Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 63: Reunion in Purgatory (12)


It was already late at night, and reason told Qi Leren that it was time to go to rest, but with the rare and warm night wind blowing in the underground ant city, and the person sitting next to him was his long-lost lover, Qi Leren could not feel sleepy at all. No, he was so energetic that he could talk to Ning Zhou all night.

They did talk for a long time, and even Ning Zhou, who has always been reticent, talked a lot about the past.

"Winter swimming in Neverland? It's too cold!" Qi Leren was stunned by Ning Zhou's hobby, and his teeth trembled from the cold just listening to it.

"...Fortunately, it was cold when we went ashore." Ning Zhou said, and added seriously, "Really."

People in Qi Le were skeptical, even though he had been baptized by Maria's power and was very resistant to low temperatures, the battle against Leviathan in the ice abyss still left him with a psychological shadow. The human soul will also be frozen out of the cracks. Neverland is located in the polar region, and the temperature during the long polar night is also terrifying, and it is not much better during the polar day.

Would love to winter swim in Neverland... Really a fighting nation like hobby.

"It must be very cold when I go ashore, but what about when I go down? Is it freezing when the wind blows?" Qi Leren said more and more, getting colder.

"Wipe your body with ice and snow first, and it will heat up soon." Ning Zhou said.

Qi Leren was really shivering now, rubbed his hands together and said, "I feel cold now!"

Ning Zhou immediately stretched out his hand and wrapped it around the hand he was rubbing: "Is it still cold?"

Qi Leren froze, the body temperature belonging to another person was warm, sticking to his hand, it was so hot that he really shivered. The two leaned against each other motionlessly, and the hands that were clasped together had not been separated for a long time.

Ning Zhou's Yuying had had enough of flying outside, and landed on the fence of the terrace with a flutter. The posture was enchanting, and neither of them paid any attention to it. It was so angry that it began to tell the time: "It's two o'clock, it's two o'clock, staying up late and dying suddenly, it's a health hazard!"

It's really a sight, Qi Leren glared at it depressedly: "It's very late, go back to sleep."


In fact, neither of them wanted to sleep, but considering each other's health, they left the terrace tacitly, walked through the living room, and came to the two side-by-side bedrooms.

A bedroom separated by only one wall.

"Good night." Qi Leren said with difficulty.

"Well, good night." Ning Zhou also said.

After saying good night, I should go back to my room to sleep, but a feeling of nostalgia dragged him, Qi Leren looked at his toes, and said, "Sweet dream."

"… The same to you."

This time it was really time to go, and it was only a few hours later that they could sit together and have breakfast again. Compared with the long separation before, such a short few hours is just a blink of an eye.

But still reluctant.

"You... What do you want to eat tomorrow?" Qi Leren asked.

"It's all right." Ning Zhou said.

The evening wind blew all the way to them from the open door of the terrace, and the faint light from afar projected the veil on the clean marble floor. The soft emotion was like a lingering love song, singing lingeringly, And they are like people sitting on the bus aimlessly in the afternoon, listening to the little love song drowsily in the warm sunshine, half dreaming and half awake, just thinking about this song don’t stop, don’t wake up from this dream, This car should not lean against the platform of the destination.

"Then...then go to sleep." At this moment, Qi Leren restrained many impulses, such as expressing his fear of nightmares, admitting that he still wanted to talk, or kissing Ning Zhou's beautiful blue eyes.

He tried his best to treat this relationship in a way that he thought he was mature, and he also tried his best to show himself dignified enough. So he carefully held the treasure that he had found so hard, he just wanted to hold it firmly in his arms, but he was afraid that it would be broken if he tried hard.

"Well, go to sleep." Ning Zhou lowered his eyes and whispered.

Qi Leren had already held his hand on the doorknob and pushed open the bedroom door. The imaginary tender love song finally ended when the bus stopped, so he said softly: "Good night."

Ning Zhou also opened the door of another bedroom and said, "Good night."

This long farewell was finally over. Qi Leren, who closed the door, put his head on the door panel, let go of his brain, and put his body weight on the upper body next to the door.

