Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 93: Return to the Land of Twilight (1)


[Player Qi Leren, complete the queen's inheritance task. 150% mission completion.]

[Reward 200 days of survival; capture and kill the puppet of the demon king, reward 100 days of survival; total reward of 300 days of survival.]

[Data synchronization countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, synchronization complete.]


The strong smell of coffee wafted through the office. Celia, the head of the trial office stationed in the underground ant city, listened to Qi Leren's report, resting her forehead and sighing: "Fortunately, it's you, otherwise the illusion would Shi Ke will be in trouble, maybe the entire underground ant city will become a vassal of the Utopia."

The illusionist snorted coldly, but instead of sarcasm, he said sincerely to Qi Leren and Ning Zhou: "Forget that I owe you a favor... That bastard Prophet must have known that something would happen! He didn't even mention it to me." Mention!"

Qi Leren laughed, this was true, with the ability of a prophet to foresee the future, he probably knew that the illusionist's "business trip" would encounter danger, but he could still save the day.

The illusionist snorted again, and began to rant about how his teacher was cheating the three students.

"Would you like some drink? It's a bit bitter?" Seeing that Ning Zhou remained silent and sat beside him silently, Qi Leren picked up the coffee and poked his arm with his elbow.

Ning Zhou looked at the coffee that had been handed to him, lowered his head and took a sip with his hand: "It's too bitter."

Qi Leren took another sip: "It's a little bit."

If it wasn't for the fact that there were other people here, Qi Le people would have had the urge to go over and kiss Ning Zhou, and then tease him: Look, a kiss would be sweet.

During the task of [The Queen's Inheritance], the two people were blessed to be enlightened, and the gap between the two people melted quickly after the two kisses. They suddenly realized that the boundaries between lovers and friends are different. Just like now, the two sitting in Celia's office have been holding hands as if no one else was there, handing out dog food.

"Ahem, let's get on with the business. When are you going back to Twilight? What about the puppet that killed the demon king?" Celia felt the expanding "couple domain" in the air, and struggled to pull the atmosphere out before suffocating. Back to work.

"I handed over the puppet of the Killing Demon King to Ning Zhou." Qi Le pursed his lips. His half domain had just formed. He was worried that the Killing Demon King would have some way to break free from the half domain, so he simply handed it over to the more reliable Ning Zhou. Zhou, "As for returning to the Twilight Land... we will be a few days late, and we have to wait for Aya's succession ceremony to be completed, and she invited us to watch the ceremony."

The new dragon ant queen has been born, and her subordinates will hold a grand ceremony for her in the next step, announcing to the residents of the entire underground ant city and even the entire nightmare world that there is a new domain-level powerhouse here.

"It seems that the new queen's position will be more inclined to us, which is a great thing." Celia said.

"Come on, she doesn't even know which direction the gate of the court opens, she's just an ordinary little girl, maybe she will take a look at the Deceitful Demon King and follow along." curled his lips.

Hearing the title of Deceitful Demon King unexpectedly, Qi Leren suddenly remembered the agreement he had made with Su He.

Now that he has been promoted to the semi-realm, if he encounters a laptop again, according to the agreement, he will hand over the computer loaded with "Nightmare Game" to Su He... Although the contract at that time was not valid because of his "cheating". It really took effect, but how would he explain this to Su He

Then there is no explanation. Qi Leren thought desperately, anyway, there are enough days left to survive recently, so don't download the dungeon for now, let's study hard for a while, he really has too much to learn, especially semi-domain and domain-related knowledge.

But this time, Chen Baiqi will definitely be surprised. Qi Leren imagined her surprised expression and felt elated.

After returning home, he has to prepare the ring for the proposal. Ning Zhou's birthday is on the founding day of Twilight Township, and he plans to propose on that day. Imagine Ning Zhou's surprise, and he will feel even more happy.

Qi Leren couldn't help smirking, and got Ning Zhou's worried eyes and the illusionist's disdainful sneer.

Celia tried her best to find a topic to restore the atmosphere: "Illusionist, you went to an underground casino before you went to Queen Dragon Ant's palace, what did you do?"

"It's nothing. I saw a guy who looked like a fugitive on the road, so I followed him. Oh, you can pay attention to that underground casino. I was in a hurry to go to the palace of the Dragon Ant Queen, so I didn't search carefully. The remnant of the Killing Conclave who escaped from Twilight is called Catherine," said the illusionist.

"So that's it. Don't worry, Madam Catherine has been arrested." Qi Le said with a smile, and winked at Ning Zhou who had done meritorious service.

