Welcome to the Nightmare Game II

Chapter 95: Return to the Land of Twilight (3)


The aircraft carried the three of Qi Le and the others towards the land of dusk.

After entering the airspace of Twilight Township, Qi Leren suddenly felt something and looked out the window—the original blue sky suddenly turned into a dim yellow sunset. Qi Leren looked at the golden sea reflecting the setting sun, and his heart surged. There was a warm current.

In the vast world, this pure land of mankind is tenderly guarded by a person, and this person is still sleeping in the ice and snow under the trial hall.

"Have you felt the power of Twilight Land?" the illusionist asked suddenly.

The people of Qi Le came back to their senses, and nodded thoughtfully: "I've never felt it before, but this time when I return to the Twilight Land, there is indeed a kind of... the power of time, as if as long as the prophet thinks, he can send us away." It's fixed here, right?"

Said, Qi Le people looked at Ning Zhou, Ning Zhou nodded to him.

"The premise is that he is awake." The illusionist said, "And this feeling will become stronger and stronger as your strength increases. Generally speaking, the owner of a domain will rarely enter someone else's domain, just like a One beast will not easily enter the territory of another beast, which is an extremely dangerous signal."

"But Su He has been to the Land of Twilight before." Qi Le said.

The illusionist sneered, and said with disdain, "He dared to let the avatar enter here in a sneaky way."

Qi Le people recalled Asi, the incarnation of the Killing Demon King, and asked, "Do people at the domain level have incarnations?"

"Yes, once they reach the domain level, they seldom leave their own domain. Most of the people who walk outside are an avatar. You can understand him as a weakened version of yourself, usually at the semi-domain level. Killing the demon king because the body is Suppression, the incarnation is not even half domain level, otherwise you would have died this time." The illusionist said.

"So I'm lucky?" Qi Leren joked optimistically.

The illusionist had a "you're kidding me" expression on his face.

Qi Leren himself thought it was funny, and couldn't help snickering, Ning Zhou looked at him inexplicably, Qi Leren looked at the confusion in his serious expression, became more and more amused, buried his head in his neck and laughed for a long time. Although Ning Zhou didn't understand what he was laughing at, when Qi Leren approached, he still put his arms around his waist, making him laugh enough.

The illusionist rolled his eyes, sat aside and watched the scenery.


The aircraft landed on the square of the court, and Qi Le was the first to jump off the spaceship. When he saw Chen Baiqi who was waiting by the side with the three-headed hell dog, he was shocked: "Why are you here?"

"Walk the dog, the dog misses you." Chen Baiqi shook the dog leash in his hand, and nodded to Ning Zhou.

Qi Leren looked at the three "dogs" whose heads were sticking out their tongues and drooling at the same time, their chrysanthemums tightened, and they couldn't help but want to get behind Ning Zhou.

It's really a psychological shadow like a conditioned reflex.

"Walking the dog to the trial court, you are really good." The illusionist tugged at his skirt, got out of the aircraft, put on a women's hat again, and joked, "A fine of 300 days. "

Chen Baiqi ignored him, and turned to look at Qi Leren: "Going out for a trip has improved a lot."

Qi Leren smiled apologetically: "A small improvement is not worthy of the teacher's praise."

"Okay, come back to my place and make up lessons for you. I have prepared a package of training plans, so don't even think about skipping classes this time." Chen Baiqi said with a smile.

Qi Leren recalled every morning when he couldn't get up, and the days when he rushed to buy breakfast for Chen Baiqi and Qianqian under the sunset, his face suddenly turned ashen.

Chen Baiqi chuckled, looked at Ning Zhou with a slightly dignified look: "Can you hold on?"

Ning Zhou nodded.

"Go in, the Prophet has been waiting for you for a long time, see you later." Chen Baiqi nodded to several people, and walked slowly towards home with the dog, as if she really came to walk the dog.

"What on earth is she here for?" Seeing Chen Baiqi walking away, Qi Leren whispered to Ning Zhou.

"Look at us." Ning Zhou said.

"She really cares about you." The illusionist said, curling his lips.

Qi Leren looked at Chen Baiqi's back and couldn't help smiling.

