Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 149: Promise at dusk (twenty-nine)


[Player Ning Zhou, complete the task: Sacrifice of the Demon King. The task completion rate is 81%. Obtain special mission clues: Go to the Demon Realm.]

[Eliminate the Killing Demon King and reward 200 days of survival. Obtain one-third of the power to destroy the demon king, and reward 100 days of survival.]

[Data synchronization countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, synchronization complete.]


Accompanied by the sound of the system prompt, the entire lake of fire in Purgatory was ablaze with flames. In the raging flames that covered the sky and the sun, the soul of the Killing Demon King was burned to death in a roar.

Yuying wandered over the lake of fire for a while, and then returned to his master's shoulder, because the destructive force around him did not dare to do anything wrong.

Standing on the cliff overlooking the lake of fire, Ning Zhou looked calm. A piece of demon crystal held in his hand was exuding powerful energy, and the entire demon world was continuously providing him with power. The cleaning operation has become very simple and funny.

The Dragon Ant Queen stood in the old department of the Destroyer Demon King, looking at Ning Zhou's back worriedly, feeling restless.

She is different from other old devil kings' old department, maybe she is the only one who is really worried about Ning Zhou.

Three days ago, Ning Zhou, who had returned from Neverland, suddenly came to the underground ant city, saying that he wanted to destroy the demon king who was sealed in the lake of fire. Aya was very surprised. The Killing Demon King was originally one of the three Demon Kings, but when he was fighting for power with the Power Demon King, he was jointly suppressed by the two Demon Kings and was sealed in the lake of fire for several years.

Ning Zhou didn't explain too much to her, only said that it was because of a mission.

After he came to the underground ant city, the old devil king's old department also contacted the dragon ant queen, and sent one-third of the demon crystal that destroyed the devil king, and informed that the remaining two had fallen into the hands of the power devil king.

Ning Zhou knew very well that one third of it remained in the body of the old devil king in the holy city and was taken away by Su He, and the other third was dug out from his heart by the devil king of power.

There is such a demon crystal in his heart, which comes from his father.

The flames burning in the lake of fire made the smell of sulfur pungent and unpleasant. Ning Zhou seemed to be unable to smell it, quietly watching the flames in the lake of fire.

At that time, he came here after he had just been exiled from Neverland, fought a group of demons, and was seriously injured. The original power of destruction surged out, and he turned into a demon dragon. With grief, indignation and despair, he fought to the end with the continuous stream of demons, ready to perish together.

The Qi Le people who came back from the dead found him, and he flew down from the cliff and hugged him tenderly.

This hopeless redemption is like the light at the end of hell, giving him the courage to fight against everything.

"Your Majesty..." The Witch of Despair looked at the Demon King of Destruction who stood silently on the cliff for a long time, and summoned up her courage to stand up.

The Demon King of Destruction turned his face away, made no secret of his dislike for demons, and said coldly, "Go away."

The Witch of Despair buried her face in her cloak, and retreated without saying a word.

The calamity demon gave her a sympathetic look: If there is a saint-like demon king, we will be finished again.

The Desperate Witch looked at the back of the Demon King wearily, feeling numb in her heart.

After a long time, Aya stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "Do you have any other plans?"

After a moment of silence, Ning Zhou said, "Rose, red."

Aya was stunned for a moment, then quickly replied: "I'll send someone to fetch it."

Half an hour later, Ning Zhou, holding a bouquet of red roses, left alone, and dismissed all of them before leaving—if that indifference and disgusted eyes that looked like they were about to kill someone really meant that.

The calamity demon complained while biting his fingers: "Long live, he is gone! He doesn't want to see us, but we don't want to see him either. Why don't we let each other go free?"

The Witch of Despair said coldly: "Remember the power of your submission."

The calamity demon hugged his head: "I'd rather face a crazy old devil king than face a new sober devil king! What about nothingness and resentment? Won't the two of them come to take over?"

"They are studying textbooks, and they will come over in a few days." The Desperate Witch said.

The calamity demon became more and more desperate: "I suspect that His Majesty is going to take over the Demon Realm, and then kill us all!"

The Dragon Ant Queen sneered, as if she thought this scene was funny.

Let's turn the demon world upside down like this, Aya thought silently, she doesn't care what the demon world will become, she just sincerely hopes that they can be well.

