Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 6: Overture to Resurrection (6)


On the way back, Qi Leren and Chen Baiqi never spoke a word.

They came all the way to the coast and smoked a cigarette together with the sea breeze blowing. Qi Le was still not used to smoking, but when the nicotine entered his body, he relaxed strangely. After smoking one, Chen Baiqi handed him another one, and Qi Leren held it in his hand, but did not light it.

"Where has he gone now?" Facing the brackish sea breeze, Qi Leren asked.

"If he didn't get lost in the spiritual enchantment of Neverland, then he should have arrived at the Holy See, confessed his 'crime' to the Pope, went to purgatory to atone, and continued your unfinished tasks." Chen Baiqi said again. Lighting myself a cigarette, "That's what a deadhead like him would do, right?"

Qi Le was silent.

"Growing up in an atheistic society, we can't understand the pressure that belief brings to people. Whether it is the right to live or the right to love each other, in our eyes, when belief begins to trample on the rights that people should have, belief is no longer worth it. Believe. But people in this world are different from us. This is a world where belief equals power. They will only be more devout and fanatical than the world we have lived in. To prove that the belief is wrong, it will only be stronger than ours. The world is thousands of times more difficult. So Ning Zhou doesn't think there is something wrong with his beliefs. Even if he has doubts in his heart, he still can't give up all this. He can only convince himself that he is wrong, but he can't correct this mistake. He can only accept the punishment for making a mistake and bear it with everything he has." Chen Baiqi said.

Qi Le people also understand. Even in their world, devout believers still firmly believe in the existence of God, let alone this world with the power of faith and the power of demons

"And you look like the kind of child who grew up in a happy family, a little naive, but also very kind, optimistic and upright, with a sound personality, sounds very ordinary, right? But this kind of ordinary, in this nightmare world Li is the most extraordinary thing. What is rare is that you are a person who can think from the perspective of others, and is even willing to pay and sacrifice for others. It is probably only people like you who can impress Ning Zhou."

Qi Leren felt ashamed, he was actually not as good as Chen Baiqi said, nor as good as Ning Zhou thought.

"Qile people." Chen Baiqi called his name.

Qi Leren looked at her.

Her expression was unprecedentedly serious: "I'm very, very scared now... I'm afraid that Ning Zhou will go crazy. Maybe a part of his spiritual world has collapsed with your death. If possible, you must cure him. "

Qi Leren couldn't speak, he could only nod vigorously, silently swallowing the sour and itchy feeling deep in his throat.

"I really admire him." Chen Baiqi stared at him and said slowly, "How much courage does it take for a person to deny his past, destroy his present and future with his own hands, and let his life and death They are all struggling with the pain of abandoning their beliefs, just for the right to love themselves. From now on, you are his god and his sin. You will heal him, redeem him, be his scabbard, be his armor, Become his belief. Le Ren, you have to protect him well."

Qi Leren's eyes became moist again: "I understand... I will. Give me the information about Purgatory, and I will bring him back."

Chen Baiqi shook his head: "No, Ning Zhou and I made an agreement to keep in touch. Although the underground ant city is a mixture of humans and demons, there are still many supply points that can communicate with Twilight Township. Wait for him After arriving in the underground ant city, a letter will be sent to me from a certain supply point, and the address of that supply point will be attached to the letter. I can write to him according to this address and tell him that you are still alive. Purgatory is in Deep in the underground ant city, it's too big and too dangerous... I've been there before, and I know what it's like. Looking for someone in a sea of people is like looking for a needle in a haystack, it's better to wait for his letter, the letters come and go , at most one month can be contacted."

"That's fine, I'll wait for him." Qi Leren said.

Chen Baiqi smiled, and handed him a heavy book: "Here, I'll see you off."

"This is..." Qi Leren took the book and opened it. It turned out to be a hand-copied version of "The Teaching Classic". It looked old and the paper had turned yellow.

"Before getting married, you should at least get to know each other's religious beliefs well. Although Ning Zhou has left the Holy See, he is still a believer who abides by the precepts at heart. It's always good to know more about it," Chen Baiqi said.

Qi Leren's face was burning a little: "It's too early to talk about getting married now."

