Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 76: Queen's Legacy (12)


Before the demons invaded, the teleportation array system of the Holy See was still complete. Although it took a lot of resources to open it once, it only took a blink of an eye to go directly from the holy city to the desert parish of Jinghai, which is the closest to the underground ant city, when performing urgent tasks.

In the desert of Tranquility, they contacted the personnel from the stronghold of the Holy See, brought supplies, rode camels, and followed the guide all the way to the underground ant city. Qi Le people and the prophet arrived at the destination smoothly.

The underground Ant City more than 20 years ago has not changed much from the past 20 years. People from Qi Le brought the Prophet to the Holy See stronghold stationed in the Underground Ant City in a low-key way. The Prophet did not leave, but followed Qi music people.

Along the way, he confessed a lot to the Qi Le people, such as the first skill card he got, which was a genuine "prophet card".

[Script without protagonist] (bound skill card): The holder can use this skill card once every 24 hours. The more unrelated to the holder, the clearer the future. In the future related to objects, it is necessary to provide guiding objects.

It was also under the guidance of this skill card that the prophet found Maria.

"The script says that you will do a big event that will cause a world sensation. It seems that you have the face of a heroine, so I will follow you and see if I can sneak into the protagonist's team and become an errand boy or something." The prophet smiled said.

Qi Leren looked at him helplessly, and really wanted to tell him, friend, your future life has been unexpectedly successful, and you have become a big boss from an errand boy, but Maria, the heroine, really did something A vigorous event, and then exited sadly.

Not long after arriving in the underground ant city, Qi Leren, who was busy adapting to Maria's power, found that she was already a semi-domain-level expert. Unfortunately, he didn't know how to use Maria's power at all, and could only mobilize some meaningless things. Fancy effects—such as condensing the power of faith into the hand, and then exploding a gold and silver firework...

This memory of the will of the world didn't give him any reminders, and the people of Qi Le didn't know where to go next, but he made a vague guess: either an accident happened to the Dragon Ant Queen, or an accident happened in the gap between the two worlds.

In order to prove his conjecture, Qi Leren went to Purgatory after making some adjustments. However, on that day, the demon tide that was supposed to start next week was unexpectedly brought forward.

This is the first time for Qi Leren to face the tide of monsters. He only knew that the underground ant city would be attacked by an army of monsters from nowhere once a month, but how could the words on paper compare with his own eyes? The cruelty I experienced when I witnessed all this-the overwhelming alien monsters passed through a transparent membrane, like black rain pouring down from the sky. In the world as far as the eye can see, the humans and demons in the underground ant city are holding torches and waiting solemnly, ready to meet this group of raging monsters.

The sound of killing, screaming, the sound of weapons piercing into the flesh, and the sound of flames burning... The whole world seemed to be in a doomsday-like madness.

The Dragon Ant Queen's army stood on the front line. This group of strong soldiers and ants blocked the monster's attack uniformly, but there were always sporadic monsters passing through this layer of guards and killing in the rear.

When a bird-shaped demon flew over the army of army ants, spewing out twisted worms in the streets of the underground ant city, attacking the fleeing humans and low-level demons in all directions, the Qi Le people who witnessed this scene suddenly froze in their hearts. , A force that did not belong to him and was not controlled by him spewed out from his chest, turning into a golden barrier, protecting the surrounding crowd.

The moment the bird-shaped monster rushed into the golden barrier, it was ignited by the powerful holy power, screaming and burning in the air, and quickly burned to ashes. The flames swallowed the monster and the insects it spewed out. After being killed, the golden enchantment slowly faded away, leaving behind the panicked crowd and "Maria" standing in the crowd.

The ground under her feet suddenly shook, Maria staggered a bit, and suddenly raised her head to look at the place where the abnormality occurred.

In the distant direction leading to purgatory, the sky and the earth suddenly trembled continuously, a huge and violent force surged from the ground, and an underground volcano unexpectedly erupted without warning! This terrifying power was pregnant with the will to destroy. In an instant, hot lava fell like a torrential rain, flowing and wreaking havoc along the mountains and the earth, destroying everything it passed.

