Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 69: Queen's Legacy (5)


When Qi Leren was held in Ning Zhou's arms, he couldn't help feeling sorry for this person.

He thought, he could never give up on Ning Zhou, if even he couldn't stand by Ning Zhou's side, how lonely and desperate he would be.

"Power has a price." Ning Zhou whispered in his ear, "If I lose myself in the end and become the devil I fear and hate the most... If there comes a day, you must... kill me .”

Qi Leren's chest seemed to be hit hard by a heavy hammer, the pain made him gasp for breath, bitter tears welled up all at once, he rested his head on Ning Zhou's shoulder, and shook his head vigorously. At this moment, he knew clearly that he couldn't do it.

He is not the holy nun Mary, who cannot kill the person he loves the most in order to protect mankind. He is just an ordinary and selfish person. He can do his best to prevent Ning Zhou from falling, even if it means sacrificing his own life. But if there really was a day when the world and his lover were placed at both ends of the same balance, the balance would only swing and tilt towards his lover.

Driven to despair by this cruel fate, Qi Leren even thought to himself, what does world peace have to do with him? Who would appreciate a saint who has fallen into a demon? If Ning Zhou really did this, would he still have to kill Ning Zhou for "justice"

"If there is such a day, I will accompany you." Qi Leren said with a sob, "You must, must not abandon me."

Qi Le people know what kind of person Ning Zhou is. He has long noticed the self-sacrificing and dedicated personality of Ning Zhou. After experiencing the torture of demonization, this personality has even tilted towards self-destruction .

Ning Zhou can sacrifice for others, but he doesn't want others to do it for him. He regards sacrifice as a reward from God and never thinks about getting something in return. He also doesn't want to drag anyone down, if one day he really falls, he will definitely let go of his hand before falling into hell, and let the person he loves stay in the world.

Because he firmly believes that this is better for Qile people, but for Qile people, he wants to be with the person he loves more, he doesn't care whether he is a human or a demon, and he doesn't care whether this is the world or hell.

Ning Zhou didn't answer, just like he didn't answer that night when they had a heart-to-heart conversation on the balcony.

But this time Qi Leren didn't hold back anymore.

"I'm telling you seriously that I don't accept your self-righteous decision." Qi Le broke free from Ning Zhou's embrace, and said to him angrily for the first time, "You think this is for my own good , but have you ever thought about how I feel?"

Ning Zhou was silent for a long time. After a long time, he sighed and said to Qi Leren, "Look at your feet."

The people of Qi Le turned their heads and looked under the altar. More than half of the hall of this cult ceremony had collapsed. The white flowers turned back to their original appearance—broken limbs and dripping blood all over the place, bloodier and more terrifying than the massacred Valentine tribe.

The bloody smell soaring into the sky made people's stomach sour. In the tense environment just now, Qi Le didn't notice this, but now when he looked at this piece of hell on earth carefully, he still couldn't bear to take a closer look, and dodged and looked away.

Ning Zhou was not surprised.

He and Qi Leren didn't get along for a long time, most of the time they were still separated, and the days when they really confessed their feelings were only a few days. But he knows what kind of person Qi Leren is. He is very brave and strong. Most of the good qualities of human beings can be found in him, but this cannot conceal that he is a naive person who grew up in a greenhouse. young people.

He must have a warm family, parents who love him, and good teachers and friends to accompany him along the way. He lived happily in the first half of his life, so he learned how to love others generously.

Children who are pampered will also become excellent people when they grow up. They look at the world with gentle eyes, but also have a kind of childlike innocence and cruelty. Their love for the world is selfish, they love lightly, and hate easily. Once they are hit, it is too easy for them to turn their kind love into deep hatred.

Qi Leren has seen the cruelty of the nightmare world, and he has a glimpse of the leopard. He has not seen the real horror, and he has not defeated the devil in his heart, so he will not know how to still love the world after going through hardships What kind of feeling is it.

He felt that he could not kill Ning Zhou, and would rather sink with him, but he had never seen a Ning Zhou who lost himself in the original power, killed innocent people and even destroyed the world, so his determination at this moment was nothing more than It's just a naive self-movement.

"Look at this ritual, this kind of thing happens every day in the hell of the devil world, it's more cruel than this. Everything you can imagine, everything you can't imagine... is happening. You will never like it all." Ning Zhou said.

Only to slowly crumble in disgust, or become part of the evil.

