Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 73: The Queen's Legacy (9)


The power of destruction was withdrawn, Ning Zhou looked at the road ahead indifferently, and the familiar self-loathing appeared on him again. Qi Le people took a sneak look at him, and quietly hooked his palm. Ning Zhou trembled, and held his hand tightly, as if his lover could bestow him with endless courage and strength when he did so. Strength, to fight an instinct that is almost impossible to fight.

Qi Leren also felt the heavy power in his hands, Ning Zhou's love, Ning Zhou's hesitation, Ning Zhou's hidden worries... He could feel all these, but now all he can do is to support Ning Zhou spiritually.

Because of Ning Zhou, Qi Le people are now more afraid of death than ever before.

He was afraid that one day he would die suddenly, and he couldn't imagine how much his death would affect Ning Zhou.

Ning Zhou is different from others, he is not Doctor Lu, nor Chen Baiqi, they will accept his death in grief, and one day they will come out of his death and continue their lives. But Ning Zhou is different, he is a strong person, but after repeated blows and losses, his soul is fragile. His nostalgia for this world has been completely destroyed, leaving only the Qi Le people who have resurrected from the dead to support him who is crumbling.

After going through so many hardships, even going through life and death, they finally got together, shyly but sincerely expressed their love, if he was made to face loss again... Qi Le people can't imagine that Ning Zhou will become what.

Today, Qi Leren's life is not just his own life, he also bears the weight of another person's powerful but broken soul. If he died, the feeling of guilt before death would torture him more than death.

Now, he can only hold this man's hand, give him trust, give him courage, and give him strength. Qi Leren looked at Ning Zhou's resolute side face, with a kind of tender eyes that he didn't realize, one day, he will be as strong as the prophet, enough to protect the people he loves, and the people he loves world.

One day he will do it.

The steel soldiers retreated, and the two of them followed the Holy Fire Virgin whose back was straight because of nervousness, passing through long corridors and countless ornate gates, and there was even an underground river valley, above which there was a Looking down from the stone bridge, the underground river is rolling away amidst the roar.

A group of red flame butterflies flew past Qi Leren's eyes, like a burning flame. They came from the depths of the underground valley, where this group of flame butterflies came from—the sacred fire in the cracks in the ground.

It represents the continuation of the field of the underground ant city. Judging from the task reminder, this is not its most prosperous moment, and it has been gradually extinguished with the weakening of the Dragon Ant Queen.

A flustered priestess with her eyes blindfolded ran quickly from the front, came to the Holy Fire Virgin who led the way, and whispered in her ear: "I have informed the saints to search the entire palace, but no assassin was found. "

The Virgin of the Holy Fire frowned: "How is the queen?"

"The queen is unhurt, but... the heir has been..."

"Continue to block the palace, the assassin must have not escaped here, catch him, and torture him to find out which side he is from!"

The priestess who reported the report lowered her head and said yes, and raised her skirt to "watch" the Holy Fire Virgin leading the way to the place where the queen was with the two strangers.

Qi Leren took two steps, and a feeling of being stared at made him look back. The priestess of the Dragon Ant Queen stood there respectfully with lowered eyebrows.

She should be invisible because she is also blindfolded.

The weird feeling only lasted for a moment, and Qi Leren had already walked across the stone bridge before he had time to think about it.

After passing through the underground river valley, it suddenly became clear that it was a huge hall.

Walking into the hall, the first thing that catches your eyes is a metal shell like a steel soldier ant placed in front of you, but it is different from the complete shell of the group of soldier ants outside. The shell in front of you is not that tall, about only It is more than one meter high, and there is no part of the ant head, just like cutting an ant in half, this shell only has the lower half.

And the metal texture of this ant's body is a little weird, it seems to be metal, and it seems to be a carapace, making it elusive.

Holding trays of various colors, the maids stood in two rows on the red carpet in the center of the room with expressionless faces, and at the end of the carpet was a giant bed four times the size of an ordinary bed, faintly visible behind the black curtain A woman was sitting there, making eerie moans and cries.

Several maids filed in, holding transparent goblets filled with bright red liquid in their hands. They came to the bed and knelt without looking aside, holding the trays in their hands high above their heads: "Your Majesty, the solution you want .”

A bony hand stretched out from behind the curtain, took the goblet tremblingly and drank it down, and ordered in a vague voice: "Not enough! Give me more solution! Your Majesty is coming soon! "

One of the young maids whispered in embarrassment: "But the 'honey ants' are already dead or injured..."

