Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 80: Queen's Legacy (16)



The little girl in front of her, who was suspected to be the Dragon Ant Queen, claimed to be just a dead person, and it was only then that Qi Leren noticed that there was nothing under the elegant court dress.

Qi Leren immediately thought of the Dragon Ant Queen lying on the bed in the palace, she also had no lower body.

"What... is your relationship with the Dragon Ant Queen in the palace?" Qi Leren asked.

"She's a part of me, and I'm a part of her." The little queen said lightly, and glanced down at Aya who was kneeling on the ground, "I'm hungry, give me something to eat."

"You... Do you want a solution?" Aya raised her head tremblingly, stretching out her thin but intact arms.

By the way, when she was in Queen Dragon Ant's bedroom, Queen Dragon Ant did drink a bright red "solution". Is it true that the aging Dragon Ant Queen sucked a lot of virgin blood to extend her life?

"I won't eat this." The little queen showed a look of disgust, "Only that guy likes this kind of thing."

"Then what do you want to eat?" Aya asked.

"Let's have some devil crystals." The little queen said.

Qi Leren gave her an unused succubus crystal from the inventory. The little queen held it in her mouth and gnawed it like an apple. The crystal opened automatically, transformed into energy and disappeared in her body .

"Can you tell us what's going on now?" Qi Leren asked while she was eating.

"There's nothing to say, it's just a spare little game, don't think about anything, just survive to the end and jump into the abyss of flames from the cracks in the earth." The little queen said coldly, "But be careful, it Will do everything possible to kill you, because your existence is the continuation of its pain."

"Who is it?" Qi Leren asked.

The little queen looked at him faintly, then smiled suddenly: "It is me."

"!!!" Qi Leren immediately drew out his gun and pointed it at her.

The little queen chuckled lightly: "But it's not me either."

Qi Leren looked at her deeply. The guy in front of her is really weird. She is neither human nor like a ghost or a demon. She has an inseparable connection with the Dragon Ant Queen, but her attitude is very weird and elusive. He had some vague conjectures, but he couldn't confirm them.

"What does it have to do with you, and the Dragon Ant Queen?" Qi Leren asked.

"In the beginning, we were the same person. It should be said that there was only one person. But during the long torment, the spirit of the Dragon Ant Queen gradually began to split, giving birth to me and it. I represent her human and rational side, It represents her tyrannical and crazy side, we live in the same body. If there is no accident, this balance will continue to be maintained, just like the precarious order of the underground ant city, but I am tired of it." The little queen looked at The mist in the distance murmured, "Among the candidates here, there are puppets who have long since turned to power, and poor people who are just drifting with the tide, but there is no one who is willing to bear the pain and guilt and shield the world from the wind and rain." Warrior... Forget it, let the holy flame of Ant City go out in the cracks in the ground, it should have been extinguished long ago, and it shouldn't linger until today."

The vicissitudes of the little queen's words that did not match her age touched the people of Qi Le. He noticed that the dragon ant queen's kind will was disappointed with the status quo. She should have guided suitable candidates to inherit the domain of the dragon ant queen. But now, she was disheartened and decided to stand by and watch.

This is bad news for Qi Leren's mission. He thought that he only needs to keep at least one candidate and ensure that someone inherits the throne of Queen Dragon Ant. A little queen who seems to have suddenly entered a rebellious period, she must still have important news not to say, such as what happened to the "puppet who turned to power".

Judging from the system asking him to thwart the conspiracy of the power demon king and the killing demon king, the subordinates of these two demon kings must have been involved in this selection ceremony. The difficulty of this task is simply insane!

"No, we can't let the holy flame go out!" Aya, who had been cautious and silent all this time, said suddenly, "If it goes out, the entire underground ant city will collapse!"

"Of course I know, but what's the point of continuing this field? Here, humans hate demons, demons hate humans, and there are tides of demons again and again... This is neither a paradise for humans nor a holy place for demons. The tombs of women with tragic fates one after another. In order to maintain this dangerous peace, each of them suffered in pain and died in the end. As a virgin who guards the holy fire, you are not ignorant of these things, right? "The little queen looked at the black cloth covering Aya's eyes and laughed mockingly.

Aya trembled, but did not speak.

"Only the virgins who guard the holy fire will cover their eyes with black cloth, because once you look directly at the holy fire with your naked eyes, your eyes will be burned and blind. The blindfold can protect you from the pain of the holy fire, and also from the pain of the holy fire." Being hurt by other virgins. It is not impossible for you to take off the blindfold, but once you take off the blindfold, you will no longer be the virgin of the Holy Fire from now on, but can only be reduced to a honey ant that provides blood, and dies of exhaustion quickly. You are both Fearing the tyrannical authority of the Dragon Ant Queen, but yearning for the power and glory that virgins can bring you... Look, how weak and greedy human beings are, a little gift can make you reluctant to part." The little queen looked at Aya's eyes couldn't tell whether it was ridicule, pity, or both.

