Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 94: Return to the Land of Twilight (2)


Two rows of ready-to-wear army ants have already stood on both sides of the road. The main road of this underground ant city connects to the central square, where the new Dragon Ant Queen will hold a coronation ceremony soon.

The streets are full of people, humans and demons huddled together, and looking down from the rooftops is a sea of colors.

Qi Leren and Ning Zhou walked on the roof, breathing the lively air together. He and Ning Zhou talked about the experience in the mission, and also talked about the story of Maria and the Destroyer Demon King.

Ning Zhou has been listening very quietly, but Qi Leren can feel the undercurrent of sadness in his heart.

What is the end of power? What is his future? Where does this road in front of me lead

All signs are suggesting that Ning Zhou, there is only destruction ahead of him, and he is destined to become a demon king.

But when Ning Zhou held Qi Leren's hand, he suddenly had the courage not to bow to fate. He wants to give it a try, even if the ending will not be happy, at least he still has it.

"The task of offering sacrifices to the devil requires one-third of the royal power. What is this thing?" Qi Leren asked.

"That's one-third of 'his' demon crystallization, one of which is in his own body, the other should be in his old hands, and the remaining one..." Ning Zhou put his hand on his own. The beating place on his chest was his heart, and it was also the crystallization of his demons.

Qi Leren looked at his hand, feeling sad for a while.

In the memory of the will of the world, one-third of the authority was taken away by Maria, and this one-third belonged to Ning Zhou.

"She should have sealed this in her body to prevent the power from leaking out, but then I was born." Ning Zhou said calmly, "She has already foreseen such a possibility, so she tried her best to prevent me from going down this road. The road. But sometimes, some things cannot be determined by human will... "

It was like when he was young, sitting in front of his dying mother's bed, praying to God over and over again, begging him not to take away his only relative, but she still left him in the end.

Earth-shattering cheers erupted from the crowd, and at the far end of the street, Queen Dragon Ant's guard of honor was approaching.

The lively ceremony dissipated the dignified atmosphere just now, Qi Le looked down there from a high position, and the figure of the Dragon Ant Queen could already be seen in the distance.

"Aya is coming!" Qi Leren tugged at Ning Zhou's sleeve and said excitedly.

"It will take a while to get here." Ning Zhou said after calculating the slow speed of the guard of honor.

The Qi Le people smiled, looked at the team that was slowly coming here, and started another topic: "Speaking of which, the half-field is really good. In the future, if the task of the half-field is not banned, I can use it in my own Rest in the field."

"Don't use it too much." Ning Zhou warned.

Thinking of the past when Ning Zhou's half-field was broken, Qi Le's heart felt sad.

In fact, ordinary half-fields are not so fragile. It’s just that Ning Zhou forcibly condensed the half-field with unsuitable original strength. Will break during the Sacrifice the Witch quest.

Ironically, the half-field condensed by the destructive power he loathes is extremely solid, and may even be infinitely close to the field.

Ning Zhou quietly held his hand, a kind of silent sweetness emerged in Qi Leren's heart, he smiled, tilted his head on Ning Zhou's shoulder, as if playing around.

"Have you thought about the name of the domain?" Ning Zhou asked.

Qi Leren sighed: "Of course not, you can help me think about it too, I really can't come up with the name. When I met Aya in the mission of the Dragon Ant Queen, I would reverse your name and make it up." pseudonym."

Ning Zhou froze for a moment: "Zhou Ning?"

"Yes, does it sound good?" Qi Leren poked Ning Zhou's waist with his elbow.

"En." Ning Zhou responded lightly.

Qi Leren glanced at him and whispered in his ear: "I see your ears are red."


"My face is also red." Qi Leren laughed.

Ning Zhou looked at him with a serious face, Qi Leren couldn't laugh anymore, he was worried, wondering if he was angry

It wasn't until someone kissed his lips forcefully that Qi Le finally realized: I'm careless! Ning Zhou has learned badly!

But when he looked at Ning Zhou again, he had already turned away his reddish face and concentrated on looking at the crowd below.

Qi Leren shouted "cute" in his heart, and a group of dancing villains danced at the tip of his heart, making his heart surge.

"... The underground ant city has changed a lot." Ning Zhou said suddenly.

"Ah? Oh, yes." Qi Leren was stunned by the sudden change of topic, "Aya worked very hard. When I went to see her the day before yesterday, she pulled me to talk about her love for underground ants for a long time. The vision for the future of the city was discussed by her and her subordinates in an overnight meeting, and she is also learning how to manage this field and become a qualified leader. She also told me that she dreamed of the little queen, and she is very grateful to her."

