Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 59: Reunion in Purgatory (8)


This news caught Qi Le people off guard. The illusionist's strength is unfathomable. If it was the Twilight Village, Qi Le people would not need to worry about his safety at all, but this is an underground ant city.

An underground world ruled by domain-level masters, where humans and demons coexist, and every month there is an army of demons attacking this underground fortress with mighty power, and there is a gap leading to the demon world in the depths of purgatory...

It's too dangerous here, and the place where the illusionist disappeared is the palace of the Dragon Ant Queen.

"What is the illusionist going to see the Dragon Ant Queen for?" Qi Leren instinctively guessed that the Dragon Ant Queen might have detained the illusionist, but he didn't know why the illusionist came to the Ant City Underground. Chen Baiqi didn't tell him, Along the way, the people of Qi Le were concerned about Ning Zhou and didn't ask about it.

"This..." Celia, the contact person, hesitated for a moment. Normally, she couldn't disclose the mission information casually. Although this Qi Le came with the illusionist, he was not the executive officer of the court.

The hesitant Celia glanced at Ning Zhou again, she remembered that this was the special envoy of the Holy See to the Tribunal.

Ning Zhou asked, "Have you contacted the court?"

"The letter asking for instructions was sent out yesterday, but I'm afraid I won't receive a reply until next week." Celia said.

"Tell us the matter, it won't help if you wait any longer." Ning Zhou said lightly.

"Okay, Mr. Ning Zhou. The thing is like this. The Prophet has a secret agreement with the Dragon Ant Queen. It is agreed that when the next Dragon Ant Queen succeeds, the Prophet will send someone to witness. Before the Prophet received the invitation from the Dragon Ant Queen, he appointed Mr. Illusionist came to witness the handover ceremony." Celia said, showing a heavy expression, "Before leaving, the Illusionist agreed with us that he will contact us every day, but after he enters the palace of Queen Dragon Ant There is no news."

"Didn't you go to him?" Qi Leren asked wonderingly.

"We went, but we don't have the oracle of the Dragon Ant Queen, nor the oracle of the Prophet, so we can't enter the palace." Celia said.

The people of Qi Le pondered. The palaces of the dragon ant queens of all dynasties are not in the same place. Their palaces are magnificent, huge, and unfathomable. To ordinary people, they are even terrifying—because their palaces are their last tombs.

They have been building gorgeous mausoleums for themselves since the day they ascended the throne. The deeper they dig, the bigger they are built. With the huge manpower and their own almost terrifying power, the last mausoleum of each Dragon Ant Queen is a huge The city was built from the day they ascended the throne until the day they died.

The strange thing is that except for the first Dragon Ant Queen who lived a long life, every subsequent Dragon Ant Queen has only reigned for more than 20 years. This Dragon Ant Queen has been in power for 22 years. She was a young girl a few years ago, but now she is as old as an octogenarian.

Her underground mausoleum has already been built incomparably huge, and it can be called a magnificent underground city.

There is also her palace.

"But there is a clue..." Celia gritted her teeth and revealed the information, "On the morning when the illusionist went to the palace, a gambler saw him in an underground casino haunted by demons."

"Have you checked it out?" Qi Leren asked.

"I went there, but the informant who went to verify it didn't come back. Recently, the number of people who disappeared in the entire underground ant city is several times that of before, which is very alarming." Celia said solemnly.

"Has there been a similar situation before?" Qi Leren asked again.

Celia was silent for a while, as if she was thinking about something. After a long time, she sighed softly: "I haven't experienced it, but I have heard of some things... This situation is very similar to that of the former Dragon Ant Queen more than 20 years ago. During the period of the fall, the order of the entire underground ant city collapsed, and the conflict between demons and human residents intensified. Although it was not the time of the tide of demons, demons poured out from all corners. Neither humans nor demons could easily survive the disaster. I was spared... It was a very scary and chaotic period. Every time the power was handed over, it was a bloody storm. Think about it, this is the death of a domain-level master. Said, it was a devastating blow. Although Queen Dragon Ant's situation is special, she can pass on the domain in some way, but this kind of inheritance is by no means easy. In the final analysis, our lives are too fragile. The ants on the body of the strong can't survive a gust of rain and wind. Even the group of beings who are close to gods will fall one day, let alone ordinary people like us who are fragile."