Qi Leren had the illusion that he had thought a lot, but felt that he hadn't thought about anything. He wanted to recall the farewell with Ning Zhou just now, trying to find out what was inappropriate, but he was overwhelmed by embarrassment as soon as he thought about it.

Probably the heart-to-heart conversation with Ning Zhou relieved the mental pressure during this period. Qi Leren was really sleepy this time. He dragged his tired feet, fell headfirst on the bed, and slowly walked towards the wall. Moved to the other side and rubbed to the innermost side of the bed.

He had seen the layout of Ning Zhou's bedroom before. The bed was placed on the side next to the wall. That is to say, there was only one wall between them at this time. will hear.

Thinking of this, Qi Leren couldn't help laughing.

The brain that has been washed by love always makes people who fall in love do some incredible things, and Qi Leren is no exception. He sleeps on the bed next to the wall, stretches out his hand, and quietly touches the cold wall. Draw a heart.

When he realized what he was doing, he jerked off the covers and covered his face.

What is he doing? Qi Leren yelled in his heart, half ashamed and half collapsed and shrank into the quilt, his mind was abnormally divided and spontaneously formed two debate teams, and began to quarrel over the topic of love.

Qi Leren feels that he has an obligation to be more mature, especially when it comes to dating. He is four years older than Ning Zhou! Ning Zhou, who is only 21 this year, should still be a boy in college in the real world, but he is already working. From the perspective of love experience, both of them are tragically equal to zero, but Qi Le people live in the 21st century with advanced information and open atmosphere, and their theoretical level is almost equal to that of people who lived in the Holy See in the Middle Ages. And when he was studying, Qi Leren had a lot of experience of being chased after by little girls.

Even Qi Leren himself found it strange that when boys of the same age were attracted by hormones and began to desperately want to fall in love, he was strangely not attracted to young and cute girls, and of course, he was not attracted to the same sex. Although sometimes seeing friends show affection, there will be a feeling of "being in love", but I never start a relationship with someone who I don't like but is suitable because of this feeling.

Perhaps in the dark, before he realizes it, he has been waiting for a destined person to appear, but the world is too big, and the people that a person can meet in his life are too few and too few. How lucky must he be to happen to be his "Daughter of the Right One"

But he did. This romantic miracle had drained him of all his luck in life—so much so that the sex of the object was a bit of a problem—but he still considered himself lucky.

He should cherish this luck and protect Ning Zhou well.

Along the way, Ning Zhou has really suffered too much, I really hope to make him happy... Half asleep and half awake, Qi Leren finally fell into a deep sleep in sleepiness with this thought in mind.

He had a dream.

Not one of those endless near-death experiences, but a very light-hearted dream.

In the dream, he was "flying" in the blue sky, riding on the back of a huge black dragon.

The black dragon drove him from the ground, blasting away the land and mountains that blocked them, passing through underground lakes and red lava, they broke free from the shackles of gravity, and marched towards the sky fearlessly.

The world is bright, clear, peaceful, and intoxicatingly beautiful.

The wind under the clear sky blew his hair, Qi Leren brushed the broken hair on his forehead to the top of his head, looked at the vast world under the sun, breathed the air that no longer smelled of blood, and was as happy as a child .

Flying at such a high place, the world under your feet is like a large sandbox, and the river reflecting the morning sun spreads from one end of the earth to the other end, like a ribbon shining with silver-blue light. On the vast wilderness, the earth is like an emerald-colored velvet blanket, but when a gust of wind blows, the velvet blanket turns into green waves, rushing forward one after another. The peaks of the mountains near the horizon are still covered with a thin layer of snow and ice, but the foothills of the mountains are already full of colorful wildflowers...

The dragon flew over this reborn land, casting huge shadows like clouds, and the sun was shining after the shadows.

They flew so fast that they had crossed the desert and the plain in the blink of an eye, and were still flying farther east, perhaps flying over the vast sea and the fog at the end of the world, and perhaps heading towards the sun, moon and stars Where to fly.

Where are they going? The Qi Le people in the dream didn't know, he just felt that they seemed to be related to this world...

into one.