Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 61: Reunion in Purgatory (10)



This familiar title reminded the people of Qi Le suddenly of a person—Mrs. Catherine. One of the powerful figures in the branch of the Killing Secret Society in Twilight Township, when Qi Leren used the identity of "Red" as an undercover agent there, it was designed to enter the Killing Secret Society through her. She and her offspring Assi made a deep impression on him, especially after he learned that the two escaped the Inquisition.

The nightmare world is so big, the people of Qi Le did not expect that they would meet her in this underground ant city.

Not so good, Qi Leren thought, Mrs. Catherine must have held grudges against his "betrayal" and "utilization" back then, and now she sent someone to invite him openly, presumably it was not because of the surprise of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

If she is not strong enough, she can pretend not to see him and invite him, which means she must rely on something.

Qi Leren was a little guilty, and couldn't help thinking about a strategic retreat...

The hand was lightly shaken, and Qi Leren was startled, only then did he suddenly realize that this time he was not alone.

He still has Ning Zhou!

A person has fought for too long, and he wants to solve any problems he encounters by himself, because in danger, he can't pin his hopes on others, and the only person he can rely on is himself.

This is a kind of maturity, but it is also a kind of helplessness. If a person could be a little prince or princess in a castle all his life, who would want to face the ups and downs of the outside world alone, after all, the wind is so fierce that it can scratch your skin, and the rain is so violent that it can penetrate your armor .

Qi Leren raised his head and looked at Ning Zhou. Ning Zhou's eyes hidden behind the mask were also looking at him, with a firm and indomitable look. He suddenly felt relieved, maybe he would encounter difficulties and dangers, but as long as Ning Zhou was by his side, he would have endless courage.

Relieved, the Qi Le people turned around and smiled slightly at the manager who invited them: "Then what are you waiting for? Lead the way."


Go through the hidden gate of the underground casino and walk up the steps. The decoration on the second floor is no longer a corrupt and old gambling house, but a clean and tidy reception room. The white marble floor is shining, but there should be someone sitting There was no one on the sofa.

The manager opened the curtains of the reception room. Behind the curtains was a layer of translucent light curtains, rippling like the surface of water, making the figures behind the curtains blurry, but it was still possible to vaguely see the appearance of a woman. It is the long-lost Mrs. Catherine.

"A group of desperate gamblers who are so rotten that only their stinky skins are left?" The woman behind the light curtain smiled, making no secret of her contempt for these gamblers.

"It's a perfect match with a fugitive who hides his head and shows his tail." Qi Le also laughed.

These words are really mean. When Qi Leren switches to the "red" state, his words are more poisonous than usual, and many times they can be called malicious provocations.

"... It's been a long time, Mr. Red, you are still as handsome as ever, and you are still so... eloquent and eloquent."

"But you have become hidden." Qi Le smiled mockingly, and generously pulled Ning Zhou to sit down on the sofa, wrapped his arms around Ning Zhou's waist and looked at Mrs. Catherine behind the light curtain, The fingers are still writing in the palm of Ning Zhou's hand behind his back: Enchantment, with a question mark added.

He wanted to know if Ning Zhou could break the barrier.

"Necessary caution can save people's lives at critical moments, such as when the trial office is besieging the branch of the killing secret society." Mrs. Catherine's tone was light, but she was full of desire to kill people. Then quickly malicious.

Ning Zhou's reply was simpler than Qi Leren's, he just put a tick on the palm of his hand.

The crisp and numb touch made Qi Leren's hands tremble, his whole body trembled, and he almost couldn't control his tone.

"So you hid yourself behind the 'absolutely safe' barrier, and then ordered your poor subordinates to prepare to catch the two of us?" Qi Leren said bluntly through her plan.

Madam Catherine chuckled, took a sip of black tea, and then said slowly: "A safe barrier is very important, such as the one in front of you, which is enough to block all attacks below half the domain."

Mrs. Catherine is full of confidence in the safety of this enchantment, and she is also full of confidence in taking these two people down. The destruction of the Killing Secret Society branch in Twilight Village was only a month or two ago, and at that time, "Red "She has witnessed the strength of the Holy See exorcist who cooperated with him.

Absolutely not at the half-field level, otherwise the branch of the killing secret meeting would have been wiped out long ago.

The ups and downs these days have made Lady Catherine, who has been pampered and pampered for many years, feel resentful. She originally lived a secret but free life in the Twilight Land. Her descendants flattered her, supported her, and pinned their hope of survival on her Give them the seeds of killing, but all of this was ruined by this person in front of him.

She had to flee with her only remaining descendant, Asi, and came to the strange underground ant city. If she hadn't just met an early lover in the lower city, and that lover happened to have a certain influence, she would be in the current situation. I'm afraid it will be worse.

But how can the days of being cautious and ingratiating can compare with the life of reckless and reckless life? Her only remaining descendant, Assi, is also missing.

Mrs. Catherine couldn't help frowning. She could sense her son, and she was sure that he was still alive, but another terrifying and evil force isolated her from controlling her son. She could only vaguely feel that Assi was still alive. Underground Ant City, but I don't know what happened to him...

"I'm not interested in your enchantment. If you want to kill me, you can do it now instead of hiding behind the turtle shell. Tell me, what do you want to know?" Qi Leren asked lazily.

"What about you, what do you want to know here?" Mrs. Catherine asked back.

"I'm here to find someone." Qi Leren didn't mean to hide anything.

