Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 32: Star Death Reality Show (15)


"Massacre Day", just hearing the name makes people feel a burst of panic, as if they were driven to the slaughterhouse in panic, trembling in the face of death.

"What is... Massacre Day?" Qi Leren was affected by He Yi's serious expression at the moment, and became nervous like him for a while, but he was obviously in much better condition than He Yi, and he still remembered to turn on the camera.

"This starts with the habits of octopuses. I happen to know some of them. Why didn't I expect at first... that glowing stone turned out to be dormant octopus eggs... It shouldn't be, it's impossible, why? Yes... I mean, they have been extinct for hundreds of years. Most of the information on octopuses also focuses on the parasitism and transmission methods of octopuses, and rarely mentions what form they are in dormancy. Their vitality is very Tenacious, ordinary octopus eggs that cannot sense prey will automatically enter a dormancy period, which can last for hundreds of years! What kind of monster did we release!" He Yi covered his forehead with his hands, his voice was so hoarse Sound up.

"Would you like some water?" The Qi Le people saw that his condition was really bad. He probably hadn't eaten since he entered this underground laboratory, and there was probably no normal water source here.

At the beginning, he thought He Yi was like Su He, but now it seems that the two are completely different. At least He Yi didn't have that kind of calmness and a faint sense of superiority in his bones. He was just an ordinary person who would be afraid, an ordinary person who would be afraid.

Stripped of his peaceful cloak, he's just a panic-stricken human being beneath the skin.

It seems that He Yi was indeed not parasitized, otherwise, when they met each other just now, he would have found a chance to kill him, or at least control him.

"Do you have a belt?" He Yi asked happily.

When Dr. Lu was collecting supplies, he found two pockets, one of which was given to the Qi Le people. The Qi Le people packed some compressed food and a small bottle of water in a special thermos to prevent freezing. It's all cameras, he can't take them out of the props bar out of thin air, so he just prepared some, and it will come in handy now.

After receiving the food and water, He Yi took a few sips, took a few more bites of the compressed food, and handed it back with pain and patience: "Put it away, or I won't be able to resist eating it all."

Qi Le said generously: "You eat, I'm not hungry."

He Yi glanced at him with a complicated expression: "Don't worry, we have to prepare for the worst. The spaceship will not return to this planet until the... That's all we've got to live on. Believe me, it's the safest thing to do."

"No, we have to find a way to go out and tell people outside!" Qi Leren flatly rejected He Yi's proposal.

"You can't get out. Ever since I found the backup power and turned on the automatic defense system here, there are laser traps at several exits... How did you get in?" He Yi suddenly remembered this question, looking at him in surprise.

Only then did the Qi Le people understand why the electronic lock on the iron door in Jing Siyu's basement was powered on—in fact, it was not powered on all the time, but only after He Yi accidentally knocked and blew up the passage to enter the underground research institute. Power is on.

"I am a person with a relatively developed reaction nerve." Qi Leren lied without changing his expression.

He Yi had an expression of "Are you joking?".

"My companion and I found the ID card, opened the electronic lock, and encountered some danger after entering the laser channel. Fortunately, the reaction came quickly." Qi Leren said.

He Yi was silent for a while, and looked at Qi Leren with suspicious and probing eyes. After careful observation, there seemed to be a trace of fear in his expression: "Who the hell are you?"

Qi Leren couldn't explain it.

"Military people? What do you know?" He Yi's voice was full of uncontrollable panic.

Qi Leren looked at him inexplicably.

"Did you know that there will be octopuses here?" He Yi asked nervously.

"You're mistaken, I'm really just the lead singer of a band." Qi Leren patted He Yi's shoulder reassuringly, causing He Yi to shiver in fright, "Okay, don't be too nervous. Not invincible, we will not die like the people of this planet."

He Yi looked at him with an expression as if he had cursed him severely just now.

"Uh... what are your plans now?" Qi Leren tried his best to forget what he had just said about inserting the flag.

"Stay here, at least you can avoid the massacre day. The situation here is clear to the outside world, but because of the long distance, we need to wait a few more days. When the army arrives, we will be rescued. If we go out, If you rashly start a war with the octopus, the final result may be parasitic or killed... Do you really want to do that?" He Yi asked.

"My friends are still outside, they don't know anything about the situation." Qi Leren said.

He Yi closed his eyes and said softly, "You are not the savior."

"I know."

"You can't save everyone."

"I know."

"And there's a good chance you'll die."

"I know all of this."

He Yi looked at him: "Then why did you do this?"

Qi Le was silent for a long time. From the perspective of the mission, he had to go out to kill the octopus to earn more time to survive. What's more, Dr. Lu and Du Yue were both outside. These, he also has to consider those innocent NPCs, although he will not lose his life to save them, but when the situation permits, he still chooses to help them as much as possible, even though he doesn't know whether these NPCs have self-awareness.

He has died many times and knows the horror of death, so he is even more unwilling to see someone die, even if it is just an NPC.