Ning Zhou gave him a smile back, which was already a rare response for a person who rarely showed other expressions.

Illusionist sitting aside: How angry! A pair of homosexuals showed their affection in front of me like no one else! Unbearable!


"Your Majesty's hair grows really well, it's black and thick, and it looks good when combed." The head maid of the Dragon Ant Queen combed Aya's hair while saying.

Aya looked at herself in the mirror, her skin was still brown, because there were red ring marks around her red eyes from crying when she learned that the Valentine tribe was exterminated the night before, she saw her own face in the water countless times She looks different, but reflected in this luxurious gem vanity mirror, she seems to be different from the past.

What is the difference? Is it the priceless earrings adorning her earlobes? Is it the complicated and gorgeous extravagant dress on her body? Or the scepter that belongs to the queen in her hand

After stripping away these things she once didn't deserve, is she still the same as before

Yes and no.

Aya is still the same Aya, an illiterate girl from a remote tribe, but in this short but ups and downs life experience, she has learned many things, such as belief, such as sacrifice, such as responsibility.

But there will only be more and more things she has to learn.

She is destined to bid farewell to worldly happiness, and her emotions are no longer her own. Everyone expects her to lead them on the right path. This responsibility is great and arduous enough to scare an eighteen-year-old girl—because what she sees is the road ahead. Thorns, not the wealth and splendor brought to her by power.

She desperately wants to grasp something so that she can have more courage to fight against this cruel world.

"Sarina." Aya called her name.

The head maid lowered her eyes and asked respectfully, "What orders does Your Majesty have?"

"Can you help me find a female officer who understands the Holy Scripture? I want to learn it." Aya smiled shyly, "Starting from the word recognition, I don't know many characters."

The head maid asked slightly in surprise: "Do you know about the destruction of the Demon King?"

Aya showed a little confused look: "You mean Master Ning Zhou?"

"It's the previous one, the previous Queen swore allegiance to him." The head maid replied.

"Oh, I don't know much about this." Although Aya has some memories of the dragon ant queens of the past, it is more about power, and she has only a half-knowledge about many things. "What's wrong with him?"

"There used to be rumors that he had a secret love affair with the holy nun of the Holy See throughout the devil world, and it was true. Later, he led the army of the devil world to attack the human world, and the battle ended with the saint nun killing him." The head maid said. The story of the year.

Aya was in a daze. Like every girl, she was filled with infinite curiosity and regret for this tragic love story: "Then why did he attack the human world? If he didn't do this, they might be It won't be such a tragedy."

The head maid smiled: "Your Majesty, you don't understand the power of destruction. The farther you go on this road, the more you lose yourself. Those who pursue power at all costs will eventually become power itself. Your love is indeed profound, but when you step into the realm, the love and hatred of mortals should no longer be your shackles. You are destined to break away from all living beings and become a god above. On that day, order and destruction , for a god, is there really a distinction between good and evil?"

Aya half understood, she murmured: "But if the price of power is to make the person you love suffer as much as the person who loves you, why do people pursue power?"

"Because power is greater than love, my lord. You haven't seen the love between the Demon King of Destruction and the Holy Nun back then, but we have all seen it. It was a love that was so hot that it seemed to burn the world. The Demon King of Destruction believes in the Holy See. Before he became the Demon King, he studied everything in the Holy See in depth. It can be said that he is a divine person. He has faith and love. But such a person Still unable to resist the power of destruction, in the end he still opened the way to the world, did things that he would not do before, and then died for the person he loved."

Tears welled up in Aya's eyes, and she choked up and asked, "Wouldn't his love for the Holy Nun allow him to overcome his instinct of destruction?"

The head maid smiled lightly and shook her head: "No one can do it."

"Then... what about Ning Zhou?" Aya even forgot their respectful title, she was full of worry about them, and could hardly imagine the future of these two people.

"...Speaking of which, Master Ning Zhou is still the child of the Destroyer Demon King and the Holy Nun." The head maid sighed softly, and said the news she had just received from the Calamity Demon, "It's really a bloodline of loyalty and affection. , when I saw him incarnate into a dragon, I seemed to see the one from more than 20 years ago."

Tears fell from the eyes of the queen dressed in fine clothes, and the head maid hurriedly wiped them away, and comforted her softly: "Your Majesty, the ceremony is about to begin, don't cry, it's all unlikely."

"Yes, it won't be like that." Aya held back her tears and said, "They will be fine and be together forever."

The young queen sincerely wished to make the head maid smile, but she didn't say any more, she just followed her words and responded softly: "Yes, they will be fine and be together forever."