Aya was trembling, unable to speak a word.

Although it took only a short time to become a Virgin of the Holy Fire, Aya has already lived a life tens of millions of times better than before because of this luck. She has exquisite food, a comfortable room, and a respected status. A dragon ant queen could not be better off than a virgin of the holy fire—because every dragon ant queen suffers a terrible curse.

Looking at the shivering Aya, Qi Le couldn't bear it. After all, she was just a young girl. It is human nature to yearn for a comfortable life, so why bother to criticize her.

So he changed the topic: "Let's go west and go to the crack where the holy fire is."

With that said, he helped Aya up and led her to the right path.

The little queen followed them step by step, and the Qi Le people turned around and asked, "Are you coming too?"

"Of course, why don't you come?" The little queen replied as a matter of course.

"Don't you dislike her?" Qi Leren glanced at Aya, she still looked depressed.

"I can still inspect you." The little queen said.

Qi Leren was dumbfounded: "But I'm a man!"

Aren't dragon ant queens all queens? First of all, the gender is wrong!

The corner of the little queen's mouth curled up, showing a malicious smile: "What does that matter? When you become a queen, you will only have your upper body left, and it doesn't matter if you are male or female."

When Qi Leren thought of the aging and dying Dragon Ant Queen lying on the bed, he felt a wave of fear: "Then, what about the lower body?"

"Hey, haven't you seen it? The lower body of the dragon ant queen is a carapace of an ant. The first dragon ant queen separated half of her body before she died, and all the power was blessed there, so Inheriting her body means inheriting this domain." The little queen didn't think it was a secret at all, so she said it casually.

Qi Leren looked down at his lower body, reluctant to part.

No, this knife will not cut!

The three of them didn't go far, and it was already night. After nightfall, the surrounding monsters became rampant, and it became difficult to move forward. The three found a suitable courtyard and settled down. Because there was no enchantment, they discussed taking turns to watch the night through the night.

The dinner was naturally provided by Qi Leren, and he was the only one among the three who could bring out food. Although Aya carried a satchel with her, it was full of stuff, but it was not food, she said it was a book.

After dinner, Qi Leren started to inspect the surrounding area. He has a keen intuition, and he always feels that the night will not be very peaceful, and there is no guarantee that no monsters will find them hiding here. Without Ning Zhou by his side, Qi Leren had no choice but to do it himself. He used the skill card of [Secret Observation], squatted around for a while, and cleared out several monsters wandering around.

There is also a larger guy at the corner of the street. The people of Qi Le have noticed it for a long time, but it has been hiding in the shadows all the time, and it looks very harmless.

"It's a tree-shaped monster. Although it is very quiet now, it is very likely that its tentacles have spread all the way to our feet." The little queen suddenly said.

Qi Leren was so frightened that her heart was beating wildly that she almost stabbed the dagger in her heart: "How did you find out that I'm here?"

Obviously he was driving [Secret Observation], so it should be difficult to be found.

The little queen glanced at him, and there seemed to be disdain in her eyes: "Have you forgotten who I am?"

That's right, although she can't be regarded as a domain-level dragon ant queen, she is also the kind side of her soul, and it's not surprising that she has outstanding eyesight.

"Why did you come out? Where's Aya?" Qi Leren asked.

"Her, some Holy Fire virgins have come to look for her." The corner of the little queen's mouth curled up in a sarcasm, "I don't want to see them."

"Why?" Qi Leren felt that her attitude was a little weird.

"Because they are no longer my sacred virgins. Although they still wear blindfolds and obey the precepts, they are already a group of traitors who have defected to the Utopia." The little queen said coldly.

"Oops! Then you left her there?!" Qi Leren slapped his forehead and turned around to save her. Unexpectedly, the moment he turned around, the tree-shaped monster that was quietly lurking in the shadow suddenly came alive!

The flexible vines suddenly exploded from the ground, and dozens of tentacles rushed up together! Qi Leren was stunned for a moment, his reaction was a beat slower, his ankle was entangled by tentacles before he could dodge, and he was hung upside down in an instant.

"Go back and find Aya first! I'll come right over!" The Qi Le people shouted, and fought with this difficult tree-shaped monster, cut off the vines wrapped around his feet with one knife, and flew towards its body rushed to the position.

The little queen stood under the eaves and watched for a while, then looked back at Aya's room not far away, pondered for a while, and walked slowly towards Aya's position.