Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 152: Long Missing (Part 2) (Extra)


At six o'clock in the morning, Qi Leren opened his eyes on time. Three hours of sleep is enough for a domain-level person, but Qi Leren is not a real domain-level person after all, so he inevitably feels sleepy. Last night was the celebration on the eve of the founding day. Fearing that fanatics and demons would sneak in to make trouble, he led people to patrol around all night, too busy to watch the fireworks, and didn't sleep in the rest cubicle in the office until midnight. Fortunately, he was so tired that he fell asleep without taking sleeping pills.

Normally, he would sleep an extra hour or two, but today is different.

Today is a special day.

Qi Leren got up from the bed quickly, and the hand-copied version of the "Teaching Scripture" placed beside the pillow caught his attention for a few seconds. It was a gift from Chen Baiqi. Qi Leren stroked the hard outer seal, then got out of bed, brushed his teeth, washed his face and shaved quickly and efficiently as usual, and put on the uniform of the court. He hesitated for a moment, took out a sapphire ring, and put it on his ring finger.

He seldom wears a ring on weekdays, but on this day, he always wears it, along with cigarettes, alcohol, and small cakes, to go to a special place and meet a group of special people.

Qi Leren opened the door of the lounge, and strode towards the outside of the courtroom.

"Morning, Mr. Qi."

"Morning sir."

"Mr. Qi going out today?"

Along the way, the executive officers of the court greeted him, and Qi Leren nodded with a smile. Compared to the illusionist and Si Lin, he is much more popular in the Tribunal. He will not be sullen like Si Lin because the tea he made is not suitable for taste, nor will he be tired and special like the illusionist. Love to tease people. He, who is in charge of the Inquisition Tribunal, is usually gentle and patient. When encountering mistakes made by his subordinates unintentionally, he will not get angry. Instead, he will explain the seriousness of the matter clearly and try his best to avoid making the same mistakes .

This kind of work style and personality always brought some illusions to his subordinates, so that when they saw his cruel and merciless side killing killers, some people would always tremble with fright.

It is said that he has scared and cried seven or eight new young executives, but the strange thing is that after being scared and crying, they...became his fans.

Leaving the court, Qi Leren got on the aircraft, the executive officer who drove the aircraft greeted him, and took off without asking the destination.

He knew where the people of Qi Le were going, every year on this day, he would always go to that place to meet some people.

Qi Leren was sitting by the window, rubbing the sapphire ring on his ring finger, watching the land of dusk getting farther and farther away.

The morning sun is about to rise, and the twilight town where the sun never sets is no longer the twilight town of the past. Now it is a blue sea and blue sky, with the sun rising and the moon setting, everything is thriving.

Three years is not a long time, but it is enough to weed out a large number of players who are not strong enough. The newcomers after that know little about that battle, but vaguely heard that demons once attacked Twilight Town on the day of the establishment, which almost caused This piece of pure human land is lost. Fortunately, at the last moment, a group of players turned the tide, repelled the attacking demon king, and kept Twilight Township.

This is the simplest summary of the story about three years ago.

The aircraft landed at the port of Undead Island, which was the farthest place he was allowed to leave. Qi Le people got off the spaceship and walked towards the cemetery on foot.

It's still early, so I rarely see people along the way, and it will be lively here later. A large number of players come to Undead Island in groups to pay homage to their dead relatives and friends. The entire Undead Island is covered with white flowers. submerged.

Qi Leren went up the stairs, came to a tombstone, and put down a box of packaged cakes.

"Here, here comes the cake. Good news and bad news. The bad news is that the cake shop you liked is gone. The good news is that I sent the boss here to accompany you. Last month he was suspected of Participating in the demon belief event, adding a potion similar to hallucinogens to the cake, causing a large number of innocent people to go crazy, after finding out the facts, I personally approved the death warrant. I will not be able to eat cakes from this store in the future, You are really lucky, high luck is different." Qi Leren stood in front of Dr. Lu's tombstone, and while talking, he couldn't help seeing Dr. Lu's gluttonous cake.

"I bought this cake from another store. I passed by your original clinic a few days ago. A little girl rented it out and opened a cake shop. I tried it and it tasted really good."

