Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 7: Resurrection Prelude (7)


There is no difference between day and night in Twilight Township, Qi Le people are walking on the street, heading towards Dr. Lu's clinic.

After the holy city mission, Dr. Lu must have survived—he drank the poison of the Nightmare Witch and was still unconscious after detoxification, so he was sent back to the castle of the city lord by the Qi Le people, and he perfectly avoided the second half of the night. The chaotic situation, once again lie won the dangerous mission. Qi Le people are convinced of this unbelievable luck, they are really envious.

When they came to the door of Dr. Lu's clinic, Qi Leren was slightly excited, wondering how Dr. Lu would react when he saw that he was still alive.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door, and Dr. Lu's weak voice came from inside: "I'm going to visit the grave today, I won't see a doctor."

Qi Leren kept knocking on the door without saying a word.

After knocking for a while, Dr. Lu in the room got angry, and he opened the door to reprimand the guest who harassed the doctor. Suddenly, he saw the smiling Qi Leren standing outside the door looking at him. He turned pale with fright, and screamed : "Ghost --!!!!"

Seeing that the door was about to be slammed shut, Qi Leren dodged into the room sideways, and angrily grabbed Dr. Lu who was about to run away: "What happened to your face? Who hit you?"

Dr. Lu, with a bruised nose and swollen face, covered his face to prevent him from looking at him. Qi Le people picked him up like a carrot, and asked angrily, "Look clearly, I'm still alive! Tell me, who bullied you?" ?!"

Because of Dr. Lu's seemingly young age, Qi Le people have never regarded him as their peers, and they usually take special care of him when doing tasks together. Now that I haven't seen him being bullied like this for a few days, I can't help feeling angry one place.

Dr. Lu completely ignored the second part of his sentence, stared at him blankly for a while, and then rushed forward to touch his neck.

It was warm and had a pulse. Dr. Lu burst into tears with a "wow". I went out, but my heart softened after hearing him cry so hard, I stood there depressed and waited for him to finish crying.

When Dr. Lu finished crying, Qi Leren's clothes were soaked, and he still wondered where he came from so many tears.

"I saw your dead body with my own eyes." Dr. Lu said in a low voice, his nose and eyes were still red.

Instead, the Qi Le people poured water for him like a master: "He was dead, but I have a resurrection tool that can revive him after seven days. I didn't tell anyone about it, and it ended up being an oolong."

Dr. Lu complained with an aggrieved face: "Do you know how long I have been crying?! I cry when I think about it, and I am so sad. I wanted to pack up your belongings, but I didn't have the key to your house, and the door couldn't be opened. I had no choice but to go home crying, it was so embarrassing.”

Although he and Qi Leren have not known each other for a long time, they have established a friendship in a terrifying and dangerous world. Seeing his best friend die, Dr. Lu, who was already full of emotions, was terribly sad. After completing the task in the Holy City, he followed Ning Zhou to evacuate the residents. The personnel of the Holy See took the surviving residents away from Neverland, and he and Ning Zhou returned to the Land of Twilight. Ning Zhou's condition was not good along the way, and Dr. Lu didn't dare to cry. After returning home, he saw a copy of the training menu that Qi Le had copied for him before, so he got under the covers and cried for a long time.

He didn't have a real sense of the death he had experienced before. He just felt like he was playing a game that was too realistic. It wasn't until he saw the Qi Le people buried in the tree tomb that he stopped breathing that Dr. Lu realized this world. cruelty.

"Okay, don't be sad, you haven't said what's wrong with your face yet?" Qi Leren held Dr. Lu's head and examined it carefully. Dr. Lu's forehead was swollen, and it was smeared with medicine, and the corner of his mouth And the jaw was also broken, looking really miserable.

"I... I fell it myself..." Dr. Lu whispered.

How could the people of Qi Le believe: "I fell all over my face?"

"Really." Dr. Lu rolled up his sleeves to show him, and there were bruises on his elbows, "I was born with a cerebellar imbalance, poor balance, easy to fall when running, and never passed the physical education."

Qi Leren remembered that Dr. Lu had mentioned it to him before, but he didn't pay attention to it at that time, and thought it was him making excuses for being lazy.

"Can this be cured?" Qi Leren asked seriously.

"Ah, I've already treated it? It's enough to use [Three No Treatments]. The pain is gone, but the bruises haven't gone away." Dr. Lu said in a daze.

Qi Leren felt distressed and funny at the same time: "I mean your wrestling problem, can it be cured?"

