Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 39: Star Death reality show (twenty-two)


This sound was like a signal to flee. Janet, Alex, Jing Siyu and Jing Sixue fled in fright, wishing they could escape to the end of the world right now.

"Take Laura away, back away! I will lure it away, I can solve it!" Qi Le kicked Du Yue, telling him to act quickly, and shot the monster in the head himself to attract its attention , ready to take it to a distance and solve it with a grenade.

The monster came out. The inflated octopus broke the host's body, Francis' body was like a deflated balloon, hanging on the octopus, and this cosmic octopus had revealed its true appearance—a weird octopus-shaped The tentacle creature, which drank Francis' blood, transformed from a "seed" parasitic in the body to a dangerous predator full of viscous body fluids.

It was extremely fast, after breaking free from the shackles of the human body, it rushed towards the Qi Le people at an astonishing speed!

The Qi Le people stopped shooting, picked up the flashlight on the ground, strode forward with all their strength, and rushed to the corridor deep in the research institute at an inhuman speed!

The boundary between the prey and the hunter is so indistinguishable that both sides are sure that they are the hunter, but it is still unclear who will win the game.

The 30 seconds of SL Dafa had passed, and Qi Leren, who was no longer immortal, could only rely on his own ability to deal with this difficult opponent. The Qi Le people who were running wildly realized that the distance between the octopus and him was getting farther and farther. After breaking the shell, his running speed was enough to get rid of this fast-moving monster.

He turned his head and glanced out of the corner of his eye. This octopus-shaped monster quickly chased him as if it was gliding on the ground, but it was a pity that it was still not as fast as him. Seeing that there was a T-shaped monster in front of him. In the corridor, he immediately cheered up and prepared for the final battle.

Three, two, one, do it!

Qi Leren bit off the safety ring of the grenade and threw it behind him. With a vigorous kick on his running body, he rushed across a 90-degree corner and threw himself on the ground, hugging his head.


A huge explosion sounded at the corner of the corridor, and the flames from the explosion illuminated the entire passage. Even Qi Le people who were lying on the ground felt a huge heat and vibration, and countless debris were blown out. It sprayed straight towards the corridor ahead, and the Qi Le people hiding in the vertical position of the T-shaped corridor survived the explosion unharmed.

it's over.

Qi Leren stood up and was about to walk out when Chen Baiqi's warning came to his mind again. He took a breath, continued to maintain a state of vigilance, and carefully stepped out of this corridor with a gun.

The explosion at the corner ahead changed the area beyond recognition. The octopus corpse was blown apart, and several tentacles were thrown on the metal wall, sliding down slowly together with the mucus, dragging a trail of scarlet water. The tentacle that lost its command could even move a few times before falling to the ground and dying completely.

All four mature octopuses have been completed, which means that this mission can almost be declared clear. Even if there are still a few octopuses that have just completed parasitism among the contestants, they can be easily distinguished by using an instrument to detect them. But to kill people... Qi Leren imagined the scene with difficulty, and his heart was heavy.

Once parasitized, it is hopeless, and all he can do is to make the parasitized person die happily.

Qi Leren pursed his lips, feeling a little dry cough, and his throat was a little sore from being violently choked, but it was still within the tolerance range.

Let's find Du Yue and the others first. Qi Leren thought for a while and walked along the way back.

The moment he walked around the corner, the flashlight in Qi Leren's hand suddenly caught a reflective object. He took a closer look and saw that it was a half-closed iron door. It was at the end of the corridor where he avoided the explosion just now. It is at the bottom of this T-shaped corridor. There is no other fork at the end of it, only a single door.

There is no sign on the door, no words, no signs, no special symbols, it is just a heavy iron door, half closed, and it is dark inside.

Qi Leren's heart beat suddenly slowed down, and his intuition whispered ambiguously in his ear, encouraging him to move forward.

He pushed open the door, and the light of the flashlight illuminated the dark space. This small room was an office with desks, bookshelves, and office chairs.

There is also a computer, the laptop that Qi Leren is thinking about, fearing and looking forward to.