The queen behind the curtain was furious, threw the goblet in her hand to the ground, and yelled, "Take off your shoes and walk over the debris!"

The maid looked at the debris on the ground in horror, her eyes were red with fear, and her whole body was shaking violently, but she didn't dare to defy the tyrannical queen at all.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has come." The Virgin of the Holy Fire who led the way for the two bowed respectfully to help the poor maid out of the siege.

The curtain trembled, and was torn down roughly, revealing the true appearance of the woman on the giant bed.

Qi Leren's eyes widened and he took a deep breath.

It was an old woman who was so old that it was hard to tell whether it was a living person or a mummy. The grooves on her face were as deep as knife marks, and her long hair remained disheveled on her scalp. The seaweed was entangled together, the position where the eyes should have been turned into two sunken holes, the pupils were diseased, mixed with the whites of the eyes into a sickly burnt yellow, and there was not a single tooth left in the mouth.

But this is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that she only has half of her body!

This terribly aging dragon ant queen, her waist and below are gone!

Bloodshot tears rolled down from her eyes that had been blind for a long time, and her voice was almost squeezed out of her decayed throat, but it revealed a madness: "Your Majesty... in my lifetime, I can still see you again." to you."

Accompanied by her dying cry, the half ant armor standing quietly on the other side of the red carpet also turned around, and bent its hard waist towards Ning Zhou's direction.

She was mistaken, Qi Leren looked at the excited Dragon Ant Queen and thought to herself, she mistook Ning Zhou for his father, the Demon King of Destruction, whom she had sworn allegiance to.

The dragon ant queen opened a piercing smile, which was the ecstasy of seeing hope in the mire: "My chosen heir is dead, the inheritance has failed, and the holy fire has declined. Although I have restarted the ceremony, But it was too late, the domain was about to collapse, and it was too late to choose a successor... But you came, you saved me again... Please hold my hand, just like before, please continue to guide me , hold me up, save me..."

As she spoke, she stretched out her age-marked and veined hands, begging destruction for strength to support her crumbling realm.

Qi Leren nodded to Ning Zhou, and Ning Zhou stepped forward and took Queen Longyi's hand.

The moment the two hands touched, time suddenly stopped for a short time, as if the whole world had fallen into the water, and all sounds, smells, and colors became different, and a mysterious force permeated this huge hall , at the same time, there are system prompts.

[The first step of the Queen's Inheritance Mission: Finding the Dragon Ant Queen has been completed. Open the second step: escape from the memory vortex]

[Mission Background: The heir of the Dragon Ant Queen was assassinated by a mysterious person at the inheritance pass. The inheritance ceremony ended in failure. Seeing that the entire field was about to collapse, the Dragon Ant Queen continued her life by any means. At the end of her life, she once again saw the power that moved her back then. Under the guidance of the destructive force, the final selection ceremony continues, and a new heir is about to be born, but the self-awareness of the Dragon Ant Queen has been annihilated. However, the death of such a domain-level figure accidentally triggered the memory of the will of the world, sending you Involved in an abyss of memory...]

[Task requirements: Avoid being found abnormal by the picket mechanism of the will of the world, and restart every time it is discovered, the number of remaining restarts: 3. Starting to extract memory...Randomizing...Completing the extraction...Recalling the memory chapter: Reunion of fate... Difficulty rating: A.]

[Transmission countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, the transmission is complete.]



Qi Leren woke up suddenly, and he found that there was a beautiful garden in front of him, with blue and white flowers blooming on a piece of high and low trees, which swayed and fell gently with the wind, and the bushes were full of white roses. He was sitting on a swing, the sunlight passing through the gaps in the branches and leaves above his head, leaving dappled light and shadows on the books on his knees.

Qi Leren stood up abruptly, the book on his knees fell on the grass, a gust of cool wind between his legs made him shiver, Qi Leren lowered his head, and was surprised to find that he was wearing a white skirt Women's clothing, and the book that fell on the ground was "The Holy Scripture".

Garden of the Holy Sepulcher? How could he appear here? Moreover, the Garden of the Holy Sepulcher looks neater than in memory. It looks like it has been carefully cared for and has never been abandoned.

A young man in a monk's uniform came from a distance, Qi Le people looked at him blankly, not knowing who he was, the monk smiled at him, and said: "Maria, His Holiness the Pope is going around I'm looking for you, go to the temple to meet him."