Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 24: Star Death Reality Show (7)


The three of them discussed the current situation, but there were still too few clues, and they couldn't see any clues. Qi Leren suggested to search Jing Siyu's basement again to see if there were any clues. Anyway, Jing Siyu is still in her younger sister Jing Sixue's house, and her hut is currently empty.

Dr. Lu readily agreed, and Du Yue had no objection. He had a special reverence for Qi Leren, a senior. To use an exaggerated statement, he was completely Qi Leren's "fanboy", so he naturally had no objection to his proposal. , the three set off to Jing Siyu's house.

"Should we turn on the tracking camera? Anyway, there is no secret now." Dr. Lu asked.

"...All right." Qi Leren thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with it, and it's not a solution to always hide it.

The invisible cameras surrounding them were turned on again by the voice, and Dr. Lu made a face towards the void: "Hello, audience friends, we are the EM group. Many things happened during the day. We are going to explore the basement at night to see Jing Si Is there any secret hidden in the basement in the rain room? Let's wait and see."

After finishing speaking, Dr. Lu leaned over and asked Qi Leren in a low voice: "Is that what the anchors talk like when they are live broadcasting?"

"Basically, I don't really watch live broadcasts." Qi Leren said uncertainly. Although he can play games and watch movies, he doesn't watch live broadcasts very much.

"... I only watch game live broadcasts." Du Yue said.

"Whatever, it's up to you." Dr. Lu muttered.

When I came to Jing Siyu's house, the door was locked, and the windows on the first floor were also locked. It is not difficult to break the windows forcibly, but if there is a big commotion, it may attract other people who live nearby. The contestants, Dr. Lu and Du Yue discussed how to open the windows without alarming others, and Qi Le went around the house and had an idea in his mind.

"The floor of this building is not high. If there is a place to rely on, I can climb up alone." Regarding the matter of climbing walls, Qi Leren has already gained a lot of experience under Chen Baiqi's careful guidance—thanks to the teaching assistant Hell The three-headed dog, he can now climb trees and walls faster than monkeys, fully activated the ancestral tree-climbing skills of apes, but facing a smooth wall, he is still powerless.

"How about this, Du Yue, come here and stand here. I'll stand on your shoulders and barely reach the windows on the second floor. How about your load-bearing capacity?" Qi Leren asked.

"I haven't tried it, it should be okay, I'm quite strong." Du Yue said confidently.

Qi Leren found the position, asked Du Yue to stand upright, borrowed the strength of his arm, and easily stood on his shoulder. Doctor Lu said "wow": "It's amazing, Leren, you can perform acrobatics now." .”

Qi Leren cast a resentful glance at Dr. Lu on the ground. The ghost knows what he has experienced in the past half month. Thinking about it, he feels that this is not a human life.

As expected, the windows on the second floor were unlocked. Qi Leren moved the window smoothly, clasped the window frame with both hands, and arched his body with both legs against the wall. After struggling to nurse, he climbed into the window and let out a long breath.

"I'll go down and open the door, you guys wait by the door." Qi Leren leaned out of the window and said to the two.

"Okay, okay!" Dr. Lu hastily pulled up Du Yue, who was still applauding for Qi Le people, and walked towards the door.

Qi Leren was also about to go downstairs, Jing Siyu's hut was very low, the second floor was even lower than the first floor, which made people feel very depressing, he couldn't help but look up.

It was too low, the other houses had normal floor heights, could it be that the owner of this building was particularly short? From the outside, the building is not as low as the inside, probably because the roof is pointed, and the visual effect will be higher...

But there is another possibility that the building has an attic.

Qi Leren stopped, took out his flashlight and took a look, but found nothing, so he went downstairs and opened the door.

Doctor Lu outside the door was already waiting impatiently, and he was relieved when he saw Qi Leren: "I thought you were missing too."

"It's not easy for a living person to disappear from the house." Qi Leren laughed.

"Who knows, didn't He Yi and Mark disappear this morning?" Dr. Lu muttered.

Qi Leren paused suddenly, and had a flash of inspiration: "When we were searching Annie's house during the day, did you pay attention to the attic?"

"Ah, does her house have an attic?" Dr. Lu was confused, and pulled Du Yue who was beside him, "Have you noticed it?"

Du Yue also shook his head. At that time, everyone's attention was focused on "Jing Siyu's house has a basement". When looking for someone in Annie's house, they naturally focused on finding the basement. This mindset made them completely ignore the attic in the house. possible.

"I just suddenly thought about the problem of the attic. If there is a hidden attic in Annie's house, maybe He Yi and Mark hid in the attic to create the illusion of their disappearance?" Qi Le people boldly speculated.

"But why are they doing this?" Dr. Lu asked.

"... Cough, I'm just talking about a possibility. As for the motive... let's talk about it after we find someone. Let's go to the basement first!" Qi Leren quickly changed the subject.

The basement was still the same. Du Yue helped lift off the blanket covering the ground, and then pulled up the wooden cover to reveal the dark hole. The three of them looked at me and I looked at you, and they didn't want to be the first to go down.

"...Forget it, I'll be the first." Qi Leren displayed his "predecessor spirit" and went down the stairs first, followed by Du Yue, and finally Dr. Lu.