His heart started beating wildly. Qi Leren took a deep breath, closed the door abruptly, rushed to the computer in three steps at a time, and took out the mobile power bank that had been prepared for it from the item bar. After connecting it, I pressed the power button with trembling hands.

When the familiar startup screen appeared, Qi Leren clenched his hands tightly and couldn't help but thumped on the desk. Hurry up, turn it on quickly, let him try again, can he play "Nightmare Game" again, he has too many doubts that need to be answered by this game.

After booting up, the mouse pointer moved to the icon of "Nightmare Game", double-click it.

The game interface appeared, and Qi Leren's heart was about to jump out of his throat. He held his breath and moved the mouse pointer to "Read Archive".

Countless archives jumped out, arranged in reverse chronological order, and the last one was in the small church in the Twilight Village. At that time, he walked through rows of old pews and faced a choice in the depths of the church: whether to go left or right.

He saved the file, then walked into the door to the right, received the mission to the holy city, and got the first death ending there. But in the real nightmare world, he chose to go left, and then he met Ning Zhou who came to visit Maria's grave in the cemetery outside the door.

What if he chooses to go left in the game this time? Will he meet Ning Zhou

This question once troubled Qi Le people, but now, he can prove it.

[… Archive reading, LOADING…]

[The file is read. Player "Passer A", welcome back to the nightmare game.]

The character in the game who was casually named "Passerby A" by Qi Le people walked towards the gate on the left under his control. Qi Le people hardly dared to breathe, and countless chaotic thoughts troubled him. Be aware of the fear that thinking can bring.

The wooden door opened, and the game entered a cutscene. He could no longer manipulate his character, and could only watch him walk forward.

Outside the door was a gravel path overrun by shrubs and weeds, and he walked on, on and on. Everything in the verdant green under the setting sun did not make people feel peaceful, but made him flustered and restless.

Qi Leren didn't know whether he wanted to see Ning Zhou in the game, and his longing heart was looking forward to the reunion, even though it was separated by a cold screen. But rationality made him resist. He didn't want to see Ning Zhou as an NPC in this game, because he didn't dare to think deeply about the deep meaning behind it.

But whether he wanted it or not, in the hazy afterglow of the setting sun, Qi Leren still saw the figure standing in front of the tombstone.

So familiar, because he is so deeply imprinted in his brain, but so strange, because they are separated by a layer of cold screen.

The mumbling of that figure appeared on the screen, just like every NPC, displaying the lines on the screen:

[Mom, I fell in love with someone I shouldn't love, he makes me confused...]

Qi Leren's eyes had just seen these words clearly, but they became blurred in an instant.

It turned out that that day, before he walked into this church and saw Ning Zhou, Ning Zhou had said such words in front of Maria's tombstone.

It was a bewildered Ning Zhou. At that time, he hadn't firmly believed that he was willing to be exiled for a lifetime for love. He is hesitating, hesitating, and uneasy, but he has no one to talk to. He can only come to his mother's tombstone and whisper to her, even if he doesn't get any answer.

Qi Leren in front of the computer covered his face, tears flowed down his fingers and wet the keyboard. He never knew that he was such a fragile person, even if it was just a sentence he had never heard before, it made him burst into tears.

He wanted to rush into the screen, embrace that lonely figure, and comfort that lonely and wandering soul.

But his approach would only awaken the lost person.

"Who is it?" Ning Zhou's words appeared on the screen again.

Only then did Qi Leren wake up from his grief, and Ning Zhou discovered his existence!

He couldn't answer anything, it was just a programmed game, when the game didn't give him an option, he couldn't say anything.

They looked at each other without saying a word, as if they were two strangers.

They were also strangers.

The sound of footsteps came from behind, and the Qi Le people in the game turned around. Along this path full of weeds and shrubs, he saw a person walking along the way he came, bathed in the setting sun, looking towards they come.

His words were also reflected on the screen: "Passerby? Ning, Ning Zhou? Why are you here?"

At this moment, Qi Leren convulsed and couldn't breathe.

A familiar person stood there, looking at Ning Zhou behind him with surprise and a little shyness.

That is himself.