Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 90: Queen's Legacy (26)


"Run!" With the little queen's yell, Aya struggled to get up from the ground, clutching her painful abdomen, and ran forward stumblingly.

Less than a hundred meters ahead is a huge sacred fire crack. Under this crack is the holy fire of the underground ant city, which is also their last hope.

Aya didn't dare to look back, didn't dare to look at the black swamp that was spreading and raging behind her, and the endless monsters born in the swamp, and didn't dare to look at the little queen fighting a woman, she didn't even dare to think about being involved in the scarlet and ominous The Qi Le people in the "Boundary"—that object suspended in mid-air like a red ball, it seems that it can only accommodate a few people, but it seems that there are countless wild beasts biting in the blood...

Hurry up, run even faster, the running Aya already felt that her heart was about to explode, and every breath of air she took in couldn't keep her running, but she didn't dare to slow down, she was too afraid that it would be too late.

Just like that day, she was chasing the portrait in the "Teaching Book" in the vast Gobi. Under the scorching sun, she almost put all her eggs in one basket and broke her boat, but even then, she never ran so fast, Even the monsters in the swamp didn't catch up to her—this is no longer the speed a human being should have!

Aya didn't know about her breakthrough beyond the limit, she ran like the wind through the blood and corpses all over the ground, and ran towards the chasm ahead.

The woman with blood and tears on the mud swamp looked at the girl who was about to reach the crack in the ground, and waved her arm in a calm manner. The crack in the ground that was close to her eyes suddenly moved away, but Aya continued to run wildly. Unaware of changes.

"This is your so-called 'method', cooperating with a devil king with ulterior motives?" The little queen with the sword held back her anger.

"So what? Anyway, on the day the matter is resolved, you, me, and the entire underground ant city will cease to exist... After I die, why would the flood be raging?" The woman sneered, "It should have ended long ago, just watch." , and join me in witnessing our doom and end."


Qi Leren was lying on the bloody and muddy ground, with severe pain all over his body.

His thinking is slow and his consciousness is blurred. The fierce battle just now has exhausted his strength and exhausted all his hole cards. He was able to kill several enemies with SL Dafa and guns and ammunition, but in the face of endless monsters, his meager strength could not contend after all.

So he fell here with no ammunition and food, and was knocked down by this group of crazy walking corpses. They greedily gnawed at his body. At first, he could still feel pain, scream, and struggle, but In the end, he was already numb, his arms were bitten off, his abdomen was torn open by sharp claws, and his internal organs were dragged out... Death had come before his eyes amidst the piercing sound of chewing, and Qi Leren knew clearly that he was going to die.

There was a bright red sky, and the thick clouds were raining—scarlet like blood. The rain hit his face, and he seemed to be soaked in a pool of blood. The liquid flooded his nasal cavity, choking him.

This is not a quiet death, it is as noisy as a war, Qi Le people keep hearing someone talking in his ear, accompanied by the sound of beasts chewing, but no matter how much he concentrates on listening, the sound But it was so far away that he couldn't hear clearly.

He finally got tired and gave up, staring blankly at the scarlet sky, waiting for death to come.

Just like back then, he was placed in the tree tomb, sleeping peacefully in the gentle wind.

But who was it, looked at him with sad eyes, raised his hand, and put a straw woven ring on him.

who is it


Ning Zhou.

Qi Leren suddenly took a deep breath, but the torn lobes of his lungs couldn't carry out this most basic movement. He didn't get oxygen, he only got heart-piercing pain.

The chaotic brain suddenly woke up, Qi Leren asked himself desperately, how could he die

If he died, what would Ning Zhou look like

They finally meet again in purgatory, even though the future is uncertain and things are different, they still see in each other what once attracted them - an unchanging soul.

But if the body is dead and the soul has no sustenance, then the ring that has not been given, the wedding that has not been held, and the beautiful future that has not been spent together, everything will cease to exist.

Perhaps, even Ning Zhou would not exist.

A saint who is destined to destroy the world, every minute and every second he lives in this world is self-torment. He restrains, endures, and perseveres because there is still a person in this world that he cannot part with. He wants to accompany him, protect him, and spend the rest of his life with him. This desire keeps him wandering on the border of hell, fighting painfully with instinct, even if it is a battle destined to be lost, all he can do is try his best Do your best to make yourself lose later.

So he can't die, for Ning Zhou, for their future, he can't die here! No way!