In this huge crisis that suddenly erupted, Maria was amazed to see countless demons gushing out from the volcanic hell! Coming here mightily!

At this moment, Maria suddenly understood what was happening in front of her eyes—the gap between the two worlds that had always been cracked was finally broken!

Amidst the lava and flames, there was a terrifying dragon roar, the sound was deafening.

Maria's heart jumped wildly, and he stared at the direction of the sound. In the endless darkness, there was a huge dragon flying towards here from the sky. Wherever it passed, demons flying all over the sky fell on the ground one after another. On the ground, only it, like the magic dragon that destroyed the world in ancient legends, passed through the underground sky and came to him.

The crowd fled in all directions, but only the Prophet and Mary were still standing there.

"He passed through the gap!" The prophet's face changed, looking at the dragon hovering on the dome of the ant city, he murmured, "The dragon that brought destruction will eventually destroy this world."

The demons on the other side of the gap rushed in like a tide, and started a fight with the demons. Amidst the loud shouts of killing, the flying dragon descended from the sky and turned into a handsome man in military uniform. He passed through the crowd against the current, and walked forward without looking sideways, as if what he saw was not a battlefield, but a dinner party, and in this bustling dance party, he saw the lover of his dreams in a dimly lit place at a glance.

But ah, every step this man with a killing spirit walked, there was a breath of blood and fire, and the terrifying power from destruction made the creatures who approached him flee in a hurry. But he only looked at one person.

Standing among the fleeing crowd, she was as holy as a holy nun walking down from a mural in the Holy See.

A name was already choked in his throat, but no matter how he tried to recall it, he couldn't remember her name.

He could only come to her, stare at her reverently, and ask, "Who are you?"


This is not Ning Zhou.

The moment they saw the Destroyer Demon King, the people of Qi Le were sure. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it's great, Ning Zhou was not involved in this memory, he is safe.

"Who are you?" When the man in front of him asked this question, Qi Le was stunned.

He had thought about countless situations, but he never expected that the first thing the demon king who led the demons to invade the human world would ask who she was when he saw Maria.

Had they never met before? No, it's impossible.

Is that amnesia? In other words, as the destructive power of the old devil became stronger and stronger, he had gradually lost himself under the influence of the original power, and his past memories were also destroyed in the power...

No matter what the reason is, he must give an answer, otherwise the will of the world will discover his abnormality again.

After making up his mind, Qi Leren raised his head, looked at the devil with melancholy eyes, brewing emotions, and gave him a long-lost reunion smile: "Maria."

Following his answer, the confusion in the eyes of the Demon King of Destruction turned into fierceness full of murderous intent, and the power to destroy the world instantly engulfed the terrified Qi Le people...

[Remaining number of restarts: 1.]


This failure made Qi Leren unexpected. After his memory restarted, he returned to the Garden of the Holy Sepulchre, and the "Sacred Book" was still lying on his lap. The strange monk came to tell him that the pope was looking for him. After the Qile people replied, they waited for the prophet to appear, and then went to the underground ant city again.

Along the way, he was thinking about what went wrong, why he was found abnormal by the will of the world after he answered that he was "Maria", was the answer wrong, or was his emotion wrong

The people of Qi Le have a guess. In this memory of the will of the world, if he is facing domain-level figures such as the Pope and the Demon King of Destruction, any deviation from the Maria he plays will be easily spotted. This is determined by the level of strength. But he really didn't know Maria too well, and it was difficult for him to fathom Maria's psychology.

Qi Leren substituted himself and Ning Zhou. If one day, he and Ning Zhou parted ways, Ning Zhou went to the Demon Realm, and he stayed in the human world, and reunited after a long absence for many years, Ning Zhou, who has become the Destroyer Demon King, asked him: Who are you

At that moment, just like Ning Zhou who forgot his name, he probably forgot how to answer. Just imagining this scene made his eyes turn red with the pain of his heart.

He knew where he was wrong.