Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 64: Reunion in Purgatory (13)


Its daybreak.

There is no sun in the underground ant city, but Qi Le people still know that it is dawn, this is a kind of intuition.

Look at the time again, seven twenty in the morning. If it was too late to train with Chen Baiqi, if he set off to her place now, he would definitely receive the "love care" of the three-headed hellhound. But for a person who is on a rare vacation, this hour is still early.

In fact, you can still sleep for a while, but... Qi Leren sat up from the bed. Now that he is awake, why not make some breakfast for Ning Zhou, the living room here is connected to the kitchen.

Thinking of this, Qi Leren hurriedly jumped off the bed, hurriedly put on his clothes and came to the door of the bedroom, then rubbed his hands to gather himself, gently twisted the doorknob, and prepared to tiptoe out.

As soon as the door opened, a smell of fried eggs came into Qi Leren's nose. He froze for a moment and looked straight at the kitchen.

There was already hot brewed coffee, hot sausages and slices of bread on the dining table. Ning Zhou, who was frying eggs with a serious face, heard the sound of the door opening, looked back at him, and said with a smile: " morning."

"Morning." Qi Leren felt that he was still in a dream.

Dream... By the way, he seemed to be dreaming last night, but when he thinks about it now, he can't remember anything clearly, he just remembers that it should be a beautiful dream.

Ning Zhou skillfully put the fried eggs on the dinner plate with a spatula, and Qi Leren walked over quickly, picked up the plate and helped him.

It was not the first time for Qi Leren to see Ning Zhou cooking. Before the undercover mission of the killing secret meeting ended and the mission of the Holy Nun began, he and Ning Zhou lived together for a short time, as long as it was for the convenience of Ning Zhou to train him. At that time, the two who were secretly in love with each other but endured bitterly avoided many topics tacitly, and often even avoided each other deliberately. But the scene of eating together silently in the dusk is still full of a different kind of warmth when I think about it now.

This restraint runs through this relationship, even now that they have confessed their feelings, the two are still restrained.

When you like someone, you can be very presumptuous, because this impulse comes so passionately, so passionately that you can forget yourself and be brave. You may even forget to think, and let your instinct dominate you to vent your emotions wantonly, but you don't think about whether doing so will hurt the person you like. Because at that time, you just want to get it.

But when you fall in love with someone and want to spend your whole life with him, you lose that bravery, become cowardly, and worry about gains and losses. You start to restrain yourself, learn to pull out the thorns on your body one by one, express your love gently, and don't use the excuse of "love" to hurt the person you love. Because at this time, what you want is forever.

"I'm going to brush my teeth first!" Qi Leren put the dinner plate on the table, rushed to the bathroom and spent a third of the usual time brushing his teeth, without washing his face, because he didn't want to keep Ning Zhou waiting too long. But he took a good look at himself in the mirror, and combed his curled hair with a wet comb.

Tens of seconds later, Qi Leren sat upright at the dining table, with a knife in one hand and a fork in the other, and happily ate breakfast.

People in Qile are actually not used to this kind of western breakfast. When his mother went out to film when he was young, his father threw him a few dollars irresponsibly and asked him to buy breakfast by himself. He usually bought soy milk and fried dough sticks to get rid of it. When my mother was at home, my father showed 18 kinds of cooking skills, from Cantonese-style refreshments to northern pasta. The only difference is that I don’t cook Western-style breakfast. Qile people have some opinions on breakfast. Not at all, after more than twenty years, I have already gotten used to it.

The western-style breakfast was a bit too greasy for him, which made his stomach used to soy milk and fried dough sticks uncomfortable, but it was made by Ning Zhou, and Qi Le people not only ate it all, but also praised it with a smile, because With outstanding acting skills, Ning Zhou didn't see any reluctance in him.

Seeing Ning Zhou's happy face, Qi Leren felt that he would be willing to act for the rest of his life.

After breakfast, the two went to the stronghold of Twilight Village in the underground Ant City, where it was disguised as a small auction house, so it was easy to hide when people came and went. Celia, the liaison in charge of the entire branch, stayed up all night. The smell of black coffee filled the office. While adding sugar, she smiled wryly and said, "I sent someone to interrogate Catherine overnight. It has unearthed a lot of news.”

"What news?" Qi Leren became energetic when he heard it, and pulled Ning Zhou to sit down.