Ning Zhou was silent. At that time, Qi Leren was chatting with Aya. He and the head maid went to the crevice of the holy fire to check the status of the holy fire. When he came back, he found that Qi Leren and Aya had changed from sitting face to face to standing side by side, watching the underground ants together. city plan. If it weren't for the huge skirt of the dragon ant queen to cover up the dragon ant's body, the two would probably have a heart-to-heart talk.

It can be seen that Aya really likes Qi Leren, when she looked at Qi Leren, her eyes were full of desire to beg for affirmation and approval, but when he walked into the palace, Aya stopped smiling Now, she was dignified like a student who didn't finish her homework, and her face was full of apprehensive introspection in front of the teacher.

She tried to stand far away, wishing to give them the seat in the center of the palace, while she and the head maid stood in the corner.

Until leaving the palace of the Dragon Ant Queen, Ning Zhou was still thinking about this question: Why is Aya so afraid of him? When I met her in the desert, she was obviously not like this...

The cheers became extraordinarily loud, and amidst the noise, the dressed-up Dragon Ant Queen walked towards them along the road paved with bright red carpets.

The guard of honor beat the snare drum, blew the trumpet, and played ritual music, surrounding the Queen walking in the center.

She holds a scepter in her arms and a heavy textbook in her arms. The queen's crown is heavy and gorgeous, and a hazy veil hangs in front of her eyes. Her long skirt was made of gold silk, and the hem of the skirt was more than ten meters long. Seven children pulled the hem of the skirt for her.

Under the guard of the soldier ants, the team marched across the street towards the altar, cheering humans and demons along the way.

A gorgeous altar had already been set up in the central square, and the new Dragon Ant Queen walked up, overlooking her subjects, smiling and waving calmly amidst the cheers that shook the sky, and began her speech.

"Today, when I stand here, I see the residents of the city flocking towards the altar. I feel the heavy responsibility on my shoulders. I feel deeply honored and deeply terrified."

"... This city has experienced too much suffering. The once-a-month monster tide has made us lose our relatives and friends. We are afraid, desperate, and helpless. Except for this natural disaster, man-made disasters have never let us go. Not far away Every day, every hour, is filled with bloody killings and brutal plunder. We have become numb, allowing demons to bully humans, and humans to crowd out demons. We reject each other and look at each other with suspicion. The other party is full of suspicion and malice."

"... When I was a young girl, I lived on the ground, where it was not a beautiful heaven, but another hell on earth. The desert wind and sand devastated my people every moment, and we endured hunger and Discrimination, but this did not bring us hope. My people, they died in a demon attack, only me, the humble sacrifice offered to the Dragon Ant Queen, survived by luck. Then I Stand here."

"... Pain and suffering have taught me sacrifice, devotion, and forgiveness, but this is not something to boast about, and my people should not have to bear it. Although you live underground and suffer from demons, you may never be able to bask in the sun again in your life But you are all the citizens of Ant City, my people. When you live in this area dominated by me, you have crossed the boundary between humans and demons. Demons please restrain your minions, Human beings, please let go of your prejudices, laws and morality make you different from demons and beasts, you understand reason, so you are equal."

"...Now, please listen carefully, in my field, there is no bullying, no tyranny, no discrimination, and no unreasonable killing. You don't need to be friendly like family members, but you need to treat each other as your own kind. In the tide of demons of the month, they are each other's shield armor, each other's swordsmen, and each other's arms. You are all my people, accept my protection, and must abide by my rules. Now, I declare: you are born equal! If the law cannot teach you to be equal, then death will eventually tell you the answer, and I will not tolerate atrocities in the slightest, because it is abhorrent."

"... Until now, we still live in a long dark night, but my subjects, the dawn is not too far away. Don't curse the injustice of fate for the unending darkness, it shouldn't make us so Fear. For the dawn of dawn, we have endured, fought, and sacrificed, let us once again ignite hope and courage, hold the hands of our companions, and bravely welcome the coldest night before dawn!"

"... I am full of hope for the future of this field and the future of this world. We will finally break free from suffering and embrace the real light. Let us live for that day! Live! Live!"

At the moment when the speech ended, Aya felt something, and looked in the direction where Qi Leren and Ning Zhou were.

Away from the cheering crowd, surrounded by the support of thousands of people, the future Dragon Ant Queen showed a sincere smile, and all the uneasiness and fear in her heart were calmed down.

She put her hand on the top of the old textbook, and said to herself silently: I will do it, all of this will come true one day.