The Qi Le people chattered and chatted with Dr. Lu for a long time, and finally sighed melancholy: "It's been three years, and I've met a lot of people in these three years, and a few of them can be regarded as friends, but it's a pity that they died only The next colleague."

As he said that, he smiled helplessly, and looked at Dr. Lu's tombstone tenderly: "You clumsy guy is the one who suits me best. Now you must go home, right? Blowing on the air conditioner and playing games , and there are endless cakes, these days are very pleasant, pity I am still working here for Si Lin, I am so busy every day, I don’t know when..."

I can see Ning Zhou again.

Qi Leren touched the ring on his ring finger, sighed deeply, and walked towards Chen Baiqi's tombstone.

He took a deep breath, lit a cigarette and put it in front of Chen Baiqi's tombstone, and then lit one for himself. Suddenly, he remembered something and snipped off the cigarette butt, and said with a wry smile, "I almost forgot, I quit smoking recently."

"In the past two years, I smoked very fiercely. I didn't listen to anyone's persuasion. I could burn two or three packs a day. But last time I met a guy with a particularly keen sense of smell in the mission. The use of domains and half domains was also prohibited in the mission. I almost fell into the gutter. Capsized. At that time, I thought I was going to die, but I was not reconciled. Ning Zhou was still waiting for me in the devil world. I haven't... Well, I am really not reconciled to sleeping with him! Do you think he is a scum? He ran away after getting married, and ignored him for three years, if Aya hadn't sent me a piece of his life crystal, I really thought he died somewhere, and he wouldn't even come to see me with his incarnation." Qi Le The man said with a self-deprecating smile, "I woke up the other morning and found that I had a white hair. I was so scared that I checked it carefully three times, and I thought I was getting old before I was old. I worked so hard every day, isn't it?" In order to condense the avatar earlier, and then aggressively go to the Demon Realm, pick up the bastard by his collar, strip him naked and push him onto the bed, so that the whole Demon Realm will know that I am the man who destroys the Demon King! Whoever refuses to accept it, I will let Ning Zhou kill him !"

Qi Leren couldn't help laughing happily while talking, and gradually couldn't laugh anymore: "It's been three years, these three years of peace, it's like a dream, it's so strange, it's just It's been three years, and it's just a snap of the fingers. But even such a short-lived peace was paid for by the blood of countless people... We have paid too many sacrifices... There will only be more in the future, and such peaceful days will not be too long. "

"Fortunately, I am not what I used to be. Last year, the old wounds in the half domain have basically healed, and the power of the devil has been cleaned up. The condensed avatar will not be too far away. Soon I will be able to go to the demon world. Since he refused to come Seeing me, then I had no choice but to go to him. Sometimes I think about it, I was so naive three years ago, many things could be avoided, but I always couldn't do it well, and I regretted it when I thought about it. Si Lin, a perfectionist The readers have come to persuade me to relax and not push myself too much... But now I won’t, it’s finally my turn to preach to others, and it’s quite a sense of accomplishment. Thank you for introducing me to Mr. Shepherd, he taught me a lot Stuff, but I really didn't expect his origin to be so special... "

"Sissy is very good. She is very talented in intelligence and has taken over your business. When she becomes an adult, she will join the court. I will take care of her. She is fine, but misses you very much. I am also Miss you, teacher..."

After rambling on for a while, bustling voices could be heard in the distance. People who came to sweep the graves came to the island of the undead one after another. Qi Leren was about to leave, and he still had a lot of work to do.

If possible, he would also like to visit the prophet's tombstone, but a domain-level figure would not leave a tombstone on Undead Island.

The prophet is gone, leaving behind a little zhi who has lost the ability to speak and is like a puppet. He often walks aimlessly in the courtroom, and sometimes stays in the underground ice palace for several days, just sitting blankly , didn't respond to anyone's words.

No one knows why this avatar did not disappear after the Prophet left, but he did remain in the Judgment House.

Qi Leren walked away a few steps, suddenly remembered something, and turned back to Chen Baiqi's tomb.

He took out a photo and said in a low voice: "A while back, someone was sorting out the warehouse and found this negative in the camera, so he developed it."