Qi Leren's heart was heavy. During this short and long period of time, he experienced too many feelings that he could not experience in the peaceful age. Too many people were displaced and precarious here, but they still struggled to survive. Whether it is life, emotion, or the connection between people, it is too fragile in this cruel and turbulent world. Here, what is cherished will be destroyed, what is entrusted will be shattered, what is praised will be corrupted, and the beautiful things will be broken one by one, but you can't even blame anyone.

Because really, really, too weak... People who lived in Maria's "dream" in the past will eventually face this world where demons run rampant, because the "god" who once protected them has also fallen up. How long can the Twilight Town, under the protection of the Prophet, be stable

The old devil king has fallen, the holy nun has fallen, and the Dragon Ant Queen is about to fall. This group of existences that are almost "god" in the eyes of ordinary people cannot be detached from the laws of this big world.

The people of Qi Le felt powerless, he didn't know if his hands could fight against this cruel world, he wanted to protect a person, a person who would not be recognized by the Holy See, and would not compromise with the devil, a person who wandered to hell, but yearned for looking at heaven. He wants to accompany this person and give him a final harbor.

But can he really do it? Qi Leren couldn't help doubting himself, even though he had already opened the door to the semi-realm, the road ahead was still so long. He is like a child looking at the night sky. After the dark clouds in the sky were pushed away, he saw the bright starlight, pointing out the direction for him to go, but that was the light hundreds of millions of years ago, hundreds of millions of light away from him. Years, he can see it, but he can't touch it.

Suddenly there was a slight touch on the fingertips, Qi Leren froze for a moment, and hooked Ning Zhou's hand with his backhand.

The temperature from another person's life soothed the restless soul. The Qi Le people forgot that Celia, the liaison officer of the trial office standing in front of him, was staring straight at them, and turned to Ning Zhou and said, "Let's go to that Check out the underground casino."

Ning Zhou shook his hand vigorously: "Yes."

"Also, please send another letter to the court, explaining that I have found Ning Zhou, we will stay in the underground ant city for a while, and we will help you find the illusionist." Qi Le said. , suddenly found that Celia was silently looking at the hands they were holding, and couldn't help but want to withdraw them shyly, but Ning Zhou's grip was too tight, and a slight struggle didn't work at all.

Qi Leren took a peek at Ning Zhou, his cold face showed no expression at all, as if he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the contact person's gaze, he just held the hand of a person of the same sex calmly, calmly, and as if no one else was there.

On the contrary, it was Qi Leren, who seemed to be a young couple who was caught secretly holding hands by the director of the teaching department, his heart was beating fast, and his face was red.

what happened? Isn't Ning Zhou super shy? When I sacrificed to the witch, I obviously blushed!

This confusion troubled Qi Le people all the way. On the way to the underground casino, Qi Le people were full of this question, absent-minded, and lost their minds when talking several times. After being stared at by Ning Zhou a few times, he made a guilty conscience: "There are so many people here. Do, isn't it good for us to hold hands?"

Not only is it not good, but it has a bad influence. In the underground ant city full of indifference and malice, two men walking hand in hand, the style of painting is similar to the group of solitary people next to them who want to keep a few meters away from strangers. Passers-by are completely different! But the surprised eyes of passers-by did not affect Ning Zhou at all, he was unmoved and insisted on holding hands.

Hearing Qi Leren's question, Ning Zhou stopped and looked at him with a hint of shock in his expression.

Qi Leren was puzzled and looked at him stupidly.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, but neither spoke.

"We..." Ning Zhou said two words, then paused again, Qi Leren somehow felt that his expression seemed a little nervous at the moment, "...Aren't we going to get married?"

Qi Leren:? ? ? ! ! !