When Qi Leren wakes up, she must go and see him.


On the seventh sleepless night, Ning Zhou stayed in his own domain, quietly waiting for Qi Leren to wake up.

In this newly formed area are large exploding volcanoes, as if alluding to the unrest in the heart of the new devil, but among these crimson magma rivers, there is a small piece of eye-catching green world.

A small garden bloomed on the field of green grass. In the center of the garden was an old tree that had been cut off by lightning. In this tree grave covered with blue and white petals and grass clippings, a young man was sleeping.

He slept so deeply that he didn't know that the day and night had changed seven times, and the red rose waiting for him had gradually withered.

Ning Zhou didn't seem to know, he seemed to have infinite patience, and even secretly hoped that this would be all right, so let him watch, wait, and look forward to it quietly. Because his waiting will finally come true, he will not be afraid of the long time.

Qi Le people are about to wake up.

Ning Zhou realized this, and a completely different force appeared in his domain, which was slowly nourishing this small piece of green world. The sleeping Qi Leren began to breathe rapidly, his eyelashes fluttered, and an indistinct sound came out of his throat.

For as long as ten thousand years, Ning Zhou straightened his back and stared at him intently until he slowly opened his eyes.

Qi Leren opened his eyes.

This is really a long dream.

When Qi Leren woke up, he didn't remember anything, he had the illusion that he was on a soft bed at home, welcoming the arrival of a dawn comfortably and peacefully.

But the moment he opened his eyes, the red sky above his head made him suddenly sober.

He thought of the tragic war, his dead teacher and best friend, and the pain of loss returned to his soul again, like a lingering ghost.

"Ning Zhou?" Qi Leren instinctively called out the name, and the voice that passed through his throat was as rough as rubbing on sandpaper.

What about Ning Zhou? How is he? The battle with the power demon is so dangerous, is he...

He heard a rustling sound coming from his ear, and a warm hand covered the back of his cold hand. This temperature made him feel that he was still alive.

Qi Leren tried to twist his stiff neck, but found that his body was not in control.

Ning Zhou leaned down, joy bloomed in his sky-like eyes, and he left a gentle kiss on his lips, telling him that he was by his side.

Qi Leren felt relieved miraculously.

Ning Zhou fed him water, then lay down beside him, and patted his shoulder lightly, as if to comfort him.

The narrow tree tomb can't accommodate two grown men, they are so close together that there is almost no gap. This intimacy reassured both of them who almost lost their sense of security.

Qi Leren finally had the strength to manipulate his neck, and he couldn't wait to turn his face to Ning Zhou, looking at those blue eyes with nostalgia.

Ning Zhou also looked at him, focused and gentle.

People in Qi Le didn't know how long he had been staring at him, perhaps as long as a lifetime.

"My injury is healed? How can it be cured?" Qi Leren felt inconceivable. Although he is not convenient to use his own half-domain now, he is extremely lucky to survive, and he shouldn't ask for more.

"I took you to meet the Pope." Ning Zhou said.

Qi Le was shocked: "When did it happen?"

"Seven days ago."

The people of Qi Le were silent. At this moment, he didn't even dare to mention the battle in Twilight Land. He was afraid of knowing the result, whether he won or lost.

He pulled himself together and asked with a smile: "Then these days, you don't just watch me except for eating and sleeping, do you?"

Ning Zhou looked at him quietly, and said softly, "I didn't eat or sleep."

Qi Leren immediately understood what he didn't say: just looking at you.

Once he woke up alone in the Garden of the Holy Sepulchre. During those seven days, Ning Zhou was far away in the sky. This time, he chose to look at him. Staring at and guarding tenderly, I don't want to miss a second. Perhaps he also prayed countless times to the god who did not know whether he existed but rejected him, praying for his safety, just as he prayed for Mary when he was a child.

"Ning Zhou, I want to kiss you." Qi Leren said boldly.

So his lover gave him a tender kiss.

This demon king with the coldest source of power has the softest lips, but the emotions in his heart are more gentle than these lips.

So gentle that one finally dared to tear open the festering wound and pour out the pain.

Leaning in Ning Zhou's arms, Qi Leren narrated the most unforgettable death in that battle, tears almost non-stop. He talked about Chen Baiqi's departure, Xue Yingying's betrayal, Dr. Lu's sacrifice, Su He's deceit, and the prophet's choice... Every word is vivid and vivid, as well as the past that was soaked by the setting sun. happy memories.