"After Catherine escaped from Twilight Land, considering her identity as a demon, she chose the underground ant city where humans and demons live together as her foothold. Coincidentally, an old lover of her early years happened to be in the underground ant city for greed. The witch ran the business, so she settled down there. After the illusionist disappeared, we investigated his whereabouts. He had been to this casino before going to the palace of the Dragon Ant Queen. A gambler saw him and told him I was very impressed. Later, our informant reported the incident and went to the gambler to verify, and then disappeared in that underground casino. Catherine admitted that the informant fell into her hands After interrogating the informant that he was looking for an illusionist, she raised the vigilance of the underground casino, and then met you who were disguised to inquire about the news."

"So, there is still no news about the illusionist?" Qi Leren frowned.

"Yes, we still don't know why he went to that underground casino." Celia was also troubled, "But it is certain that he disappeared in the palace of the Dragon Ant Queen."

"Last time you said that you need a prophet's letter to enter the palace?" Qi Leren asked.

Celia nodded: "I have also written your matter in the second request, and I will have an answer next week. Before that... I don't have the power to make such an important decision."

Although Celia is in charge of all the affairs of Twilight Land in the underground ant city, she is only acting on behalf of the prophet in this land after all. Once the matter involves the Dragon Ant Queen, who is also a domain-level expert, she has no right to Make another decision.

Qi Le people are not clear about the subtle relationship between domain-level masters, he doesn't even know how many domain-level masters there are in the entire nightmare world - he vaguely remembers that Su He mentioned it back then, but now he doesn't even believe Su He's punctuation marks .

"Queen Dragon Ant, what's the news?" Ning Zhou asked suddenly.

Celia hesitated for a moment, then shook her head slightly: "There is no news at all... This is probably the best news. She is now in the stage of returning to the light, and after this period of time..."

It means that the queen who ruled the underground ant city for more than 20 years died and handed over her authority to the new queen.

What attitude will the new queen have towards humans and demons? To be close to humans, or to be close to demons? Will she expand the sphere of influence of the underground ant city, or will she pay more attention to the stability and peace in her own domain? Which Demon King will she follow? All of this is related to the ecology of the underground ant city in the next ten or twenty years, and the humans living here are more concerned about this issue.

Among the previous dragon ant queens, a few were more friendly to humans. During that time, humans gained a higher status, but most of the time, the dragon ant queen was not friendly to humans. She can tolerate humans living within her sphere of influence, but that's all.

"How did Queen Dragon Ant's domain get passed on? Is there any clue?" Qi Leren asked curiously. He has learned a little from the information, but the method of inheritance is a complete secret.

Celia shook her head: "Most domains decline with the death of the domain owner, and will die out in a few decades. The Holy See has a special inheritance method, and the domains of the past popes are perfectly inherited."

Is the Pope's domain the Neverland? Qi Leren secretly took a look at Ning Zhou, and was caught straight.

"The condensation method is different." Ning Zhou said.

Qi Le people seem to understand, he knows that Ning Zhou used the method of the Holy See to condense half of the domain, but the half domain is very fragile, and it was broken before it condensed into a domain, but now...

He should have recondensed the domain, as evidenced by what happened in the underground casino yesterday.

Find an opportunity to discuss this issue with Ning Zhou in depth. He really cares too much about the power in his body. This kind of demonic power that is brewing for destruction means endless pain to him.

"Oh, by the way, I also asked the things you asked me to ask before, but there are some questions..." Celia took a sip of coffee and explained the matter.

Mrs. Catherine's son Asi has been missing for a month. She can still sense the existence of the son, but she can't sense his location. There is a strange and evil force that cut off her contact with the son. .

"She also said that once she saw a man who looked like Asi. At that time, he was fighting fiercely with a man holding a Tang knife. She couldn't see clearly because the distance was too far away. After the two left, she went to the scene to see At a glance, there was a ruined wall. So Catherine thinks that she must have misread it. Although her descendants are well-behaved and considerate, but their strength is mediocre, it is impossible to compete with such a powerful master." Celia said.

The people of Qi Le didn't quite agree: "Didn't she say that her descendants were controlled by an evil force? Maybe something like the Seed of Slaughter?"

"It's possible what you said, but according to Catherine's tone, the level of those two people is not just the level of being parasitized by the killing seed. Besides, so many days have passed, there may not be many valuable clues at the scene." Leah said.

"Is there anything we can do for you now?" Qi Leren asked.

"On the side of the illusionist, we can only wait for the reply from the court. Other matters will be handled by specialized personnel. If you two have time, you may wish to help us go to the place Madam Catherine mentioned that I suspected of seeing Asi." Celia smiled and looked at the two expectantly.

Qi Leren and Ning Zhou exchanged a look and agreed.

[Second Dungeon: Queen's Inheritance]