Tears of anger and unwillingness flowed from the corners of his eyes, and he glared at the sky with his eyes wide open. A flame that could not be extinguished by death burned in his heart, and burned into his soul, so that he could never die again. Dare to close your eyes.

In an instant, a touch of pure blue bloomed in his eyes - in the red sky where the bloody rain was pouring down, a deep blue gap unexpectedly cracked. That trace of blue spread rapidly, like a curled up angel, spreading his pure wings in hell.

The monsters gathered around the Qi Le people, scrambling for food, were suddenly thrown away by a huge force. When they fell heavily to the ground, struggling to get up and pounce on their prey again, But suddenly found that the force is advancing towards them.

Unstoppable advance!

Qi Leren, who was wrapped in a layer of transparent conjunctiva that was constantly expanding, stared dazedly at the blue sky.

The rain of blood stopped, the killing stopped, and even the pain that pierced his body stopped.

He suddenly thought that he had returned to the Garden of the Holy Sepulchre, because the surrounding air that was originally filled with the smell of blood had been replaced by the natural fragrance of flowers and trees, and the blood-sucked soil under his body had also turned into green grass and flowers. His mood was unprecedentedly calm, even detached. When he closed his eyes, he suddenly felt that he had already flown into the sky...

No, it really flew into the sky!

Qile opened his eyes again, and was horrified to find that he had already flown up, but when he "looked down", he could still see another himself—lying in the tree tomb in the Garden of the Holy Sepulcher, The scarred body is constantly recovering, the bloody internal organs in the torn abdominal cavity are rapidly regrowing, the bitten off limbs grow out like sprouting plants, that he quietly closed his eyes, sleeping in the tree tomb.

The people of Qi Le continued to "look" forward, and the world in front of them had become an indescribable appearance. In the bloody wilderness where monsters wandered in the rain of blood, there was actually a small world with green grass and blue sky. The small world spread wildly in this red and black world, tearing apart the killing and blood, and building a pure land.

The bloody wilderness outside the pure land fluctuated violently like a broken water surface. Asi, who was suspended in the air, gave him a complicated look, waved a crack, and wanted to escape from the gap.

But before he could tear the space apart, the vigorous power of rebirth erupted from the sky-blue-green water, advancing in all directions in an instant, and wherever he went, the bloody wilderness turned into pure The fertile soil, the crazy monsters walking in the wilderness were purified one by one, almost instantly, the endless blood rain disappeared, and the clouds split open, revealing the blue sky.

The world turned into a green field, but Qi Le's body was still sleeping in the center of the world, in a cemetery garden full of white wild roses.

Can't go anymore, Assi realized this, he was firmly trapped here.

This is the power of the half-field, all creatures below the half-field, once trapped in the half-field, it is extremely difficult to escape. The incarnation of the Slaughter Demon King in front of him can only mobilize a projection of his domain, so naturally he cannot fight against the real half-domain.

"...I didn't expect that you would break through to the semi-realm at this time." Asi's tone was full of surprise and a hint of imperceptible fear.

The Qi Le people also looked at him. A few minutes ago, the power he borrowed from the prophet expired. He fell from the sky to the ground and was killed by countless monsters, but just before he died, he returned to the sky again Among them, this time he used his own strength.

Although he still feels that the power filling his body is unfamiliar, but they are so vibrant, as long as he moves his mind, he can display this vigorous power.

"Life is always full of such accidents." Qi Leren said, and even smiled, "It's getting late, let's take a step forward."

The sound of glass shattering exploded in the ears of the two, and it shattered to the ground. Qi Leren's half domain finally broke through the projection of the killing demon king's domain and completely shattered it!

The moment the projection of "Bloody Wilderness" was shattered, Qi Leren's consciousness returned to his body, and he sat up from the tree tomb, ignoring to deal with Asi, and casually said: "Just be honest Just stay in my semi-realm."

Asi still has a lot of secrets, and Qi Leren still has a task of [Sacrifice of the Demon King], which needs to completely eliminate the killing demon king, but now there is no time to fight with Asi, Qi Leren is going to deal with the imminent dragon first The Ant Queen's question, as for Asi... he has already been trapped in the semi-realm by him, and I will deal with him later.

So Qi Le's mind moved, and he returned to the reality of violent shock and almost collapsed.

At this moment, he saw a huge black dragon soaring into the sky from the fissure in the rift valley, and its angry dragon chant echoed throughout the underground ant city.