In fact, Chen Baiqi really cares about her friends and is very loyal, but all this is covered up under the mask of sophistication and philistinism, and few people can read her true thoughts from her sarcastic smile.

But people in Qile know. So he was extremely grateful to Chen Baiqi, she was willing to teach him such a rookie and force him to grow up to maturity, if it wasn't for Chen Baiqi's devil training, he would have died in the laser tunnel during the Star Death reality show mission.

This kindness, let him always be grateful and remember.

When entering the court this time, Qi Le was no longer nervous and cramped as before, but looked around calmly. The illusionist walked in the front, and first took them to meet Si Lin, the acting chief executive of the court.

Si Lin was still the same, and expressed his relief at the return of the few people—although because of his cold expression, this relief seemed to be polite.

"Can't you give me a warm hug?" the illusionist said angrily.

"If you take over the precepts office as soon as possible, I can reluctantly give you a hug." Si Lin said, with a trace of disgust in those reptile-like snake eyes.

"Forget it, let me continue to do errands, and don't give me a promotion." The illusionist didn't feel ashamed at all that the brother who entered the trial at the same time as him became a BOSS and he was still an errand boy. If he would care about other people's eyes because of this, he wouldn't be ostentatious in women's clothes all day long.

Si Lin gave up on his worthless junior, turned to Qi Leren and Ning Zhou and said, "Is everything going well?"

"Yeah." Ning Zhou dismissed him with one word.

The Qi Le people glanced at Ning Zhou, and after confirming that he had no intention to add, he had to open his mouth to briefly describe the incident: "...In short, we have brought back the incarnation of the Slaughter Demon King on someone else. The new dragon The Ant Queen has ascended the throne and is rectifying the law and order situation in the underground ant city. Her attitude towards the court is very friendly and she can continue to cooperate in the future. The more troublesome thing is Utopia. In the event of offering sacrifices by believers in the country, during the selection ceremony of the Dragon Ant Queen, there was also a rebellious holy fire virgin who tried to summon the Utopia to come."

"The Demon King of Power is just like her little pet, reaching out everywhere, I can't remember how many waves of believers I have cleaned up." The illusionist clicked his tongue, very impatient.

"We also brought the puppet that killed the demon king, and I will hand it over to you when the time comes." Qi Leren said. Asi is now locked up in Ning Zhou's semi-realm, and his follow-up treatment will still be handed over to the court.

"Understood, let's take you to see the Prophet first. He's been doing well recently, and he's still awake. Come with me." Si Lin said.

Under the leadership of Si Lin, the Qi Le people came to the underground world of the court again.

After owning half of the domain, Qi Le people are more "unaware of cold and heat" than before. When he and Ning Zhou were walking hand in hand in the majestic underground ice palace, he asked Ning Zhou in a low voice: "Have you been here before?"

"Well, I've been here." Ning Zhou said.

"What impression did you have of him at that time?" Qi Leren asked curiously.

"... Strange brother, but I have to call him uncle." Ning Zhou's expression was very serious, but Qi Le could see depression from it.

"Pfft." The illusionist laughed, "Go on, I didn't eavesdrop."

Qi Leren and Ning Zhou glared at him together, the illusionist had no choice but to walk to Si Lin's side, but Si Lin also took a step to the side, expressing that he didn't want to get close to him: "The perfume on your body is too strong."

The illusionist snorted, and strode to the front by himself.

The four came to the huge ice and snow church, and the ice dolls opened the door to the inside of the church for them. The illusionist led the three of them through rows of ice and snow benches. In front of them was the frozen lake where the prophet was sleeping. However, this time the illusionist did not stop, but walked towards the corridor on the right. There he knocked on the door twice, and pushed the door open casually.

Inside the door is a room with a very fresh and very girlish style. The Prophet, who looks like a young girl in a Lolita outfit, is pulling her eyelids and carefully painting the inner eyeliner.

Illusionist: …


Si Lin: ...

Ning Zhou: ...

Qi Leren: This scene seems to have been known before. When did it happen...

This must not be a pleasant memory, and suddenly I don't really want to recall it.