The basement was filled with a decaying smell. The three of them only had two flashlights. Dr. Lu was in charge of finding props and got one. Qi Leren and Du Yue shared one. The three of them searched in this not-so-big basement. stand up.

"This should be something like an experimental diary, but it's a pity that I can't understand this alien text." Qi Leren whispered while flipping through the notebook on the desk.

Du Yue took a second look and gave up: "I'm most afraid of learning a foreign language, it's an alien language! I'm sure I'll fail the exam!"

It seemed that even though he hadn't gone through the college entrance examination, the horror of studying was still deeply imprinted in the mind of this scumbag. It was an indelible and terrifying memory. Qi Le felt sorry for Qi Ran, he had finished the college entrance examination for so many years, and he would still be woken up by the nightmare of handing in blank papers when he dreamed back at midnight, but he would rather go back to the past and have blank paper nightmares than being weakened by the nightmare of death from time to time.

He continued to flip down, page by page quickly, and on the last few pages of the notebook, Qi Leren saw a hand-drawn drawing.

It is an octopus-like animal, perhaps a species on this planet. It has thirteen tentacles, no suckers, and no eyes. I don’t know if it’s not painted or this creature has no eyes.

"Octopus, I like to eat octopus balls." Du Yue said.

"I like it too!" Dr. Lu, who was looking around, responded.

"Doctor Lu, come and take a look at this." Qi Le people thought more than Du Yue, he suspected that this octopus had something to do with that glowing stone.

Dr. Lu leaned close to him and stretched his neck, "Wow, octopus!"

"Du Yue, I remember that you got the card from the belly of the octopus?" The people of Qi Le remembered another suspicious clue—Du Yue said that he received the task because a cat had half an octopus in its mouth. A mission card was inserted, which may be a hint.

Qi Leren felt a pain in his waist, Dr. Lu pinched him hard, and glared at him: We don't turn off the tracking camera now, don't talk nonsense!

Qi Leren smiled nonchalantly after thinking about it, and continued: "The owner of that fresh food store is quite creative, how much is the discount card?"

"Ah? What card? I don't have..." Du Yue, who couldn't keep up with the rhythm, looked at a loss.

"12% off! Let's go eat together after we finish the show!" Dr. Lu hugged Du Yue's arm, grabbed his wrist and laughed hahaha, his acting was very embarrassing.

I really want to turn off the camera now, but if I turn it off now, will it look suspicious to them? Qi Leren was depressed for a while, so he continued to pretend that nothing happened. Although the current clues are enough for him to figure out what the monster in the luminous stone is—the quest starting from the octopus, the hand-drawn drawing of the octopus in the notebook, the Leviathan in Anne’s mouth, the monster that extinct civilization, hints everywhere watching them.

But from the audience's point of view, they are just a group of poor people who don't know what kind of danger they are in. They shouldn't know this, at least they shouldn't find out the truth now.

It is necessary to find some important clues and make up the logical chain of reasoning, otherwise, in the eyes of the audience, the three of them suddenly discovered the final boss as if they had opened their eyes, which made them very suspicious.

The people of Qi Le finally discovered the difficulty of this task - how to act as an ordinary person in front of a group of audience masters from the perspective of God, and this ordinary person not only has to discover his situation and find out how to deal with it, but also can't mess around!

Dr. Lu obviously thought about it too. He shivered twice, made a wry smile, and continued looking for props.

Qi Leren took a notebook and sat down on a chair, thinking about what to do next: First of all, after leaving the basement, he had to take a look at the glowing stones of the church—only after seeing the broken stones could he show appropriate doubts .

Secondly, talk to Xue Jiahui and show her the notebook. She once said that she had done a program related to the alien octopus in the universe, so she must know something about it. Although she didn't see that the glowing stones were the eggs of the octopus at the time, because there were too many luminous ores, ordinary people would not think of alien species in the universe at all, but if she was shown a picture of the octopus, she would definitely recognize it. He remembered that Xue Jiahui said that the octopus is a parasitic alien species of the universe... Their situation is very bad.

In the end, they had to enter Anne's house again to see if there was an attic—this step was a bit troublesome, and he hadn't decided whether to spy that night or forcefully break in the next day... There must be some clues that were missed there.

"Qi Leren! Come and see this! Come here!" Dr. Lu suddenly yelled, causing Qi Leren to jump up from his chair, "Du Yue, help me move this bookshelf, I can't move it!"

Du Yue responded and went up to help, and easily pushed the bookshelf aside, revealing the dusty big iron door behind the bookshelf.

The three of them stared at the door for a long time, and Dr. Lu said, "...well... it seems that there are many secrets..."

"I don't quite understand, is there any danger?" Du Yue scratched his hair, very distressed.

"I don't know, but we have to find a tool to open the electronic lock first. This seems to require something like an identity card?" Dr. Lu pointed to the electronic lock and said.

The Qi Le people said coldly: "The point is, the power plant in this village has long been out of operation, and the circuits of all buildings in the village are not powered, but why does this electronic lock have electricity? Don't tell me that the battery inside is nuclear power." .”

Dr. Lu swallowed his saliva, and said nervously: "According to the routine of horror movies, there might be an underground... uh... factory behind this gate."

The Qile people understood what he was trying to say when he got stuck, because he also thought of the same thing—behind the door of the basement, there may be a huge biological laboratory, and what they are researching may be "Leviathan" .