Thirteen people lined up in three rows on the beach, waiting for a grand fireworks.

Qi Leren was chased by the hell three-headed dog, and fell headlong into Ning Zhou's arms. Everyone showed different expressions at this scene.

"When I saw the photo, I thought I was going to cry... But so many people looked at me, I couldn't cry and laugh when I wanted to like before, could I? Actually... I didn't cry that much before, but Ning Zhou, that guy, always makes me cry easily."

Qi Leren lit the photos, and the photos of the thirteen people burned slowly in the flames.

This may be the happiest moment in his life. All sacrifices have not been paid, and all regrets have never happened. All important people are still by his side. They will have a bright and hopeful future. He believes that they will be with their lovers. Never separated, at that moment, the world forgives him, and his destiny is perfect.

All but exactly three years.

The people of Qi Le raised their heads, the sun was rising from the east coast, and countless people were walking towards the cemetery on Undead Island.

Bathed in the light of dawn, he walks firmly into the future.

No fear of bloodshed and sacrifice.

They will meet again in blood and fire.

—With that long yearning, one day I will come to your side.


Postscript: Starting from New Year's Day, I started writing the archives of Nightmare 2, and the serialization started on Valentine's Day, and ended today. After a whole year, I finally finished it.

The order of the three most exhausting books I have written so far is: Nightmare Game 2 > Easter Egg Game 3 > Nightmare Game 1.

Every time I finish writing a book, I feel that my whole body has been emptied from brains to plasma, as if I put the passion of more than 20 years of my life in a powder keg, ignited it and threw it into the sky, and it exploded with a bang. Group of fireworks.

This may be the case with creation. Once you put your heart into your emotions, it is difficult to withdraw your spirit from another world. You spend several hours in that world every day, communicating with characters, weaving plots, and writing a story bit by bit.

The feeling now is the same as when I finished writing Easter Egg 2. At that time, I clearly realized that I was in a bottleneck period. Although the plot of the third part was in my mind, it was still impossible to write a better third part. If I forcefully finished writing at that time, I would not be sure to write a story that I am satisfied with.

Sometimes I also wonder if it would be better to write some light-hearted and refreshing articles. This is really popular now, and it is highly accepted by the public, but after much deliberation, I still want to write stories that I like.

This year I received a lot of writing-related work. Because of the serialization of Nightmare 2, my spare time and energy are limited, and I can push and drag. I am sorry for the editors, brothers and sisters. up.

Pay off the debt first next year. In the first half of the year, there will be an adventure story with more than 100,000 words of two male protagonists. There will also be revisions to the business journal of the Easter egg game. I agreed to the editor's sister LOVE AND PEACE, and all the staff are HE, so I need to make some changes. At present Let’s get started, let’s treat it as the ending of the parallel world, don’t you cuties who have resentment against the tragic BE 2012 Lily group and 2022 gay group come and get a copy, Business Journal is very cheap =w=

The plot of Nightmare 3 is very clear, starting from the last chapter, starting three years later, Qi Leren healed his wounds and became one of the three giants in the Twilight Township. Back to Ningzhou, and then the husband and wife teamed up to save the world HE story! Foreshadowings such as the goldfish, the ritual of the devil king, the origin of the shepherd, etc., will be answered one by one. Speaking of which, when you looked back at the previous article, did you find a lot of things to think about? ^_^

Regarding the nightmare game, this story contains a lot of my immature perception of the subject of danmei, and I really want to write about the kind of touch that made me fall into the pit at the beginning, the attraction between souls that have nothing to do with gender, even if I am resisted by the world, But love finally broke free, maybe it's a bit dated now :D

In fact, I am not very good at writing emotional dramas. Readers who have read my previous works must know that I basically do not write stories with the theme of love. Persisted for almost ten years. Compared to me who was clumsy in expressing stories back then, I'm a bit more mature now... I guess.

This may not be a story that makes people feel happy and happy after reading it, but I hope it is a story that can touch people's hearts.

Take a short break, continue to study, and strive to write the final chapter better in the future.

I wish you all the best in the new year, love you all.

by Dusk Ice Wheel 2017-12-31

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