He remembered the smell of Chen Baiqi's smoked cigarettes on the coast, Xue Yingying's brave appearance covered in blood, the taste of Dr. Lu's small cake, and the prophet's sometimes deep and sometimes jumpy words. It is these small to trivial memories that make the pain of this moment even more cruel.

A person's life is constantly learning how to accept loss, but until today, he still can't learn it.

Maybe one day in the future, he can calmly face these deaths, but he can't do it now.

Ning Zhou didn't say anything, he knew everything about it, he kept in touch with the court, and Si Lin had already told him the result of that battle, including the glaringly long death list. He said nothing, he would not show his sorrow in the face of the devil, nor his pain in front of a weeping lover.

He just hugged Qi Leren who was crying until he was trembling, patted his back lightly, left comforting kisses on his forehead one after another, told him this great and difficult victory, told him everything Everything will be fine.

And he himself endured silently, waiting for the wounds on his body and soul to heal slowly.

Qi Leren was extremely tired. Although he had just woken up, his body, which had been severely worn out by the power of demons, had not fully recovered. He soon felt tired and drowsy.

Ning Zhou felt it from his heartbeat and breathing, and he slowed down the rhythm of beating, patiently waiting for him to fall asleep.

Until he fell asleep, he thought, at least until he fell asleep.

"Ning Zhou."

"Well, I'm here."

Qi Leren curled up in his arms and spread out his hands. In his palm was a small life crystal, which belonged to Ning Zhou. It was completely broken, when Ning Zhou was seriously injured and sank into the sea of bones. Fortunately, Ning Zhou did not die.

"It's a good thing you're still here."

"The same to you."

Ning Zhou didn't say how scared he was at the moment when he thought Qi Leren died. He didn't even dare to recall the feeling of fear. He didn't know what he would do, but it must be something terrible. .

"I don't want to wait any longer, let's get married now!" Qi Leren suddenly became energetic, his willpower overcame his drowsiness, he suggested.

Ning Zhou looked at him in surprise.

"No one knows what will happen tomorrow, so we should get married today!" Qi Leren said, while struggling to prop up his body and get up from the tree tomb, "Are you right?"

Ning Zhou was afraid that he would fall, so he supported him to help him sit firmly, and nodded vigorously: "Yeah."

"Is this your domain? Let's go out, tell everyone, and just have a simple meal." Qi Leren said.

Ning Zhou was silent for a few seconds, then said softly, "We are in the underground ant city, here is the lake of fire."

Qi Leren froze for a moment, recalling the system prompt that he had ignored when he just woke up.

[Player Qi Leren, complete the task: Sacrifice of the Demon King. The task completion rate is 81%. Obtain special mission clues: Go to the Demon Realm.]

[Reward 50 days of survival.]

[Data synchronization countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, synchronization complete.]

"Did you kill the Demon King?" Qi Leren asked in shock.

Ning Zhou lowered his head and nodded lightly, like a student who has done something wrong.

The Killing Demon King was sealed in the lake of fire in Purgatory by the Demon King of Power and the Demon King of Deceit several years ago. When they came to the underground ant city, they triggered a mission related to him, and even fought against Assi who was possessed by him. Later, the dragon ant queen ascended the throne, Assi was arrested and sent to the court, and this task was not carried out after that.

Unexpectedly, Ning Zhou completed this task in just a few days.

"This is a good thing, and it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people." Qi Le said with a smile, "It's just... now we are here, and we have no preparations... What about the wedding?"

Ning Zhou didn't speak, and suddenly took out a bouquet of red roses from behind, and put them in Qi Leren's arms.

The roses are no longer fresh, and the beautiful petals are wilted after dehydration, no longer that bright and beautiful. Qi Leren was holding flowers, his heart trembling slightly. He couldn't imagine what kind of mood Ning Zhou was waiting for him to wake up with such a bouquet of roses.

There were tears in Qi Leren's eyes again, he restrained his mood at this moment, and said softly: "A beautiful wedding, in fact, there is only one thing that is indispensable - a pair of people who really love each other, and everything else. Whether it's the guests, the master of ceremonies, the dresses, or the blessings, nothing is important. So I think, we can get married now!"

A wedding for two in the depths of purgatory.