"Looking for a gambler? I don't believe it." Mrs. Catherine chuckled, "I guess, you are here to find the missing informant from the court, the guy who came here a few days ago to inquire about that gambler."

really! The informant who came to the court to investigate the disappearance of the illusionist fell into the hands of Mrs. Catherine.

"Oh, what about others?" Qi Leren asked.

"Don't worry, you'll see him soon." Mrs. Catherine said softly, fiddling with the feather fan in her hand.

Qi Le's heart sank, the situation of that informant might not be good. But it is also possible that Mrs. Catherine is defrauding him, an informant of the trial office, she can't kill him before squeezing all the information from him.

"However, I'm curious. The illusionist came to the underground ant city, and even came to this gambling house. What is he doing here? Could it be that he came to hunt me down?" Madam Catherine asked.

The people of Qi Le squinted their eyes. It seems that the informant who came to find the gambler to verify the whereabouts of the illusionist has already confessed to this matter, so Mrs. Catherine was vigilant, and she did not know where to get a enchantment item To protect his own safety, he also arranged manpower in the underground casino. As a result, the illusionist disappeared after he went to Queen Dragon Ant's palace. Instead, he and Ning Zhou, who came to investigate, happened to run into Mrs. Catherine's arrangement.

Tsk, what a pit teammate.

"Just pretend he's here to go shopping." Qi Leren said flatly.

After being choked, Mrs. Catherine laughed angrily: "What about you, what are you doing in the underground ant city again?"

Of course Qi Le people can't tell the truth, but it doesn't make any sense to talk about random reasons...

Ning Zhou beside him suddenly moved, and this movement gave Qi Leren a flash of inspiration. He leaned over and put his arms around Ning Zhou's neck, who was in a state of confusion, and smiled brightly at Mrs. Catherine behind the light curtain: "Come on honeymoon!" !"

Lady Catherine: "..."

Ning Zhou: "???"

Feeling being teased and humiliated, Mrs. Catherine finally couldn't sit still. She stood up from her chair and said sharply: "Since you don't want to say anything, then go to hell and say it!"

Following her furious voice, the door of the living room was roughly kicked open, and a group of thugs rushed in, most of them were strong low-level demons, they surrounded the two people on the sofa, but they did not strike rashly.

"Actually, we don't need so many people to deal with the two of you." Madam Catherine smiled arrogantly and clapped her hands. The barrier between her and them changed shape and expanded from a light curtain , In just a few seconds, it turned into a mask, covering the two people inside.

"The enchantment can protect people, and of course it can also trap people. This is a semi-domain-level thing. Although I can't use the cards of you outsiders, the props are still useful. I have to say, there are some interesting things. …”

Mrs. Catherine's arrogant words have not yet finished, and Ning Zhou, who is ready to go, has already swung her sword out—

The low-key and introverted blade of Judgment Sword passed over the light curtain, and then, the light curtain that was said to be able to withstand all attacks below half the domain fell apart instantly like a piece of ordinary glass.

Fragments of the constantly collapsing and shattering light curtain fell one after another, and the shocked expression of Mrs. Catherine behind the light curtain seemed to be frozen at this moment. Horror and disbelief twisted into a clown-like expression on her face.

"Do it, do it!" She suddenly came back to her senses and screamed.

The low-level demons who were stunned all around rushed up howling, but before they could take a few steps, they were frightened by a terrifying coercion and fell to their knees on the ground—the strong sense of oppression was like an iron tower. On top of every demon's head, more majestic than terror, more terrifying than majestic.

A similar picture can't help appearing in every demon's mind: an ancient giant dragon as huge as a mountain, crawling on the hill, staring at the demon at the foot of the mountain that is not even as big as a scale of it...

This is no longer a simple gap in power, it is completely a crushing relationship between different creatures.

Mrs. Catherine fell to her knees on the ground with a thump, and supported the ground with her hands in embarrassment. The oppressive feeling that went straight to her soul made her unable to even have the consciousness of resistance. The cruel and bloody level gap between demons determines the power. A demon doesn't need to use his hands at all to kill a weak demon.

As long as the coercion is released, it is enough to cause a low-level demon to collapse and die.

Sweat of fear slid from her forehead. At this moment, apart from fear, Mrs. Catherine's heart was filled with despair.

It is full of the power to destroy the will, it is terrible... She experienced the brutal war more than 20 years ago, that is, at that time, she betrayed her human identity and joined the camp of demons. A poor human girl in a small town who becomes the demon's mistress and finally a demon.

She had even seen the Destroyer Demon King with her own eyes. He was handsome and silent, dressed in military uniform, walking through the cheering demon army without turning his eyes, as if everything he owned was nothing but insignificant things in the world. He didn't deliberately release the coercion, but the power full of destructive will in his body made her unforgettable. Even though the appearance of the Destroying Demon King had long been blurred in her memory, the power on him still haunted her in her dreams.

In the more than 20 years since the fall of the Demon King of Destruction, she has never been amazed by any power. Even if she joined the killing secret meeting, she always maintained a calm and mocking mood towards the fanatics in the secret meeting. Believers, from the bottom of my heart, I don't think there is anything special about these three new devil kings.

However, after the fall of the old devil king, the dragons and dragons in the devil world have no leader, so they have achieved some power, and they are not even the real "devil king".

After all, none of them started the "ritual".

Without this ceremony, whether it is power, deceit or killing, they are nothing more than false demon kings with the title of demon king. In the past twenty years or so, the only demon king truly recognized by the demon world is the demon king of destruction.

But the Demon King of Destruction has already fallen. Who is this person who also uses the power of destruction and is infinitely close to the domain level