Chen Baiqi squinted at him: "You will regret it."


"Ning Zhou is a man who won't do anything to you unless you get married. If you don't want to continue living with your own hands, please hurry up and propose."


In the gentle evening breeze, Chen Baiqi smiled and said, "Hurry up and bring Ning Zhou back, I'll officiate the wedding for you."

"... Thank you so much." Qi Leren's mouth twitched.

Before ending this conversation, Chen Baiqi asked Qi Leren to come to him tomorrow.

"What's the matter?" Qi Leren asked.

Chen Baiqi smiled maliciously: "I'll clean you up for Ning Zhou... Ahem, I'm training you for him. You are too weak now, you haven't even laid the foundation well, and if you want to go further You have to start from scratch.”

Qi Leren felt a chill behind his back, he had already foreseen that he would live an "extraordinarily fulfilling" life in the days to come.

It was early in the morning when Qi Leren returned home, and when he took out the key to open the door, he suddenly felt that something was wrong...why wouldn't the key fit into the keyhole? !

Just as he was wrestling with the door lock, the door suddenly opened, and the two homeowners looked at each other in dismay.

Qi Leren suddenly understood—fuck it, the system judged him dead, and took back the house that was automatically assigned to the newcomer!

This newcomer is tall and big, Qi Leren visually judged him to be almost 1.9 meters tall, but such a boy with a sporty figure has two pointed canine teeth, and there are two dimples at the corners of his mouth. Sweet: "Who are you?"

Qi Leren was expressionless: "The former owner."

The newcomer blinked twice, opened his mouth suddenly, and grabbed his hand excitedly: "Senior! Are you the senior who left a suicide note in the house?! Your suicide note contains a lot of mission clues! I I did a few tasks according to your tips, and all of them succeeded! I earned a lot of survival days! Thank you, senior!"

"..." Qi Leren's mood at the moment can no longer be described as bitter. He almost forgot that before going to the holy city to carry out the task of the holy nun, in order to prevent the secret of the nightmare game from being buried forever with his death, He left a letter in his house, recording how he downloaded "Nightmare Game" on his laptop, how he entered Xinshou Village, and came to this nightmare world.

In order to win people's trust, he also recorded many tasks on it when he played the nightmare game on the computer. In the end, he also wrote down what he was about to do on the main mission. At that time, his plan was that if he came back alive, the letter would naturally return to himself and would not be obtained by others. If he died If you do, then this house will be taken back by the system and distributed to other newcomers, and this letter will also be left to future generations.

I thought of doing this, at least to avoid taking such an important clue underground irresponsibly because of my own death, I never expected such an embarrassing situation to happen! He is still alive, but this house already has a "new love"!

"Senior, my name is Du Yue, and I'm in the third year of high school, but I've been admitted to the university ahead of schedule because of my good sports..." The newcomer shook out his own affairs like a bean, and finally asked suspiciously, "But senior, aren't you Should he die?"

At this moment, Qi Leren felt the radiant aura of the protagonist on the opponent's body, and also felt the flag of death waving in the wind on his body—his current character design is too much like an NPC who gave the protagonist cheats and then belched. After all, the "life mentor" who is the protagonist is going to die.

"It was true that I was already dead, but I had a one-time resurrection item, so I survived by luck... It seems that the system thought I was dead, so that's why I assigned the room to you." Qi Le said angrily.

"Ah? Is that so? It's okay, senior, you can live with me. This house is very big, and it's no problem to accommodate seven or eight people!" Du Yue enthusiastically pulled Qi Leren into the house. Le Ren stepped on an untied garbage bag, and dirty kitchen waste leaked out.

Du Yue scratched his head embarrassingly: "I'm not very good at cleaning up..."

Qi Leren expressed his understanding. Most of the boys in high school are still pampered by their families. There are really not many boys like him who were raised as a child.

"I'll go to my friend's place first to say goodbye, and I will probably live with him for a while, and then go to the exchange to have a look, maybe a new residence can be allocated, so you can live in peace of mind. Also, in the diary Don't tell anyone about it, remember, no one is allowed." Qi Leren smiled, waved to Du Yue, turned and left the former home regardless of his persuasion.