The Qi Le man choked, and he forced himself to stare at the blood all over the ground, at the tentacles that hadn't burned out at his feet, and every raised tumor on it was filled with creepy mucus, just like Ning As Zhou said, he will never like these.

It's like he can work hard to become stronger in order to survive, and even learn to kill, but he doesn't like it.

The life he likes is the kind of life he once had, not the bloody days in the nightmare world. In the dead of night, he will also think of his parents. They only have him as a child. If he dies in I'm here, I can't go back...

"Go back, you can think about these things slowly, this semi-realm is about to collapse." Ning Zhou wiped off the blood on his hands, and pulled Qi Leren down the broken steps of the altar.

Qi Leren was silent, with his head lowered, his boots stepped on the accumulated blood, splashing a puddle of water, the bloody smell rushed straight to the door, making people hold their breath subconsciously. In this dim temple, everything was destroyed and dilapidated. When he was about to walk out of the hall, the people of Qi Le suddenly remembered the mysterious sacrifice who had destroyed the ceremony before, and immediately turned back to look for him.

"He has already left." Ning Zhou said as if he knew what he was thinking.

"Let's go? Is it possible to get out here?" Qi Leren asked in a low voice.

"It's time to find out who the person is." Ning Zhou said, leading the Qi Le people forward, there were traces of violent breakthroughs on the edge of the half-field in front of him—use his own half-field to hit this half-field— This simple and crude method is very dangerous, because the semi-domain is very fragile before it is completely solidified. It's like two eggs colliding together, and no one can be sure which one is broken or both are broken together.

"That person just now...is very strange." Qi Leren said, "Did he sneak into the cult's sacrificial team to break the ceremony and save people?"

Ning Zhou shook his head: "He didn't come to save people."

That man has no kindness or mercy to the innocent here. He is like a tiger who challenges the hunting tiger king in order to challenge the king of the jungle. It is not his original intention to save the goat that escaped from the tiger's mouth. , is just a coincidence.

Qi Leren also felt the strangeness in that man, pursed his lips and said: "It's a strange man, but I look at his weapon... he was the one who fought against Asi before?"

"It's him." Ning Zhou said with certainty.

Qi Leren had a premonition that he would meet that person again.

The two walked out from the shattered part of the half-field that was about to collapse, returned to the sloping temple in an instant, and then walked towards the stronghold of the Judgment Office.


"These believers in Utopia are really getting more and more rampant." Celia said with a frown after listening to Qi Le's retelling of the cult sacrificial incident.

"The Utopia is the domain of the Power Demon King? What method does she use to confuse believers?" Qi Le asked curiously.

He knows the killing secret meeting of the Killing Demon King. By joining the organization and gaining appreciation, he will have the opportunity to be given a powerful killing seed, and even be transformed into a demon. This is very attractive to ordinary people, so there are countless players. The aborigines went on and on. But what is going on in Utopia, the people of Qi Le still don't know much about it.

"It is said that as long as you summon the monster guarding the gate of the Utopia and let it have a full meal, it will generously open the door and let believers enter the Utopia, where there is no death, no trouble, no fear, and people can get happiness from then on eternal life," said Celia.

Qi Leren turned his face away speechlessly, and complained to the silent Ning Zhou: "They must be out of their minds, right?"

"... Hmm." Ning Zhou said.

"How can they believe that they can get what they want through such an evil and insane ritual? Besides, is the power devil the kind of kind person? Is she doing this to do good deeds?" Ordinary fanatics, Qi Le people can't help but have a sense of superiority in IQ.

Celia held the black coffee, looked at the ripples in the cup, and sighed softly: "If you are just an ordinary person with no talent or bravery, after today you don't know if tomorrow will be safe and sound. Your relatives and friends died tragically one by one, but there is nothing you can do. Where do you place your soul and give it a place to breathe? People have to believe in something, so that they can forget the pain and torture in front of them.”

Qi Leren opened his mouth, but swallowed the words back.

He wanted to ask why he didn't work hard, but he felt that the question "why not eat minced meat", would hard work definitely yield results? Even Qi Le himself was not sure. But if you don't try hard...

Qi Leren missed his face slightly, looked at Ning Zhou who had shouldered too many burdens, and thought to himself: If you don't work hard, you will only sink forever with your fate.

One day he will untie the shackles on Ning Zhou, make him happy, let him be happy, let him be free.

He believed that there would be that day.