

This sentence saved a soul on the brink of collapse.

"I'll take him there." Ning Zhou said, hiding the ice coffin in his domain.

In the field where the mountains and the earth were burning and collapsing in the fire, only that small piece of pure land was alive, where it was full of green grass and wild flowers, and there were bushes of white roses, countless small blue and white flowers. The petals were blown down from the flower tree, and the ice coffin was placed there carefully. No matter it was the meteor fire rain in the sky, or the blazing fire in the distance, they couldn't get close to this garden.

That may be the place of eternal tenderness in the heart of this demon king representing destruction, supporting his crumbling sanity.

So the giant dragon once again soared into the sky and flew to the distant Neverland. It flew so fast and in such a hurry that it missed the sun and stars above the clouds, and missed countless scenic spots in the world. For a second, it has nothing else to do, only the memories of the past go with it.

But the triple barrier of Neverland still stopped him.

The first layer of gravity barrier was useless to him, but the second layer of barrier that was once non-existent stopped him.

This is a sacred barrier set up against the power of demons. There was once a demon king who broke through the barrier of the Holy See in the holy city, but that was the only one.

At this moment, Ning Zhou's heart is not only sad.

Those who fight the devil eventually become devils, and those who stare at the abyss finally walk into the abyss.

He closed his eyes and released the destructive power in the domain. In an instant, the pope in the Holy See of Neverland felt this power. It was familiar and strange, separated by a full twenty three years. Different from the violent and destructive power at that time, it is even gentle today. Even if the master of the power released them, he never used this power to harm the creatures here, even a group of migrating penguins a few kilometers away. Not intimidated.

Ning Zhou withdrew his strength and waited here quietly. If it wasn't for the white mist formed by his breath, he would stand like a cold sculpture in the vast ice field.

Migrating penguins came from afar, and he couldn't help but take a look, only to see a strong penguin coming out of the group, waddling towards him.

Ning Zhou was stunned for a moment, and let the penguin come to him and rub against his body affectionately.

Ning Zhou squatted down, the penguin let out a joyful cry, and flapped his clothes with its flipper-like wings. It still remembered its caretaker, how he had patiently raised it, taught it to hunt and survive, and then brought it back to life. It sends back to its pack.

Those who have been loved will always remember how warm it was.

The young Demon King of Destruction was like the paladin of the Holy See in the past, stroking it tenderly, and the blue eyes that were as clean as the polar sea of ice were shining faintly with tears.

The other penguins had already gone away, Ning Zhou patted it and pointed to its clansmen: "Go quickly."

The penguin circled him a few times reluctantly before leaving.

Amidst the ice and snow, a group of knights walked towards here. Ning Zhou stood up straight again subconsciously, looking at the visitor with a solemn expression.

The members of the knight order lined up in two rows, and the leader of the knight commander looked at the familiar face with mixed feelings. A year ago, this person was still his chief officer, his comrade in arms, and the pride of the Holy See Knights. In just one year, this person's name could no longer appear in their conversations. Ordinary people living in Neverland did not I don't know what happened, but as the knight commander of the Holy See, he knows it very well.

The figure of the Pope appeared on the ice field, wearing a crown on his head and holding a scepter, walking towards him.

"I have received Si Lin's message. Thank you for your efforts in protecting the land of dusk and human beings." The Pope looked at Ning Zhou's young face, relieved, but even more distressed.

"Your Majesty, I only have one request, please accept it." Ning Zhou lowered his eyes, and an ice coffin appeared on the ice field. The ice surface was even covered with a thin layer of blue and white petals, blurring the the face of the person.

"I can promise you, but I also have one condition." The Pope said.

"Any conditions are fine!" Ning Zhou said, put his hands on his chest, and said resolutely, "The scepter of hell is fine, and so is my life."

The Pope's old face showed the pain of the past: "If I wanted your life, I would not let you leave Neverland at that time. Your mother's ending is my regret to this day... I don't want to have this kind of situation again... Sorry."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I have let you down." Ning Zhou dared not raise his head to look at his guardian like a child who was ashamed of his father.

"You have not let me down. Until now, you have insisted on yourself. Maria told me in the letter that she believed that strength does not represent justice and evil. It is not the source that dominates the will, but a person's soul. I also believe that even if a person has the power to destroy the world, if there is no love, it will be of no benefit to others. So no matter where you go, bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things, let love never end. Now, Ning Zhou, tell me, can you stand on the side of the light, with love in your heart, and fight all evil to the end?" the pope asked.

Ning Zhou nodded heavily.

"Then I need you to do one thing, one thing that may end all suffering..."

Ning Zhou listened to him quietly, and reluctantly looked at his lover in the ice coffin: "Okay."

In the empty and extremely cold ice abyss, the promised Pope held up his scepter and opened the gate of heaven. Countless flowers suddenly bloomed in the void, and on the entire ice field, countless feathers crystallized by snowflakes fell one after another. In this beautiful picture, the magnificent gate of heaven opened, and a large group of angels flew out from the world behind the gate. The music of the Holy Spirit sounds here, cleansing everyone's soul.

In the holy light that filled the sky, an archangel resembling Mary lightly landed in front of the ice coffin. She waved her hand, brushed off the petals and the cover of the ice coffin, and saw the man lying in it and sleeping peacefully.

The archangel leaned down and kissed his forehead.

The sky and the earth paled in an instant, and in the sudden change, there seemed to be a black abyss under Qi Leren's body, and all the evil in the world gathered in the black mud inside.

Flower petals and feathers all over the sky fell into this pitch-black pool one after another, purifying the blackness.

The ice coffin melted, and the thin layer of ice covering Qi Leren's body also gradually melted away. His pale skin once again turned a faint color of blood, and his heartbeat and breathing resumed.

The angels left one after another, passed through the gate of heaven, and returned to the heaven on the other side. The Pope and the Knights also left, leaving behind Ning Zhou who picked up Qi Leren from the ice coffin.

The archangel resembling Mary looked back at them—

That is a kind evil god, standing on the extremely cold ice and snow field in the world, the sparkling snow light falling on him is like the holy dawn of the morning. He held his sleeping lover in his arms and stared at him. The extreme daylight streamed in his eyes, and the wind and snow covered his eyelashes. He never looked away and focused on shielding him from the wind and snow.

Heaven and earth are infinite, and heaven is infinite.

In this gentle waiting, he has forgotten the distant kingdom of heaven.

That was destined not to belong to his happiness, he could only hug the one he loves tightly and cuddle up to each other in the cold world.

For the warmth of this moment, he can suffer in hell forever.