"No, but more exercise will still improve it... I'm also exercising recently, the training sheet you gave me before... I just keep falling, but now I think of a way, put on more clothes and go for a run, so it's okay if I fall It doesn't hurt, it's just too tired, and I've never worked so hard in my life." Doctor Lu complained, and then secretly glanced at Qi Leren, "Anyway, I will work hard, and I won't hold you back. Oh, my [Three No Doctors] has also been upgraded, and now the treatment effect is better, and I will nurse you in the future, MTs like you who are particularly prone to death need a reliable nurse like me."

After understanding the cause and effect, Qi Leren was really angry and funny, and in the end he was a little moved. He has always positioned Dr. Lu as a nanny who can 100% find mission props and save his luck, so he didn't expect him to help in battle. Now it seems that his death has had such a big impact on Dr. Lu. In fact, Dr. Lu has grown a lot compared to before.

The two chatted for a long time, and Dr. Lu carefully told Qi Leren some things that happened after his death, especially about Ning Zhou. Knowing that Ning Zhou will be back in a month at most, Dr. Lu is quite happy. He accepts the fact that his best friend is gay, and he is very interested in teaching him how to make straight men feel happy. After being flatly rejected by Qi Le people for his prostate massage skills, Dr. Lu looked as if "the peerless martial art is about to be lost".

The people of Qi Le were also hungry, so they snatched the delicious cakes that Dr. Lu had hoarded, and ate a hearty meal under Dr. Lu's resentful gaze.

"Those pieces are my favorite...I got them after queuing for three hours." Dr. Lu said without tears.

"I just died and you're in the mood to line up to buy small cakes, confiscated!" Qi Leren took two bites and thought it tasted really good, no wonder it's so popular.

Dr. Lu pursed his lips and looked at the cake with grievance: "It was originally going to be taken to the grave to pay tribute to you."

"Oh, I'll take it." Qi Leren chuckled, broke off half a piece and stuffed it into Dr. Lu's mouth, "Okay, you can eat it too, it tastes really good."

The easy-to-buy Doctor Lu said happily, "As long as you don't die, I'll buy it for you every day."

"Bah, speak auspiciously! I don't want to die again." Qi Leren said.

"But you always die when you use SL Dafa." Dr. Lu stabbed his sore spot with a knife.


The two hurt each other for a while, and Qi Le was tired, because Dr. Lu didn't have any extra quilts at home, so he ruthlessly robbed Dr. Lu's bed, regardless of Dr. Lu who was robbed of the bed, thinking about it, rolling up the quilt He fell into a deep sleep.

He was having nightmares again.

In the dream, he returned to the holy temple at the top of the former site of the Holy See, and stopped in front of the huge stone gate.

He stretched out his hand to push open the door, and the remaining rationality shouted hoarsely for him to stop, but in the dream he was ignorant and fearless, and bravely pushed the door open.

The Deceiver King was watching him, smiling alluringly.

At that time, the Qi Le people who were blinded by shock had no time to taste the smile on Su He's face. In fact, he smiled without malice, only a touch of playfulness and sarcasm, just like a human watching the desperately fighting crickets in a jar, quietly observing, wondering which one will win.

In the past, Qi Le people didn't quite understand why Su He always had a kind of casual casualness. It was like this from the first time I saw him. When he and Dr. Lu were so nervous, Su He still had that look. Calm and calm look. Because to him, it's just a cricket's game. How can a chess player who can overturn the chessboard at any time be afraid of the thrilling events on the chessboard

Qi Leren dreamed of death again.

The trachea in his throat was cut open, and the pain of suffocation and the weakness of blood loss brought him back there in his dream. He crawled hard on the icy ground, and every inch of distance made him exhausted, and his will constantly collapsed after being tortured by death. He couldn't hold on, so he had to give up...

"Qile people, Qi Le people, wake up!"

Qi Leren sat up suddenly, short of breath and covered in cold sweat. Dr. Lu sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him worriedly: "You asked me to wake you up at this point... You seem to be having a nightmare."

"...I'm fine." Qi Leren wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, "Is there any water?"

Doctor Lu poured him a glass of water.

Qi Leren drank it all in one gulp, and recovered from the nightmare. This dream reminded him that Su He might already know about his resurrection, and he might make another move. He had to be careful about Du Yue leaking the "Nightmare Game" thing. In the final analysis, this was actually his fault. If he is the one who arranges it now, the first choice should be to ask Chen Baiqi to hand this letter to the prophet of the court if something happens to him.

It's a pity that when he wrote the letter, he accepted the task of the Tribunal to play "Red". Now it's so thoughtful.

I can only get a confidentiality contract from Chen Baiqi and sign it with Du Yue to make up for it.

The time agreed with Chen Baiqi was approaching, Qi Leren got up, packed himself, and walked towards Chen Baiqi's house.