He Yi was still looking at him, and Qi Leren realized that he had been thinking for too long, but he couldn't give a convincing answer, and he felt very nasty and hypocritical to tell the truth, so he responded with a smile like a holy father To him: "Because I want to get the best of the day, one million."

He Yi: "..."

It seemed that He Yi didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore. After his emotions stabilized, he told Qi Leren what happened between him and Mark when he returned to the basement of Jing Siyu's house with an axe.

"Mark's eyes started to bleed. I thought he had hit his head and caused intracranial hemorrhage. I was so scared. After all, we don't have any medical equipment. If the situation is serious, he will die. But soon, I found that something was wrong. Mark rolled his eyes and convulsed and twitched like he was crazy. After about half a minute, he returned to normal and woke up. I asked him what was wrong, but he didn't answer me. He looked at me with a strange look. Looking at me..." He Yi recalled that look, and his body trembled unconsciously, "It was a kind of... a monster's look when he woke up from hibernation."

Qi Leren's back suddenly went cold.

"The reason why octopuses can multiply in the universe on such a large scale is because once they parasitize into the body of intelligent creatures, they will immediately paralyze the host's brain and acquire all the knowledge of this individual at an astonishing speed, including common sense , the self-awareness of the host itself can't compete with it at all. Its scary thing is that once it starts to parasitize, it learns to 'disguise'. It will follow the individual's way of thinking, speaking tone, walking posture, and even Micro-expressions... Only it knows that this is imitation, and everyone will think that this is the host itself."

"What about Mark?"

"The parasitism of the octopus has a process. As I said just now, after entering the human body, it will first paralyze the host's brain, and then attack the host's body madly in the next eight to ten hours. At that time, a little The abnormal state, Mark's eyes would bleed at this moment. Then the octopus has completely occupied his brain, entrenched in his brain, and after entering the human body for more than 20 hours, the octopus will It developed from a larva to a mature body and began to replicate itself. Mark was the first to be infected, and the infection time was roughly before 24:00 on the first day... "

He Yi's words reminded Qi Leren of another thing. He asked, "When we were waiting for Mark outside Annie's house, what did you want to say to me?"

He Yi smiled wryly: "I want to say that on the first night, I saw Mark and Annie walking towards the cathedral. There were also Janet and Alex, they were dating... It's really too late to say this now."

Qi Leren nodded: "Go ahead."

"I noticed that his eyes were bleeding. At that time, his brain had already been captured by the octopus... He held me hostage and tied me to the attic. I never thought of the reason, and wondered how he dared to face the camera. Do this kind of thing. After Mark left the attic and talked to Annie, I vaguely heard some words, they seemed to want me to be the next sacrifice... At that time... I... didn't understand what the sacrifice was... I thought it was... a cult sacrifice... I broke the rope, found the entrance to the basement, and entered the basement through the pipe. Mark found me running away and chased me down. I also found the explosives and wanted to blow him up to escape. As a result, the passage behind the wall was accidentally collapsed and entered here."

"But Annie probably hasn't been infected yet. I knocked her out when I searched the basement just now. If she was parasitized, she shouldn't be knocked out so easily by me, right?" Qi Leren asked.

He Yi asked back: "How did you knock her out?"

"Chopped the back of the neck near the back of the head."

"Let me think about it... If she has been parasitized for less than a day, the octopus is still in the brain and has not devoured her internal organs. I remember that at this stage, hitting the cervical spine may still cause the host to become unconscious for a short time." He Yi After answering, he continued, "After entering the research institute, I found some information. Although I couldn't read the text, I finally connected everything together with the words of Anne and Mark on the pictures above. But too It's too late... It's the fourth day now. According to the law of octopus reproduction, it is growing exponentially every day. There is only 1 on the first day, 2 on the second day, 4 on the third day, and 4 on the third day. In four days, that is, tonight, their number will explode to 8!"

Eight... that's too many!

People in Qi Le began to think about it. The person who was infected on the first night was undoubtedly Mark. On the second night, Mark infected Xue Jiahui. On the third night, Mark and Xue Jiahui each infected a person, and one of them was probably Annie. .

In this way, Anne was infected for only one day at most.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise Qi Leren would have faced a tough battle in the basement.

Is this the use of bringing two lucky EX? Qi Leren couldn't help but have such an idea.

But tonight, these four octopuses will infect four more people... There is not much time left for him.

He Yi looked at the people of Qi Le, and his frightened expression became more serious: "And the octopus has another characteristic... Once in a closed environment, the number of octopus is greater than the number of the host, the mature octopus will be Will abandon the slow one-on-one infection and start 'competition'."

"... Competition?" Qi Leren suddenly felt a chill.

He Yi shivered, lowered his voice and said, "Because the number of objects available to parasitize is already less than the number of octopuses, they will... burst out of their bodies... and start hunting humans, accumulating energy to prepare for hibernation."