Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 31: Star Death Reality Show (14)


He did it!

He did it!

After running out of this corridor and arriving at a safe corner, Qi Leren's hanging heart finally fell back to his chest. He was limp on the ground, drained of all his strength, only gasping for breath.

Qi Leren once tried to load the file three times in a row. It was at the last moment of the mission of sacrificing the witch. He clearly remembered that when he loaded the file for the last time, he couldn't stand anymore. But today, he read the file three times in a row in the high-intensity extreme challenge, but he still has the explosive power to rush out of this death tunnel... This is not only a physical breakthrough.

Qi Leren looked at his hands with a look of thought.

Is it because of the blessing of the holy light given to him by Mary? Since then, although Chen Baiqi let him know every day that his limit is far higher than he imagined, after all, he has limited training days, and it is impossible for him to advance to this level by leaps and bounds, and even enter the "broken level" described by Chen Baiqi. shell".

In the few seconds after the last file load and when he ran out of the tunnel, he absolutely broke through the limits of the human body, in terms of speed, agility, willpower and judgment. Even if he is out of danger now, the breakthrough brought about by exceeding the limit still benefits him enormously.

Qi Le looked into the depths of the corridor. Under the weak light, he could clearly see the details that he shouldn't have seen - peeling walls, rubble in corners, scattered folders... He was not so good before night vision capability.

The weakness of the body brought a strong sense of insecurity. Without the peeping of the camera, Qi Le took out the stamina potion and drank it quietly, waiting quietly for the body to adjust. His current physique is much better than before. Even if he was trained by the devil that day, he can still continue to be fucked vigorously the next day with no backache or pain in his legs. Chen Baiqi is very satisfied and praises him as more handsome than she was back then. The ghostly look of a dead dog is much stronger—people in Qi Le feel that she is trying hard to blacken herself.

After recovering his physical strength, Qi Leren stood up and continued to walk forward, taking every step carefully.

The scope of this underground building is huge. It is not clear whether it is an air defense facility or an underground research institute, but judging from the layout, it is not a particularly high-tech type, but rather resembles the Soviet-style architectural style of the Cold War era. The most incredible thing is that this underground building is actually electrified! When Qi Le went to the closed gate and pressed the switch, the iron gate would still open. It seemed that after entering the gate, there was no detection system for the laser channel.

What the hell is this place? With doubts in his arms, Qi Leren continued to move forward cautiously. This underground space is so large that there are even elevators leading to deeper underground levels. Because they couldn't read alien characters, the people of Qi Le could only guess from the icons. There were danger warning signs everywhere. They might not be air defense facilities, but might be underground military bases built to prevent nuclear war.

But when the gate opened, the picture that appeared in front of him made Qi Leren forget all his guesses, and confirmed his original prediction.

This is an underground research institute!

This room was as big as two basketball courts, and thick pipes were laid on all the walls, even the ceiling and the floor, and it was impossible to tell where the light source came from. And in the center of the room, countless column-shaped cultivation warehouses spread from his eyes to the end of the room like rows of columns. Each cultivation chamber is connected with pipelines. In the era when they were in operation, the pipelines provided them with oxygen and nutrient solution. However, after the underground fortress was abandoned, the nutrient solution had become a cloudy liquid. The things in the cultivation chamber Also dead.

It was a scene only seen in sci-fi movies, Qi Le thought to himself, and approached the training barn. There is a mass of something vaguely visible in the dirty liquid. Considering that this place has been abandoned for many years, the creatures inside are undoubtedly dead, but they are not completely rotted.

What exactly is in the cultivation warehouse? Qi Leren took out the flashlight and wanted to take a picture of the things inside, but the moment he took out the flashlight from the item bar, he heard a crisp sound of "click".

Perhaps before he would not have recognized it all at once, but now, even in a dream, he could jump out of bed and fight back—it was the sound of the safety catch of a pistol!

Qi Leren flashed into the training room without thinking, squatted down, took out the gun that Chen Baiqi gave him and held it in his hand, but after a short thought, he decided not to attack rashly, but asked aloud : "He Yi?"

"... Qi Leren?" He Yi's voice came from behind the other training barn, it was so hoarse that it was scary.

Sure enough, it was He Yi!

Qi Le put his gun behind his back and slowly came out from behind the training cabin, but he didn't dare to leave the bunker too far: "What happened to you and Mark? Later I sneaked into Anne's house and found her house In the attic above, I also found a pipe embedded in the wall leading to the basement, is that where you came down from?"

He Yi, who was hiding behind the training cabin, was silent for a while, then walked out slowly.

He didn't look well, his lips were chapped, and his eyes were bloodshot. He didn't relax his vigilance, but continued to point the gun in his hand at Qi Leren, and said sharply, "Stretch out your right hand."

Qi Leren slowly stretched out his right hand behind his back, but the pistol in his hand has been replaced by a dagger calmly. He is not sure whether the invisible camera following He Yi is turned off, so he can't take it. This gun of inexplicable origin, and he didn't need to use it-against a weak opponent with a non-standard gun posture, there was no need for another gun at all.

With a "ding", the dagger was thrown on the ground by Qi Leren. He raised his hand and showed a sincere expression: "What happened? You are not in a good condition now..."

"Don't talk, come in front of me, and act according to my instructions." He Yi looked cold and stern, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Okay, I'll do the same, don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm." Qi Leren walked slowly in front of He Yi, and offered the back of his head to him.

He felt He Yi's nervousness at this moment, what made him so suspicious and frightened? After contacting this underground research institute, Qi Le people vaguely guessed: He Yi already knew about the octopus, and he knew that the octopus had already parasitized on this group of contestants. But at this moment, he couldn't be sure whether the Qi Le people who suddenly appeared in front of him had been parasitized.

But he obviously didn't intend to kill him, otherwise he could do it now, does he have any means to detect if he is infected

He Yi pointed his gun at Qi Leren's head, and continued hoarsely: "Go forward, go through this door, and take the corridor on the left..."

The two walked through the corridors one after the other, walking through this maze-like underground research institute. He Yi, who had come a few days earlier, was obviously more familiar with the route than Qi Leren. He pointed to Qi Leren all the way to the third underground floor , and then stopped in front of a metal iron gate.

"Press the switch to open the door."

Qi Leren followed suit, and the gate opened, revealing the room inside. This is a room like a medical room, with some props that look like medical instruments.

Suddenly realizing what kind of equipment it was, Qi Leren glanced at He Yi. He stood in front of a monitor and directed Qi Leren to stand by the wall opposite him.

This guy He Yi was checking to see if he was parasitized, and Qi Leren knew it well.

A blue light curtain swept across Qi Leren's body, He Yi stared at the monitor, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

But the calm and even slightly superior temperament when we first met still did not return to him, and he still seemed very anxious, even though he tried his best to restrain himself: "Thank God, you are not parasitized. Sorry, I shouldn't have Pointing a gun at you, I can explain the ins and outs to you, we are in danger now!"

"It hatched, it actually... hatched! The monster that almost destroyed the civilization of the entire universe is now hiding among us. It has already multiplied, and it is still multiplying! According to their habits, they broke out The 'Massacre Day' that will wipe us all out is the fifth day!"

And today is the fourth day.